QDay 8 points ago +8 / -0

... need to go buy a lifetime supply of toilet paper. That will be my 401k. Thanks for the heads up.

QDay 19 points ago +19 / -0

We need something like the Brunson case.

IMHO, I think if any politician votes on a bill that passes that is found to be unconstitutional... they should be removed from office-period.

These scum bags are sworn to protect the constitution and they continously undermine it, knowingly. There should be consequences to their actions ... up to prison & life sentences handed out like candy on Halloween... that is the only way we get these representatives to actually represent us.

QDay 4 points ago +5 / -1

Rainbow was Gods promise to not flood the earth. Want to end these climate change fires? End pride rainbow mentally ill fucktards.

QDay -3 points ago +1 / -4

Burning Bright brought up a good point the other night... Trump is the first for all of what is going to happen to the swamp creatures.

Be careful what you wish for on this... as BB's prediction is Trump will be tried and convicted as the first President of all of these unprecedented things.

So will Trump also be the first to stand trial at GITMO on live TV?

QDay 9 points ago +9 / -0

Hard pass on giving the marxists any means of extending their entrapment efforts.

QDay 1 point ago +1 / -0


Think about it logically. Elon in my mind is a time bomb. He can steal your heart by doing a tiny bit of good over the long haul and then blow everything we have worked for up in a split second. Especially with all the love affair and praise everyone is preaching.

We dont want the normies idolizing him. We want the normies focused on the facts and if Elon becomes the minister of truth, you will regret it.

QDay 1 point ago +1 / -0

Did he really though?

That information had been covered heavily already by Fox News dozens of times.

QDay 3 points ago +3 / -0

I would have thought this group would be more cautious of Musk. Its sad they have been unable to see him for who he is.

Q spread like wildfire because it exposed these operators. Musk has done nothing to expose anything that wasnt already called out years in advance by Q.

Musk only exposed what was already known and well accepted. And to that point, he only touched on the surface of the most absurd topics that 99.9% of the population were repulsed by. There was nothing of substance gained with Musks exposure of certain things other then to build his influence and deception, especially with the Truth movement here.

I am 100% convinced that the needle shifted so far into clown world to position someone like Musk to come in and call out the insanity to gain such influence for the rug pull to come. And right now the little rug pull he is doing is to wheel in Desantis as front runner. (Anything to hurt Trump).

The deep state fears Trump as they should... and anyone playing against Trump is a threat. Musk is not an ally and is positioning himself to hurt Trump in the most damaging way.

QDay 2 points ago +3 / -1


This group has done a great job throughout the years helping wake people up.

But they are desperate to try and find any savior and are ignoring the writings that are right in their faces with Musk.

Trump is unwavering and should be the center point... but everyone here has shifted to praising Musk.

All these tech billionaires are assets of the deep state... we have proven that. Musk shouldnt be any different and he is probably more of a threat then all the others combined, due to his massive influence of Musk fan boys.

All tech billionaires are probably pedos who were caught and blackmailed by the deep state / fbi into being their foot soldiers. Zucherburg didnt create FB - it was given to him by DARPA. Gates? Jack?

They are all owned by the deep state. To think Musk is any different is a lie.

The psyop of having Musk ride in on a whim and buy up Twitter with sooo much controversy worked... it tricked the mass here to think that it wasnt part of the deep state plan. When they totally allowed it to happen and since it happened a few counter punches were allowed to make you all think Musk was a white hat.

Use descernment... this is the deep state fooling you into being tolerant of returning to their psyop narrative control platform.

QDay 1 point ago +2 / -1

Upvote this anon!

Elon has everyone deceived... even here.

He is now the greatest threat to the Q movement and the world. It is one thing to have the elite in the shadows to usher in their dark agenda - but Musk is the peddler of the agenda and is spinning it for the good of humanity.

Everyone should know better then to trust him.

He wants to control your thoughts, your movement, your finances... your everything.

He is the cleanup crew tasked with recapturing the biggest psyop tool of the deep state. And in order to do that he had to play middleman and convince you that he was restoring 'free speech'... but the majority are still banned... and the free speech is restored is a sham. This is the ministry of truth from 1984.

Kash Patel said Elon is not a fan of Trump... Kash has never deviated from his cause and has no reason to not be trusted and he is giving you the warning you need to be fighting back against Elon - yet everyone here is ignoring the call.


As a movement we should be speaking out against Elon and warning others. With the widespan influence he has, he could easily pull the rug and destroy everything we have worked for with a single tweet.

Collectively we have done great things to disable the media's influence on our thoughts and their control... Elon is trying to retake that stronghold and even has folks here without question eating up his influence. This is their deep state plan. Be weary and question everything!

The war is not over and his motives should not be taken at face value... especially by us. Losing on this battlefield could have devastating impacts to the psychological war we are in.

QDay 7 points ago +7 / -0

This is peanuts compared to what we know today. Yet, Soros, Gates, Fauci, Comey, Clintons ... (could go on forever) are living comfy on their beach front properties.

deleted 0 points ago +2 / -2
QDay 3 points ago +3 / -0

Largest donor to MAGA's whole family potentially taken out by the vaccine.

Hows that humble pie eating going? Time to disavow everything related to this vaccine being a good idea.

by Uhtred
QDay 1 point ago +1 / -0

I wont be surprised if Elon convinces the whole world that Trump is the reason people are harmed by the vax.

Just wait until the world turns on Trump.

Elon is going to use his new heard of minions to hurt Trump and protect the deep state in the worst of ways. Its coming.

by Uhtred
QDay 1 point ago +1 / -0

Exactly. Elon isnt doing much in reality. He is a band wagon supporter, joining 10 minutes before the end of the game...

He is only there for deception and will eventually use his minions to sow discord against Trump.

The deep state had to invole Musk, as they were losing the narrative to truth... Elon is not bringing truth but his claims are to control the narrative, just like the MSM has for years (but the MSM lost because of us.. and elon is doing a pretty dang good job by reeling the sheep back in to his form of truth)

by Uhtred
deleted -11 points ago +8 / -19
QDay 2 points ago +2 / -0

Andrew Cuomo

He killed so many and disappeared.

QDay 4 points ago +4 / -0

That is where Joe is keeping all the missing kids who came over the border.

QDay 2 points ago +2 / -0

CIA has trafficked weapons and drugs... no question that they probably are involved with this too.

QDay 2 points ago +2 / -0

I firmly disagree with a lot of all of this.

Warfare is about preventing your enemy from being able to strike. The most sensitive and top secret operations are about preventative. Your enemy thinks they have the capability to launch a weapon but when they do so it backfires or doesn't work. Think North Koreas many many failed missile launches.

All of this plan where we must show people the truth to wake them up is inanse. We are all saying white hats are in control etc. but the reality is they are participating in the destruction of the country under the guise of patriotism.

Until something solid happens we should all be skeptical of these so called white hats. To me they are just as guilty as the swamp they say they are destroying... all i can see is billions of innocent people being casualties in this sick plan.

How many have to die or will die to take out a few bad actors at the top of the pyramid? Why dont these so called white hats just take them out under the same precision that they have taken out their enemies? Think poison dart.

None of this plan really adds up if you ask me. So many casualties and destruction ... and for what? So far no one has really been brought to justice or seen charges of crimes against humanity.

QDay 2 points ago +2 / -0

Viewing Hunters photos will put you in jail but he is untouchable.

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