Thatnikcufguy 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is good. If I remember correctly Elon just tweeted yesterday, that the first human transplant was looking good and that was just after the king and queen finished surgery.

Thatnikcufguy 9 points ago +9 / -0

I live in Texas and have been to the border several times. The walls are built sometimes a a mile or so back from the border. I remember one where they built through a guys cotton farm and they installed a gate for him to drive through. The gate was just always left open. Texas border wall does look like this. It’s mostly built on the river in highly dense populous areas. Some areas out in the woods the fence sections don’t even line up they could be off hundreds of feet.

Thatnikcufguy 1 point ago +3 / -2

Is it possible to see this from another perspective? Is it possible that Abbot has been sending the illegals or “military age males” all through the interior of America. I mean he sent them right to where the votes are need. To the exact big cities that are going to need taking over. With Texas tax dollars. Could he be bad?

Now it is quite possible that he is going to lead us into a civil war that if I remember correctly allows the United Nations to step in. It’s nuts all of a sudden they are back in the news now too.

Idk just spitballing.

Thatnikcufguy 2 points ago +2 / -0

My grandmother has a neurologist that prescribes her a dementia medication. After a day or two of missing it she can’t even talk, mixes everything up bad, and gets paranoid. We ran out, because I dropped the ball, and I called them and asked for a refill. They of course said we needed to come in but could not see her for 3 weeks. I asked for enough to get her to that apt. They said no.

Believe I popped off on them and told them to fuck off as politely as I could. I went and found her a white doctor that for damn sure wasn’t from India with a full Indian staff.

Thatnikcufguy 4 points ago +4 / -0

We had some issues getting a roof approved in a “Texas windstorm” area. Like they have to replace roofs instead of repairing because of hurricanes. The insurance company obviously didn’t mention that when they approved a patch.

Anyway long story short after 15 adjusters and 3 quotes we got a public adjuster or like a mediator, well we said we were going to, then all of a sudden the insurance company started to pay up.

Thatnikcufguy 1 point ago +1 / -0

I remember Charlemagne telling a story about taking a video of Prince levitating. Then he said that when he went to show his people the video was gone. Just black. I don’t really believe the dude on anything but a string does connect to this.

Thatnikcufguy 1 point ago +1 / -0

Does seem weird maybe they only need one to anchor and the other three are the back ups.

Thatnikcufguy 6 points ago +6 / -0

Well you see it looks like they are being made fun of but they aren’t. Their activities are being made a joke and laughed about. This ultimately has the effect of normalization and acceptance.

Thatnikcufguy 3 points ago +3 / -0

I know that my DI resin and micron filter get dirty much quicker on the well water than they do on city water. I can’t really be sure about the carbon though. I just change it anyways.

If I’m drinking water its from the RO/DI regardless of what water I am tapping.

Thatnikcufguy 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think I read somewhere in a book once that Israel or Jews will need to be in possession of that land in order to build the temple that the antichrist will ultimately build a statue of himself in after betraying or around the time he will betray us. It’s nothing to do with a canal.

Thatnikcufguy 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think kinda. I’m no expert but I think it’s basically like some guy buys 1oz of gold and then sales ten 1oz “paper” shares to people creating 10 more oz of gold. Thus driving the price down. It’s done a few different ways through exchanges, and “vaulting services”. That’s the best I know.

Thatnikcufguy 7 points ago +7 / -0

Did you know the FDA allows 2% human “residue” in the food supply? I remember a rabbi saying that they drain the blood of kids and use it for sacrament then the bodies are sold off to Americas largest meat movers like McDonald’s, Taco Bell, ect. He said they think it’s funny to feed their enemy their own babies. Who knows the truth really but I’m not going to count on anyone of the big companies to be honest with me.

Thatnikcufguy 3 points ago +3 / -0

We should dress as them, infiltrate,and be getting payed to do it. We could get in there and excite the crowd to do things. I don’t understand why we don’t play their games.

Thatnikcufguy 1 point ago +2 / -1

I think it’s less predictive programming and more making fun of us for not getting a joke that has yet to be told. Also, supposedly, these high order satanist believe that if they tell you the bad things their going to do before they do them then they can escape eternal judgement or Karma snapping back at them. They just do it in a language and with methods we don’t fully understand. Supposedly we have been dumbed down so much to how things really work that we can’t see them when they are written in front of us on a whiteboard for millions to see.

Either ways dna tracking, PCR, and a Batman all together is way to coincidental to not be something.

Thatnikcufguy 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well he seems to have changed his tune and on fox. I wonder who got to him.

by PepeSee
Thatnikcufguy 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’m wondering if when the oil executives come part of the year the human traffickers and drug cartels clear out for them or if they are just customers on their own land or if they are just looking the other way or….. idk something seems off.

Thatnikcufguy 2 points ago +2 / -0

I seen a post the other day he made in 2020 selling shirts saying something along the lines of “Vaxxed to the max”. At the least he is a useful idiot.

Thatnikcufguy 1 point ago +1 / -0

Honestly I think some is fake and some is real but it is hard to figure these things out now days. Post like this are a great example. It’s a statement with no actually factual backing aside from a video we can’t understand that is attached. This video could be or have been a training video, training session, film set for a tv series or movie, it could be a high school film project or exactly what the implication in the post is but nothing here can confirm that for me at least.

Thatnikcufguy 3 points ago +3 / -0

When trump said maybe we should drop a Nuke on the hurricanes he was speaking of the machine they have out their that create them?

Thatnikcufguy 1 point ago +1 / -0

Can somebody explain to me what this has to do with the Clinton’s? I seem to be missing a piece of the puzzle.

Thatnikcufguy 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have a theory the players are payed so much to rig the games.

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