Totsugeki 2 points ago +2 / -0

Don't forget our missing Secretary of Defense.

Totsugeki 6 points ago +6 / -0

Cut off the billions of American foreign aid dollars that are funding both sides and let them naturally come to a solution on their own.

Totsugeki 2 points ago +2 / -0

Mitch McConnell freezing in front of cameras repeatedly always seemed like an act to me.

Totsugeki 7 points ago +7 / -0

After decades of overthrowing leaders in the Middle East for not submitting to the central banking cartel, I am not going to blame a single Muslim for being angry at the US government. Hell, I'm angry at our government for wasting our resources on these wars when they should have been spent on improving America.

Totsugeki 2 points ago +2 / -0

PA is a Trump supporting state and the riggers are nervous that they can't keep the steal up. Fetterman knows he can't win without stealing, so he's trying to pivot. Won't work. Pennsylvania was sick of this grifter long before he was installed in the Senate.

Totsugeki 5 points ago +5 / -0

I've heard Democrats support her in the same way they support McCain, Romney, and the usual RINOS.

Totsugeki 1 point ago +1 / -0

Pretending to care about "national security" while the border is wide open is unacceptable. Nikki's handlers in the government care more about stripping away your online anonymity than they do about actual national security threats.

Totsugeki 4 points ago +4 / -0

If you expect him to cook, then the first order of business should be to teach him how to cook. You can make it a fun activity to do together. If he complains, then you can shame him for being 21 years-old and unwilling to learn how to feed himself. His future lady friends aren't going to put up with that shit, much less an aging parent.

And as for the cleaning part, again, it sounds like an issue where there is some kind of genuine mental disconnect where he just doesn't see or process that there is a mess that needs to be cleaned. It might be obvious to you, but it's not obvious to him. It's up to you to teach him how to spot the obvious and take care of it.

Totsugeki 2 points ago +2 / -0

Serious question: Does he know how to clean and cook? Have you actually seen him perform these skills? I'm not judging; only trying to determine how much of this is a skills problem and how much is lack of motivation.

Totsugeki 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm deeply skeptical any time that the corporate media promotes Christianity, and am bracing myself for this turning into future scandal meant to smear Christians. You don't get that kind of publicity unless there's an agenda behind it. I genuinely hope I'm proven wrong.

Totsugeki 3 points ago +4 / -1

The Last American Vagabond blog banned me from commenting years ago because I left one pro-Q comment. Fuck them.

Totsugeki 7 points ago +7 / -0

I've got a White Lefty neighbor who has spent years switching between flying the Palestinian flag and the Pride flag. So I'm not surprised at all that the hardcore vocal Lefties happen to have a spare Palestinian flag lying around that they can bring out whenever they need to virtue signal.

Totsugeki 19 points ago +19 / -0

We are detecting these masks now, so they must be using the outsourced Made in China versions.

Totsugeki 2 points ago +3 / -1

I believe it's more likely that our lying, thieving government that had just murdered JFK pocketed the billions in space research for themselves and then gave us a Stanley Kubrick-directed moon landing livestream hoax in return.

EDIT: You are not permitted to question the moon landing narrative, folks. I am now banned because of this comment. The government murdered our President, stole an election from another, are actively trying to kill us with genocidal vaccines, but they are totally 100% telling the truth about this one single thing and it's a ban-worthy offense to say otherwise. Sad to see folks claiming to be part of an alleged "Great Awakening" still believe the official government narrative about anything. We have a long ways to go before people really wake up.

Totsugeki 6 points ago +6 / -0

Turns out that nobody wants to buy imitation Impossible burgers after all.

Totsugeki 1 point ago +1 / -0

Did you hear the Congressional testimony last week about the domestic surveillance? IG Horowitz testified that there are over 10,000 federal employees who have access to NSA data on every American, and over 30% of those NSA searches were "non-compliant," i.e. illegal. Probably not because even our own Great Awakening commmunity spent more time, effort, and energy talking about a tranny on a beer can than the illegal domestic surveillance our own government is conducting on us. Imagine if all of that collective anger and energy spent on a beer can were instead spent exposing this illegal surveillance. Now you know why they want you diverting your anger toward a beer company. As long as your anger and time is spent on some forgettable tranny and definitely not on exposing how the government is abusing its power to surveil and shut down its opposition with no consequence, then they consider losing 25% market share a worthy investment.

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