UnidentifiedWhiteMan 1 point ago +1 / -0


I see the conspiracy videos, claimin’ I’m Illuminati See basically theories, like that is created by people who actually angry they’re not me They make excuses for why I’m successful, and their still a failure, it’s actually tragic The only way they can cope with the facts is by claiming I have an advantage, crackheads Me and Nova used to live in a slum In the middle of the hood, with the gangs and the guns Had like 14 bucks for some milk and some buns But then god spoke through me, like he planned it for us I wrote “Dear Rappers”, I was mad and I meant that Borrowed money from brandon for a Google ad Paid him back when I got my first check from Tunecore, and that was 10 grand, yup Then we bought a flash and a light stand Then we bought a lens and red cam We invested every single penny into records, gettin’ heavily in debt But we were confident, eventually we would get fans Then I wrote “Helluvit” and followed it with “WHITEBOY” And they both got a million views I was still in the hood, eating dollar store yogurt, recording the songs in my living room I was in psycho mode, every song viral, though Climbin’ the charts with a 5 dollar microphone Still in the ghetto, my foot in the pedal We were lucky if we made the rent, and the lights were on Rushin’ to write a song, tryna survive it all Nova would shoot it, and edit, and every night was long We were so tired, and desperate with dire depression, we’re fightin’ like cats and dogs I’m tired of ignoring the hate, it’s no longer okay They should know they place I ain’t got the bloodline that makes you enlightened, no masons controllin’ what I say Novas last name is “Paholek”, you know that the Rockafeller name is fake So go tell your Qanon homies that none of them know me Say it to my face

UnidentifiedWhiteMan 2 points ago +3 / -1


He got to where he got without their help.

You CAN get there without their help. This isn't the 1980s you know. People can record and produce their own music with their own equipment and make music videos with their own equipment. People can make their own website and do their own marketing. People can sell their own merch. It's a lot of work, but it is possible in the modern world.

UnidentifiedWhiteMan 2 points ago +2 / -0

They use race to divide people. That's a true statement. They divide the masses every way they can.

You're extrapalating way beyond that, but it's really not that complex.

UnidentifiedWhiteMan 3 points ago +3 / -0


You need the CD to hear that one, but Its one I like to point out.

The dude has been through a lot in life. All those pictures are very old. Older than that song.

UnidentifiedWhiteMan 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm glad somebody did this meme while they had the chance.

UnidentifiedWhiteMan 2 points ago +2 / -0

Excuse me for not belieivng that "the force of law" will be used against any member of congress.

That's reserved for us little people for stuff like walking into the capitol building.

UnidentifiedWhiteMan 2 points ago +2 / -0

No speaker was my favorite speaker.

UnidentifiedWhiteMan 1 point ago +1 / -0

Any faggot can make up a good sounding speech. Or get someone else, or chatgpt, to write it for him.

UnidentifiedWhiteMan 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's pretty brilliant I think. Congress has been legally neutered and the optics on it are fantastic.

I bet they thought McCarthy would be a lock with the Trump endorsement. lmao

UnidentifiedWhiteMan 2 points ago +2 / -0

Did you look it up? How closely did you read?


Alas, Buzzkillers, quotes like this seem to attach themselves to Einstein at the speed of light, and there’s no evidence he ever said it. (By the way, two other brainiacs and quote attractors, Ben Franklin and Mark Twain, are also credited with coining this idea.)

The “definition of insanity” quote first appeared in 1981, in a document published by Narcotics Anonymous. It was a sort of guide book for addicts who trying to overcome their disease, and it warned its readers that, “insanity is repeating the same mistakes and expecting different results.” Narcotics Anonymous was trying to convince its members that continuing to use narcotic drugs and expecting to be able to stop on their own was folly.

UnidentifiedWhiteMan 5 points ago +5 / -0

McCarthy is a liar and cannot be trusted.

Frankly, I'm fine with no speaker.

UnidentifiedWhiteMan 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think they stop getting paid after a certain number of days with no speaker.

Idk though. Worth double checking.

UnidentifiedWhiteMan 2 points ago +2 / -0

What do you mean?

If I click a truth social link, I don't need an account to look at it.

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