Will be interesting to see how this plays out, i want to see an end to all "gun free" zones as they do nothing to stop criminals and only serves to make the good guys unarmed and vulnerable.
Every one of the mass shootings would have been ended quickly if a good guy with a gun was there.
You always know things are going well when these sick fucks are upset kek
Absolute gold, send more and more. barry and michael have plenty of room in their mansion.
I would add a band of 100 rapefugee's from europe to help with diversity and increase the cultural enrichment for all those in the area.
Good luck with your new job and thanks for all your contributions.
Yeah but its the massive increase in them due to the vaccine that is the problem, especially as with a survival rate of 99% there was never any good reason to take the experimental genetic shot in the first place.
Sad really they don't know what is coming for them all in the next few years, i have already had a few friends die after taking the vax and the rest have all sorts of weird illnesses yet were perfectly healthy before.
I kinda hope there is someway to reverse the damage for the people who survive the shots.
Wow a great thing to read up on, crazy that i had never heard of this and i love those massive projects. This is why i love this place, so much great info and i always learn a lot from here.
Read about Viktor Schauberger the "water wizard" he had some cool theories on water. Living Energies
His name is Ezekiel Kelly someone posted an article further down, but i agree people need to make better quality posts.
That is a good comeback, thanks :)
I am sure that will be a great comfort to them in germany when they are freezing to death this winter kek.
Trump always ends up being right You Know It
Big mike is massive right now kek
One day we are going to have blockchain based social media platforms like what Skycoin is trying to do which will be immune to censorship and altering what is trending imagine how we will rule the internet again. We are still beating them even though every platform today is rigged against us but they cannot keep up, they had to develop ai to try to keep us down but the machines even know they are full of shit. When Skynet aka Skywire/Skycoin rises we will meme them into oblivion kek
I feel like this is going to be meme gold kek
That is some good news just shows what you can do and a great win in this battle for freedom.
I feel like we need a meme of Trump as Thor bringing the lightning down on the cabal.
lol i just found out Trump has his own Mjölnir with his name engraved on it was seen being taken out of the white house was given to him as a gift so would fit so well kek
So true the shills really hate this video of a F4 Phantom just being pretty much vaporized when crashing into a concrete wall and there is no way a bigger jet is going to go through those massive steel beams.
I remember also Trump said he got to visit the site the day afterward and saw all the metal beams which had holes and slices in them which was the result of shaped charges and also those melted steel beams before they hauled it all away as quickly as they could.
Would be hilarious if he sued them for misgendering him haha
I live in hope that the saudis that gave her that big custom supersized TV for the election night had a camera built into it and were secretly recording that night. Imagine how hilarious that would be.
I think it was the clean up staff said that it there was cake thrown at the wall and the bottle in the tv, it does fit though with what everyone else has said about her in the past but hard to know if that really happened. But then hillary never lets people close to her with cameras or recording devices ever she is really nuts about that.
Thanks for this a great post which explains it really well.
I have often wondered what the effect of distilled water has on blood clots or the various things in the vaccines like the aluminum, as its great for dissolving inorganic things in the body. I managed to lower my blood pressure after i had been drinking it for a while for example and my arteries are really clear compared to everyone else in my family yet we all eat the same things and tbh i eat way more crap than they do lol.
There was a big study done in the past that showed the increase in heart attacks after people went from drinking rainwater (which is pretty much distilled although these days with all the crap in the air it would better to filter then distill it again) to tap water and many cases of people living a lot longer when they only drank distilled water, one guy who was a Dr lived to 120 and claimed that is what helped him.
And before the anti-distilled water shills come out, you don't need minerals in your water as the tiny amount you get in water is nothing compared to what you get from food, its much lower than 1% of your mineral intake and also tap water has nothing but shit in it anyway like fluoride and god knows what else these days. Nor does it leech anything out of the body as it cannot take things from the cells and only works to remove the crap in your blood stream, also Alzheimer is caused my plaque building up on the arteries in the brain so they have found so could help with that also.
I mention this as i notice whenever i talk about distilled water or fluoride there are a bunch of tard shills that always show up trying to spread disinformation about it. Wonder who will be the first lol
Haha those kids are awesome, glad to see they can see through the bs spouted by these mentally unhinged degenerates.
I like how she said a death threat and a 2 fat jokes like they were the same sort of thing just made me laugh.
So glad i went to school in the times before all of this insane shit, we had a few feminist teachers but they largely kept quiet about there nonsense beliefs. Had quite a few real Men as teachers then too instead of now where its only gays and effeminate men allowed to teach the kids.
Great movie, been a while since i have watched it. To think now the Russians are based and its commies inside our own countries that is what we have to fight.
I always remember laughing that after it was on the TV late night sometime in the 90s someone spray painted "wolverines" on the side of the small police station we had down the road.
Haha they are getting scared kek
You know i once had a look on various diet forums, all the vegans and veggies were depressed, worried about their health and that they were some kind of persecuted class of people and also farting a lot, generally very negative people.
Paleo people were positive and full of life and generally seemed to be winning in life, was no whining and it was full of positive stories of how it improved their health problems and how well they were doing.
It was pretty funny having a peek inside those different groups but i think these vegans and the like are mentally ill or it makes them that way, i have a varied group of friends and the ones that are vegans seem obsessed with food and trying to convince the world that there tasteless crap they eat is just as nice as a piece of bacon or whatever, they are also generally unhappy with life and as the great President Trump would say are losers kek.
If i had the money i would take something like a old tesla with dodgy batteries and strap on to the roof a "wood gas generator" which is a device that turns burning wood and uses the gases produced to run an internal combustion engine, they used them during war time for tractors and such when fuel was in short supply.
so you would have a gasoline generator that runs of the fumes of burning wood that way you could wood fire your tesla and use the generator to power/charge the tesla you would need a pretty big generator for ludicrous mode though haha But imagine how funny it would be plus you could charge your tesla when out in the countryside by chopping down trees :) the leftys would hate it so much but you can tell them it uses renewable energy cause trees grow kek
Would not suit the narrative would have to be a right wing person for that FF.
Also nothing is stopping a criminal from doing that anyway its not like they would follow the laws if they are planning to hurt a bunch of kids in the first place.
The reason the wild west ended quickly is because they shot or hung every criminal till it became impossible to survive as a criminal, when the good people have the guns and are allowed to use them the criminals stand no chance.