The three lines are three hebrew 6's Just like Monster energy , KFC signage, Adidas and others. It is symbalism. You can't un see it.
Her slogan should read NITT PICKEY
I was in the auto air conditioning business for 28 years and what you say is true accept that you could actually drop in 134-a to replace R-12 and have decent results. What did happen though was the heat exchangers were improved considerably. And some design changes were made to utilize low pressure / low temperature gasses to lower head pressure by running the high pressure liquid gas through the suction lines.
His stuff is on Kuai. windward side near Princeville. He has his own rules about land acquisition and construction. This Island is only one crisis away from cannibalism. Hah-pah,s and Haole's in the pot first..
Its a Haka it's a warning.
You can't believe a fackin thing they say. You should not trust them in any way. They are lying about this too.
Joe Biden in nothing more than a lying piece of sh1t.
Smash or pass bro.
It looks like the edibles are stating to kick in around here.
That should help the child understand the severity of the situation. Now go get the son of a bitch that was trying to get to her.
Some guys have all the luck.
Is this guy evan a male? Draw a circle around his groin and ask yourself if he has a penis.
I can't believe someone there has not run that memorial down with a tractor.
Get the heck out you ridiculous intoxicated menace,
I just pray to God that all men don't turn out this lame.
Is the person on the right transed.? Is he putting his shoes and pants back on? Who is this person of interest? InQuiring minds want to know!
Try it, you will feel bad after !
No one will want that beer after they find out where he hid it.
I wondered if there was a connection with this guy to Ericsson industries and I am pretty sure there is because of the lack of information concerning his family.
Symbolism will be their downfall.
Take a job that you can get then take another one after that till you get the one you want.
Tell him I said he was lied to and abused and I forgive him. I pray may God comfort and forgive him .
Donald Trump knows what evidence there could be if he were guilty of a crime. He does not know about fabricated evidence. He also does not likely know what false witness could present at trial. This is why we have discovery. I realize that we here know these things but many people have no idea.
Free shlt is still shlt.
I had to watch it a few times but yeah.