I stopped listening when she mentioned radiation in EVs.
That's a man, baby!
I see the Austrian double headed eagle as well.
Were the Habsburgs involved?
Once we are in power, we will destroy Reddit. Completely.
They should both get the death penalty.
I am always surprised how many mathematical and physics terms that have concise definitions are stolen and used by pseudoscientists.
The words frequency and energy for instance. But also scalar in this case. These words habe actual scientific definitions. You can not just use them in other context. It is stolen valor in the science realm imho.
The obscenity of it would immediately be clear if you ever worked with the definition of scalars... or let's use tensors. That is a nice sciency sounding word... (A tensor is just a matrix with a dimensionality higher than 3 xD)
Please research this guy on YouTube. He was talking about healing through quantum scalar energy.
Complete bogus.
It would not surprise me if Tom was vaxxed and died from that.
Corruption should be punishable by death.
I like how the responses are either forgiveness or total hatred. I must admit I am in the hatred camp. The first thing I thought was "a good Commie is a dead commie".
But yeah, two girls losing both parents suddenly. They did not deserve this. I feel sorry for them.
She is not fat. She is morbidly obese. She is also stupid. I know, because I have been listening to her speak for the last 3 years or so.
I hope the morbid part of the obesity will soon rear its ugly head.
She should get the death penalty for this.
Just an FYI: This power station had been built in 1974 and was shut down in 2015.
I just smile and shrug and move on with my day, knowing the world has become just a tiny little bit better.
Please do. No ill will against Americans, but we do not want the occupier part of it. We want Russian gas and normalized relations with Russia.
I wish the EU and US deep state would go head to head and completely annihilate eachother
As long as cops are retarded like that guy, we may see the full return of state terror to the streets.
Police officers should be required to know the law as well as any lawyer and if they make an arrest for an offense that did not pan out in court, they should lose their jobs and their pensions.
Neutrinos do not interact with matter much at all. In fact, to prove they even exist took very long because of it. The vast majority or neutrinos pass through Earth sized objects without interacting with any other particle.
So how would neutrinos interact with a camera sensor at all? They would not.
We need war against the UK.
Apologies will not be accepted. The German unvaccinated I know want long jail sentences and death penalties.
I never eat lettuce and grow my own tomatoes
I am willing to become a cannibal temporarily to do away with the FDA.
Wait... if these were photos of Biden, people would claim they were not the same person.
So I am going to ask; Has Trump been replaced? :-o
I hope she gets the vaccinations still
Well, I agree with the economic assessment of it. I wonder about the quality of the pizza. Can't be that bad. The worst pizza I have ever had was in Boston, which was kind of surprising.
Ironically, where I live in Europe, pizza and kebab are one of the few enterprises where immigrants provide superior product. It is still cheap here too. There is an Italian style pizzeria in every little town and in the cities, there's at least one in every street. The same for kebab. The kebab is not even unhealthy. Fresh bread, fresh meat, lots of vegetables.