magavoices 20 points ago +20 / -0

The title of the thread is misleading. That image isn't "all anheuser products". Only the top are.

Everything on the bottom of the image have nothing to do with AB, including brands that were sold off by AB to avoid antitrust issues, such as Coors and Miller Lite.

Anything under Molson Coors, Heineken, Diago and Carlsberg Group are not involved with AB in any way.

magavoices 2 points ago +3 / -1

The debt and corruption and lawlessness is enabled by a fiat petro dollar.

When it loses its status if will free many from slavery.

You think CHYNAH has something better cooked up for humanity, do you?

It's like you're watching two gangs fight over turf, imagining if the invading gang wins all will be peachy-keen.

Naive at best.

It is a hard pill to swallow.

Tell me, which Q drop hailed BRICS as being a benevolent force for good?

But we have allowed these crimes to occur. We have given up control to those who enslave humanity.

It's almost as if you didn't realize that votes and elections have been rigged for the last couple decades.

Did you think anyone voted for any of this?

The only thing that gets us out of the situation we're in right now is pure luck. Luck that patriots put together the Q plan. If that hadn't happened behind the scenes, humanity would be lost aside from the few million they allow to survive.

Q speaks of a plan to fix currency and end the FED. BRICS doesn't have anything to do with it.

magavoices 5 points ago +5 / -0

Nearly everyone I've seen posting about the fall of the US dollar seems to hate the people of the US.

They exalt and cheer on BRICS as though CHYNAH has their best interest at heart.

Q/Trump could have arrested everyone on day one. They decided they'd rather ease people into knowledge of what's going on instead of shaking the box. Presumably so the economy wouldn't crash, as the BRICS sycophants are insisting is imminent.

If US currency switches to being gold backed, the dollar will never crash.

magavoices 1 point ago +3 / -2

What if there were a Chinese billionaire who had known the CCP was engaging in child trafficking since the 70s ...

A benevolent Chinese billionaire. You know, one who would use their billions to fight child trafficking.

By, oh, I don't know ... maybe telling someone about it.

Instead of whipping it out at the last second in a desperate plea to use Kompromat he's acquired to leverage himself out of jail.

Benevolent Chinese billionaires are like unicorns. They don't exist.

magavoices 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's so sad that bullshit like this gets posted here.

The wording found in the graphic above existed prior to 2016. It's not "making the rounds".


by panamax
magavoices 13 points ago +14 / -1

The continuous reporting of the supposed collapse of the US dollar on GAW is ridiculous.

Back in 1992, when I was a young and impressionable 21-year-old, I attended a patriot meeting where I was advised to go buy rolls of coins because paper dollars were going to crash "very soon". The crash of the US dollar has been supposedly imminent for over 30 years since I've been paying attention.

Where to even start on debunking this absolutely ridiculous farce ...

For starters, the website linked seems shady as hell. You pay them to physically store gold you buy from them? Hey, I've got a bridge to sell you.

You know what would happen tomorrow if the value of the US dollar crashed and suddenly lost half its value?

I'll tell you. BRICS would purposely devalue their own currency to crash even more than 50%.

Imagine you're the "C" in BRICS. Your entire economy is centered around shipping product to the US. Then suddenly, tomorrow, the US is only paying you 1/2 of what it used to pay because its currency was suddenly devalued.

How can the "C" in BRICS export their shitty products to the US for half the value they used to receive?

It's as if nobody who upvotes this drivel has ever heard Trump complain that the "C" in BRICS goes out of their way to crash their own currency for all the economic benefits doing so brings.

by panamax
magavoices 4 points ago +4 / -0

Not sure how this is "breaking". Everyone already knew this on the night of the 2020 election.

magavoices 6 points ago +6 / -0

The #1 treatment for malaria?


Not only as a treatment, as a preventative.

Imagine if half the US starts taking preventative ivermectin because of the risk of malaria ... with the side effect that it cures cancer and everything else parasite related.

magavoices 2 points ago +2 / -0

Saw on Twitter that "Antifa" is trending with 41.3k tweets.

95% of the entire feed references this video and pics taken from the video.


magavoices 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's the perfect strategy vs the feds.

You can safely be aggressive and rip off their masks, because the best they could do in response is charge you for assault ... but that would mean they have to appear in court and give their real names, which they won't do.

From now on just rip off their masks.

magavoices 2 points ago +2 / -0

It just occurred to me that if no one runs against Trump, he'll miss out on millions of dollars of free promotion that he'd receive from doing debates in the republican primary.

Certainly the plan must have provisions to capitalize on all that free promotion.

magavoices 12 points ago +12 / -0

Russia is working against Trump and on the side of Obama/Clinton (#1538)


When Obama and Clinton were in power, Q wasn't revealed to the world and Trump had not yet been elected.

How then could Russia have been working against Trump and Q when they worked with HRC/Obama?

Answer: They couldn't.

Furthermore, it is in Russia's best national security interest to interact with the corrupt HRC/Obama regime. What, exactly, would you expect the Russians to do when offered an under-the-table deal to score uranium and gather Kompromat on top corrupt US officials?

You'd have to be completely without reasoning skills to think otherwise.

Putin is controlled by the cabal (#15)

That post was written in 2017. It is now 6 years later.

Is Putin still controlled by the "3 families", or have the 3 families since been neutralized?

We know one of those families were neutralized almost immediately after Trump took office (house of Saud).

If we are using our brains, the likely state of Russia is that the cabal's influence over Putin is currently non-existent. I mean, it's almost common sense, isn't it? Why else would cabal assets be so against Putin?

And they are now allies with China

Why wouldn't they be? Should they be at war?

Sounds alot like Russia Russia Russia to be honest.

I remain unconvinced that I shouldn't still be cheering for Russia.

magavoices 4 points ago +4 / -0

Now DeSanctimonious makes perfect sense as a forever-name.

sanctimonious, adjective, DEROGATORY

making a show of being morally superior to other people.

He was always going to say he's not supporting Trump and citing ludicrous supposed moral reasons for doing so.

magavoices 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm cozy because I know the end.

Military intervention, traitors to Gitmo, no deals, NCSWIC.

magavoices 8 points ago +8 / -0

There were common sense ways to know the vax was a fraud without being a biologist or even having looked into it.

The first were the timeframes involved. Vaccines take time to make, and not every disease can successfully have a vaccine made for it.

So then, early on, when they were saying "we should have a vax in x months" ... that was a huge red flag. How did they know they would actually be successful in making one? How could they predict how long it would take?

The second was methods of testing. They were rolling out new variants like crazy ... using them as a reason to enforce each new lockdown, but when did they ever have time to update tests to test for new variants and spread those tests out worldwide so that their counts could be accurate?

Like this crazy article about the delta variant:


Delta, or B.1.617.2, was first identified in India in Dec. 2020. Within a matter of months, this particular variant spread to over 98 countries around the world, becoming the dominant variant in more than a dozen of those countries, including India, the U.K., Israel and the United States.

How did they update all their tests worldwide to know which variant the population was experiencing? They couldn't roll out new tests worldwide in "a matter of months".

Even a year after delta was out, nobody had access to tests that were capable of detecting delta.


Technically, there is a test to differentiate between the different variants—but it isn't something you or your doctor have access to. "There is no commercial test for the Delta variant"

But no research was even needed to know they can't test for all these crazy new variants worldwide ... it's just common sense that if there's a new variant, that tests for the variant can't be produced and then shipped worldwide for all doctors to use in a matter of "months".

Third, where did the flu go? Where did the common cold go? They vanished. If you explained to a 5-year-old that every year there are 100k flu cases, but then the next year there is 100k covid cases but now there are zero flu cases, they know what's going on.

I could go on and on. We are creatures of pattern recognition. When was the last time a "pandemic" required the entire world's population to be put under simultaneous house arrest? Never. The response to covid wasn't organic, if it were then every country wouldn't be pushing the exact same coordinated protocols. When was the last time people simultaneously lost rights to travel, every country the same? Never.

Common sense was enough to make the proper decision about getting vaccinated, without even needing to research it.

magavoices 7 points ago +7 / -0

The buck stops with Trump.

The notion that Q and Trump can completely overthrow a corrupt Saudi government, then install a new one ... but somehow are powerless and unable to stop Jared from conducting unlawful business with the very same Saudi government they just installed, is silly.

I barely trust articles I find posted here on GA without researching them in depth, let alone links to Bloomberg, Business Insider et. al.

I fully read the Bloomberg article. They did not specifically state that Kushner broke any law. I'm assuming the rest of the articles you linked are the same.

magavoices 6 points ago +6 / -0

I've refuted your assertions to my own purpose and satisfaction.

Those refutations are in the thread for everyone to read. If you remain unconvinced, unwilling to address a single point I raised, that's your prerogative.

magavoices 12 points ago +12 / -0

Let's do a little Socratic questioning and critical thinking.

Who is reporting? Bloomberg. Is Bloomberg a cabal asset? Yes.

Would Bloomberg, being a cabal asset, produce a negative article about Jared Kushner if Jared Kushner is also a cabal asset? Answer: No, they wouldn't.

The Saudis are supposedly taken care of now that Q took out Al Waleed. That's the gist of the pinned article "Trump takes out the King" that was recently pinned.

Plainly stated: Q and Trump have the Saudis by the balls.

Can Jared Kushner take billions from the Saudis without Q and Trump having influence over the deal? No.

Either Trump and Q allowed it, or they would have prevented it.

Q probably arranged it.

The entire business model of the cabal involves taking over countries or corporations and then having those countries/corporations funnel funds back into other cabal operations.

With 5th generation warfare and the entire world at stake, the white hats likely do the exact same thing.

Trump earns billions and uses the billions for saving the world. Musk earns billions and uses the billions to save the world. It's entirely obvious to me that their wealth was arranged by white hats.

Saudi is now a white hat asset. If Kushner was funneled billions from a white hat asset, for all we know those billions are serving the same purpose Trump and Elon's billions are.

We both know that if Jared Kushner actually did anything illegal, the left would indict and then crucify him, if for no other reason than to flip all arguments about Hunter being corrupt into arguments about Trump's son-in-law being corrupt.

magavoices 22 points ago +22 / -0

If you read what Trump said, the reasons Kushner wouldn't be serving in a 2nd administration had nothing to do with his performance.

Even now there's another pinned thread "Trump Takes Out the King" that discusses JK's pivotal role in arranging the middle east deals. Q asked "Why was there a recent smear campaign against JK and POTUS? " in post #67.

Answering Q's question, because Jared Kushner is a patriot who was serving Trump well in helping to orchestrate peace in the middle east. The cabal didn't like that, so they organized a smear campaign against him.

Normally people on GA realize that if the MSM attacks someone relentlessly, they're probably a force for good.

magavoices 4 points ago +4 / -0

At first glance I saw "griftpost.com" as the domain.

magavoices 3 points ago +3 / -0

Nobody who tries to hard to prop themselves up in the anon community should be trusted.

Especially when their only trick is to echo back to us things we've already known for years and then scolding us for supposedly not already knowing.

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