None of My Points are about ""Ageism""
The whole thread is about Ageism.
And if our primary method of dealing with bad congressmen is allowing them to have two full terms before they're "dealt with" by not allowing them to run again ... we're screwed.
Q said military is the only way. Not term limits.
What if it were revealed that Trump never left office? He wouldn't be allowed to run again in 2024.
How would you like it if Trump couldn't run again in 2024 due to term limits?
Which circles back to the fact that this thread about ageism is likely an indirect poke at Trump, as well as term limits.
Everything you just wrote, validates the Corruptions in Congress.
Yes, it validates my point. But it doesn't validate your point.
Congress is corrupt and they're all old so they should be kicked out?
How about, Congress 77% of congress is white and congress is corrupt, so we should get rid of the whites?
You're using leftist logic.
After Q does what they're going to do, half of congress should be in Gitmo. We'll get a fresh batch of congressmen elected fairly ... and when that batch comes in, that has the fear of God in them with fresh examples of what happens to bad congressmen, you want them to not stay in office long? That's ridiculous.
Q said the military is the only way. Meanwhile, you can go down the rabbit hole of wishfully thinking that Congress will vote to limit themselves from being reelected.
The thread complains many congressmen were born before television.
Ron Paul was born in 1935. First TVs were marketed in the US in 1936. Nancy Pelosi was born in 1940.
Using ageism, the OP discounted Ron Paul and gave a free pass to Nancy Pelosi. Ageism doesn't solve anything.
The CIA has infiltrated every large company.
Budweiser was founded in 1876. Gillette in 1901. They're a part of US culture. Just like Star Wars and other cultural properties that have been commandeered by leftists.
When disgruntled renters are finally forced to leave, sometimes they destroy things ... like filling septic toilets full of sand.
Yes, for now don't patronize these products. But Gillette is owned by Procter & Gamble. They have over 65 products. Are you boycotting all 65?
- Tide
- Downy
- Dawn
- Ariel
- Bounce
etc. etc. etc.
It doesn't matter if you switch products, because whatever you switch to is likely the property of a cabal-controlled enterprise.
There is no good answer for us now -- either throw away US culture or embrace it which gives profits to CIA infiltrated companies. But after the cabal is sent to Gitmo, I'm not holding grudges against inanimate products.
Maybe the reason the cabal is destroying US culture like there's no tomorrow is because, for them, there is no tomorrow. They see the writing on the wall.
Congress is corrupt because _______.
If your fill in the blank above is "they're old", congratulations, you just skipped past at least 1000 more serious issues.
And you're creating the illusion that young congressmen aren't corrupt, when you don't even get the funding to run for office unless you're cabal-owned.
Ron Paul was born in 1935. First TVs were marketed in the US in 1936. Would he be the first on your list to kick out of congress?
Ageism is a tool of the cabal. It's been a few years since we were at peak shill boomer hatred.
Saying all old people are corrupt or incompetent is no different than saying all blacks are destined for prison or all Jews are bad. Just another division tactic by the cabal.
That article is Trump complaining that China devaluing its currency isn't fair to the US.
TLDR: devaluing your currency provides your country competitive benefits with little downside.
Can you even describe a worst case scenario if, tomorrow, the dollar loses half its value against other currencies?
No more cheap China trash in stores? Boo hoo.
I'm not defending the monetary system. It all needs to be burned down and those who perpetuated it need to be hung from the highest tree.
In the meantime, the dollar isn't going to collapse. But if it does collapse, it will be a good thing.
How long have you personally been expecting the dollar to collapse?
I've been waiting for that "big ass surprise" for going on over 30 years now.
While you're investing the time to reply, why do you think China devalues its currency on purpose?
These types of articles are a regular here. "The US dollar is going to collapse!"
It's completely laughable that China devalues their currency on purpose and supposed autists who should know better whine incessantly about the prospect of US currency being devalued.
Why do you think China devalues their currency on purpose?
If tomorrow the Dollar is only worth a quarter of what it was worth vs foreign currencies, you know what will happen?
Does your rent go up? (No.)
Do you make less money from your job? (No.)
Does US manufacturing opportunities skyrocket 1000% because American products are now cheaper abroad? (Yes.)
Do foreigners such as China and any other country who can only survive by dumping their cheap products on the US get screwed? (Yes.)
There are trillions upon trillions of dollars that are loaned in US dollars that need to be repaid in US dollars. The interest on the dollar loans has never been printed or even created as digital blips on a computer, meaning there is a massive shortfall of US dollars that need to be obtained, but do not exist. This creates demand that will ensure that US dollars always remain scarce and therefore valuable.
Dollar collapse is just sky is falling fear porn.
I would have replied to your comment about "lurking moar" and bragging about updoots, but it would appear they're no longer there to respond to.
In case you're wondering, this is why it will never be revealed that Trump was always president this entire time.
The sheer number of things he would be blamed for is the sheer number of things everyone blames Biden/democrats for.
Worthless programming jobs like the ones that were at twitter may be in jeopardy -- but programming jobs aren't really going anywhere.
"Learn to code" was us mocking journalists who were being fired from woke news agencies.
I program and yes, AI is destroying some jobs. I don't hire writers anymore. But there has never been so much opportunity for programmers who know how to work AI ... right now the sun is shining, time to make hay.
Jury of the brain dead, maybe.
I disagree with pretty much everything you said.
Trump has known for many decades that he would eventually run for president, and has kept all his ducks in a row accordingly.
For every prude who is hung up on Trump's bombastic behavior, there are 10 who think it's a breath of fresh air and appreciate the his candidness.
You don't know that Trump was friends with Epstein.
The few images I've seen taken of Trump and Epstein long predate any law action against Epstein for the things he did.
Trump was never going to be a fall guy for Hillary. He didn't win on accident.
You came here to make sure Q orthodoxy was being respected.
And you're the FE zealot enforcing FE orthodoxy.
They came for my neighbor and I said nothing ...
Who defines "something stupid". Hint, its not you.
more gross you sound
The best argument you've provided for FE thus far has been that you're challenging the orthodoxy.
You say it as if it makes a point, that the orthodoxy is inherently evil and thus, any argument against orthodoxy is inherently good.
Except evil also challenges orthodoxy, as evidenced by pedophiles and transvestites.
I destroyed your logic. That's what "everyone sees".
Just reread your text like a pedophile pissed off they can't groom children and shaming others for not being willing to challenge orthodoxy.
You put way too much stock in your tribe's group mind
If I wanted to push back on FE, I'd hunt down a FE forum and challenge you on the folly of your ways there.
That I don't do that is evidence I don't give a shit about FE. My only concern is you conflating your ridiculous ideas with Q, where newcomers to Q believe we're all batshit crazy because we believe in FE.
But then, that's how most people think.
Most people think the grass is green, the sky is blue and the water is wet too.
Sometimes, I suppose most people are right.
You just can't seriously actually exercise your brain on a subject you're insecure about.
When the knitting forum kicked out the drag racer invasion, was it because they were insecure about drag racing?
Or were the drag racing invaders a cult, because they felt the need to proselytize their hobby onto knitters who didn't give a shit?
Go on trusting the science
You're accusing the community that lead the charge against trusting the science on masks and covid-19 of inappropriately trusting science?
How delusional you are.
and seeking an echo chamber if you must
Q is a psyop. A good, beneficial psyop that leads to holding elites accountable and changing the world.
Unlike your fake, gay psyop that literally leads to nowhere. If, tomorrow, the entire world came to the realization that the world is flat, what changes? Absolutely nothing.
Folks at GA, including myself, meme on social media accounts. We invade social media. We post things that some people disagree with, but other people wake up.
You know this.
Therefore, your argument that we are an echo chamber who only speak to ourselves has been completely destroyed.
The purpose of FE is the same as the purpose as the group of Nazis who went to Trump rallies. That purpose was to be as ridiculous as they could in the hope of tainting the group they were visiting by association.
where people
That's debatable. They're mostly DARPA AI bots. Of course, there's the few weak-minded fools who believed the psyop.
can openly challenge orthodoxy
Like pedophiles openly challenge orthodoxy?
and stretch each other to learn more.
People on GA have already heard all your arguments. They simply dismissed them as being ridiculous.
If it just wants to be a Q cult then I have zero interest in interacting here.
Oh, ok. We're a cult ... sure. Don't let the door slam your ass on the way out.
I have no interest in religion in general. purity tests and heresy accusations are gay for sure. But if that what this crowd is all about then so be it.
How about "don't ask, don't tell"? Does that work for you?
while claiming to wake people up out of other government ordained doctrines
Pythagoras discovered the earth was round, and he was killed by a nobleman (da guberment).
So using the rules of argument you have laid forth, it is evident that the government is trying to stop people from believing in a round earth.
The fact you are conditioned to mock FE rather than think critically
The fact that the autistic powerhouse of thinking critically known as the Great Awakening has completely and utterly rejected FE should mean something to someone who claims they can think critically.
Try going to a forum about knitting and posting threads about drag racing.
They'll start by politely warning you to stop. But then you invite your friends and suddenly, every other thread is about drag racing.
They say they'll ban if you continue. You don't give a shit, you keep posting anyway.
Which begs the questions ...
- When they permanently ban your ass, will you call them the knitting cult?
- Which of the 2 groups mentioned above is acting like a cult?
- Why wouldn't you just find a forum about drag racing to post in?
If FE was just about FE, you wouldn't feel the extreme need to proselytize about it. Either it's a cult as you suggest, or a psyop.
That'll never happen.
All the benefit of shifting blame of Afghanistan to Biden ... gone.
All the benefit of shifting blame of economy to Biden ... gone.
All the benefit of having allowed democrats to show how badly they fuck up when they're in charge ... gone.
All the benefit of blaming democrats for Covid-19 ... gone.
For what? What would be the point of allowing the cabal to push people over the edge of the precipice, only to say at the last moment "Trump was actually fully in charge when all that happened."
Q said FE was bullshit.
This is a Q forum.
Ergo, FE proselytes should frequent a pro-FE dedicated forum instead of here.
Anything beyond that is blatant psyop.
This is just fear mongering and doesn't even begin to approach the complexity of reality.
Did you know that some countries devalue their currency on purpose, so they're able to be more competitive in global trade?
Take John Doe. He makes 60k a year making autos. His monthly house payment is $800.
Tomorrow the US dollar is halved vs foreign currencies, what bad things happen?
Does John's house payment go up? No.
Does his job halve his salary? No.
Is his job security at risk? No. Why would it? Overnight, the cost of US made vehicles was halved. Sales abroad will probably increase 1000%. That'll make the demand for manual laborers in the US increase 1000%. That will increase Joe's salary, because workers for his type of position are now 10x in demand.
Not to mention that suddenly, China can't compete in the US (they can't afford to operate here receiving only half the income for products they used to get when the US dollar was higher). Who is suffering if the US dollar collapses? All the countries who dump their products here ...
Did I mention some countries devalue their currency on purpose?
I can tell you why the dollar crashing is bad -- for the cabal.
Trillions of dollars are loaned in US dollars. If, overnight, the value of dollars is halved -- then countries and foreign entities suddenly only owe half as much on their obligations.
It makes what the cabal can buy abroad twice as expensive.
But John Doe is ok, because he wasn't going to be buying a Caribbean island any time soon.
Reality check -- they've been saying the dollar is going to crash for at least 30 years since I've been paying attention.
I get paid in US dollars but the company I work for pays in foreign currency. My salary in the last 12 years has increased, and 44% of the increase is from nothing other than the increase in the strength of the dollar alone.
Anyone reading these boards knows that food scarcity isn't due to the US dollar. It's due to the cabal actively destroying food production.
Anyone reading these boards knows that riots aren't due to a collapse in the US dollar. They're due to Soros paying people to riot.
Anyone reading these boards knows unemployment isn't due to a collapse in the US dollar. It's due to a downturn in the economy mostly resulting from the Nazi-like enforcement of covid-19 mandates.
I could go on and on. All the loans in US dollars means US dollars need to be obtained to repay them ... creating a continual high demand for US dollars, as well as increased scarcity because not enough physical cash was actually printed to cover the interest.
If I remember correctly, he used to refer to himself as the "silver fox" when speaking in 3rd person.
Q's writing on wall = Gitmo for cabal