I watched every bit of video available, including the part where he's in the squad car claiming he was claustrophobic, right about the time a couple frames of the video showed a tiny white something in his mouth. Then as the fentanyl hit he was begging to please oh please put him on the ground. A fentanyl overdose can disable breathing, and the autopsy showed enough fentanyl to kill an elephant. Somehow all of this is just clipped out of the story of St. Floyd.
I've explained to newbies, that bitcoin is a METHOD of moving wealth, just as email is a method to move messages. What is "email" worth? Can you do without it now in your daily life? Who owns "the email?" Nobody?! If aliens took away your email system, what would we pay to get it back?
I'm waiting for the video to resurface of four people wheeling four suitcases through the lobby, from right to left, and into the counting area. I remember seeing that and, not expecting such blatant fraud, thinking they needed packed suitcases to pull an all nighter. Does anyone else remember seeing this one?
I noticed a strong and noticeable sexual subtext in her message. Things like stay fucking hard, at least a couple of fucks, and of course the guys love hearing a woman say pussies more than once. Add to that using the word coming more than once, and her fist pumping slowly up and down, up and down a little two suggestively. That cannot all be accidental. Even the outro music adds another fucking.
Everyone still assumes voting is always legit. As said by another poster in this thread, "You can't vote your way out of tyranny."
The bad guys know the voting system is target number one. Corrupt that and they have everything.
And we'll all go home peacefully, convinced we had a chance to vote them out.
Ghosts In The Machine 2 https://youtu.be/V6hu83yVMlU?si=Y05NKPf2QYBoG0Dw
So what was the much shorter version I saw from a few days ago?
I support the God Emperor Felon Of The United States.