peaceandjoy 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sending my love and prayers! xoxo

peaceandjoy 2 points ago +2 / -0

He is playing his part in the movie. I enjoy this part of the show. Especially when he swears. Lol!

peaceandjoy 2 points ago +2 / -0

I can believe this. Time travel by a Russian, yes! This explains a lot. Who will it be???? Someone the Russian easily recognized. So, not anyone new. Thanks for sharing!

peaceandjoy 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you. I'm in California. Most of the people I knew who have passed so far has been a few years ago. My husband's dad and two uncles all died within one year. All were vaxed. I'm wondering if a new wave of deaths from cancers and such will be happening out here soon.

peaceandjoy 2 points ago +2 / -0

What area do you live in? I heard from someone who lives in Washington that she had over 30 friends and aquaintances who died this past year. Sorry to hear what has happened in your life. I think it is just terrible. Thank you for sharing.

peaceandjoy 9 points ago +9 / -0

I love those thinking outside of the box. Keeps things very interesting. Between the VP pick and Roaring Kitty yesterday, I can't believe how I really just wonder about all of these moves and counter moves. Thanks for your insight!

peaceandjoy 2 points ago +2 / -0

I heard somewhere that they were bringing boxes of weapons to the hotels in England where the immigrants were staying. This would bother me if it was in my neighborhood. Thanks for sharing and I will keep a look out in the future.

peaceandjoy 10 points ago +10 / -0

On Fox Business today Liz Claman was arguing with Gasparino about GME. He called it a crappy stock and seemed a bit unhinged. She said it didn't look that bad and that she had seen worse. She talked about all the capital they have. He was having a fit about how terrible the stock was. She looked irritated with him and told him he will have to watch Roaring Kitty tomorrow at noon. They will talk again at the end of the market tomorrow. So, we will see! I think that kitty is getting to him. Lol!

peaceandjoy 1 point ago +1 / -0

Look at the good. Look at your blessings. This will combat the negative time you are going through. She is not EVERYTHING. You are so much more. You are unique, you are loved, and you are meant to be here. You will get through this. Let her go if that is what she wants. It is meant to be, and something better will come your way. Keep the faith.

peaceandjoy 3 points ago +3 / -0

During the last election I had a neighbor tell me that our sign was hurting her eyes and could we take it down! Lol! They really can't stand seeing his name.

peaceandjoy 5 points ago +5 / -0

One idea... try sitting quietly by yourself and look within. Do this peaceful activity once a day. You have all the answers to your questions inside you. This has saved my life and continues to do so. Remember, you really don't know if something is good or if something is bad, so don't label events that take place. Some even say there are no mistakes. That often makes me feel better! Watch and wait for opportunities. They will arrive. Blessings to you on your amazing journey.

peaceandjoy 9 points ago +9 / -0

I believe this is possible. I pray for your son to be free of any evil entities. I pray he is clear-headed and can avoid being in the wrong place or being around the wrong people. I pray for your family to be protected from any ill will towards any of you. Finally, many angels surround you with Love... Amen.

peaceandjoy 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm sorry. That is a lot of work you both went through. I pray the right job arrives for you both. I pray you are paid more than you expected, the jobs make use of your God-given gifts and that you get adequate time off for the holidays. I pray you are surrounded by patriots! Amen.

peaceandjoy 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'll watch later today. Thanks for sharing!

peaceandjoy 3 points ago +3 / -0

Glad I have both. Yes, fun to watch. Let's see what happens!

peaceandjoy 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't watch much tv anymore. Maybe this would be fun to watch with my son. I will check it out. I believe Burnett is probably trying to do his part... my son has heard so much about Q, he would notice the connection immediately.

peaceandjoy 4 points ago +4 / -0

Sounds like she is mourning. During this time you can work on what you already mentioned. It is a choice to be happy. Decide you are personally going to be happy regardless of her working slowly through all of this. Find simple joys throughout your day. It is a good practice for life in general. She will eventually heal and your personal growth and stability will be inspirational to her as well. These are my best and happiest wishes for both of you. Just keep going.

peaceandjoy 3 points ago +4 / -1

Fasting from everything not good for you. Not just alcohol. This will change your life. Just go for it and see what happens.

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