If Chinese special forces provided technical support (comms/drones/battlefield intel) to cartels, then we would be in for a bad time.
If there was 1 squad/platoon detailed to wreck havoc on each state, it would only take ~300-600 or so professional soldiers to really create problems for the US continent and give enough distraction for China to make a play for Taiwan.
That said,
I do not believe China wants to actually take over Taiwan because the people who pull the strings of the Chinese government live in Taiwan. They don't want to live under the oppression they create but they launder money from the US in pretending to play the two off each other.
This is a solid theory, so WHAT IF the reason they have been refusing so many claims is because they have documented proof these are vaccine related injuries and their stance is the person volunteered to participate in the experiment?
So it takes a LOT of effort to legally purchase a suppressor or weapon with an integrated suppressor like what was used.
You have to personally take special paperwork to your local Sheriff, and after an interview with them, the Sheriff has to sign the documentation.
Typically the questions are simple but most people do not want to go through this process.
Then once you have the paperwork, you PAY up front for the item which sits in a safe at the gun shop until the paperwork gets processed through the ATF, which can take anywhere from 90 days to a year. Yes, a Year.
So this guy paid $2000+ for a pistol he had to interview the Sheriff and wait a year to get AND they're trying to say they haven't identified him yet.
It's a very rare pistol, with a very rare and heavily tracked attachment which went through a heavily documented processes.
They have the guy's picture when he pulled his mask down to flirt w/ the hotel clerk.
If they can't find him they don't want to, so inside job. Or at least if they find him we'd never know about it.
A fun experiment for anyone who dares.
Ask your doctor if they've learned "ANYTHING" new lately that's been released in a peer reviewed paper. Seriously just if they've learned anything new from a recent "discovery" in the last 3 years.
99% will say "No". but not because they haven't learned anything, but because they don't even read the reviews to stay current.
If you are on this site, you've probably read more peer reviewed studies and new information than your doctor has.
There is a documentary out there about how trafickers get kids by approaching pregnant women and paying them to put the trafficker on the birth certificate as the father.
The trafficker who was interviewed in the documentary said that when a child is reaching the end of what they considered the prime usefulness in turning tricks, they would sell the child at a premium to a "VIP" which was typically a fatal encounter for the child.
Once the VIP ends the encounter, a team nearby, often in an adjoining hotel room, or standing by, will swoop in the harvest anything usable left over. Blood, tissue, organs. Often these VIP encounters would happen in rental homes in upscale neighborhoods. (Remember the 20 mansions in Orange Country that burned recently?)
There was a message at the end of the documentary that the trafficker who was intereviewed ended up doxing himself with the release of the film and ended up committing suicide. The woman in the film and her baby were saved when the journalist reimbursed the trafficker the $50,000 odd plus dollars he had given the women to purchase her child.
She really is quite stupid, annoyingly so. When she first got that job I knew any market crash or calamity was 100% preplanned/intentional.
She's the perfect scapegoat. She's as checked out as Slow Joe in every hearing I've seen of her.
Her stupidity blots out the sun, and she can't do anything in the shade.
Oh i want to play.
Neil Degrrasse: "There's a social contract not to infect other people"
Pfizer: "The covid-19 vaccine doesn't stop people from spreading it"
And I'll add: "There's a social contract for doctors and scientists to be honest and transparent with their research and testing results to provide enough information that we can excercise INFORMED CONSCENT."
/mic drop
Besides Lane and Washington Counties, 54k illegal votes and the 33k RFK Jr. votes is enough to flip every single other county Red.
as much as the Durham Report didn't result in the arrests we wanted, if I recall, it did expose how DNC was abusing lawyers and attorny/client priviledge to hide their BS.
They'd have one lawyer from one law firm hire another lawyer at another firm as council to transfer payments and communications back and forth.
If an investigation tried to sopeana the records/communications it was protected.
He also got some juicy info confirmed on record re: Fusion GPS and exactly who ordered the Steele Dossier linking it to HIllary/DNC.
So after some thought, here's what occurred to me.
Gaetz as AG scared the SHIT out of the Epstein Islanders. Like big time, enough to expend an asset to leak an ehtics report to the press.
What was the left whining about all week? His alledged sexual misconduct. In his words they twisted generousity towards ex-girlfriends into saying he was paying them for sex or something and not even Garland could find anything to prosecute.
OK so what this did was it put SEXUAL MISCONDUCT as an excuse for the left to reject him. Now the LEFT is on record getting all riled up over sexual related issues pertaining to judge of character.
MTG HINTED at a larger DECLASS of the lists and all the other buried reports on everyone elses dirt in their closet.
Now that this is in the frontal lobe of the left, HOW ARE THEY GOING TO REACT WHEN THE TRUTH COMES OUT REGARDING THE KIDS? How can they ignore it then? Epstein list drops about their "representatives" abusing kids and they will not be able to ignore it this time.
The same way a lot of the Kamala campaign exposed a lot of the bullshit and causes more on the left to wake up, this is going to snap another handful out of their stupor and they'll realize what's been hapening. Not all of them but some.
It'll be so blatantly hyprocritical that it cannot be ignored and now that the MAGA folks had to deal with the left whining about Gaetz for a week, we have enough current ammunition to throw back into the lefts face when it's their turn.
OH There was a flash about Impeaching Biden for launching on Russian via Ukrainan Proxy.
I wonder if that was an attempt to throw the Senate into Impeachment proceedings to delay the appointment processes.
They weren't trying to actually Impeach Biden, afterall they could go thru all the time and effort and then vote not to Impeach but it would stall appointments in the meantime.
what I don't understand. is where the hell is the Sheriff in all this?
Supreme court made a ruling, these people violated it.
Why isn't the Sheriff enforcing?
We put all this heat on our elected officials but all of this has been allowed to stand because the Sheriff's aren't doing a thing about it.
I think that's what most expected. I'm disappointed mainly because Paul trash talked then just circled him.
He had a 5 inch reach FFS, but he would NOT stay in MIkes range no matter what. If he got inside Mikes reach he would charge in for the hug.
I think it's more impressive that at 58 Mike didn't get KO'd himself, given the match up. Take the money and run Mike. You earned it.
All around boring fight to watch. The ladies threw more punches in 1 round I think that in the whole main event.
Paul has a 5 inch reach advantage on top of the age difference.
He was able to keep Tyson at range and just kind of circled him the whole time.
Tyson's legs couldn't close the distance fast enough to really land anything meaningful outside of a couple punches.
The gloves were 14oz instead of the 10oz ones Tyson competed with back in the day.
Snoozefest once all the factors added up.
Paul "won" but showed us he's boring to watch. Technical fighter, yes. Exciting to watch, no.
If Paul plays the role of the WWF style "bad guy" he might draw people who just want to see him get knocked out but depending who he's fighting next, it'll be hit or miss if it generates the same kinda hype.
Someone with good footwork and a comparable reach would make for a more even match. Paul wouldn't be able to avoid a brawl in that case.
The envelopes had a circle cut out, so if it was a YES to recall vote, you could see it was a YES without opening it.