raver9876 13 points ago +13 / -0

Anyone who has any type of free energy device should simply release all the blueprints and technology immediately on a platform like bit-torrent that can’t be shut down. If an inventor thinks they can keep their secret in order to patent it and make a profit, that’s never gonna happen. Worldwide, the patent system is corrupt and controlled by those with money.

When you make a “I have free energy” announcement like the one above you’re simply doxxing yourself. The evil globalists who don’t want low cost energy released will find you and murder you.

raver9876 2 points ago +2 / -0

That’s funny cause I thought that the real president was Donald Trump.

raver9876 3 points ago +4 / -1

The conclusion of the movie will be that by abducting a multi-racial couple the aliens were somehow demonstrating racism and white supremacy.

raver9876 32 points ago +32 / -0

Watching the halftime show I realized that the intellectual content of Rihanna‘s lyrics are at the level of a retarded yet perverted 13 year-old.

raver9876 12 points ago +13 / -1

James should do like Steven Jobs did. He can go away and start a couple innovative companies. Then wait until wait until the previous company begs you to come back.

Once Project Veritas runs out of their money, they’ll be begging James to come back

raver9876 2 points ago +2 / -0

If it was a deep fake why would it need constant editing. The reason for the constant editing is that Damar is having trouble speaking coherently 100% the time.

raver9876 1 point ago +1 / -0

In China, every time I got tested they swabbed my throat, never my nose. I’m pretty sure that’s the way it was across the whole country.

And China didn’t see a huge outbreak until they stopped testing and stopped lockdowns which makes sense because nobody had built up any natural immunity due to the lockdowns.

I got infected with Covid because I walked into a small store and breathed the air for a few minutes. Other than doing a little shopping in that store, I had been in my apartment all of late December and early January because I was doing all my work from home.

I don’t follow certain conspiracy theories about the non-existence of the virus or 5G activating the virus because I think some of those conspiracy theories were put out there in order to discredit very probable conspiracy theories like the lab leak origin theory. If they did actually weaponize a relatively dangerous virus and make it highly infectious there’s no need to put it into swabs or to activate it with 5G etc. etc.

raver9876 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, mandatory free testing was ended in mid December. In fact it’s actually pretty difficult now to find a location where you can be tested. And you probably have to pay for it.

I’ve heard rumors that down the government doesn’t want any testing to happen one province did go against the governments wishes and start testing people again but the people in that province protested strongly against that.

To me, it seems like the government played the mind game. Lockdown and test people so hard that they protest against further lockdowns and testing. Then you can release the deadlier strain of the virus and it can’t be stopped. The only other explanation is that the largely ineffective Chinese vaccine backfired and left people with dysfunctional and depressed immune systems.

raver9876 1 point ago +1 / -0

During the lockdown period, mandatory testing was done about two or three times a week in most Chinese cities including the city where I live. They used the long Q-tip and they would put 10 Q-tips into one test tube in order to save money on testing. Luckily, my sample was never put into the same test tube with somebody who actually had Covid. I think they were usually using nucleic acid testing.

Then due to the anti-lock down protests in November, the government stopped mandatory testing in mid-December I recall. Therefore when I had Covid in January, I wasn’t tested. However I’m 90% sure I had Covid because I did have that unusual Covid symptom where food tasted very strange. Additionally, my fever and body aches were fairly serious and extended at about five or six days. Three days into my illness, I did start taking ivermectin and I think that actually cut short the extent of my illness as my fever came way down after day five. Of course it could’ve been a coincidence but I was glad I had ivermectin.

Now that there’s no testing we really can’t know exactly which strains are killing people in different parts of China. If I was some type of sick globalist who was inside the Chinese government that is exactly what I would do, discouraged testing in order to cover up the existence of a new deadlier strain in China.

If China can use a virus to kill up 30% of their elderly population that’s going to make their pension support situation much easier.

raver9876 3 points ago +3 / -0

Dramatic pause….

“You are…. not the scientist who’s going to save humanity”

raver9876 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well thanks to overly long lockdowns China is finally facing a Covid pandemic and crap tons of people are dropping dead both at home and at the hospital.

And almost nobody in China was given an mRNA vaccine. Everyone who did get vaccinated received a traditional weakened virus vaccine that in my opinion was largely ineffective for the same reason flu vaccines are often ineffective.

I’ve seen dozens of videos of Chinese people lined up in cars with bodies outside crematoriums. These are not the types of videos that the CIA could throw together in order to make China look bad. The videos come with Chinese people talking over them in a variety of regional accents.

Yes most of the dead are the elderly because covid kills the weak just like the flu. Again, I am here in China and I did have my bout with Covid about a month ago. Because I have long been on the Zelenko immune system boosting vitamin fortification pill protocol, pretty much I only experienced high fever and body-aches for about five days. No coughing, no breathing problems no cardiovascular issues.

Because it’s winter here in China I think a lot of older people have vitamin D deficiency and that’s what killing them. However I am still suspicious about the possibility that a newer, more dangerous variant might be killing people in China. If that was true the government would cover it up.

raver9876 1 point ago +1 / -0

I said Chinese people are dropping dead from the latest strain of COVID-19. I didn’t state whether I thought that strain was naturally or artificially produced.

There are people in this world who want to see continued population drops in China and if they were going to release a new artificially produced, more deadly version of Covid, they would first do it in China.

Some of people who want to see the Chinese population drop may be outside China but many may be inside China. The Chinese government knows that it won’t be able to pay the future pensions of its huge elderly population.

Evil globalists come from every nation and have no loyalty to their home countries, even in collectivist cultures like China.

The source for my ideas is myself as I live in China and I have a pretty good understanding of how Chinese people think and behave. The elites here don’t give a shit about the average Chinese person.

raver9876 0 points ago +1 / -1

Except for the fact that the non-MRI Vaccines that the Chinese Government gave to their people didn’t really work at protecting them from COVID-19. At least they’re certainly not working now.

On the positive side, people across China are NOT dropping dead from sudden cardiac events caused by experimental mRNA vaccines.

They are dropping dead from the latest strain of COVID-19.

raver9876 5 points ago +5 / -0

Never go full retarded Congressperson.

Edit: Not a senator.

raver9876 3 points ago +3 / -0

Bye bitch, now go to your bunker and hide.

We will come to visit you a little bit later.

raver9876 3 points ago +3 / -0

How many of you went to the school where kids injured their balls by jumping their bicycle over a homemade ramp?

How many of you were that kid? Shit hurt, right?

raver9876 1 point ago +1 / -0

Were they shot with bullets or with a vaccine?

raver9876 1 point ago +1 / -0

The same people who own the Buffalo Bills Football team also own the Buffalo Sabres hockey team. They decided to get those T-shirts made quickly.

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