That racket started with the ESCO thing -- alternative energy providers... since you had the right to "buy power from whomever you want", the utilities made generation fees cheaper and moved it all to a fee for using their wires (delivery fee). Which you still pay to the regular utility even if you pay an ESCO for generation...
We used to joke about Dick's Drive-In when I lived in Seattle. "Eat a bag of Dicks!"
This seems relevant.
There's a sequel to the Convoy song that says so lol:
Put 'em on a barge.
In reality, semis can and do travel to Vancouver Island by ferry -- to get to the ferry terminal, Trans-Canada Highway 1 in BC west until you pass Vancouver, don't continue on 99 towards Whistler... ferries leave pretty regularly. (Officially, the Trans-Canada Highway follows the route of the ferry and continues to Victoria, which is on Vancouver Island, despite Vancouver (city) NOT being on the island... and this really sounds like someone named these places as a scheme to make it difficult to navigate)
And they are sending their best.
10% for the Big Guy!