He’s far from operating within acceptable parameters that would be tolerated in the US (bribery, killing people, kickback schemes). Which is almost accepted as “normal” for politicians in Russia.
Oh wait Joe Biden and Clinton’s do that, never mind. Scratch that last thought.
Please, take some time and educate us all on the moral high ground of the US government - and how there is no
(1) bribery/blackmail: good Lord
Son - the handlers have blackmail usually B4 they ever support a campaign. If not, soon after they take the bribes which then become blackmail. It’s the DC way!
(2) killing people (lol see anything Clinton or Pappy Bush related). They are fucking killers and everyone knows it.
(3) kickbacks (see anything Biden related. It’s all over but he has just been the obvious and left evidence trails everywhere)
You really haven’t a fucking clue as to who and what your ‘higher than thou’ US govt really is do you? Delete
Your comment henceforth as you are spreading fake news. I really wish it wasn’t the case but your sacred US govt has been the most evil and corrupting force on this planet for many many decades - not even a close 2nd.
Putin is a very stoic individual, but he’s absolutely woke to the globalist deep state efforts to control the world and subvert his people of Russia.
That’s why they’ve demonized him and Russia over the last few years since Trump’s election, because Russia is a rouge nation towards their ends, and if Trump is successful in freeing the US, than they’re completely fucked.
Winner winner winner! Do the Rothschilds own his ass? No. What happens to govt leaders that do not follow Rothschild protocols? See Ghadaffi and Saddam Hussein.
Obama was setting up for a US invasion of Russia with HRC to take over right before Trump messed up those plans and won in 2016. Remember Obama moving all the Tripp’s in along the borders? Trump de-escalated that crap fast.
I took a course on Russian cultural history in college. Their history is very different than ours. We tend to look at today's Russia still as the fall of the Czars and the Soviet Union only, but Russia has a deep history. Tough people.
I'm Eastern Orthodox & I agree with this.
Our church hasn't given into any PC garbage.
I agree; as much as it's possible to "get a vibe / feeling" on someone you've never met; I've never gotten a bad vibe from Putin. To the contrary; he seems pretty based, bad ass & like someone else said; like he's just trying to do the best for HIS people and HIS country, which is what every country should do; act in THEIR OWN best interests.
I swear I just read an article from NBC (yeah, I know) reporting that KJU declared America as an adversary regardless of regime. When I first saw it, I assumed KJU was referring to a Biden regime because of Biden's unwillingness to conduct diplomacy with NK, but the article went on to clarify that it was regardless of regime. Idk if its true or what, but worried NK might not be on our side. Promise im not a doomer shill, just mentioning something I read yesterday
NK is a distraction tactic. Trump and Kim met, multiple times--as friends. Trump was the first president with the balls to walk across the DMZ and into NK. He would not have taken such an unnecessary risk unless it wasn't really a risk at all.
Kim dead was just a rumor for a short period of time, he's been seen many times since, a main one was him giving a speech to his citizen saying roughly
Anybody who says “I USED to follow Q but now I know it’s bullshit” is most likely a shill meant to demoralize. I’ve ran into a couple on .win, with band new handshake accounts with lots and lots of posting activity in a short timespan
You can say that, but there are Q proofs that still have to be explained. Q and Trump tweeting at the same time 30 plus times is beyond random chance. The Q Christmas video as well. If it's a LARP, it has the blessing of very high profile people like General Flynn. Pain incoming does not specify anything. You just assumed it meanstarrests, or something public and in the news.
I guess Epstein didn't happen in your reality. Nobody said this was going to be easy. You think deep state is just going to bend over and let themselves get fucked in the ass? There's a war going on in case you haven't noticed. Both sides are landing strikes back and forth at each other.
As I like to say, if something hasn't happened, it will never happen. And all things must occur on my timeline, since I have perfect, inside knowledge. Impatience is a virtue.
It wasn't necessarily a piece of evidence, so much as the consistent efforts to harass, demoralize, and attempt to silence Q researchers. Reddit was quick to ban thegreatawakening subreddit. QRV got endlessly dogpiled by shills, forum-sliding attempts, and ddos attacks on voat. 8kun was similarly infiltrated. It was what, ultimately, made me start paying closer attention.
if Q is just a larp, and the people digging into it are just a group of fringe conspiracy wackjobs huffing on the Hopium pipe, then it makes absolutely no sense that they'd invest so much time and effort chasing q followers around the internet trying to push them off of every platform they settle on.
Check the post/comment history's of some of these very aggressive anti Q posts. For some of them Ive found attacking Q is all they do, all day. Anyone who thinks Q is bullshit isn't going to devote every waking hour to attacking it.
When reddit & twitter banned pizzagate, that was the moment my ears perked up...then I saw the media behaving the same way towards Trump as they did towards Pizzagate, and I was suddenly all aboard the Trump Train.
I do. And I remember as soon as people started putting the pieces together about pizzagate on its subreddit, the MSM came out in full force chanting "false" "debunked" "conspiracy" which, frankly, startled me. It was such a small thing at the time, contained pretty much to 4chan and reddit. Yet they were so eager to get out ahead of it and discredit it, the morons drew a lot of attention to it in the process and had to fall back on re-spinning the story into "CRAZY PEOPLE ON THE INTERNET THINK HILLARY CLINTON IS RUNNING A PEDO RING IN A PIZZA PARLOR'S BASEMENT GAIZ"
can there be anything more jarring than ruthlessly attacking a man whose campaign slogan is "Make America Great Again"? this is what did it for me early on in his presidency. Same thing with Q countless articles and mainstream media attacks, coordinated just some for some conspiracy BS? It's why Q always asked "all for a LARP"? It doesn't make any sense.
Just for fun I looked up some Q debunks, I have yet to see the left produce a single debunking video as high quality as Ultimate Q proofs. Mostly just retard journalists reading scripts.
I think it's literally because the left can only convince people who are unable to become autists/were never autists. I recently read my wife that post that was posted here a few days ago where the OP talked about how we were chosen because of our empathy and intuition. Then the same day and two days later we tried talking to a friend and family member about it. They nearly said the same exact thing, "I don't need to see any of it because I know it's fake." Our brains are literally different.
I'm not sure about intuition or IQ but I definitely agree with the empathy part. I'm pretty sure I don't have above average IQ. But I can definitely see myself on the empathy part. Something about the herd mentality I guess. I noticed that whenever I'm at a party or social gathering, instead of joining the biggest groups I always pay attention to the room. I try to notice the person being ignored the most or are getting the least attention and I try to talk to them to make sure they don't get left out.
Maybe that's why we're so good at spotting patterns. We're more likely to minor details to minor things that herd mentality people just don't bother to pay attention about.
Seriously it’s gotta be something like that. What I think it is too is we don’t deal in absolutes. I have been working with computers for nearly 12 years now and after so much time I realized that nothing is 100%. I have setup 2 exact replicas of computers, same components, same OS, and both would have an error different that the other.
So I think it’s just a natural attraction to skepticism. The herd mentality doesn’t have that so they take everything at face value.
Delta proofs are reported within minutes by anons. If you were following Q and were following President Trump on twitter, you could verify the delta proofs for yourself.
gonna give you the benefit of the doubt that you are new despite your usage of "Qtards"
So as long as he's not the target of the Q operation he has nothing to lose by not talking about it
That's just it. If it was completely out of his control, there would be no way for him to know if whoever is posting as Q will back stab him at the most opportune moment (see Pence). He could have disavowed in 2 minutes with a tweet. He never did.
Q also predicted No Name's death to the exact minute.
Q said No Name would be back in the news in 30 days. 30 days later (to the exact minute), No Name's death was announced.
That tells us two things. Firstly, Q has access to high level intel. Secondly, No Name didn't die of natural causes. There's only one explanation for how you can know the exact timing of someone's death in advance...
Q is definitely not some random kid in his mother's basement shitposting for the lulz. I am certain that some of the information posted is false. Whether the general picture being painted is true remains to be seen.
This. I'd like to add Qs knowledge of how things work in our government, the people within it, its laws and military. Iv learned more about civics these 4 years from Q than I have my entire life combined. (And I have always been really really into politics)
No way it's "some guy in his basment" Hed have to be some sort of political scientist at the very least, just on that alone.
Yes, I think people who followed FBI anon had previous experience of an insider exposing truths, and that made them more curious of Q. That curiosity led them to investigate for themselves, which made it harder for the establishment media to mislead them.
One example, is that FBI anon revealed the pizzagate code words in Hillary's staff's emails months before the Podesta emails were leaked.
My own BS meter. I seem to know when I'm being lied to. Even when it seemed like false narrative, I took it in stride because it was necessary. The bad guys were following too.
If you are just starting it is overwhelming. this has been ongoing since 2017 and we are almost at the end. Lots to learn. You will be amazed at how much horror goes on in this world.
Personally, it called to me. I wrote it off for years but here recently I've had a massive set of synchronicities that were undeniable. I live my life trusting my instincts...that was the proof I needed.
General Flynn video and swearing the Q oath - combined with the fact that many of the Q theorists were posting absolute bullshit that had nothing to do with Q drops. (Even seen on this subs “banned links” page - including bullshit psychics as proof and all that. I realised when the fake propaganda people were making up stories that were not what Q actually believes it was in essence what the media was reporting on, and making out Q movement as crazy.
Turns out - people make shit up all day - and none of that correlates with the actual Q drops.
So in summary - the ridiculing of Q by main stream media - was based psyops as well as crazies taking their theories too far in all directions.
The Q posts themselves never ever made some of these crazy claims - including JFK jr.
As such - with legitimate players backing the Q movement - like general Flyn - trump and others with signaling - and being able to identify many of the crazies - and yes unfortunately many lurk here...
I came to believe that Q details is more likely happening than not.. and that all the white noise is just from people who can’t properly disseminate information, or intentionally trying to make money making stories.
When you pull out all the bullshit and white noise however - there is still Intel drops that are a lot simpler to what people here claim - and reasonable in nature.
Honestly speaking - the truth is a lot more simple than people make out. There were people who commited treason - falsified election - there is even evidence of pedophilia in pictures like hunter Biden and some other connections to islands.
Don’t confuse the bullshit with the truth. And don’t buy bullshit like psychics telling you “facts”.
There is absolutely something to Q, and there is no changing my mind about it at this point.
Definitely - and even if there wasn’t - stories and faith in the story also becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.
The only thing that is a bit of a doubt in my mind however is paralyzing people into inaction because they have “faith in a plan” that is meant to play itself out. And if it doesn’t - people will be stuck in a hard place.
That said - there are people of action and position in military who have taken up the mantle.
And yes the zero Deltas also add some believable propositions.
In any case - when Constantine the great had a dream - and the vision told him “en touto Mika” and placed the cross on shield before he was even Christian.. he believed in a movement... was he the genesis of the prophecy? Or did he get a message from god? Or did he simply use it to embolden and create faith for the resistance?
It’s not so important to answer - because the end result is the same.
This. Really early on the board owner asked for confirmation via a POTUS tweet using a certain word and it arrived the next day. Having trouble finding it now
The ultimate Q proof video. Someone posted on TD.W. I wasn't anti-Q but I hadn't looked too much into it. The first few minutes of that video comes across as kind of silly, but I'm glad I stuck it out. About halfway through that video I was grinning ear to ear because I knew it was true. The delta proofs really sealed it, that was just undeniable.
When posting on 4chan/8chan/8kun, you can post anonymously or pick a password to reuse the same handle and post multiple times.
That password is a one-way hash to a "tripcode". So Q has a very secure password, something like, "!!WWGWGA" that when hashed becomes !!Hs1Jq13jV6
Unless you know the password, no one else can post as !!Hs1Jq13jV6 (Q)
The dubs, trips, are the digits of the post id/num. There is a superstition to pay attention to posts with repeating digits on the end (e.g. 777, 000, etc)
It was what cemented my belief something 'otherly' was going on - that and the Kim Clement prohecies and Trey Smith Cyrus documentary and I was certain he would win. So I was inclined to think he must have a 'team' behind him and a Plan (aka Q)
Oh and it isn't just Kim Clement and Mark Taylor who are adamant about a 2nd Term, but the digits also keep confirming when anyone asks. LOL it's trippy!
He doesn't get the same numbers. The one on the left is his tripcode and remains the same until he changes it. The next string of numbers is the poster ID - that will stay the same on each thread - ie it only changes when a new thread starts.
The post number is the final one in blue and is a link to the original post on the research board at 8kun. That changes with each post.
Single piece, I don't recall... It's not a single piece, it's the fact that Q predicted the general trend of things before it could be observed as a trend.
When I read of a biblical Q source, and the click with the Bible, this really convinced me. I was an atheist for most of my time, and Q is what brought me to the Bible and to the Christian faith. Now that I have that faith, and I knew I got there in part due to Q, I am quite certain of his veracity, truthfulness.
the media, politicians, and someone I know that is a member of the Bohemian club in SF. He use to rant about Qanons. It made me think that there had to be something to all this. Otherwise, why the venom??? was very unusual.
I was curious when I started to hear of the movement. I became focused once the condemnation started in earnest in the media.
The venom is a giveaway. It's like, if it is a LARP, a cult, etc., why the hell are you so mad about it? How does that affect your life? You never saw anyone running around frothing at the mouth about 'those damn Heavens Gaters!'
I came somewhat late - this past Easter, so a lot was already there but what helped solidify it was I read Sidney Powell's book, Licensed to Lie. That book was published in 2014 and describes events related to Enron, but the tactics used against her client were the same as those that were being used against General Flynn and by the same bad actors. It lined everything up for me.
ALSO, when the MSM scumbags attack something with this much fervor, it is an existential threat to them.
They are HAMMERING away at Q. Just this last weekend, that scum bag pedophile Rubio called us 'retards'. POTUS should reward us with letting us deal with that fucking traitor ourselves.
Isn't it funny, the MSM's over zealous hate for a particular topic/subject makes me just want to dive deeper into the matter and gets my suspicions flaring up.
The photos from inside AF1 when it was flying over North Korea was another proof. Anons confirmed the location of the photos to within +/- 9 minutes of the flight path of AF1.
When Q ripped a photo from Creepy Porn Lawyer's phone, that was another proof. Creepy Porn Lawyer posted the same photo to his twitter account a week later confirming that the Q team obviously have access to powerful tools if they can rip photos from phones.
One of the biggest clues is the way the establishment media have attacked Q. That should be the biggest eye opener for President Trump supporters.
And when president Trump was asked about Q, he said (I'm paraphrasing), "They want to expose pedophiles, Like, that's a bad thing?"
So President Trump defends Q while the establishment media tell us Q is bad. That's the ultimate proof you need that Q is on the side of the good guys.
An anon asked Q to get President Trump to say 'tippy top' in his State of the Union address. President Trump didn't say it in his State of the Union address, but he did say 'tippy top' a few days later in another speech.
Whatever you think of Q, that was a strong indication that President Trump has people monitoring /pol/.
Not a piece of evidence. But outside the Whitehouse , I made some claims that a guy who was into Q was impressed with. Fake nashville rv bombing, Harrison Deal blackmail, and pedo networks run with blackmail. He then asked if I was into Q, I said no. But he told me I was on the right track and he was glad people are figuring out the truth. We also discussed the odds of a mass redpill(great awakening).
After the dooming post 1/6. I started looking into it, because why not. And the "Ultimate QProofs" video really sealed it for me.
Pictures from inside AF1 while flying over North Korea, back when everybody thought NK would want to go to war with US.
It does feel kinda weird that NK is sort of.. on our side. But hey, it's a good thing.
Years of MSM brainwashing will do that for ya. I was the same way too. Putin and Kim are the biggest boogeymen the MSM loves to use.
I think Putin is a version of Trump for Russia. He just wants to do the best by his people.
I've always found it funny how Putin is demonized. It never made sense.
He’s far from operating within acceptable parameters that would be tolerated in the US (bribery, killing people, kickback schemes). Which is almost accepted as “normal” for politicians in Russia.
Oh wait Joe Biden and Clinton’s do that, never mind. Scratch that last thought.
We are RUsSiA now.
Rotflmao!! You are so brainwashed!
Please, take some time and educate us all on the moral high ground of the US government - and how there is no
(1) bribery/blackmail: good Lord Son - the handlers have blackmail usually B4 they ever support a campaign. If not, soon after they take the bribes which then become blackmail. It’s the DC way!
(2) killing people (lol see anything Clinton or Pappy Bush related). They are fucking killers and everyone knows it.
(3) kickbacks (see anything Biden related. It’s all over but he has just been the obvious and left evidence trails everywhere)
You really haven’t a fucking clue as to who and what your ‘higher than thou’ US govt really is do you? Delete Your comment henceforth as you are spreading fake news. I really wish it wasn’t the case but your sacred US govt has been the most evil and corrupting force on this planet for many many decades - not even a close 2nd.
I've often wondered if Putin disrupted the globalization efforts in Russia, so globalists often make him a prime target/scape goat.
Putin is a very stoic individual, but he’s absolutely woke to the globalist deep state efforts to control the world and subvert his people of Russia.
That’s why they’ve demonized him and Russia over the last few years since Trump’s election, because Russia is a rouge nation towards their ends, and if Trump is successful in freeing the US, than they’re completely fucked.
Winner winner winner! Do the Rothschilds own his ass? No. What happens to govt leaders that do not follow Rothschild protocols? See Ghadaffi and Saddam Hussein.
Obama was setting up for a US invasion of Russia with HRC to take over right before Trump messed up those plans and won in 2016. Remember Obama moving all the Tripp’s in along the borders? Trump de-escalated that crap fast.
I took a course on Russian cultural history in college. Their history is very different than ours. We tend to look at today's Russia still as the fall of the Czars and the Soviet Union only, but Russia has a deep history. Tough people.
East Orthodox teachings are still based and haven't been compromised like the Vatican are.
I'm Eastern Orthodox & I agree with this. Our church hasn't given into any PC garbage.
I agree; as much as it's possible to "get a vibe / feeling" on someone you've never met; I've never gotten a bad vibe from Putin. To the contrary; he seems pretty based, bad ass & like someone else said; like he's just trying to do the best for HIS people and HIS country, which is what every country should do; act in THEIR OWN best interests.
Eh, some have. Both Churches have their based areas and not so based areas.
like all powerful men he wants more power and wants glory for his country. which means he will act in a rational predictable manner
Motherland is big there. Ww2 is the great patriotic war, and they won. They call whites caucuses. Interesting.
Exactly... the main difference is that Putin wasn't able to do anything until the oligarchs had nearly destroyed the country.
The US is lucky Trump got going before the cabal completely took control.
Here is an interesting thing... Russia has apparently been reducing the role of any outside central bank for years...
While China is the biggest problem since the 80's
bruh just look at kim jong un he's so fkn cute there's no way this little rocket man is evil like his father
I swear I just read an article from NBC (yeah, I know) reporting that KJU declared America as an adversary regardless of regime. When I first saw it, I assumed KJU was referring to a Biden regime because of Biden's unwillingness to conduct diplomacy with NK, but the article went on to clarify that it was regardless of regime. Idk if its true or what, but worried NK might not be on our side. Promise im not a doomer shill, just mentioning something I read yesterday
NK is a distraction tactic. Trump and Kim met, multiple times--as friends. Trump was the first president with the balls to walk across the DMZ and into NK. He would not have taken such an unnecessary risk unless it wasn't really a risk at all.
Nah kim is alive and well. Most of his "threats" were fabrications of our media.
Kim dead was just a rumor for a short period of time, he's been seen many times since, a main one was him giving a speech to his citizen saying roughly
"Thank you to everyone for doing such a great job in response to covid, i'm sorry i have let you down as a leader in the past but i'm trying to do better" (he was crying while giving this speech) https://www.theguardian.com/world/video/2020/oct/12/kim-jong-un-cries-during-speech-north-korea-military-parade-video sad i couldn't find the full speech just a chopped msm version :(
MSM have been trying to get America into any kind of war possible from the first day of GEOTUS's first election victory.
I never, ever, believe anything from a major news outlet anymore.
Go with the logic of opposites with MSM
Literally this. MSM can't even get weather reports right.
On any other issue; literally assume the opposite of what they say, is the truth.
99.8% of the time you will be right.
They did the EXACT (and I do mean the EXACT) same thing in the weeks just before Q started posting.
It is DS doing it, not Kim. "Sources say" you know.
If Biden were to get in, they would push for war with NK or someone else.
That's just one reason why Biden won't get in.
They were China’s proxy army. POTUS “cut the strings” - a prediction/proof of Q
https://youtu.be/3hybkzCWb_w Town hall refuses to condemn "qanon"
With a wink and a nod, I don't know anything but I hear they are against pedophilia.
I spent 1984 on the DMZ. Watching POTUS walk across that line was a MIRACLE!
This and the prediction of peace with NK when nobody expected it.
Anybody who says “I USED to follow Q but now I know it’s bullshit” is most likely a shill meant to demoralize. I’ve ran into a couple on .win, with band new handshake accounts with lots and lots of posting activity in a short timespan
"Oh you used be a Q follower? Name every Q drop." Usually does the trick for me.
It's interesting that all these different niche groups are surging back around the same time. Flat Earthers, anti-vaxxers, etc.
You can say that, but there are Q proofs that still have to be explained. Q and Trump tweeting at the same time 30 plus times is beyond random chance. The Q Christmas video as well. If it's a LARP, it has the blessing of very high profile people like General Flynn. Pain incoming does not specify anything. You just assumed it meanstarrests, or something public and in the news.
You gave up because your own interpretation of what Q is saying was wrong? So the entirety of Q is BS?
I guess Epstein didn't happen in your reality. Nobody said this was going to be easy. You think deep state is just going to bend over and let themselves get fucked in the ass? There's a war going on in case you haven't noticed. Both sides are landing strikes back and forth at each other.
As I like to say, if something hasn't happened, it will never happen. And all things must occur on my timeline, since I have perfect, inside knowledge. Impatience is a virtue.
It wasn't necessarily a piece of evidence, so much as the consistent efforts to harass, demoralize, and attempt to silence Q researchers. Reddit was quick to ban thegreatawakening subreddit. QRV got endlessly dogpiled by shills, forum-sliding attempts, and ddos attacks on voat. 8kun was similarly infiltrated. It was what, ultimately, made me start paying closer attention.
if Q is just a larp, and the people digging into it are just a group of fringe conspiracy wackjobs huffing on the Hopium pipe, then it makes absolutely no sense that they'd invest so much time and effort chasing q followers around the internet trying to push them off of every platform they settle on.
Check the post/comment history's of some of these very aggressive anti Q posts. For some of them Ive found attacking Q is all they do, all day. Anyone who thinks Q is bullshit isn't going to devote every waking hour to attacking it.
The same thing was done about pizza gate. That means it's true. In remember when Epstein Island was a crazy conspiracy theory?
When reddit & twitter banned pizzagate, that was the moment my ears perked up...then I saw the media behaving the same way towards Trump as they did towards Pizzagate, and I was suddenly all aboard the Trump Train.
I do. And I remember as soon as people started putting the pieces together about pizzagate on its subreddit, the MSM came out in full force chanting "false" "debunked" "conspiracy" which, frankly, startled me. It was such a small thing at the time, contained pretty much to 4chan and reddit. Yet they were so eager to get out ahead of it and discredit it, the morons drew a lot of attention to it in the process and had to fall back on re-spinning the story into "CRAZY PEOPLE ON THE INTERNET THINK HILLARY CLINTON IS RUNNING A PEDO RING IN A PIZZA PARLOR'S BASEMENT GAIZ"
For fucks sake; "conspiracy theories" about 9/11 don't even fucking get censored & attacked like Q does.
Really tells you something.
only real OGs remember CBTS_Stream
Exactly the same reason I got on the Trump Train, when I saw how desperately the media was trying to discredit him.
can there be anything more jarring than ruthlessly attacking a man whose campaign slogan is "Make America Great Again"? this is what did it for me early on in his presidency. Same thing with Q countless articles and mainstream media attacks, coordinated just some for some conspiracy BS? It's why Q always asked "all for a LARP"? It doesn't make any sense.
Tip top! Tippy top?
This was it for me too.
This was it for me! Saw it happen live...was so shocked
Start with this, he explains it way better than any of us can with a single comment: https://www.bitchute.com/video/4cQc9X9l0a5Y/
Just for fun I looked up some Q debunks, I have yet to see the left produce a single debunking video as high quality as Ultimate Q proofs. Mostly just retard journalists reading scripts.
The left can't weaponize autism.
Critical thinking is outlawed on the left
I think it's literally because the left can only convince people who are unable to become autists/were never autists. I recently read my wife that post that was posted here a few days ago where the OP talked about how we were chosen because of our empathy and intuition. Then the same day and two days later we tried talking to a friend and family member about it. They nearly said the same exact thing, "I don't need to see any of it because I know it's fake." Our brains are literally different.
I'm not sure about intuition or IQ but I definitely agree with the empathy part. I'm pretty sure I don't have above average IQ. But I can definitely see myself on the empathy part. Something about the herd mentality I guess. I noticed that whenever I'm at a party or social gathering, instead of joining the biggest groups I always pay attention to the room. I try to notice the person being ignored the most or are getting the least attention and I try to talk to them to make sure they don't get left out.
I completely understand that. I am like that way too.
Maybe that's why we're so good at spotting patterns. We're more likely to minor details to minor things that herd mentality people just don't bother to pay attention about.
Seriously it’s gotta be something like that. What I think it is too is we don’t deal in absolutes. I have been working with computers for nearly 12 years now and after so much time I realized that nothing is 100%. I have setup 2 exact replicas of computers, same components, same OS, and both would have an error different that the other.
So I think it’s just a natural attraction to skepticism. The herd mentality doesn’t have that so they take everything at face value.
How do you know 8kun wasn't making db changes to match the Trump timestamps?
You ever been to 8kun?
You obviously have not.
Go check it out.
Delta proofs are reported within minutes by anons. If you were following Q and were following President Trump on twitter, you could verify the delta proofs for yourself.
timestamp of deltas?
Yo that motorcade van actually honked Morse code for the letter Q.
This is a fantastic video.
gonna give you the benefit of the doubt that you are new despite your usage of "Qtards"
That's just it. If it was completely out of his control, there would be no way for him to know if whoever is posting as Q will back stab him at the most opportune moment (see Pence). He could have disavowed in 2 minutes with a tweet. He never did.
A couple more good ones:
Q called Paul Ryan quitting the day before he announced.
Q also called NoName stepping down a short time before he did.
Q also predicted No Name's death to the exact minute.
Q said No Name would be back in the news in 30 days. 30 days later (to the exact minute), No Name's death was announced.
That tells us two things. Firstly, Q has access to high level intel. Secondly, No Name didn't die of natural causes. There's only one explanation for how you can know the exact timing of someone's death in advance...
I knew then as well — it was a really obscure time like 5:27 or something like that
Yep, crazy! Did you see the video of John kasich clearly saying that "McCain was put to death"??
RBG Marathon coincidence https://files.catbox.moe/ooykn2.gif
I’ve been getting into Q for a month now (check my post history)—who is NoName?
Songbird McCain. He's a traitor, so patriots don't say his name (except for explanatory purposes!). That's why he gets called No Name.
And his father was a war hero, he doesn't deserve to carry the name
John mccain
Q is definitely not some random kid in his mother's basement shitposting for the lulz. I am certain that some of the information posted is false. Whether the general picture being painted is true remains to be seen.
This. I'd like to add Qs knowledge of how things work in our government, the people within it, its laws and military. Iv learned more about civics these 4 years from Q than I have my entire life combined. (And I have always been really really into politics)
No way it's "some guy in his basment" Hed have to be some sort of political scientist at the very least, just on that alone.
Was Hilary Clinton ever arrested?
Yes, I think people who followed FBI anon had previous experience of an insider exposing truths, and that made them more curious of Q. That curiosity led them to investigate for themselves, which made it harder for the establishment media to mislead them.
One example, is that FBI anon revealed the pizzagate code words in Hillary's staff's emails months before the Podesta emails were leaked.
Yes and Q started posting shortly after the Vegas shooting when we were all digging for the truth on that still mysterious incident
I was onboard with FBIAnon before finding Q.
My own BS meter. I seem to know when I'm being lied to. Even when it seemed like false narrative, I took it in stride because it was necessary. The bad guys were following too.
If you are just starting it is overwhelming. this has been ongoing since 2017 and we are almost at the end. Lots to learn. You will be amazed at how much horror goes on in this world.
One man's name: Scott Free.
ELI5 to a newbie?
First 11 minutes.
That was it for me
Who is he? I can’t find anything.
The left works too hard to demonize it for it to be a larp.
Personally, it called to me. I wrote it off for years but here recently I've had a massive set of synchronicities that were undeniable. I live my life trusting my instincts...that was the proof I needed.
General Flynn video and swearing the Q oath - combined with the fact that many of the Q theorists were posting absolute bullshit that had nothing to do with Q drops. (Even seen on this subs “banned links” page - including bullshit psychics as proof and all that. I realised when the fake propaganda people were making up stories that were not what Q actually believes it was in essence what the media was reporting on, and making out Q movement as crazy.
Turns out - people make shit up all day - and none of that correlates with the actual Q drops.
So in summary - the ridiculing of Q by main stream media - was based psyops as well as crazies taking their theories too far in all directions.
The Q posts themselves never ever made some of these crazy claims - including JFK jr.
As such - with legitimate players backing the Q movement - like general Flyn - trump and others with signaling - and being able to identify many of the crazies - and yes unfortunately many lurk here...
I came to believe that Q details is more likely happening than not.. and that all the white noise is just from people who can’t properly disseminate information, or intentionally trying to make money making stories.
When you pull out all the bullshit and white noise however - there is still Intel drops that are a lot simpler to what people here claim - and reasonable in nature.
Honestly speaking - the truth is a lot more simple than people make out. There were people who commited treason - falsified election - there is even evidence of pedophilia in pictures like hunter Biden and some other connections to islands.
Don’t confuse the bullshit with the truth. And don’t buy bullshit like psychics telling you “facts”.
It’s not just media though. I find the psychic shit all over this sub too. Look at my comment history.
You find me arguing with someone defending the craziest damn video I ever watched..
Definitely - and even if there wasn’t - stories and faith in the story also becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.
The only thing that is a bit of a doubt in my mind however is paralyzing people into inaction because they have “faith in a plan” that is meant to play itself out. And if it doesn’t - people will be stuck in a hard place.
That said - there are people of action and position in military who have taken up the mantle.
And yes the zero Deltas also add some believable propositions.
In any case - when Constantine the great had a dream - and the vision told him “en touto Mika” and placed the cross on shield before he was even Christian.. he believed in a movement... was he the genesis of the prophecy? Or did he get a message from god? Or did he simply use it to embolden and create faith for the resistance?
It’s not so important to answer - because the end result is the same.
Coordinated tweeting with the President of the United States.
This. Really early on the board owner asked for confirmation via a POTUS tweet using a certain word and it arrived the next day. Having trouble finding it now
Tippy Tap?
It was asking POTUS to say "tippy-top," a word that's not very common so that it could be a signal, but not so uncommon as to look out of place.
I also appreciate the humor of Q team. That is also a form of proof to me.
Recent convert here. The Potus love of Qucumbers!
That totally wemt over my head thanks
That morse code honk of the letter 'Q' was pretty blatant, secret service honking is a big no no unless ordered by trump.
I love that
i'll pull it up for you 1 min :)
rewind a little for full explination
Basically. Patriots held up a “Honk for Q” sign and SS honked “Q” in Morse code
Um the NSA posting on Twitter with a dude holding a Q mug Also lots more check link
The ultimate Q proof video. Someone posted on TD.W. I wasn't anti-Q but I hadn't looked too much into it. The first few minutes of that video comes across as kind of silly, but I'm glad I stuck it out. About halfway through that video I was grinning ear to ear because I knew it was true. The delta proofs really sealed it, that was just undeniable.
He has a tripcode that identifies all his posts
When posting on 4chan/8chan/8kun, you can post anonymously or pick a password to reuse the same handle and post multiple times.
That password is a one-way hash to a "tripcode". So Q has a very secure password, something like, "!!WWGWGA" that when hashed becomes !!Hs1Jq13jV6
Unless you know the password, no one else can post as !!Hs1Jq13jV6 (Q)
The dubs, trips, are the digits of the post id/num. There is a superstition to pay attention to posts with repeating digits on the end (e.g. 777, 000, etc)
Yes and yes! That's why they get so excited when they come up.
Ya ever see this https://pepethefrogfaith.wordpress.com/ that gives a good explanation of it all. I was on there when it happened and it was wild!
It was what cemented my belief something 'otherly' was going on - that and the Kim Clement prohecies and Trey Smith Cyrus documentary and I was certain he would win. So I was inclined to think he must have a 'team' behind him and a Plan (aka Q)
Oh and it isn't just Kim Clement and Mark Taylor who are adamant about a 2nd Term, but the digits also keep confirming when anyone asks. LOL it's trippy!
He doesn't get the same numbers. The one on the left is his tripcode and remains the same until he changes it. The next string of numbers is the poster ID - that will stay the same on each thread - ie it only changes when a new thread starts.
The post number is the final one in blue and is a link to the original post on the research board at 8kun. That changes with each post.
Single piece, I don't recall... It's not a single piece, it's the fact that Q predicted the general trend of things before it could be observed as a trend.
When I read of a biblical Q source, and the click with the Bible, this really convinced me. I was an atheist for most of my time, and Q is what brought me to the Bible and to the Christian faith. Now that I have that faith, and I knew I got there in part due to Q, I am quite certain of his veracity, truthfulness.
The 4.10.20 sign off did it for me.
Q saying no-name would be "in the news", with a photo of his hands up and eyes closed. One month later, to the exact minute, he was pronounced dead.
Also the "national dog day" and "every dog has its day" that went along with it.
I've seen this posted a couple times but haven't been able to find the sauce on it. Who is No-name and what's the story?
Date of that post Jul 25, 2018 7:28:35 PM EDT
7:28 was Eastern time, subtract 3 hours for Arizona time.
Thank you. I figured No-name had to be that piece of shit scum bag McCain but I didn't know that backstory
I'm not convinced but I'm also not convinced that it is a larp. I'm trying to keep an open mind to it and I love to read about it.
the media, politicians, and someone I know that is a member of the Bohemian club in SF. He use to rant about Qanons. It made me think that there had to be something to all this. Otherwise, why the venom??? was very unusual.
I was curious when I started to hear of the movement. I became focused once the condemnation started in earnest in the media.
The venom is a giveaway. It's like, if it is a LARP, a cult, etc., why the hell are you so mad about it? How does that affect your life? You never saw anyone running around frothing at the mouth about 'those damn Heavens Gaters!'
I came somewhat late - this past Easter, so a lot was already there but what helped solidify it was I read Sidney Powell's book, Licensed to Lie. That book was published in 2014 and describes events related to Enron, but the tactics used against her client were the same as those that were being used against General Flynn and by the same bad actors. It lined everything up for me.
Tippy -Top. That was my 'piss my pants' moment.
ALSO, when the MSM scumbags attack something with this much fervor, it is an existential threat to them.
They are HAMMERING away at Q. Just this last weekend, that scum bag pedophile Rubio called us 'retards'. POTUS should reward us with letting us deal with that fucking traitor ourselves.
What was "Tippy - Top?"
Isn't it funny, the MSM's over zealous hate for a particular topic/subject makes me just want to dive deeper into the matter and gets my suspicions flaring up.
The photos of inside airforce one looking out the window.
Q said John Perry Barlow's life was in danger now that he was no use to the Deep State. Ten days later John Perry Barlow was dead.
And also predicting No Name's death to the exact minute.
Q said No Name would be back in the news in 30 days. 30 days later (to the exact minute), No Name's death was announced.
The photos from inside AF1 when it was flying over North Korea was another proof. Anons confirmed the location of the photos to within +/- 9 minutes of the flight path of AF1.
When Q ripped a photo from Creepy Porn Lawyer's phone, that was another proof. Creepy Porn Lawyer posted the same photo to his twitter account a week later confirming that the Q team obviously have access to powerful tools if they can rip photos from phones.
One of the biggest clues is the way the establishment media have attacked Q. That should be the biggest eye opener for President Trump supporters.
And when president Trump was asked about Q, he said (I'm paraphrasing), "They want to expose pedophiles, Like, that's a bad thing?"
So President Trump defends Q while the establishment media tell us Q is bad. That's the ultimate proof you need that Q is on the side of the good guys.
An anon asked Q to get President Trump to say 'tippy top' in his State of the Union address. President Trump didn't say it in his State of the Union address, but he did say 'tippy top' a few days later in another speech.
Whatever you think of Q, that was a strong indication that President Trump has people monitoring /pol/.
President Trump doing a Q symbol with his finger in the air multiple times at his rallies was another clue.
Q shone the spotlight on Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell months before they were arrested.
Ditto for NXIVM.
How facts were presented. How the future was known. The respect for others. Q's track record. Q's Humbleness; considering the knowledge the Style
RBG Proof https://files.catbox.moe/ooykn2.gif McCain proof.
I bet Bush Sr has a proof too
Not a piece of evidence. But outside the Whitehouse , I made some claims that a guy who was into Q was impressed with. Fake nashville rv bombing, Harrison Deal blackmail, and pedo networks run with blackmail. He then asked if I was into Q, I said no. But he told me I was on the right track and he was glad people are figuring out the truth. We also discussed the odds of a mass redpill(great awakening).
After the dooming post 1/6. I started looking into it, because why not. And the "Ultimate QProofs" video really sealed it for me.
January 6th