As far as I'm aware, any AF plane carrying POTUS can have the callsign AF1.
It's not restricted to any one plane.
One interesting point to note was that when uncle Joe flew to Delaware, that plane did not squawk as AF1.
Do you also not find it interesting that after many people pointed out the fact that he had not yet flown AF1, that they make a drama and a point of this?
For that short trip he could easily have flown in Marine 1, it would have been quicker than flying to Andrews first.
I was thinking the same thing! Every time we make any sort of comment that Biden isn’t doing this or that.. all of sudden, they toss out some massive story .. just like the Oval Office tour and following discussion.. it’s so phony.. why does he neeed to take a massive jet to fly to Delaware? Mr Green New Deal... just burning through that fossil fuel.
It means WE are controlling the narrative. The MSM grip is weakening. It is a victory for Q. One reason I think they have stepped up attacks against Q.
As an outside observer, I would be careful with lines of logic like this. While on the surface it may make sense, when viewed as if/then statements, they create paradoxical logic failures.
"If Biden does not have access to Air Force One, then he is not President."
"If Biden is shown accessing Air Force One, then it is a fake production and he is not President."
You need to find evidence that the event is fake. Not merely state it is because it disproves the first if/then statement.
Any other thought format creates a confirmation bias, and an inescapable logical fallacy.
Currently, the belief is that Biden did not have access to Air Force One. Recently he used it. They showed him using it because all Presidents are shown leaving and arriving on Air Force One. It is the common action when the President departs.
Disprove it was actually Air Force One, do not get trapped in the idea that presentation of proof is proof of the lie.
Even video proof doesn't matter anymore show them a video of somebody stealing the election in the FBI I'll tell you that you can't really say what's in the video because it ended too early or started too late
Afaik there is a new AF1 in production but not in service but the difference between those two planes is obvious and it’s not out of the realm of possibility that some idiots with more money than sense paid to have a domestic plane wrapped as af1 because the sheep are all idiots and won’t know the difference and their presstitute media won’t ask any questions. I’d be interested to hear a plane fag opinion on the differences between the two types of plane because the bottom one is way smaller than AF1 and I don’t think the new one is finished yet
I totally dig this idea!!! Or just something completely irrelevant, although now that we are talking about saying it, all the creepers that "don't believe" in Q yet constantly check in and love to denounce it daily on the media, will be on to us..
Correct, any plane (not rotary) carrying the current POTUS is automatically given call sign Air Force 1 or Air Force 2 carrying the VP. Even when it's just the family's of these have their own call sign. The fact that they didn't use that call sign is a tell, the squark would be assigned to them.
I think it would also be normal for there to be a back up aircraft with them, and possibly top cover in the form of fast air?
it is possible they are not using the whitehouse either and that is a set... there are a few tells - it seems crazy but it might be being done "for their protection" and a small number of press might be in on it.... it's possible when you think into it....
the military is not entirely respecting Biden - kinda hedging their bets - and giving off smoke signals all over the place
the media and social media are squirming like a toad in a hole, banning accounts and content like the KGB
there's no big upswell of blue victory like you might expect when Obama or Clinton won.....
it's a dead man walking - we can postulate what the reasons for that are and what the outcomes might be - the main thing we can do is harden a narrative and push it out there are far and wide as possible....
this does it for me...
10-Jul-2019 11:10:07 PM
You are witnessing the greatest ‘coordinated’ misinformation attack (campaign) ever to be launched against the public – all in an effort to protect themselves from prosecution (public exposure) and regain power (control). [Attempted removal of the duly elected President of the United States by illegal [manufactured] means] They believed they could win [con] public support by controlled assets (media, tech, H-wood…). These controlled assets set out to immediately create division through the use of a pre_designed misinformation campaign. Groups such as ‘Antifa’ were funded and formed to prevent and/or lessen the appeal for ‘regular’ hard working Americans to gather and express non_narrative viewpoints. Control of this ‘projected narrative’ depends primarily on their ability to ‘con’ the masses into thinking they are the majority. The mindset of most: If the majority of people believe ‘this’, than ‘this’ must be more true than ‘that’ [CIA_CLAS 1-99_56_Human_Psych_&_Emotional_Distress_IIED]. Without public support – they are powerless. We, the People, hold the power. UNITED WE ARE STRONG. — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. You are witnessing the systematic destruction of the OLD GUARD.
The early big tell was Biden flying into DC on a private jet/commercial (I still haven't heard exactly which) but certainly was not military. Never would the normal protocols allow this to happen, much the same with the nuclear "football"!
I have seen plenty of evidence to doubt China Joe is in the WhiteHouse or Oval office, much more likely to be in the faked on at Castle Rock studios imo. The President would never sit in the oval office just idly waiting for the press to file in, it would be the other way around? VP Heels up hasn't moved into her VP house yet either. And plenty more things not adding up?
It's interesting to note (and I watched IPOT on GAB speak about this) that DJT has had a lot of people around him that have film making experience or connections? It might explain why the swearing in of China Joe was at 11:43 and that he got a 10 gun salute in Arlington cemetery, again something the military protocol's never allow as a mistake. Also reports of people seeing something of the swearing in ceremony in Spain hours earlier but I've not looked into this and it's just what others have said?
We could well be "watching a movie" as crazy as that may sound?
but the Culver City studios theory doesn't stack up - it's a movie set... that means it a mess of camera installations, lighting, cabling - you ever seen a movie set ? it doesn't look like the real thing at all, it's all facades so they can move cameras around between rooms and follow people etc.
you can't shoot well in a normal premises. it was built for shooting movies not to be an alternative WH. it pbly doesn't even have accommodation to speak of. they don't spend a cent if they don't have to - paper walls, bathrooms that don't work, everything fake and flimsy.
and how do they get him in and out and where is he staying? in the local holiday inn with his entourage ? the maid didn't think to shoot some clip and sell it to TMZ for $5000 ?
doesn't stack up... plus people have done drive bys of the premises and it's all dug up and a mess - don't you think they woulda had rent a fence come in and close it all off and secure it properly if that was their game ? they had since Aug Sept to plan it out - the front is a mess and open to the road.
a small number of press could be in on it - under penalty of secrecy because of "security needs" - something could be going on there- the kinda thing they pulled in the Soviet Union - even Chernobyl was covered up for a few days to start with "for the good of the nation".
but it doesn't look like that is the place - maybe somewhere else ?
maybe for "security reasons" they have a dummy somewhere, but it doesn't seem like LA - it's also fking miles away from DC - a good 6-7 hours door to door even with military to move him about. the clown is 78 yrs old and losing it - you can't drag him back and forth to LA from DC on a plane 3-4 times a week. He's not upto it.
practical logistics and common sense show the picture much better than wild off the wall theories.
possibly some stuff was shot before hand months ago, but you gotta answer questions that are current so that's a tough one as well...
but it can be there is an alternative WH somewhere, coulda been built years ago for the cold war or incase or a terror attack....
that said if you look at the press briefings with circleback girl, and compare it with Trump's crew - it looks absolutely identical.
same coat rack in the wall behind the sliding door they come out of - same light switch same same same.
there are several oval office sets all over the nation. Oprah has one, Tyler Perry, the Clinton foundation and there's one in Maryland. If you look at several of the videos and pics of Biden signing eo there is a parking lot outside the window. There is no parking lot right outside the oval office.
I hear you, it is tough to reconcile and I certainly don't have all the answers, I guess the most I can say is that there are certain elements that do not all add up to what used to be normal?
I watched a very small channel show the fake W/H set in Culver (I'm almost certain it's what she said) and she used to work on the set as an extra I believe. She intimated that it was a correct building, not simply a facade with ply frontage? She also went there at night and showed some of the rooms lit up along with another building?
My thing is is if he was not in the actual white house and is on some set somewhere, why would his entire staff be silent about it? Obviously that'd be an arrangement that would not make them happy, and given the media's loyalty to Biden, they could easily leak this info to the media and the media would have a field day running headlines about how Trump is SO EVIL he made Biden sit in a fake oval office & humiliated him by forcing him to act out a fake presidency he "rightfully" won. or something.
I just don't think this would be kept secret for long, and once the cat got out of the bag, it could have catastrophic consequences for the military to deal with. Given the number of people involved, and the types of people they are, I cannot imagine the military would put that much trust in these people to go along with whatever they're doing. That seems way too risky and sloppy of a plan for the military to carry out.
If the military is actually in control, they're going to let Biden and the world believe he's president until they strike. That means living in the white house, flying on AF1, whatever. Personally, i'm not really sure if I believe the military is in control. I sincerely hope they are, or at the very least have acknowledged they will have to intervene if this goes too far, and are closely monitoring the situation. Given how screwed over we've been by people we were supposed to trust because we believed they at least wanted to keep the foundation of our country in tact, I'm pretty skeptical of that even.
I can't buy it. How have 36 EOs been signed, many of them undoing Trumps policies? How have Trumps nominees including judicial been removed from consideration? How has funding and contracts for the wall been cancelled? How is Trumps access to classified briefings been cancelled? How as Harris been the tie breaking vote twice in the senate already?
If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck and looks like a duck...its a duck.
I have yet to see anything concrete to support the theory that Biden isnt acting in full capacity as POTUS.
That's ok I hear you, and yes I understand what you are saying, but equally something, what ever it is, is off? Not ringing true imo? Is it hopeium, could be but then what was the point of Q?
What was its purpose, because it actually bought a great many people around the world together, not just the USA? And yes one could argue out some of the "proofs" but some are harder to dismiss, including the photographs on AF1 and M1 and elsewhere?
If a LARP then hats off to who ever is behind it, it was/is extremely competent. I've heard the theory it was the Russian Operation Trust, but again for what reason because all it's done is wake people up? One would think such a scheme would be to spread division.
So I'm not ready yet to dismiss it all, but I suppose if nothing happens soon, we will have no choice, I pray not!
IMO, since Q posts are incredibly cryptic and take a lot of decoding, it's possible we've seen some decodes and thought "oh yeah that sounds like it lines up, this must be what's happening!" but we could be totally wrong with our decodes/conclusions. For example, castle rock was believed to be a military base until only a few weeks ago when it was discovered Castle Rock is also a studio set. And we were HELLBENT on it referring to the military base.
We can't assume all of these Q decodes are a set in stone plan when it's being interpreted and decoded by a bunch of different people & we get no direct confirmation that what has been decoded is correct/accurate. I'm not saying Q isn't real, I'm just saying we don't have any conclusive information as to what will happen. We're kind of just guessing with a little bit of direction so we should be open to the possibility that our predictions based on these decodes may not be accurate, despite how badly we want them to be.
I agree with you 100%. At this point, nothing indicates Biden is not president. I'm praying to God there's some kind of plan behind closed doors (i.e the military has extensive knowledge of election fraud & is closely monitoring Biden's actions until the destruction he's caused has come to a point where they must remove him from office). I still can't bring myself to call him the president out loud knowing he got away with the most blatantly obvious fraud & is now sitting in the highest office, actively destroying the country Trump went to great lengths to make "great again". It makes me physically ill. But legally, on paper, Biden is president. Even if he isn't doing typical president things like flying on AF1, the presidential things that matter-like signing a fucking million executive orders-are clearly very, very real. He's president, period.
These talks of Biden being on a movie set somewhere are, IMO, so outrageously ridiculous. Given the logistics of carrying out a plan of that magnitude, there is no way in hell the military would implement something like that. There are SO MANY people working with the president, not to mention media/security/shit for brains interns, building staff, etc. And if this is on set, you have wardrobe/makeup/camera/lighting/etc. Way too many people would be in on it/involved that, despite what threats are made by the military, it would only be a matter of time before that was leaked. It's fun to think about and would be wild if it was true, for sure, but in reality that's such a risky plan that there's no way the military would ever go through with it.
I think we all just need to pray that the military is, indeed, on our side, and will intervene if things are taken too far. Admittedly, I'm not very hopeful of that even, but that could just because we've been so burned by traitors recently that it's hard to believe there's anyone good left to actually defend us.
Well said. And I appreciate your courage to voice a sound opinion based on observation. The reflex here is to label someone a "doomer" just for pointing out the obvious.
I don't buy that the military is going to be involved at all either. Biden is CIC, so they all report to him. It would take a total coup to remove or replace him which there is zero appetite for, especially with Xidens current approval ratings. I think we all have to just grin and bear it for his term and hope to God Harris doesn't ascend.
At the risk of being deported from here, I'll be voicing my opinion/prediction that the March 4th datefa**ing is stupid and based on nothing. All the sovereign citizen claims have completely failed in every place they have been attempted.
Haha you don't have to call him president, I refer to him as Chairman Biden ? That's what illegitimate dictators are referred to as, in other countries
I doubt Trump would have the ability to stop him as incoming POTUS. Same with the nuclear football, always wondered why Pelosi went to the military to try and get it from Trump.
Not any plane. Air Force One is the designation for any Air Force plane he is on. A civil aircraft is called Executive One. While a navy craft would be called Navy One.
You’re absolutely right. I thought this was common knowledge but I guess it’s not. We have a lot of sheep here now that can’t think for themselves. You can search it and find out for yourself in 30 seconds.
Thank you for the correction.
The point I was making was that AF1 is not a specific plane.
Also that when he flew, it didn't squawk the callsign AF1 as would be expected.
I too have a beautiful picture of Pontus and Flotus walking away from the plane in the first picture. Florida rally and I can't or don't know how to upload to this site.
Then you clearly never watched the bombshell documentary Air Force One starring Harrison Ford. ;)
Speaking of, how come some talented individual hasn't put Trump's face over Harrison's and Biden's face over Gary Oldman's in that "Get off my plane!" scene?
You deserve more upvotes. I’m also surprised that this hasn’t happened yet, and it’s constantly on my mind. I guess it must’ve been a really obscure movie.
TRUE BUT WRONG. It is the presidents plane. It is used most frequently as AF1. It might have a permanent designation as AF1. HOWEVER, any plane the president is on is ALWAYS designated AF1. Period.
If the president is on a c-130, it is AF1.
AF2 is the backup, thought to be the VP's plane. HOWEVER, if AF1 is under maintenance, the president can use AF2 AND IT BECOMES AF1.
Well thats not the point is it? Maybe this is AF1 technically because hes flying on it... he still hasn't flown on the plane thst Trump flew on, whivh is a much better plane. If not that one, why not something even smaller to go to MD?
Not saying there's no explanation but it's something i will file under super weird.
Exactly right. The helicopter the President is riding at the time is Marine 1. When Bush Jr did the Aircraft Carrier Mission Accomplished ride alone it was the first one there was a Navy 1.
I know this isn’t what you want to hear, but both can be AF1, which is the call sign given to the plane the President is on. There’s not just one plane that IS AF1.
That I cannot say, but I keep seeing these pictures of different planes and people claiming this means Biden is not on AF1. A better argument is there is no call sign, or that he is flying commercial or something else, not pictures of airplanes.
You are correct... a libtard might argue that there must be something wrong with AF1 but the airforce maintains two identical Boeing 747 airplanes for transporting POTUS and both bear the presidential seal of the USA at the front of the fuselage... Biden is not POTUS and his fake presidency is being allowed in order to delay civil unrest while the military arrests and tries traitors
So the use of AF2 for Biden's first trip on "AF1" that MSM has been pumping up its sheeple for since Jan 20th isn't a big deal? You should take a long look at yourself before calling anything retarded
They likely flew the 757 over the 747 because it’s an extremely short trip. President Trump used to fly it often, especially when flying into smaller fields. Still AF1 when he’s onboard though.
Why do these obvious misinformation posts keep getting stickied? Everyday there is at least one post that never should have made it to the top. AF1 is whatever plane the President is on. Mods are better than this. Save sticky posts for actual research or big news.
You are missing the forest for the trees. Yes any air force plane he is on is AF1 but why wouldn't he take the custom built plane made just for his security an safety.
Their would be a specific reason. Now we don't know if this is a smaller Boeing that GEOTUS took to several rallys that Biden could be using.
Wilmington airport is small. Digging needs to occur still but....
WTF? Chill out. Read what you wrote, read your absolutes and now realize you made that comment about something you don't even underfuckingstand.
The 747 and the 757 in the presidential fleet have different capacities and capabilities. The 747 is picked when the President needs to transport more staff and to travel a longer range. It also needs a larger runway. The 757 has much less capacity but can also land at a smaller airport.
President Trump took many trips to his rallies with 757's. Somtimes he used the 747. Even though the 757 might have less hardening we're on home turf here. It would never be used for foreign trips.
I don't think these are misinformation on purpose, people just don't realize there is an entire fleet of presidential planes and any one of them can be utilized. I do agree though this isn't really worth stickying on a Qresearch forum.
Now we don't know if this is a smaller Boeing that GEOTUS took to several rallys that Biden could be using.
Except we do... This plane is used for foreign dignitaries, congressmen, and other high ups in America. Presidents use it on shorter trips as well. GEOTUS has used it dozens of times.
The convention - not hard and fast rule - is that whichever plane POTUS is on is AF1.
If he’s on a Cessna 150, that’s AF1.
You have to stop looking at the airframes! The PAG (Presidential Airlift Group) runs 2 VC25 jets, tail numbers 28000 and 29000. There are a number of smaller jets also because those bad bois cost $250,000 per hour to run if memory serves.
Trump came to Allentown PA last year. I have the recordings of the air to ground comms. The KABE approach control clearly said “Air Force One.” The plane flew over my house. It was NOT the VC25. It was the smaller Boeing. Why??
The PAG is not going to run that big plane for what’s a less-than-hour trip - plus I don’t think Allentown can take a VC25/747 in.
Can you give a good explanation as to why he didn't use a government plane to goto his fake inauguration/military coup?
And why did he need so many national guard for the inauguration? After all he got the most votes of any president in history of America right? If that's true then America loves him, and he shouldn't need thousands of troops inside a walled off compound on complete lockdown to be inaugurated right?
Either I got my tinfoil hat on too tight or somthing isn't right about this?!
They both are. AF1 is a designation that's transferable. The plane at bottom is a Boeing C-32, which is normally used as AF2, but is also at times designated as AF1 when the president (or even the fake president) needs to fly into a smaller airport that can't accomodate the 747 normally used as AF1. Delaware, as a tiny state starved of major airports, is exactly the kind of place where they'd probably need to use the C-32.
That said, Andrews AFB to New Castle Airbase (where Biden landed) is a 15 minute flight. Literally. It may not even take that long. It took MORE time and trouble to transport him to Andrews and board the plane than if he'd simply taken Marine One directly from the White House grounds, especially for someone just "going home for the weekend". AND it makes even less sense to risk an unnecessary transport to Andrews with the supposed risk to DC requiring the military to be swarming the town.
Tiffany blue top is af1.
While its call sign can be changed to other planes if need be for Potus .
The physical plane itself it the top one
Kennedys added the tiffany Blue paint job.
This is a bigger deal th ax n tg hose who go on about any plane carrying President can be call signed AF1.
It's not a out the name or call sign.
It's a out capabilities. And the bottom one usnt it.
Lmao Joe is banned from the real AF1.
Fake whitehouse fake af1 for a FAKE President
Why leave the Lamborghini parked in the garage and take the Minivan? That doesn't make sense. Sure the minivan becomes AF1. No Sh*t we get that. If you are king you sit on the big golden throne not the jesters' pretty
Takes longer than 10 minutes to taxi on the runway. U use the helo. Not the fixed wing. They don't fly fixed wing to camp David. This aircraft is overkill or the trip. Its to take away the fact he doesn't have the actual aircraft at his disposal.
Not trying to be a butthead but the DE airport is very small, I would be surprised if it could handle the usual plane used. I know for a fact it has size restrictions, don't have what those are available.
Not saying something isn't up here but we need to do more digging and verify this isnt the smaller of the 2 usual planes used.
Hell if I know. I imagine they can take a helicopter at that airport and I imagine that would make more sense.
Was raining yesterday in DE could be as simple as that.
Just playing devils advocate. We need to do more digging on what actual plane this is. Jut reading the comments, many false assumptions are making this true, not facts.
Not to be a doomer, but isn't AF1 (757) undergoing a new paint job? Could it just be that THE plane is just out of service?
"I want to believe, Virgina" but I got to have hard evidence.
My heart cannot stand the strain. Up, down, up, down. It is my dearest wish that there is a PLAN to defeat these people and to save our Republic! I am crushed every time I see them doing anything. I know in my bones that they are really intent on destroying our most beautiful land.
PLEASE SANTA CLAUSE (and you know who you are), please, please give me and early Christmas! Free our souls and futures!
The two jets that are normally associated with air force one are both Boeing vc-25a's. The are called Sam 28000 and Sam 29000, the primary being 28000 and the other being a backup.
The fact they are both down and Biden is using whatever the hell that is highly suspect, we have a backup for a reason.
If we comment we haven’t seen Joe Bidet taking a shit in the WH yet, in a couple of days the whole press will show him in the WH bathroom. It’s funny how they read everything we post here.
Easy answer...neither if them Air Force One is not a plane. It is the callsign issued to any air force flown, fixed wing aircraft that the legitimate POTUS flies on. Same goes for Marine One and their helicopters. Same goes for Limo One and any Secret Service fleet vehicle.
This is true but their are also 2 specific planes the POTUS would use that were custom built for potus that would only not be used for a specific reason.
We dont custom build a plane for the security and use of the president and then not use it for shits and giggles.
That is clearly not the 747 commonly used as AF1. There is a smaller one that GEOTUS took to and mentioned at some of his airport rallys during the campaign.
We simply have to compare Biden plane to that plane to verify or dismiss this.
Eta: going off memory but I believe Trump said the smaller one was a 737 at the rally.
As far as I'm aware, any AF plane carrying POTUS can have the callsign AF1. It's not restricted to any one plane. One interesting point to note was that when uncle Joe flew to Delaware, that plane did not squawk as AF1. Do you also not find it interesting that after many people pointed out the fact that he had not yet flown AF1, that they make a drama and a point of this? For that short trip he could easily have flown in Marine 1, it would have been quicker than flying to Andrews first.
Air Farce One
Air Fake One
Deep Fake One
Derp Fooked One
I was thinking the same thing! Every time we make any sort of comment that Biden isn’t doing this or that.. all of sudden, they toss out some massive story .. just like the Oval Office tour and following discussion.. it’s so phony.. why does he neeed to take a massive jet to fly to Delaware? Mr Green New Deal... just burning through that fossil fuel.
So from DC to Delaware by jet takes what? About 2 minutes?
Driving it to Delaware. Not flying.
LMAO that's so funny!
It means WE are controlling the narrative. The MSM grip is weakening. It is a victory for Q. One reason I think they have stepped up attacks against Q.
As an outside observer, I would be careful with lines of logic like this. While on the surface it may make sense, when viewed as if/then statements, they create paradoxical logic failures.
"If Biden does not have access to Air Force One, then he is not President."
"If Biden is shown accessing Air Force One, then it is a fake production and he is not President."
You need to find evidence that the event is fake. Not merely state it is because it disproves the first if/then statement.
Any other thought format creates a confirmation bias, and an inescapable logical fallacy.
Currently, the belief is that Biden did not have access to Air Force One. Recently he used it. They showed him using it because all Presidents are shown leaving and arriving on Air Force One. It is the common action when the President departs.
Disprove it was actually Air Force One, do not get trapped in the idea that presentation of proof is proof of the lie.
Even video proof doesn't matter anymore show them a video of somebody stealing the election in the FBI I'll tell you that you can't really say what's in the video because it ended too early or started too late
Afaik there is a new AF1 in production but not in service but the difference between those two planes is obvious and it’s not out of the realm of possibility that some idiots with more money than sense paid to have a domestic plane wrapped as af1 because the sheep are all idiots and won’t know the difference and their presstitute media won’t ask any questions. I’d be interested to hear a plane fag opinion on the differences between the two types of plane because the bottom one is way smaller than AF1 and I don’t think the new one is finished yet
Again, it's not the type of aircraft that matters. It's the call sign. That wasn't AF1.
No use of AF1 call sign. End of story. Trackable.
Well what is the picture about. The planes look different to me.
The 747 (top) is too big to land at Delaware, so the 757 (bottom) usually used by VPotUS as AF2 can be used by PotUS as AF1.
(Also bear in mind the comments about its Air Traffic Control call sign)
I totally dig this idea!!! Or just something completely irrelevant, although now that we are talking about saying it, all the creepers that "don't believe" in Q yet constantly check in and love to denounce it daily on the media, will be on to us..
i think the main tell is the AF1 sign not so much the aircraft
if people say "any plane the president flies on is AF1"
then it shoulda been signed as AF1
the plane is irrelevant to some degree, especially for a short hop
why would you use a bloody great jumbo to move one man 200 miles, esp. when you are a New Green Deal ass circler....
but no call sign means the airforce doesn't give a damn....
Correct, any plane (not rotary) carrying the current POTUS is automatically given call sign Air Force 1 or Air Force 2 carrying the VP. Even when it's just the family's of these have their own call sign. The fact that they didn't use that call sign is a tell, the squark would be assigned to them.
I think it would also be normal for there to be a back up aircraft with them, and possibly top cover in the form of fast air?
yeah so something is going on.....
it is possible they are not using the whitehouse either and that is a set... there are a few tells - it seems crazy but it might be being done "for their protection" and a small number of press might be in on it.... it's possible when you think into it....
the military is not entirely respecting Biden - kinda hedging their bets - and giving off smoke signals all over the place
the media and social media are squirming like a toad in a hole, banning accounts and content like the KGB
there's no big upswell of blue victory like you might expect when Obama or Clinton won.....
it's a dead man walking - we can postulate what the reasons for that are and what the outcomes might be - the main thing we can do is harden a narrative and push it out there are far and wide as possible....
this does it for me...
3411 10-Jul-2019 11:10:07 PM
You are witnessing the greatest ‘coordinated’ misinformation attack (campaign) ever to be launched against the public – all in an effort to protect themselves from prosecution (public exposure) and regain power (control). [Attempted removal of the duly elected President of the United States by illegal [manufactured] means] They believed they could win [con] public support by controlled assets (media, tech, H-wood…). These controlled assets set out to immediately create division through the use of a pre_designed misinformation campaign. Groups such as ‘Antifa’ were funded and formed to prevent and/or lessen the appeal for ‘regular’ hard working Americans to gather and express non_narrative viewpoints. Control of this ‘projected narrative’ depends primarily on their ability to ‘con’ the masses into thinking they are the majority. The mindset of most: If the majority of people believe ‘this’, than ‘this’ must be more true than ‘that’ [CIA_CLAS 1-99_56_Human_Psych_&_Emotional_Distress_IIED]. Without public support – they are powerless. We, the People, hold the power. UNITED WE ARE STRONG. — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. You are witnessing the systematic destruction of the OLD GUARD.
The early big tell was Biden flying into DC on a private jet/commercial (I still haven't heard exactly which) but certainly was not military. Never would the normal protocols allow this to happen, much the same with the nuclear "football"!
I have seen plenty of evidence to doubt China Joe is in the WhiteHouse or Oval office, much more likely to be in the faked on at Castle Rock studios imo. The President would never sit in the oval office just idly waiting for the press to file in, it would be the other way around? VP Heels up hasn't moved into her VP house yet either. And plenty more things not adding up?
It's interesting to note (and I watched IPOT on GAB speak about this) that DJT has had a lot of people around him that have film making experience or connections? It might explain why the swearing in of China Joe was at 11:43 and that he got a 10 gun salute in Arlington cemetery, again something the military protocol's never allow as a mistake. Also reports of people seeing something of the swearing in ceremony in Spain hours earlier but I've not looked into this and it's just what others have said?
We could well be "watching a movie" as crazy as that may sound?
yeah i agree
but the Culver City studios theory doesn't stack up - it's a movie set... that means it a mess of camera installations, lighting, cabling - you ever seen a movie set ? it doesn't look like the real thing at all, it's all facades so they can move cameras around between rooms and follow people etc.
you can't shoot well in a normal premises. it was built for shooting movies not to be an alternative WH. it pbly doesn't even have accommodation to speak of. they don't spend a cent if they don't have to - paper walls, bathrooms that don't work, everything fake and flimsy.
and how do they get him in and out and where is he staying? in the local holiday inn with his entourage ? the maid didn't think to shoot some clip and sell it to TMZ for $5000 ?
doesn't stack up... plus people have done drive bys of the premises and it's all dug up and a mess - don't you think they woulda had rent a fence come in and close it all off and secure it properly if that was their game ? they had since Aug Sept to plan it out - the front is a mess and open to the road.
a small number of press could be in on it - under penalty of secrecy because of "security needs" - something could be going on there- the kinda thing they pulled in the Soviet Union - even Chernobyl was covered up for a few days to start with "for the good of the nation".
but it doesn't look like that is the place - maybe somewhere else ?
maybe for "security reasons" they have a dummy somewhere, but it doesn't seem like LA - it's also fking miles away from DC - a good 6-7 hours door to door even with military to move him about. the clown is 78 yrs old and losing it - you can't drag him back and forth to LA from DC on a plane 3-4 times a week. He's not upto it.
practical logistics and common sense show the picture much better than wild off the wall theories.
possibly some stuff was shot before hand months ago, but you gotta answer questions that are current so that's a tough one as well...
but it can be there is an alternative WH somewhere, coulda been built years ago for the cold war or incase or a terror attack....
that said if you look at the press briefings with circleback girl, and compare it with Trump's crew - it looks absolutely identical.
same coat rack in the wall behind the sliding door they come out of - same light switch same same same.
there are several oval office sets all over the nation. Oprah has one, Tyler Perry, the Clinton foundation and there's one in Maryland. If you look at several of the videos and pics of Biden signing eo there is a parking lot outside the window. There is no parking lot right outside the oval office.
interesting, didnt know there were that many?
I hear you, it is tough to reconcile and I certainly don't have all the answers, I guess the most I can say is that there are certain elements that do not all add up to what used to be normal?
I watched a very small channel show the fake W/H set in Culver (I'm almost certain it's what she said) and she used to work on the set as an extra I believe. She intimated that it was a correct building, not simply a facade with ply frontage? She also went there at night and showed some of the rooms lit up along with another building?
I also found another place that has a mock up of the W/H and that is in one of the Clinton Foundation Museums. Scroll down to the third picture from the bottom, all be it very small?
Great name "circleback girl"!
My thing is is if he was not in the actual white house and is on some set somewhere, why would his entire staff be silent about it? Obviously that'd be an arrangement that would not make them happy, and given the media's loyalty to Biden, they could easily leak this info to the media and the media would have a field day running headlines about how Trump is SO EVIL he made Biden sit in a fake oval office & humiliated him by forcing him to act out a fake presidency he "rightfully" won. or something.
I just don't think this would be kept secret for long, and once the cat got out of the bag, it could have catastrophic consequences for the military to deal with. Given the number of people involved, and the types of people they are, I cannot imagine the military would put that much trust in these people to go along with whatever they're doing. That seems way too risky and sloppy of a plan for the military to carry out.
If the military is actually in control, they're going to let Biden and the world believe he's president until they strike. That means living in the white house, flying on AF1, whatever. Personally, i'm not really sure if I believe the military is in control. I sincerely hope they are, or at the very least have acknowledged they will have to intervene if this goes too far, and are closely monitoring the situation. Given how screwed over we've been by people we were supposed to trust because we believed they at least wanted to keep the foundation of our country in tact, I'm pretty skeptical of that even.
Movie sets also have actors. Ol pedo joe is not shown up close on the set.
I can't buy it. How have 36 EOs been signed, many of them undoing Trumps policies? How have Trumps nominees including judicial been removed from consideration? How has funding and contracts for the wall been cancelled? How is Trumps access to classified briefings been cancelled? How as Harris been the tie breaking vote twice in the senate already?
If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck and looks like a duck...its a duck.
I have yet to see anything concrete to support the theory that Biden isnt acting in full capacity as POTUS.
That's ok I hear you, and yes I understand what you are saying, but equally something, what ever it is, is off? Not ringing true imo? Is it hopeium, could be but then what was the point of Q?
What was its purpose, because it actually bought a great many people around the world together, not just the USA? And yes one could argue out some of the "proofs" but some are harder to dismiss, including the photographs on AF1 and M1 and elsewhere?
If a LARP then hats off to who ever is behind it, it was/is extremely competent. I've heard the theory it was the Russian Operation Trust, but again for what reason because all it's done is wake people up? One would think such a scheme would be to spread division.
So I'm not ready yet to dismiss it all, but I suppose if nothing happens soon, we will have no choice, I pray not!
IMO, since Q posts are incredibly cryptic and take a lot of decoding, it's possible we've seen some decodes and thought "oh yeah that sounds like it lines up, this must be what's happening!" but we could be totally wrong with our decodes/conclusions. For example, castle rock was believed to be a military base until only a few weeks ago when it was discovered Castle Rock is also a studio set. And we were HELLBENT on it referring to the military base.
We can't assume all of these Q decodes are a set in stone plan when it's being interpreted and decoded by a bunch of different people & we get no direct confirmation that what has been decoded is correct/accurate. I'm not saying Q isn't real, I'm just saying we don't have any conclusive information as to what will happen. We're kind of just guessing with a little bit of direction so we should be open to the possibility that our predictions based on these decodes may not be accurate, despite how badly we want them to be.
I agree with you 100%. At this point, nothing indicates Biden is not president. I'm praying to God there's some kind of plan behind closed doors (i.e the military has extensive knowledge of election fraud & is closely monitoring Biden's actions until the destruction he's caused has come to a point where they must remove him from office). I still can't bring myself to call him the president out loud knowing he got away with the most blatantly obvious fraud & is now sitting in the highest office, actively destroying the country Trump went to great lengths to make "great again". It makes me physically ill. But legally, on paper, Biden is president. Even if he isn't doing typical president things like flying on AF1, the presidential things that matter-like signing a fucking million executive orders-are clearly very, very real. He's president, period.
These talks of Biden being on a movie set somewhere are, IMO, so outrageously ridiculous. Given the logistics of carrying out a plan of that magnitude, there is no way in hell the military would implement something like that. There are SO MANY people working with the president, not to mention media/security/shit for brains interns, building staff, etc. And if this is on set, you have wardrobe/makeup/camera/lighting/etc. Way too many people would be in on it/involved that, despite what threats are made by the military, it would only be a matter of time before that was leaked. It's fun to think about and would be wild if it was true, for sure, but in reality that's such a risky plan that there's no way the military would ever go through with it.
I think we all just need to pray that the military is, indeed, on our side, and will intervene if things are taken too far. Admittedly, I'm not very hopeful of that even, but that could just because we've been so burned by traitors recently that it's hard to believe there's anyone good left to actually defend us.
Well said. And I appreciate your courage to voice a sound opinion based on observation. The reflex here is to label someone a "doomer" just for pointing out the obvious.
I don't buy that the military is going to be involved at all either. Biden is CIC, so they all report to him. It would take a total coup to remove or replace him which there is zero appetite for, especially with Xidens current approval ratings. I think we all have to just grin and bear it for his term and hope to God Harris doesn't ascend.
At the risk of being deported from here, I'll be voicing my opinion/prediction that the March 4th datefa**ing is stupid and based on nothing. All the sovereign citizen claims have completely failed in every place they have been attempted.
Haha you don't have to call him president, I refer to him as Chairman Biden ? That's what illegitimate dictators are referred to as, in other countries
I doubt Trump would have the ability to stop him as incoming POTUS. Same with the nuclear football, always wondered why Pelosi went to the military to try and get it from Trump.
Why does everyone say this? They even have a call sign when he is on a civilian plane. Executive One.
Not any plane. Air Force One is the designation for any Air Force plane he is on. A civil aircraft is called Executive One. While a navy craft would be called Navy One.
You’re absolutely right. I thought this was common knowledge but I guess it’s not. We have a lot of sheep here now that can’t think for themselves. You can search it and find out for yourself in 30 seconds.
Thank you for the correction. The point I was making was that AF1 is not a specific plane. Also that when he flew, it didn't squawk the callsign AF1 as would be expected.
Or like, “Marine One”.
Highjacking comment:i work at boeing. AF1 is in San Antonio for maintence
SPOILER ALERT: My Trump rally pics of POTUS from the last two years says it the top one.
I too have a beautiful picture of Pontus and Flotus walking away from the plane in the first picture. Florida rally and I can't or don't know how to upload to this site.
If the President flys on a canvas winged STOL bush plane its call sign is Air Force One.shit i am Australian and i know that.
Then you clearly never watched the bombshell documentary Air Force One starring Harrison Ford. ;)
Speaking of, how come some talented individual hasn't put Trump's face over Harrison's and Biden's face over Gary Oldman's in that "Get off my plane!" scene?
You deserve more upvotes. I’m also surprised that this hasn’t happened yet, and it’s constantly on my mind. I guess it must’ve been a really obscure movie.
Exactly, AirForce One is not really a plane. It's any flying vehicle at POTUS is on. Unless it is Marine One.
TRUE BUT WRONG. It is the presidents plane. It is used most frequently as AF1. It might have a permanent designation as AF1. HOWEVER, any plane the president is on is ALWAYS designated AF1. Period.
If the president is on a c-130, it is AF1.
AF2 is the backup, thought to be the VP's plane. HOWEVER, if AF1 is under maintenance, the president can use AF2 AND IT BECOMES AF1.
Pretty straight forward. No argument needed.
I believe the Coast Guard do have the protocol in place that if he was flying with them it would be Coast guard 1 as a C/S.
Not any vehicle. Any air force vehicle. A civil plane is called executive one. A navy plane is called navy one.
Keyword is if the "President" Flys. Its not af1 because he is not potus.
Well thats not the point is it? Maybe this is AF1 technically because hes flying on it... he still hasn't flown on the plane thst Trump flew on, whivh is a much better plane. If not that one, why not something even smaller to go to MD?
Not saying there's no explanation but it's something i will file under super weird.
Exactly right. The helicopter the President is riding at the time is Marine 1. When Bush Jr did the Aircraft Carrier Mission Accomplished ride alone it was the first one there was a Navy 1.
Wasn't that worthless zero of a man just blubbering about leaving Delaware?
Something that has to be rule out.
Since he was VPOTUS before, there would be ample stock footage of him boarding AF2, are we seeing stock footage being passed off as current?
However, from the still, the wearing fo mask would very obviously place this as now, but you can never rule out some live digital compositing. ;)
I know this isn’t what you want to hear, but both can be AF1, which is the call sign given to the plane the President is on. There’s not just one plane that IS AF1.
Correct but why isn’t it squawking AF1 as a call sign while in the air?
That I cannot say, but I keep seeing these pictures of different planes and people claiming this means Biden is not on AF1. A better argument is there is no call sign, or that he is flying commercial or something else, not pictures of airplanes.
Thats Air Force 2
You are correct... a libtard might argue that there must be something wrong with AF1 but the airforce maintains two identical Boeing 747 airplanes for transporting POTUS and both bear the presidential seal of the USA at the front of the fuselage... Biden is not POTUS and his fake presidency is being allowed in order to delay civil unrest while the military arrests and tries traitors
Correct. There are two identical 747's and either can be used as C/S AF1.
So the use of AF2 for Biden's first trip on "AF1" that MSM has been pumping up its sheeple for since Jan 20th isn't a big deal? You should take a long look at yourself before calling anything retarded
They likely flew the 757 over the 747 because it’s an extremely short trip. President Trump used to fly it often, especially when flying into smaller fields. Still AF1 when he’s onboard though.
You are correct, the plane in the pic above with POTUS Donald J. Trump was a VC-25.
The plane used by POTATO was a Boeing 757-200, a smaller aircraft given the size of the local airport in Delaware.
They're are both used for AF1. I saw President Trump fly in on both at different rallies. Some he used the smaller one, some the bigger one.
Another consideration, outside of the fact that Joe is not the president, is the airports being flown into. Some can't handle a modified 747.
Also, the 757 in the bottom portion of the photo doesn't have the presidential seal on it.
He has the mini cooper of AF1
Why do these obvious misinformation posts keep getting stickied? Everyday there is at least one post that never should have made it to the top. AF1 is whatever plane the President is on. Mods are better than this. Save sticky posts for actual research or big news.
You are missing the forest for the trees. Yes any air force plane he is on is AF1 but why wouldn't he take the custom built plane made just for his security an safety.
Their would be a specific reason. Now we don't know if this is a smaller Boeing that GEOTUS took to several rallys that Biden could be using.
Wilmington airport is small. Digging needs to occur still but....
WTF? Chill out. Read what you wrote, read your absolutes and now realize you made that comment about something you don't even underfuckingstand.
The 747 and the 757 in the presidential fleet have different capacities and capabilities. The 747 is picked when the President needs to transport more staff and to travel a longer range. It also needs a larger runway. The 757 has much less capacity but can also land at a smaller airport.
President Trump took many trips to his rallies with 757's. Somtimes he used the 747. Even though the 757 might have less hardening we're on home turf here. It would never be used for foreign trips.
I don't think these are misinformation on purpose, people just don't realize there is an entire fleet of presidential planes and any one of them can be utilized. I do agree though this isn't really worth stickying on a Qresearch forum.
Except we do... This plane is used for foreign dignitaries, congressmen, and other high ups in America. Presidents use it on shorter trips as well. GEOTUS has used it dozens of times.
Well, no we don't. Please link to sauce if I missed it. What you mean is that is what is being assumed currently without verification.
Your total ignorance of history and refusal to listen to those with more knowledge than you is not my problem.
Lol. For not being your problem you sure seem to be butthurt.
What you are saying clearly has nothing to do with any of my comments. Your gamma insults only work on other gammas.
I just find you pathetic and contemptible if slightly amusing if only from your transparency. You really think you are fooling anyone with rhetoric?
lmao, who's butthurt again? You're the only one whining here.
You just proved my point and fell right into the trap confirming my suspicion.
It's not too late for you. First step, stop lying to yourself. Step two, stop lying to everybody else.
Frens -
The convention - not hard and fast rule - is that whichever plane POTUS is on is AF1.
If he’s on a Cessna 150, that’s AF1.
You have to stop looking at the airframes! The PAG (Presidential Airlift Group) runs 2 VC25 jets, tail numbers 28000 and 29000. There are a number of smaller jets also because those bad bois cost $250,000 per hour to run if memory serves.
Trump came to Allentown PA last year. I have the recordings of the air to ground comms. The KABE approach control clearly said “Air Force One.” The plane flew over my house. It was NOT the VC25. It was the smaller Boeing. Why??
The PAG is not going to run that big plane for what’s a less-than-hour trip - plus I don’t think Allentown can take a VC25/747 in.
If it's on a civil aircraft like a Cessna it's Executive1.
Didn’t know that. Thanks.
Can you give a good explanation as to why he didn't use a government plane to goto his fake inauguration/military coup?
And why did he need so many national guard for the inauguration? After all he got the most votes of any president in history of America right? If that's true then America loves him, and he shouldn't need thousands of troops inside a walled off compound on complete lockdown to be inaugurated right?
Either I got my tinfoil hat on too tight or somthing isn't right about this?!
Can’t answer either of those questions. Maybe someday we shall find out.
Because trump didn’t let him , once trump was gone , he was gone. unfortunately.
stop this guys.. Its considered Air Force 1 as soon as the president is on the plane.. no matter when the plane is..
*If its an airforce aircraft
They both are. AF1 is a designation that's transferable. The plane at bottom is a Boeing C-32, which is normally used as AF2, but is also at times designated as AF1 when the president (or even the fake president) needs to fly into a smaller airport that can't accomodate the 747 normally used as AF1. Delaware, as a tiny state starved of major airports, is exactly the kind of place where they'd probably need to use the C-32.
That said, Andrews AFB to New Castle Airbase (where Biden landed) is a 15 minute flight. Literally. It may not even take that long. It took MORE time and trouble to transport him to Andrews and board the plane than if he'd simply taken Marine One directly from the White House grounds, especially for someone just "going home for the weekend". AND it makes even less sense to risk an unnecessary transport to Andrews with the supposed risk to DC requiring the military to be swarming the town.
Is anyone else getting the impression that maybe BO did something to AF1 before Trump got into office.
Trump has to buy a new plane.
Trump brags about AF1 at almost every rally.
Biden has not been allowed on the AF1 that went to the rallies.
Yes that too. I was specifically thinking of doing something that might be harmful to the president physically or spying.
Tiffany blue top is af1. While its call sign can be changed to other planes if need be for Potus . The physical plane itself it the top one
Kennedys added the tiffany Blue paint job. This is a bigger deal th ax n tg hose who go on about any plane carrying President can be call signed AF1. It's not a out the name or call sign. It's a out capabilities. And the bottom one usnt it. Lmao Joe is banned from the real AF1. Fake whitehouse fake af1 for a FAKE President
Why leave the Lamborghini parked in the garage and take the Minivan? That doesn't make sense. Sure the minivan becomes AF1. No Sh*t we get that. If you are king you sit on the big golden throne not the jesters' pretty chair.
Cause its a 10 minute flight
Takes longer than 10 minutes to taxi on the runway. U use the helo. Not the fixed wing. They don't fly fixed wing to camp David. This aircraft is overkill or the trip. Its to take away the fact he doesn't have the actual aircraft at his disposal.
Not trying to be a butthead but the DE airport is very small, I would be surprised if it could handle the usual plane used. I know for a fact it has size restrictions, don't have what those are available.
Not saying something isn't up here but we need to do more digging and verify this isnt the smaller of the 2 usual planes used.
Hell if I know. I imagine they can take a helicopter at that airport and I imagine that would make more sense.
Was raining yesterday in DE could be as simple as that.
Just playing devils advocate. We need to do more digging on what actual plane this is. Jut reading the comments, many false assumptions are making this true, not facts.
It could be. Hope it is.
I don't think sleepy Xiden can get up the steps to a 747/ Maybe it's in the shop to have an escalator installed.
It is also the same type plane u.s. Marshall's transport prisoners on.
The shade of blue is different
Bottom picture could be the plane that Hollywood uses...
As many said, any plane the president is on is AF1. Any plane the VP is on is AF2.
That said, there's also more than one plane used regularly as AF1. A smaller one, and a larger one. Below is the smaller one.
Not to be a doomer, but isn't AF1 (757) undergoing a new paint job? Could it just be that THE plane is just out of service?
"I want to believe, Virgina" but I got to have hard evidence.
My heart cannot stand the strain. Up, down, up, down. It is my dearest wish that there is a PLAN to defeat these people and to save our Republic! I am crushed every time I see them doing anything. I know in my bones that they are really intent on destroying our most beautiful land.
PLEASE SANTA CLAUSE (and you know who you are), please, please give me and early Christmas! Free our souls and futures!
The two jets that are normally associated with air force one are both Boeing vc-25a's. The are called Sam 28000 and Sam 29000, the primary being 28000 and the other being a backup.
The fact they are both down and Biden is using whatever the hell that is highly suspect, we have a backup for a reason.
Must be a Chinese knockoff.
He "takes" a jet to a location roughly 100miles away? Old bastard rattles on about global warming , marine one would have been sufficient?
I think they are watching our chatter and staging photo ops to show proof I havnt seen the vid
I think the unknown man that was found on AF1 the day before was him taking the photos lol
If we comment we haven’t seen Joe Bidet taking a shit in the WH yet, in a couple of days the whole press will show him in the WH bathroom. It’s funny how they read everything we post here.
I want to believe all this but I found this....
You know which plane Biden is on because the callsign will be CUNTUS1
How long does it take to paint an entire plane? Remodel it?
A few weeks?
Easy answer...neither if them Air Force One is not a plane. It is the callsign issued to any air force flown, fixed wing aircraft that the legitimate POTUS flies on. Same goes for Marine One and their helicopters. Same goes for Limo One and any Secret Service fleet vehicle.
I challenge anyone to prove me wrong.
This is true but their are also 2 specific planes the POTUS would use that were custom built for potus that would only not be used for a specific reason.
We dont custom build a plane for the security and use of the president and then not use it for shits and giggles.
That is clearly not the 747 commonly used as AF1. There is a smaller one that GEOTUS took to and mentioned at some of his airport rallys during the campaign.
We simply have to compare Biden plane to that plane to verify or dismiss this.
Eta: going off memory but I believe Trump said the smaller one was a 737 at the rally.
The one on the top with the emblem the other one on the bottom is a regular United Airlines flight.