My daughter and son in law (sil) are middle of the road, maybe even conservative leaning. But they hate Trump, especially my aeronautical engineer sil, hate hate HATES him with a passion. We had such a big fight about it once (he'd been drinking and wouldn't drop it) that I have to refuse to even discuss politics with him at all.
They're staying with me right now while they look for a house. Tonight we all took our dogs outside before bed and he walked over and stood beside me. Looking around the yard, he quietly (sadly?) said "I find myself missing Trump". I was stunned and said nothing. He turned and walked slowly into the house.
I.......I can't EVEN.
Be a guide, don’t gloat he needs you. Be proud of it ?
Not an I told you so person, I wouldn't dare even comment on it.
I'm just going to quietly let that simmer and grow.
My son and I had essentially the same argument. On election night my math/stats major son at 2am told me it was almost impossible for Trump to lose given the state of play at the time. He also said, "I don't want him to win, but I don't want him to lose because they cheated."
He isn't saying much now, but for some reason I think the Game Stop thing has him thinking twice. He's pretty young and if he's anything like me at his age stubborn Instead of pushing Trump, I just say things more George Carlinish, like "It's a big club and we ain't in it." I think the fact that there really is a deep state is starting to sink in. He may not like Trump still. But I think he is starting to understand why people like me do.
^this. Exactly this for my millennials
Some people here are tryna preach and evangelize family and friends to Q.
Q said it himself to stop trying to show people Q, because the media would use "Qanon" to kill all credibility with normies.
All Q said for US to do is redpill. Spread memes. To do exactly what you're doing.
Exactly this is my youngest son!
Truth! It was the media that made it about Trump. This...ALL OF THIS... is not about Donald Trump. This is about America and our way of life. We chose Trump because he was willing to say what others wouldn't and because he was willing to be the lightning rod. Now that he's not "in office" and they are able to see just how fucked up everything is it is becoming impossible for them to keep blaming Trump for it and the TDS is wearing off on those who still have brains enough to think. The beautiful simplicity of it makes me really think that Patriots are truly in control.
good move.
An entire generation was raised to blame other people for their own problems.
What happens when there is nobody left to blame?
Hes not wrong. At least an entire generation has been intentionally taught that the problems they face are all someone elses fault. Thats not a debate, its a fact we can see with our own eyes. It doesnt mean they all follow the narrative but they have made it 100% socially acceptable to blame others for the standard life problems.
A shit apple never falls far from a shit apple tree........ (Someone great (RIP))
RIP Lahey
Wah! He died?
Wow. Never really looked at it from that perspective and I believe you’re 100% spot on. If I recall correctly, this also fits within the framework of communism that was laid out by that former KGB guy years ago. I forget his name, but he basically laid it all out in an interview.
Yuri Bezmenov?
Yes! Thats him. Thank you.
How do I subscribe to this channel?
Exactly my generation millennials are the weakest group of the bunch.
You're right, but they're also right that people have been specifically cultivated to blame other people.
Everyone was pitted against whites, for example, which naturally makes whites fight back or have bad experiences that turn them into "learned racists", people who wouldn't have been racist but after seeing the rioting for criminals / treating people like trash / getting hit by a brick / etc. are now racistd
Of course, there are sheep, dullards, and geniuses in all generations.
However, previous generations never had participation trophies. They never had "self-esteem" propaganda. They never dealt with "transgenderism" or "woke" or "white privilege" or "(only) black lives matter," etc. They certainly never had to contend with the Covid propganda while they were young and ignorant.
The youngest generations today ARE propagandized more than previous generations. It has been going on for many generations, getting worse over time.
You hot that right...
you said touch another person
you murderer
Murderer bigot
Im looking forward to everyone loving Trump. They will, once they can see. He deserves it. And im also ready to see that mug on Mt Rushmore ❤️
Trump was the punching bag, a rage outlet for a lot of people. I think a lot of people genuinely are addicted to rage and need the cortisol rush, or whatever the hell rage produces.
Now that he's not there, maybe they are realizing they're raging against the wrong thing.
Stay quiet, don't question it, don't provoke anything, and maybe he'll elaborate.
I see that sooo much with some of my husband's liberal relatives. They use capital letters to point out the hate they feel in the comments on FB. But I can also see how they were whipped to that by the Dem groups on FB. OccupyDemocrats had multiple memes/posts a day that they would share and would make me livid but they LOVED them. I have to save OccupyDemocrats is much quieter now!
After the 2016 election, I noticed that a lot of the hyperbole that was being thrown at Trump sounded familiar - "He's going to take away Women's rights!" and "He'll be harassing the gays and rounding them up!".
The impression I got from all this was the possibility that since 9/11, people (women in particular) had a deep - and subconscious - fear of Islam. Not surprising since the media continually stoked that fear when it served them. BUT because the Collectivists didn't dare criticize Islam, they couldn't express it for fear of being cancelled, so they projected all that fear onto Orange Man Bad. The reactions were just so over-the-top for it to be just Hillary losing the election. She's just not that charismatic or likeable a person.
After that, it just started to look disturbingly similar to Orwell's "2 Minute Hate".
He's obviously trying to rebuild a bridge. It's easy to say "thank you for saying that." Because obviously he didn't have to, and it's how things start to get better. It's hard to get the right words at the right moment, but perhaps another moment will present itself. What a nice thing to happen. Thanks for sharing it.
Tonight at 3 a.m. wake him by a roaring " I told u so " while dancing on his bed.
No don't do that. U can visualize it, but do the opposite of that. U have a nibble. Now requires patience, finesse, and a lil compassion at a slow pace with no gloating and u will make huge gains. Happy for u. Good luck.
Megaphone and flashing disco lights to boot ;)
I would love to have this experience!
This is the best.
Trumps base is only growing. Nobody that was for him before is now going "FUCK all that constant winning and prosperity and bright happy future bullcrap! I'M all in with BIDEN and the long dark future of lockdowns, disease, muzzles, anti- white racism, unlimited migration of infected foreign criminals, and forced vaccinations of babies!!"
I work with other engineers and it's pretty much a liberal echo-chamber. Anyone who votes or supports trump is seen as a racist asshole. I hear anti-trump jokes everyday at work, and my friends like to share their hate for trump. I have to bite my tongue and say nothing. I recently couldn't stand it and defended my viewpoint about how I thought the country was going down under biden. Both friends have stopped talking to me. They see me as a racist asshole or a crazy person.
It's really sad that trump is seen as a symbol of hate and the majority of the people here blame him for all the bad things. I see too many people get brainwashed by one media narrative and then the next. I don't know why they can't think for themselves.
And thinking for themselves is the primary trait of an engineer
They are still human beings first. But I know what you mean.
To the OP's predicament though, maybe the redpills for his colleagues need to be of a slightly different flavor. I always found the information on the Butterfly War to be fascinating - and it basically in language they can relate to easily. Keep it away from the emotional association if Trump. It is like selling - you have to know your audience.
Agree. He needs to come up with problems for them to solve whereby they discover the truths on their own
I wish I could have that experience from someone somewhere... if my own kid said that to me I would be elated.
Similar to my father. He spent the last four years absolutely seething every time Trump was mentioned in the news.
Now - and he said this to my mother while i was talking to her on the phone - "The news is boring without that asshole".
Needless to say, I laughed my ass off.
He should be missing Trump right now.
Now start redpilling him. He's ready.
We will need to be there to support those of us coming to understand what is really going on in our name....
It’s a very hard internal struggle, for anyone, to come to realise just how much they have been lied to and used!
Mark Twain said “Never argue with stupid people as they will only drag you down to their level and then beat you with their experience..”
Or his other very good and relevant quote is... “It is easier to fool people than it is to convince them they have been fooled..”
The constant bombardment of propaganda by the MSM and the other DS puppets is then reinforced by social media and entertainment that we see in movies, TV and other media or communications.....! It’s a very hard realisation for anyone to come to.... and I am grateful that I was lucky enough to be involved from the beginning and even luckier I managed to pull away from the misinformation and misdirection that is constantly being pushed at us....
I truly hope that many many more people will make that hard decision to step back and find out for themselves what the truth really is and the plan they have for us through organisations like the UN etc...
It’s funny, I always think that the DS or those pushing the NWO as they aren’t on both sides of those..... I can see the Chynise helping and abetting this agenda and will allow this NWO to enslave us and have a non elected world government, with a controlled and unarmed population and once that’s done then the Chynise will step in and take it over from them.... !
In a similar principle to the National Socialists and what they did with the German government and the German people to take and maintain total and unrelenting control against them....
I can handle it now better as I look for examples of how things are popping to change normies minds. I go to CNN and DrudgeReport daily for a quick look to see what they are seeing. I am seeing so many positive signs. And I credit all those years of listening to Rush pick apart news articles for my ability to see the things I see!
THIS is what “it’s habbening” (part 1) looks like.
Looking forward to part 2! Will pray for your family in the meantime. ?
He's baiting you. They feed on his shit. He misses his shit. That's all this is.
Thank you for this. MY son and I had a conversation last week. He was not a Trump fan either but had been hearing about the trafficking, tunnels and Adrenachrome. I didnt push the subject too much but assured him it was true. We talked about election fraud, Trumps policies and goals. I assured him he would be back.
I've been wondering how much the media obsessing over "QAnon" has made people curious and actually look up Pizzagate. Google successfully suppressed "QAnon" from me for all these years. Then I went down the rabbithole myself after the election when I realized something extremely evil just happened. By November I wasn't a huge Trump fan but he was growing on me and I realized he was a good president. Now I actually think I love Trump (as much as I can love a stranger). I see him less as an "arrogant asshole" and more of an "extremely stress-resistant, eccentric man with an obsessive love for humanity." I think I will cry when he comes back :'(
I just saw him on the History channel Sunday in the series about the Men Who Build America. He came on and easily described facts about Carnegie and his steel and the impacts it would have on the buildings. He had a much larger vocabulary than I heard him use as President. I keep telling people - he honed his acting experience on The Apprentice. I honestly think he was acting a lot of the time to give the media more content to use and to whip up the Orange Man Bad and stupid rhetoric.
Funny thing is the Trump hating people are radio silent right now. I think a lot of them are waking up to the fact Trump was the greatest American president ever and ever since the dementia patient took office we've been in free fall as a country.
Sometimes they have to be shown...CNN is coming to this same realization.....
wonderful! I would like to know how/why the hatred started. I’m interested as to why the blue pill seems more appealing to some than the red. I understand bombardment of the ms narrative plays a part, but hearing it enough seems to show desperation more than anything else. Perhaps in time, and with a little patience you will find out.
Listen, I don't like Trump personally and he sure isn't someone I would hang out with, He is an egotistical pompous ass. But he is the best president ever and that's all that matters, he does what is right for the country.
My sentiments exactly.
I'm always so surprised to hear people claim to dislike, hate, despise someone they don't know and have never met. All we really know is how the media has portrayed Donald Trump. And we all know how they swing.
I don't hate him or despise him, he is just not my cup a tea when choosing friends.
But is he all those things? I think he was asked to run in 2000? according to what I've seen? What if all of this has been part of the Plan? What if he's been playing a role? Think of the amount of deception by doing that? He plays with the Dems/elites all those years (they like him), he gives fodder to make people hate him later... Oh, the possibilities here...
We only hear things what are the facts? nobody really knows
Maybe there's still hope for humanity? Was he drinking again?
No he is a teetotaler now. It wasn't serving them so they stopped.
He needs someone to hate. It was his purpose in life and he is in withdraw from his drug.
My sister and dad voted for Biden and have too much pride to say they were in the wrong even if this country burns for good. Fuck em , they can rot -
Everyone is taking the higher road. Personally I would have turned to him and said "fuck, I did not expect a head getting unstuck from an ass hole to sound like English you low information voter, reprobate" and then struck him in the groin with a shoehorn. Honestly though, that would have unleashed a torrent of abuse from me given the circumstances. We are all at different places with this.
Hahahaha that's amazing!
Priceless ! Well done pede !
Fantastic! Kudos!
That’s great! I wish I would hear that! My good friend who I’m very happy for had this happen with her just recently too! Her very lib brother apologized to her for fighting with her these past years, said he realized he was wrong wow!
His drinking is a bigger problem than his political hatred.
He probably just misses being an angry petulant soyboy. I am saddened for your grandkids.
He seems ready for some redpills! Start with small ones to prep him fir the biggest ones ?
Those arguments you guys had weren’t in vain after all! Good job!
Those who kick hardest against the goad will be the most supportive once awakened. We who have been on board with this from the start will be watching people like your son in law tear these demons to pieces before things over. Those duped the most will be the most dangerous for the deep-seated shills.