I got a FB warning for posting that thing about Buttplug. They really really don't like anyone talking bad about their side's operatives. I suppose they think he might serve some future purpose, but...he doesn't HAVE a future.
Hell, he can't even walk up steps to a plane without falling. I think this was a planned photo where he steps out of the car, his handlers snap a few pix, he gets back in the car and goes back to Delaware. I don't think he sleeps at the White House. He certainly didn't play golf.
Guise, listen—we ALL KNOW they just took him around in a golf cart and he got to see pretty trees everywhere. That’s it. Everyone who has had a family member with dementia knows you have to take them on little excursions.
Is it odd that the Prezi of the United Stezi buys his face masks at CVS? Shouldn't he have some super-fancy, earth-friendly, trans-friendly, sustainably sourced mask?
Too funny...when POTUS Trump wore his mask, he had the seal of the president on the side of the mask and it wasn't a disposable one, but a nice cloth one.
Why does Joe have the same type of masks that people buy at the drug store??
You make a good point with this observation.
BMW called theirs security cars like their 760LI line. I’ve used 745, 760’s. Mercedes S600 and S500. Typically in rough environments you would use Suburban or Land Cruiser HAV. Not sure why he is riding in a Suburban and not the Beast.
Sure wear your spikes on the concrete like a fucking Neanderthal, the tax payers are buying em
And tear up the interior of the vehicle. If he snags those cleats on a seat that seat us getting punctured.
The only neanderthals are in tx and fl... Duhh.
At least we are fighting for our freedom
That i dont doubt. But many of us behind enemy lines are as well. In Michigan we have been fighting.
Lol....Xiden goes golfing like mayor peteybooty goes bicycling.
I got a FB warning for posting that thing about Buttplug. They really really don't like anyone talking bad about their side's operatives. I suppose they think he might serve some future purpose, but...he doesn't HAVE a future.
They so paranoid.
Yeah it was just a sniff and a swift exit back to Groped Forced Young.
I concur as a golferpede
Don't they have those shoe washing things though? My local course has one and it's pretty basic.
lol, true :)
Hell, he can't even walk up steps to a plane without falling. I think this was a planned photo where he steps out of the car, his handlers snap a few pix, he gets back in the car and goes back to Delaware. I don't think he sleeps at the White House. He certainly didn't play golf.
Oh, now....don't be silly! You wouldn't be ABLE to see that he pissed himself again. Cuz, you know, double Depends for the win! :D
And this was the day after he was too sick to great the Prime Minister from Japan. Nothing but lies coming out of this administration.
Many many updoots for you. The director of this movie should be fired.
Also stock suburban...factory roof rack/no reinforcement...movie set
I mean the windows are 100% reinforced. Can you not see that?>
Definitely does not look weighted down from armor.
Umm... the suspension gets beefed up as well fren.
Makes me wonder what Kamala is riding around in.
Bang bus would be my guess
Looks the same as this one?
Same license plate in the video as this one ...
Guise, listen—we ALL KNOW they just took him around in a golf cart and he got to see pretty trees everywhere. That’s it. Everyone who has had a family member with dementia knows you have to take them on little excursions.
Helicopters and boats come to mind.
Pinochet Air Charters has entered the chat.
I can just hear him now, "Come on, man...these skates aren't working at all"
Rats, ya made me chuckle... :P
Even though I can't see his face, that body and the way he is standing looks like no other picture of him I have seen.
When Joe is at play the diapers are put away.
Joe loves him some free-ball’n. ?
Bet there’s been a full-time handler whose job it is to make sure he’s always seen with pants on. Mental decline is no joke.
He can't even hold his thumb up ... how can he hold a club?
Looks to me like he’s trying and failing to flash a “surfs up bro” gesture.
Yep, it looks like he can't even form a fist. How in the world could he hold AND swing a club?
That bottle of urine in his hands looks like he may need to seek medical attention.
I've never wore spikes in the parking lot live EVER. This is a staged photo, the is not Biden it's an actor.
At this point you can literally see that they are just posing as a part of the show and don't really give a shit anymore.....
Is that supposed to be a thumbs up? ?
His hand shakes so.. best he can do
Who wears their golf shoes to/in the car?!
Is it odd that the Prezi of the United Stezi buys his face masks at CVS? Shouldn't he have some super-fancy, earth-friendly, trans-friendly, sustainably sourced mask?
Too funny...when POTUS Trump wore his mask, he had the seal of the president on the side of the mask and it wasn't a disposable one, but a nice cloth one.
Why does Joe have the same type of masks that people buy at the drug store?? You make a good point with this observation.
Dems are disingenuous.
He even has to fake playing the gayest sport on the planet!
The '90s called ... they want their golf shoes back.
Lol legit
Is that Hussein holding the door for Biteme? I know it isn't but wouldn't that be amusing?
He didn't play golf.
Even the thumps up looks weak and like it's costing great effort.
I don't care how clean his shoes are. Where is all the footage from the media stalkers? They can't ever get enough footage of Trump golfing.
why his drink have no label?
He just put them on in the car for the photo, didn't know the spikes are for the grass!
All grippy and no slippy, like baseball players and their sort of spiked footwear.
maybe they will be his new footwear, to ensure he stays upright!
He probably thinks they'll stop him from falling g upstairs
With that same ratty-ass suburban, in a public parking lot??
And what the hell's wrong with his thumbs up?? ?
Looks like a HAV to me. I can post a pic of one I rode around in if you need.
Heavily Armored Vehicle (HAV).
BMW called theirs security cars like their 760LI line. I’ve used 745, 760’s. Mercedes S600 and S500. Typically in rough environments you would use Suburban or Land Cruiser HAV. Not sure why he is riding in a Suburban and not the Beast.
Fake president playing fake ?️♀️
They are so he doesn’t trip again, lol.
I see this is another MSM propaganda photo, to make him look like a 'young' geriatric ........... oh no they forgot his aviator glasses!! haha
He looks like either he's wearing a vest or this Xiden is a little thicker in the upper body.
Also, are fall leaves in the background normal in the DC area in April? ? just wondering
i think the colorful tree is a blossoming cherry tree of some sort
Or a Japanese Maple. Got one in my front yard in TN it’s RED right now.
Wonder what the greens looked like after dragging his feet across them all day? Those look like mountain climbing gear.
Maybe it was miniature golf, those courses are pretty clean! ?
You wear those things on the putting green at my local course and you'll be hung from the neck until your dead