The injected are part of the LONG-TERM clinical trial. (We had short and medium clinical trials)
People know they're taking a risk with the vaccine, but they also know the risk of long-term Covid side effects. (People can decide which risk is worse)
*That's 100% fine, and I hope everything works out for you/your family!
I just want to make sure people are identifying the real risks of the CCP Virus, and are able to make an informed decision.
*Also, I don't want the media/Dems to succeed in using the vaccine to divide America, when we should all be watching the audits/ investigate Fauci's ties to the Wuhan Virology lab
As I understand it, the zinc is the key. It is what keeps the virus from replicating (or drastically slows it). This allows your natural immune system to 'catch up' and defeat the virus before things get bad.
The HCQ (or the over-the-counter Quercetin) are both 'zinc ionophores'. They help the zinc get into your cells (instead of floating around in your bloodstream, where it does no good). Therefore, while zinc is the key, it needs help to get where it needs to be.
The Azithromycin is only needed if you start treating a bit too late, and you have developed a secondary (bacterial) infection. Normally, you won't need it.
I've never heard about zinc increasing Azi's efficacy. Could be, but I've never heard it.
You need to start taking the HCQ/Quercetin and Zinc combo within two days of developing symptoms for it to be useful.
Check with Zelenko or America's Frontline Doctors for confirmation.
I don’t have documentation... just talking to pathologists and techs in my lab and reading I have done up until now. I work at a cancer hospital as an analyst and have gone 100% remote but my friends still working in the lab are pretty nervous because anybody who is required to be there normally has to get the vaccine... I am lucky enough to never have to go into work again but the people who refuse the vax should be concerned that the folks with it might transmit that virus they were just injected with
I also had a quarter of my lung taken last year, have COPD and asthma. I'll take my chances. The Jab won't change me from getting it and it will damage my cells.
*But I don't think the Jab will necessarily damage your cells, and I doubt that the vaccine will kill you. (Side effects have been seen and are real, but hundreds of millions of people got these vaccines/gene therapies)
~10,000 side effects out of 150,000,000 vaccinated people = 0.0066%
*Note, you won't die from the CCP Virus, but there are real, long-term health effects that you don't want to get: permanent lung/organ damage, mental problems, etc.
**I think it's prudent to wait and be cautious, but you might consider eventually getting the J&J vaccine to avoid potential long-term risks of mRNA gene-therapies
If you read the reports from the New England Journal of Medicine, and other sources, you will find that these side effects (Bells Palsy & other serious conditions) can occur (But with the amount of people getting vaccinated, it isn't surprising to see many people reporting side effects)
With regards to Hydroxy, I've heard that you want to take it early on, so you'd theoretically want to have a stock on hand, and be able to identify your covid-symptoms, so you can get maximum efficacy from your Hydroxy + Zinc + Antibiotics. (But if you don't use your prophylactics correctly, you put yourself at risk)
*I agree that long term effects are possible, but I would have expected more problems associated with the spike-protein antibodies to have manifested already.
**However, you have to assess these risks with your risk of long-term side effects from covid.
Why are you coming here and telling people to take the DS gene therapy that will kill them in a few years? You speak about sources, you only proivde the deep state sources. Be gone shill. You are as bad as the commies you seem to love and protect. COVID is a fucking hoax..Dude, stop commenting.
He is right. Will never be around the retards taking the vaxx potentially putting entire humanity at risk. Stop think with your feelings. They made their choice and laughs at you while doing it. Let them feel the pain for once (not your friend).
Go and take your shot and good luck. Its your life, i don't care, Just stay away from me. What's so hard to understand? You are taking the DS poison and expect people to just say it's ok? You are still a slave. Wake up. THERE IS NO COVID.
Uuuuuuh micheal.. if’a thainkin fer oursev’s is wrong thaing fer us to be a’doin, then id’a suggest you just go on with your shun’n.. and we’ll see who’s looking for a job you pompous pile of horse? !!!
Is it illegal to encourage people to break the law by not hiring people who didn't get vaccinated? It seems so, like if he encouraged people not to hire minorities.
Yes the whiny minority shun the 81 to 100 million who will not be cowed. Reminds me of that headline in a British newspaper decades ago "Fog closes Channel. Continent isolated."
It's NOT A VACCINE. It's an experimental INJECTION with multiple versions all of which utilize new technology, the full effects of which are unknown. In effect, the jabbed ARE the test subjects for the experiment.
Even if it were "FDA approved", the long term effects wouldn't be known for years. Consider how many lawsuits are filed for adverse effects and death from "FDA approved" drugs that HAVE (SUPPOSEDLY) gone through the required testing and clinical trials.
C-C-P Nonsense Network is controlled agitation, disinformation and name-calling as a means of coercion is childishly despicable.
I honestly don't want to be around vaccinated people. It may be dangerous for your health and IQ.
Dealing in absolutes is fucking dumb.
I have a friend with terrible lungs (who would get killed by the CCP Virus), so it's a personal choice of whether the benefits outweigh the risks.
*Please fight against vaccine mandates, vaccine passports, etc.; but cut it out with the political bullshit
The vaccine doesn’t block it.
Yes, the vaccines don't guarantee that you won't get the CCP Virus
The point of the vaccines is that they reduce the severity of your case.
***This is important because severe cases can cause permanent side effects including lung/organ damage, and possibly mental problems
Seeing as everything about this hoax has been a lie, why do you believe them when they say it will reduce the severity?
They can't say 'it will keep you from catching it' (that would be obvious when you catch it)...
They can't say 'it will keep you from transmitting it' (that also would be obvious when you give it to someone)...
So they say 'it will lessen the symptoms', because there is no way to verify that statement. It is therefore the safest statement for a liar to make.
It doesn't make it true.
Everything, everything, EVERYTHING else has been a lie. Why not this?
EXACTLY!!!! I don't believe a lying word any of these so-called "experts" say!!!!
I trust the clinical trial process. (These drugs haven't gone through the full process, but clinical trials are the epitome of the scientific method)
Just because Fauci and much of the CDC are full of shit, doesn't mean I will abandon the hard statistics.
*You believe what you want, but large clinical trials are much more persuasive/statistically significant than anecdotal evidence.
So you're ok with people being Guinea pigs without their full understanding and consent? Kind of like the Tuskegee experiment? Gtfo.
The Emergency Use Authorization Act allows people to take a gamble.
I think the long term effects of Covid are worse than the possible long term effects of the vaccines
I've got asthma, so I trust my prescriptions.
*Antidepressants and pain medications are a different story
Science is dying.
Science is alive and well. None of this crap is scientific.
The injected ARE the clinical trial that will go on for at least another year. You good with THAT?
The injected are part of the LONG-TERM clinical trial. (We had short and medium clinical trials)
People know they're taking a risk with the vaccine, but they also know the risk of long-term Covid side effects. (People can decide which risk is worse)
Step it up, because you read
Still not as meaningful as "the full process".
ANYTHING can be deadly to people in nursing homes. Ever been to one?
Who's the moron, eh?
I said that 'it would be obvious when you catch it'.
That OBVIOUSLY means that I accept that there IS a virus, but the MSM's fear mongering has been a hoax all along.
If you're going to 'call people out', you might want to get your facts straight.
This then becomes about which complications are worse:
Expected long-term effects of respiratory illness.
Expected long-term effects of the vaccine.
We’re pretty much set up to have that debate.
*That's 100% fine, and I hope everything works out for you/your family!
I just want to make sure people are identifying the real risks of the CCP Virus, and are able to make an informed decision.
*Also, I don't want the media/Dems to succeed in using the vaccine to divide America, when we should all be watching the audits/ investigate Fauci's ties to the Wuhan Virology lab
6 p% of cases going to hospital are allegedly from vaxxed ppl.
That would only be true if Covid really existed. It does not.
Your friend should be taking HCQ and Zinc to help and protect his lungs.
Colloidal Silver via nebulizer mist too.
This ☝? It’s my go-to and has alleviated about 80% of an otherwise Dr visits over last decade.
Good suggestion! (although I heard that you also need Azithromycin/ an antibiotic)
I'll let him know, though.
You only need the Azithromycin if you develop a secondary (bacterial) infection.
Fair point, but I thought that the Zinc was supposed to help with the antibiotic's efficacy.
As I understand it, the zinc is the key. It is what keeps the virus from replicating (or drastically slows it). This allows your natural immune system to 'catch up' and defeat the virus before things get bad.
The HCQ (or the over-the-counter Quercetin) are both 'zinc ionophores'. They help the zinc get into your cells (instead of floating around in your bloodstream, where it does no good). Therefore, while zinc is the key, it needs help to get where it needs to be.
The Azithromycin is only needed if you start treating a bit too late, and you have developed a secondary (bacterial) infection. Normally, you won't need it.
I've never heard about zinc increasing Azi's efficacy. Could be, but I've never heard it.
You need to start taking the HCQ/Quercetin and Zinc combo within two days of developing symptoms for it to be useful.
Check with Zelenko or America's Frontline Doctors for confirmation.
Wait til you learn about shedding....
I'll look more into shedding.
*Please send me your best source if you can, because I've seen that vaccine-shedding reports are comprised of mostly anecdotal evidence.
(Doesn't mean it's not true, but you have to apply some healthy skepticism)
I don’t have documentation... just talking to pathologists and techs in my lab and reading I have done up until now. I work at a cancer hospital as an analyst and have gone 100% remote but my friends still working in the lab are pretty nervous because anybody who is required to be there normally has to get the vaccine... I am lucky enough to never have to go into work again but the people who refuse the vax should be concerned that the folks with it might transmit that virus they were just injected with
For sure.
Thanks for letting me know
I also had a quarter of my lung taken last year, have COPD and asthma. I'll take my chances. The Jab won't change me from getting it and it will damage my cells.
It's your decision to make.
*But I don't think the Jab will necessarily damage your cells, and I doubt that the vaccine will kill you. (Side effects have been seen and are real, but hundreds of millions of people got these vaccines/gene therapies)
*Note, you won't die from the CCP Virus, but there are real, long-term health effects that you don't want to get: permanent lung/organ damage, mental problems, etc.
**I think it's prudent to wait and be cautious, but you might consider eventually getting the J&J vaccine to avoid potential long-term risks of mRNA gene-therapies
If you read the reports from the New England Journal of Medicine, and other sources, you will find that these side effects (Bells Palsy & other serious conditions) can occur (But with the amount of people getting vaccinated, it isn't surprising to see many people reporting side effects)
With regards to Hydroxy, I've heard that you want to take it early on, so you'd theoretically want to have a stock on hand, and be able to identify your covid-symptoms, so you can get maximum efficacy from your Hydroxy + Zinc + Antibiotics. (But if you don't use your prophylactics correctly, you put yourself at risk)
*I agree that long term effects are possible, but I would have expected more problems associated with the spike-protein antibodies to have manifested already.
**However, you have to assess these risks with your risk of long-term side effects from covid.
Yes, all of our institutions have been corrupted by the Globalists/Marxists.
However, it's easy to distinguish between obvious bullshit like"
"Racism is the real health epidemic", versus a peer-reviewed clinical report on the safety of the various vaccines.
*You can look up the methodology, and you will get a straight answer.
Why are you coming here and telling people to take the DS gene therapy that will kill them in a few years? You speak about sources, you only proivde the deep state sources. Be gone shill. You are as bad as the commies you seem to love and protect. COVID is a fucking hoax..Dude, stop commenting.
He is right. Will never be around the retards taking the vaxx potentially putting entire humanity at risk. Stop think with your feelings. They made their choice and laughs at you while doing it. Let them feel the pain for once (not your friend).
3 out of the 5 sentences you wrote are painful to read. (Your writing reads like a youtube comment)
*You don't cite any sources, show any logic, or attempt any cost/benefit analysis of taking a Covid shot. (Which is what adults do)
I don't care if I'm not your friend because you are a waste of time, and a waste of a life. (Get fucked)
Go and take your shot and good luck. Its your life, i don't care, Just stay away from me. What's so hard to understand? You are taking the DS poison and expect people to just say it's ok? You are still a slave. Wake up. THERE IS NO COVID.
Ok. You have to be a troll.
Why do you say that?
:>) A cult is a group of people who DO something together... like all take a particular "vaccine" that isn't needed.
People that refuse to participate and aren't involved in any way... are hardly the "cult". We're spectators to the cult.
We already SHUNNED CNN you twat. It’s SCARED.
Uuuuuuh micheal.. if’a thainkin fer oursev’s is wrong thaing fer us to be a’doin, then id’a suggest you just go on with your shun’n.. and we’ll see who’s looking for a job you pompous pile of horse? !!!
What happened to Smerconish? he used to be a conservative... who bought him? Ben Shapiro?
LOL because not taking an experimental injection for a virus with an OVER 99% survival, is just totally stupid, right?
We're the stupid ones, right?
LOL CNN go fuck yourselves.
The ONLY cult I see, are those who watch and listen to CNN...
Vaccine apartheid is now a real thing.
May God have Mercy on our Souls.
Candy mountain charlie
Hehe, I get that reference... :)
Let the shunning begin!
Well, eventually as the death Jab starts killing or crippling the non cult people, then we will be the only ones left to take America back. ??
I shun people who have received the mark of the beast so that’s fine
I have not watched CNN in easily 20 years so why would I give a shit what anyone on CNN or anyone that watches CNN thinks?
I've always been selective with whom I associate with in life so any friends of mine would not be dumb enough to get the vaccine anyways.
How can anyone shun me if I prefer those types of people to stay away from me anyways?
Is it illegal to encourage people to break the law by not hiring people who didn't get vaccinated? It seems so, like if he encouraged people not to hire minorities.
Note the black and white tiles of the Freemasons on the wall.
Symbols will be their downfall.
How is NOT doing something, not joining in, a cult? ?♂️
Just like all those weirdoes that didn't fly down to Jonestown! Fucking cultists!
To me it reads like "these people" in the cult means leftists like CNN and Smerconsquish.
Everything's racist and everything's a cult
Who the hell wants to be around those "vaccinated" people?!!!! They can stay the freak away! With their shedding spike proteins....
Need to have an audience for canceling to work, dopes!
Yes the whiny minority shun the 81 to 100 million who will not be cowed. Reminds me of that headline in a British newspaper decades ago "Fog closes Channel. Continent isolated."
The irony ???
Well Mr Smerconish, I did not know this! Seems wholly appropriate (and thoroughly disgusting, heads up...)
Too late!!
If you get shunned by CNN, how would you ever even know?
Two can play this game. It’s time to invoke rule 5.56, subsection 7.62, against fascist retards who come up with nazi “ideas” like this.
Suck on THAT, cnn.
cult + time = religion
Religion of Kek that is.
It's NOT A VACCINE. It's an experimental INJECTION with multiple versions all of which utilize new technology, the full effects of which are unknown. In effect, the jabbed ARE the test subjects for the experiment.
Even if it were "FDA approved", the long term effects wouldn't be known for years. Consider how many lawsuits are filed for adverse effects and death from "FDA approved" drugs that HAVE (SUPPOSEDLY) gone through the required testing and clinical trials.
C-C-P Nonsense Network is controlled agitation, disinformation and name-calling as a means of coercion is childishly despicable.
No, we are the ones with brains between our ears, who do not bow to the dictates of our government and social media, and big business.