I wonder if they are the Doctors, who have been trained from the CCP Handbook?? I also wonder how many Doctors knew, how harmful shots & medications have been to the human race, for YEARS!
Going to have to be military tribunal for his egregious and unthinkable crimes against humanity, not crooked US court system, which can never again be trusted.
en-volve isn't a "publication." Read their work carefully and you will see the never cite anyone. Most of their stuff is mind dumps of little value that pushes people's opinions as back-up to their musings. Literally a page of just clickbait.
Deceptive Practices? Covid-19 “Vaccines” or Gene Therapy
February 10, 2021
By referring to COVID-19 vaccines as "vaccines" rather than gene therapies, the U.S. government is violating its 15 U.S. Code Section 41, which regulates deceptive practices in medical claims
The mRNA injections are gene therapies that do not fulfill a single criteria or definition of a vaccine
COVID-19 "vaccines" do not impart immunity or inhibit transmissibility of the disease. They only are designed to lessen your infection symptoms if or when you get infected. As such, these products do not meet the legal or medical definition of a vaccine
Since a vast majority of people who test positive for SARS-CoV-2 have no symptoms at all, they've not even been able to establish a causal link between the virus and the clinical disease
By calling this experimental gene therapy technology a "vaccine," they are circumventing liability for damages that would otherwise apply.
Did you know that mRNA COVID-19 vaccines aren't vaccines in the medical and legal definition of a vaccine? They do not prevent you from getting the infection, nor do they prevent its spread. They're really experimental gene therapies.
Contact Dr Reiner Fuellmich: info@fuellmich.com, or you can contact him via his contact page on his website. He does get hundreds of emails per day, which are all read and says he responds to those of importance. Thank you for your kind comments.
This article is copyright of Europe Reloaded, entitled: How To Become Part of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich's Class Action Law Suit.
Please, if you are not familar with this history of this recent class action law suit, please watch this video about the PCR fraud that lawyer Dr Reiner Fuellmich uncovered with his team at Germany's Extra-Parliamentary Coronavirus Investigative Commission (a role that its German Government should have been undertaking), this fraud which has been the scientific 'evidence' for the lockdowns, masks, and social distancing etc amongst the Governments of the world.
View Website
I wrote to him with some ideas. And offered to help. Maybe we can help with research etc.
Questions are good! I had the same thought as you and after a bit of deliberation have the following generalized view of things:
the initial china virus being a deliberate and malicious bioweapon release by china with fauci/gates complicity for the purpose of inflicting financial harm & destablising the world, a motive aimed entirely at the US 2020 election.
this weapon release perhaps burned itself out and didn't survive in the rigors of the natural world, and may not have really made much headway to the wider world.. OR may never have existed and been an entire propaganda construct. However...
all deepstate governments all over the world and compromised medical establishments were primed to blame the regular and localised flu as being the china virus, establishing the narrative and setting the scene for now. Fraudulent PCR tests ready to give false positives when needed, crime and incentive coercion ready to bribe and blackmail doctors to register normal death by accident or other illness as covid to fraudulently spike the numbers and tap into that lucrative vein of fear. Assassinations and censorship ready to suppress attempts to investigate and communicate genuine info about the problem.
I dont think we will ever know the dichotomy and proportion between how much is the china virus VS how much is the flu but right now all the moaning about the disease is probably 99% the regular flu. A disease so widespread and tenacious for thousands of years does not simply disappear without a trace worldwide for no reason.
There's also the theory that there were two strains and the white hats swapped them so that China gave its own people the lethal strain while we got the safe strain.
The safe strain provides immunity against the lethal strain.
But it's possible that's just a story and the REAL danger was the gene therapy. They wanted to scare us to death.
Make us so scared we'd take their needle and what was IN the needle would kill us. Or sterilize us.
As much as we all want this, do you think this will pass, or just another uniparty flex for the crowd that REP gov class elites know they can say and never actually do?
Thanks for sharing, patriot. Certainly enjoying the show, but craving that pure hopium, these days, instead of false prophet posturing from fake talking heads pretending to care about us and our needs.
Now, that AZ election audit? Been injecting those updates straight in the veins!
It won't pass. This is the same tired tactics RINOs push all the time.
Watch the ones that jump in front of the camera now on this subject. These are the representatives that aren't your friends. They get in front of the camera to say shit so you think they're doing something, but we know this sinking ship sunk last year. They know it too.
They're the ones the normie conservatives will start gloating over once the "Alternative Mainstream Media (AMSM)" starts regurgitating their sound bytes across the airwaves.
Cue Jim Jordan to run his mouth on TV next. BlazeTV, Tim Pool, and Shapiro will talk about it.
Just keep your eyes on Arizona. Fear porn isn't working, so they're trying RINO porn now.
I think he's portraying himself a certain way in the media, but his ties to Google are questionable. Therefore, he doesn't deserve a free pass or a blind eye from conservatives. I personally think no one deserves one, technically.
Always keep your eyes wide open when people start getting culty around someone. I say this coming from the cult of Mike Pence.
When to File a Complaint Against a Doctor
If you have experienced unprofessional conduct or inadequate care at the hands of a doctor, it is important that you file a complaint with the state medical board in your state. The Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) provides contact information for every state medical board in the U.S. and its territories. It is important to note that state medical boards do not assist in the preparation of medical malpractice lawsuits.
Many patients do not know where to turn when they have concerns about the competency or conduct of a doctor. State medical boards are government agencies empowered to investigate complaints about doctors and, when warranted, take action against them
Speaking of House Republicans, Kevin McCarthy is a commie pedo faggot traitor. How he ever got anointed the next Speaker is beyond comprehension, and it cannot happen.
How to File a Complaint
To file a complaint against your doctor (for unprofessional conduct or incompetent practice), find your state medical board and follow the steps explained on the state medical board’s website. State medical boards allow patients to file complaints either online, by email, phone or standard mail.
Complaints are prioritized according to the potential for patient harm; cases in which an investigator determines imminent patient harm is possible are typically “fast-tracked” to ensure swift action by the state medical board.
Examples of complaints receiving high priority by investigators may include a doctor
engaging in sexual misconduct,
practicing medicine while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and
providing substandard care.
The most common complaint received by state medical boards is an allegation that a doctor has deviated from the accepted standard of medical care in a state.
Some of the most common standard-of care complaints include:
Prescribing the wrong medicine
Inappropriately prescribing controlled substances
Failure to diagnose a medical problem that is found later
Willfully or negligently violating the confidentiality between physician and patient except as required by law
Disruptive behavior and/or interaction with physicians, hospital personnel, patients, family members, or others that interferes with patient care
Failure to provide appropriate post-operative care
Failure to respond to a call from a hospital to help a patient in a traumatic situation
His squelching of all discussion regarding hydroxychloroquine and other alternative treatments, which he knew worked for treating covid, should be reason enough to charge him with some kind of crime against humanity.
"Firing"???... maybe add "squad" to the end of that and get these tribunals started... and we'll have a deal.
hang a copy of the Hippocratic Oath around his neck and then hang him in a very public place viewable by all .../!
I went to a chiropractor once, and saw the Hippocratic Oath on a sign there.
It is the ONLY place I have ever seen it -- and my family has had enough medical issues that I have been inside plenty of hospitals.
Some medical doctors acutally laugh if you ask about The Hippocratic Oath.
Because the oath hinders with the bottom line.
I wonder if they are the Doctors, who have been trained from the CCP Handbook?? I also wonder how many Doctors knew, how harmful shots & medications have been to the human race, for YEARS!
Wonder if they're the Doctors, who were trained out of the CCP Handbook!
The Dr. Mengele School of Medicine.
Sigh. I really miss the stockade. We need to bring it back.
This was really me being civilised and nice.
What I really want to bring back is "stake them out for the ants/crabs."
I like the old idea of putting a person in stocks out in public. Put him in San Fran in stocks.
Then hang him, with a thick rope.
also add that any violation of said oath by the Director or ANY subordinate will.result in termination
I prefer he be hanged.
Pack ur bags? Like the dem controlled house is gonna pass that...time for the military to fire (or fire on?) him.
I keep saying this. Trail by jury or Mil and death. I suppose we should fire the f'er first.
Going to have to be military tribunal for his egregious and unthinkable crimes against humanity, not crooked US court system, which can never again be trusted.
Bugeyed Pepe FTW
Better yet, same publication says he could go to prison. First arrest? https://en-volve.com/2021/05/13/watch-damning-video-exposes-dr-faucis-role-in-creating-covid-pandemic-and-should-land-him-in-a-federal-prison/
en-volve isn't a "publication." Read their work carefully and you will see the never cite anyone. Most of their stuff is mind dumps of little value that pushes people's opinions as back-up to their musings. Literally a page of just clickbait.
A year too late. Little monster belongs in the gallows.
House Republicans are in the minority. It won't pass.
Maybe not...but the optics will be FANTASTIC.
Chip away at the BIGGEST LIE. Fauci Covid Lie
His new full-time job will be appearing on CNN and MSNBC to promote his propaganda. Plus a book deal.
Deceptive Practices? Covid-19 “Vaccines” or Gene Therapy
February 10, 2021 By referring to COVID-19 vaccines as "vaccines" rather than gene therapies, the U.S. government is violating its 15 U.S. Code Section 41, which regulates deceptive practices in medical claims The mRNA injections are gene therapies that do not fulfill a single criteria or definition of a vaccine COVID-19 "vaccines" do not impart immunity or inhibit transmissibility of the disease. They only are designed to lessen your infection symptoms if or when you get infected. As such, these products do not meet the legal or medical definition of a vaccine Since a vast majority of people who test positive for SARS-CoV-2 have no symptoms at all, they've not even been able to establish a causal link between the virus and the clinical disease By calling this experimental gene therapy technology a "vaccine," they are circumventing liability for damages that would otherwise apply. Did you know that mRNA COVID-19 vaccines aren't vaccines in the medical and legal definition of a vaccine? They do not prevent you from getting the infection, nor do they prevent its spread. They're really experimental gene therapies.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich’s Class Action Lawsuit
December 8, 2020
Contact Dr Reiner Fuellmich: info@fuellmich.com, or you can contact him via his contact page on his website. He does get hundreds of emails per day, which are all read and says he responds to those of importance. Thank you for your kind comments.
This article is copyright of Europe Reloaded, entitled: How To Become Part of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich's Class Action Law Suit.
Please, if you are not familar with this history of this recent class action law suit, please watch this video about the PCR fraud that lawyer Dr Reiner Fuellmich uncovered with his team at Germany's Extra-Parliamentary Coronavirus Investigative Commission (a role that its German Government should have been undertaking), this fraud which has been the scientific 'evidence' for the lockdowns, masks, and social distancing etc amongst the Governments of the world.
View Website
I wrote to him with some ideas. And offered to help. Maybe we can help with research etc.
With evidence mounting that the 'good' doctor is a bioterrorist who helped unleash a literal plague on the world, his firing may soon be very literal.
Questions are good! I had the same thought as you and after a bit of deliberation have the following generalized view of things:
the initial china virus being a deliberate and malicious bioweapon release by china with fauci/gates complicity for the purpose of inflicting financial harm & destablising the world, a motive aimed entirely at the US 2020 election.
this weapon release perhaps burned itself out and didn't survive in the rigors of the natural world, and may not have really made much headway to the wider world.. OR may never have existed and been an entire propaganda construct. However...
all deepstate governments all over the world and compromised medical establishments were primed to blame the regular and localised flu as being the china virus, establishing the narrative and setting the scene for now. Fraudulent PCR tests ready to give false positives when needed, crime and incentive coercion ready to bribe and blackmail doctors to register normal death by accident or other illness as covid to fraudulently spike the numbers and tap into that lucrative vein of fear. Assassinations and censorship ready to suppress attempts to investigate and communicate genuine info about the problem.
I dont think we will ever know the dichotomy and proportion between how much is the china virus VS how much is the flu but right now all the moaning about the disease is probably 99% the regular flu. A disease so widespread and tenacious for thousands of years does not simply disappear without a trace worldwide for no reason.
There's also the theory that there were two strains and the white hats swapped them so that China gave its own people the lethal strain while we got the safe strain.
The safe strain provides immunity against the lethal strain.
But it's possible that's just a story and the REAL danger was the gene therapy. They wanted to scare us to death.
Make us so scared we'd take their needle and what was IN the needle would kill us. Or sterilize us.
Chinese quality control, no doubt.
Fire? Not good enough and also where is Dr Birx? Isn't she also complicit in all this as well?
She needs to be SCARVED
Isn't that how Isadora Duncan died?
A small crab in the bucket of things. But this gives me joy
Let's test our dissonance...
As much as we all want this, do you think this will pass, or just another uniparty flex for the crowd that REP gov class elites know they can say and never actually do?
Comment below...
You may be right. But all these small sniper attacks are adding up into air raid attacks! Keep it up I say! They're being cornered in every direction
Thanks for sharing, patriot. Certainly enjoying the show, but craving that pure hopium, these days, instead of false prophet posturing from fake talking heads pretending to care about us and our needs.
Now, that AZ election audit? Been injecting those updates straight in the veins!
Hopium high gets us by!
It won't pass. This is the same tired tactics RINOs push all the time.
Watch the ones that jump in front of the camera now on this subject. These are the representatives that aren't your friends. They get in front of the camera to say shit so you think they're doing something, but we know this sinking ship sunk last year. They know it too.
They're the ones the normie conservatives will start gloating over once the "Alternative Mainstream Media (AMSM)" starts regurgitating their sound bytes across the airwaves.
Cue Jim Jordan to run his mouth on TV next. BlazeTV, Tim Pool, and Shapiro will talk about it.
Just keep your eyes on Arizona. Fear porn isn't working, so they're trying RINO porn now.
Thanks for asking.
I think he's portraying himself a certain way in the media, but his ties to Google are questionable. Therefore, he doesn't deserve a free pass or a blind eye from conservatives. I personally think no one deserves one, technically.
Always keep your eyes wide open when people start getting culty around someone. I say this coming from the cult of Mike Pence.
ANY Washington politician who serves more than one term is highly suspect!
This patriot gets it!
I think we need to file against insurances, hospitals and individual doctors as well. I bet America’s Frontline Doctors has the info. I’ll look.
I imagine the Nuremberg Code applies as well to put NIH and CDC.
Oh, please sue the doctors, please!
Wipe that arrogance off their stupid faces.
The good ones will survive; only the bad ones will get the hit they deserve.
When to File a Complaint Against a Doctor If you have experienced unprofessional conduct or inadequate care at the hands of a doctor, it is important that you file a complaint with the state medical board in your state. The Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) provides contact information for every state medical board in the U.S. and its territories. It is important to note that state medical boards do not assist in the preparation of medical malpractice lawsuits. Many patients do not know where to turn when they have concerns about the competency or conduct of a doctor. State medical boards are government agencies empowered to investigate complaints about doctors and, when warranted, take action against them
Speaking of House Republicans, Kevin McCarthy is a commie pedo faggot traitor. How he ever got anointed the next Speaker is beyond comprehension, and it cannot happen.
That is all.
I wish these jackasses would read the Constitution and understand their job.
This bill is unlawful. It is a bill of attainder, which is expressly prohibited by the Constitution.
They can impeach.
Pack your bags? Dont you mean "would you like one last cigarette with that blindfold"?
How to File a Complaint To file a complaint against your doctor (for unprofessional conduct or incompetent practice), find your state medical board and follow the steps explained on the state medical board’s website. State medical boards allow patients to file complaints either online, by email, phone or standard mail.
Complaints are prioritized according to the potential for patient harm; cases in which an investigator determines imminent patient harm is possible are typically “fast-tracked” to ensure swift action by the state medical board.
Examples of complaints receiving high priority by investigators may include a doctor
engaging in sexual misconduct,
practicing medicine while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and
providing substandard care.
The most common complaint received by state medical boards is an allegation that a doctor has deviated from the accepted standard of medical care in a state.
Some of the most common standard-of care complaints include:
Prescribing the wrong medicine
Inappropriately prescribing controlled substances
Failure to diagnose a medical problem that is found later
Willfully or negligently violating the confidentiality between physician and patient except as required by law
Disruptive behavior and/or interaction with physicians, hospital personnel, patients, family members, or others that interferes with patient care
Failure to provide appropriate post-operative care
Failure to respond to a call from a hospital to help a patient in a traumatic situation
I didn’t think you could pack for hell
Firing this faggot won't stop it, it will make him stronger. He needs noose and a tree.
Oh please, do it already
Because it’s not true.
Finally, take away his license as well. I wonder if we all file grievances against him...I’ll look into that.
He might currently have some sort of diplomatic immunity against prosecution.
HANG FAUCI (or Fraudci as I call him)
I think these work:
providing substandard care;
Disruptive behavior and/or interaction with physicians, hospital personnel, patients, family members, or others that interferes with patient care;
allegation that a doctor has deviated from the accepted standard of medical care in a state;
Prescribing the wrong medicine;
His squelching of all discussion regarding hydroxychloroquine and other alternative treatments, which he knew worked for treating covid, should be reason enough to charge him with some kind of crime against humanity.
That acronym is priceless.
space force "death-by-spacing" like in start trek.
That cabal Fucker needs an included flight pass to a southern Cuba naval base.
And.... cue the banshees in media and their mockingbird guests.
This ought to be fun to watch. Now they’ll be screeching to remove the Republicans from the House because, you know, democracy, scyence, raycism.
This could just as easily be an effort by the gop to help the dnc sweep him under the rug.