I debated on posting this but it's just to good not to share.
Today I was 'out and about' with my 22 year old son. He's pretty smart, works his ass off, not as informed as I'd like but he watches the hell out of Tic Tok vids and that stuff when the subject is Trump or what is going on. I guess that is better than nothing. ANYWAY, out of the blue, he asked me about the 'recount' in AZ. I had to set him straight about that it was an 'Audit' not a recount, and explained the whole reason and process. Then I asked what prompted that question. He said, and I QUOTE: "Everyone on his social media is talking about that, Fauci's emails, and why 'Trump left us all hanging'". That last statement was where my heart started to race. Really did. I asked what that was supposed to mean. He said there are a "Shit-ton" (his words) of tic-toks out there of LIBERALS ready for Trump to come back. He said from everything he is seeing, they have all had enough of Biden and those dick heads, to include the MEDIA. So I asked exactly WHO were these LIBERALS. He said mostly African American dudes, some chicks, a ton of gay dudes ... all begging for Trump to come back.
It's glorious. Fucking GLORIOUS !!!!!!
The end is near.
Apparently we are the knights who say "Ni!"
I want...a SHRUBBERY!
Yes indeed??
That means a new beginning is near, too :)
I don't drink any more, but I'll gladly burn a joint with you... CHEERS!!! WWG1WGA
You could have a pint of water, It's the company that counts!!
After the joint... Dry mouth/cotton mouth... KEK
I used to say "cotton mouth" until one of my mates pointed out that it sounds like a racial slur. Now I say it even more often, out of context, whilst laughing.
I do!
I'm in!!!
We must all qualify for membership now at the VFW.
Technically this is a domestic war.
We shall form the VDW!
KEK! I like the way you think.
I am thinking gallons!
There’s gonna be biblical partying that goes on for weeks??
Didn't parties in the bible that went on for weeks end with everyone being wiped out for their hedonism?
Beats the shit outta re-education camps, right??? ?
First thing Noah did after the flood was plant a vineyard and then was sodomized by his son after becoming inebriated.
Doesn't say sodomized.
Thank you, fact checker! You're right, it didn't say that! Genesis 9:24 So Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done to him.
For context: "After the flood, Noah began to cultivate the ground, and he planted a vineyard. One day he drank some wine he had made, and he became drunk and lay naked inside his tent. Ham, the father of Canaan, saw that his father was naked and went outside and told his brothers. Then Shem and Japheth took a robe, held it over their shoulders, and backed into the tent to cover their father. As they did this, they looked the other way so they would not see him naked. When Noah woke up from his stupor, he learned what Ham, his youngest son, had done." Genesis 9:20-24 NLT https://bible.com/bible/116/gen.9.20-24.NLT
Very coy this episode. Was there sodomizing? The coyness suggests there was but maybe he shagged the cat.
I always learned that he mocked his father and disrespected him.
What do they mean by 'disrespect'? The Bible can be quite coded. A drunk flasher seems a bit petty as far as disrespect goes. Very curious. I'm reminded of Scumbama caught with that boy.
Many schools and parents did not teach their kids the signs and dangers of communism. That was by design. They planted seeds,indoctrinated the youth, and waited for the older & wiser die off for their final strike.
We have to be able to sustain ourselves post Q and Trump. There is no way to do that without a DE - " education " of the zombies and a Patriotic and proper education for our youth & secure elections. Getting people to participate in their futures ( research and vote ) is also important, but means squat if we have no real elections.
Liberals have only been taught lies ,victimhood, and hate so they truly have no real learning, thinking, or reasoning capabilities. This is precisely why they need to be " SHOWN " as per Q.
So remember that too about your lib F & F when the time comes. It is partly because of their naivety, stubbornness, and immaturity that so many of us have to go thru this whole circus.
I know they are kinda victims of schools, pedowood, and the msm but come on, it's been years and years. I'm nearly all out of empathy and compassion.
U can't fix stupid yet u still have to suffer them.
Thanks for the share.
From this recent interview by Jordan Peterson on North Korean Defector Yeonmi Park
Her observations are stark and shocking. She finally makes it out, gets an education, a real good one, gets accepted to Columbia and while there gets so beaten down by wokeness that she found herself relearning to self-censor herself.
She describes what she's seeing here as "suicide of civilization"
And I encourage everyone reading this comment to reserve the two hours at some point soon to listen to this exchange. It's a modern condensed gulag archipelago.
We say it often.
" The best kind of slaves are the ones that cannot see their chains ".
Thanks for the link. I'm sure I'll watch and share especially with your nice overview.
Appropriate memes
On the flip side, be aware of any "friends" you have that worked in media or accademia ... chances are they were hoping we'd all lose our liberty ... there are three former acquaintances I flat out suspect were at least sympathetic to Antifa if not helping them. You should see the one's wife .... makes Trigglypuff look ok ... fucking mega-uber landwhale of the 10th degree.
However, you are right ... for the most part, people have simply been lied to their entire life. I simply have no sympathy for the ones that cut and paste frigging shariablue crap and are frigging DNC talking point parrots ... they're in on it if you ask me.
Very descriptive, but when u said makes triggly look ok I got it - lol.
I am fairly certain the dick state knows that libs are generally angry people by nature ( because they are usually ugly on the inside and out ) and therefore makes them easily susceptible to violence if directed.
The ugly to pretty ratio for libs is very high. When there is such a pattern as this it's likely on purpose. They have weaponized everything including stupidity, obesity, and ugly anger. All they ever needed was a " nudge " and a target.
"As you know, madness is like gravity...all it takes is a little push." - Joker
What's funny is that she was kinda cute before she put on HUNDREDS of pounds. She used to belittle my wife constantly (called her dumb blonde and bimbo all of the time). Turns out she was jealous of her.
I seriously think her husband is a bit more than a "supporter" of socialism ... its a hunch, but some of the shit he'd recommend to people that were looking for help with something were always those idiot communist organizations that always have "fair" and "justice" and other words that make it seem like they care. I've never seen any other pinko pricks I used to know do that. It was odd to say the least. His current job and the perks he gets from it all but tell me he's climbed up their food chain (so long as his wife didn't eat that chain). I think I'll know for sure soon! :-) .
Yes. it has to be so bad every citizen will become a McCarthy, spotting dangerous Communist rhetoric around every corner.
We need everyone to be so scarred from the precipice event that parents drill into their kids dangers of Communism, like immigrants who escape such regimes do to their offspring born here.
I've been yelling McCarthy was right for years now, before Trump, I'm in my fucking sauceeeeeee
High IQ post....
Small victories, small victories. Now multiply this by millions of people across the country. Something is afoot in the consciousness of America.
I don't think its a coincidence that Trump is making some sort of speech on the 5th. If we are seeing this, you know damn well he and his team are.
That's awesome. Thanks for sharing. Would love to view those tiktoks if you happen to have any links!
I’ll try to find more
Hard to watch this androgyny paraded about, even in defense DJT. Stomach gets queasy. Someone to pray for, I guess.
This fag here. We have been on the Trump train for a long time. And Q followers!
But we don’t “date fag”. Lol
This post brought a huge smile to my face ! Thanks.
Thanks for posting this. LOVE reading stuff like this.
Thank you for the day brightener, and congratulations on raising a son who seems pretty based.
I think shit is about to get real, I don't believe the whole Trump is coming back in August "rumors" but I do think a shit ton of evil is going to be exposed for all to see by that time where almost a majority of the country will be begging for Trump to come back.
Economic implosion, nuclear scare. The storm is coming.
best news I've heard all day. and I've heard a bunch of shitty news today. thank you for sharing.
Good news to hear. Now if my Bernie MSNBC loving neighbors FINALLY wake up it will be truly glorious... Until then I will not be celebrating
Thank you for posting this! These stories need to be shared. We are in the process of awakening people so this is great to hear!
This got me right I'm the feels.
I don’t want to be a bugger, but Tik Tok’s algorithms are very very good. (Creepy). If your boy watches and or interacts with videos of liberals begging for Trump back, Tik Tok will serve up more and more videos of that. Keeps people in their echo chamber.
"dick heads" Very well put. Although maybe a tad eloquent for those evil motherfuckers.
Wow. I’m glad to see not all young people are lost. I love this story. Thank you for sharing !
Wait. Thar's just the tip of the iceberg. I'm waiting for the "enlightened elites" in medicine, law, high tech, academia to start grousing about the path we're on. First they have to realize it. Then they have to realize they were backing the wrong horse. These are the people who have a very difficult time admitting they were wrong about anything. When they start complaining and speaking hopefully for Trumps return then it's all over. Most of them may never acknowledge it but the acid test will be how much they complain upon Trump's return. If they don't go ballistic or bat shit crazy, then that might be the best we can hope for.
On the same note I had a similar experience today with an 18 year old who out of the blue asked me "What's going on with these Fauci emails?" And then went on to say how she misses Trump. I told her there are theories he may come back and she was totally unawares of GA stuff but was hopeful Biden could be ousted.
Love this story! It's amazing how the younger kids are seeing this much more clearly that the older crowd.
My father with the worst case of TDS ever to be imagined sent me a text this morning saying "Trump who should be shot as a communist informant" and in the same text stating "our state has a wheelchair fag governor". I'll let you guess the state. In response to all this shit, I proceeded to send him all of Fauci's 3,000+ emails. Now, I'm waiting for his response. Should be interesting.
Nothing, and I mean nothing I send or say to him makes a damn bit of difference and will make him see the light.
My brother's kids are in this age group. He said they and their friends are very pro Trump. I think there is much more support among younger people than we are told - no surprise there.
I saw a lot of twenty-somethings in DC on Jan 5th and 6th as well.
I commented on a previous post about TikTok and how conservatives are taking over, and your son is right. There are lot of African Americans waking up to Biden. The funny part is that the liberals react in such a way that PUSHES them to us instead of changing their mind. They call them “Uncle Toms” or “House N*****) any time they even slightly agree with a Republican. The story is the same with gay guys. They start to develop their own opinion and if it doesn’t align with the views of the entire gay community they get attacked by their peers.
completely ostracized AND #cancled for being a 80% blue independent, and not automatically siding with liberals on everything no questions asked. I'm basically 90% red now, am gay. fleeing the city and all the brain washed city fags that can't say no to the toxic degenerate faggot culture. am a country g0y now, through and through.
That is EXACTLY what he said. They get gaslit by some of their own. They apparently post short vids about that too. Others who see that shit and are 'on the fence' I guess, see that for what it is. They are starting to understand the concept of gaslighting.
I started with it just to post funny vids from my gaming, and some car stuff. But when it came to politics or anything like that I’d have to fight a gang of rabid liberals. Then one night it’s like a switch flipped. My suggested feed was all people waking up, and suddenly now the liberals are the ones on the defensive. It’s mostly “Trump won” comments. The only liberal you see is the occasional comment here and there just to troll but they are quickly called out. It’s a wonderful thing.
One thing to note though is that it could just be the algorithm tricking us. TikTok shows you certain videos based on what you like and interact on. So it could be that we are just seeing a small portion of the content suited to our likes. I hope it isn’t the case
There was a post on Facebook from Joseph Gordon Levitt challenging people to write a "sad story in only four words". Well there was a lot of "Biden Stole The Election" and such in there over and over again from different people and all getting heavily upvoted.
I remember learning from Rubin Report and Walkway videos that the LGBTQ thing is a lefty front and that in reality a lot of gays hate being lumped in with the trannies to begin with and "queer" is still considered a slur by many of them as well but they get shouted down when they speak out and are branded as "bad gays".
Thanks for posting this.
It’s certainly crunch-time. DS=PANIC mode.
Daddy is coming home and he’s about to take the deep state to the fookin woodshed.
China you owe us 10 trillion. Blockade the strait of malacca until they pay. Send em back to the fookin Ming dynasty
Giving China a 10 trillion dollar bill is genius. During reinstatement, I expect this to be an early victory of the President's. Mexico pays for the wall, China pays ten trillion, and we are looking at a new Golden Age without taxing our most productive citizens to steal their wealth for the comrades.
I predict your liberal friend’s are getting all exploady. Lol.
Fortunately, I don't run with many leftists. The ones I encounter are losing their minds as they find themselves being run out of county and municipal government. They don't realize yet that DJT and anons aren't just beating them, we're making them totally irrelevant even to the sheeple. We're preparing the patriots for wealth and strength greater than this country's ever seen.
That's some nice hopium fren
By giving Biden a "win" it allowed the normies (we gotta call em this from now instead of lefties) a chance to relax. By being relaxed their defenses lowered and red pills are easier administered.
Oh. This post is VERY encouraging.
Our barometer is “how are normies and center-left Americans doing?”
When THEY start to wake up... things will come to a boil.