Dang this is some wild shit. I’m reading about it now. Sad part is those of us that speak out against it, once actually in practice, would probably just be executed.
“Project Blue Beam is a conspiracy theory that claims that NASA is attempting to implement a New Age religion with the Antichrist at its head and start a New World Order, via a technologically-simulated Second Coming.”
Obviously, wikipedia being in general hardcore left-wing extremist propaganda, this is worded so as to make it sound crazy.
The technique is to project profound religious images onto the sky using huge movie projectors (Hollywood is a CIA-controlled deepstate tool, remember) that are designed to generate a mass awe-spectacle across the entire nation at once, causing a mass psychotic shift and quasi-religious experience for those so inclined. (People like us would just stand there shaking their heads going 'Yeah right.') The goal is to create a new world religion that replaces the prior ones and serves the deepstate cabal.
Anytime you see the words "conspiracy theory" it's a cover for something that is most likely true which is inconvenient to the deep state.
Actually, if you read into the details of the project, even though based people might know about this beforehand, they have developed frequency projections that will make you feel in your gut that what you are seeing is truth. Only God’s Holy Spirit can protect Christians at that point. Also, it’s world wide, the projections will be in other countries languages as well.
they have developed frequency projections that will make you feel in your gut that what you are seeing is truth
I don't know what "frequency projections" are, but I guarantee you this:
The only thing I will feel in my gut is the ache in my sides from laughter at the sheep believing this crap.
Context: I believe the Bible was written by Middle Eastern males' invention, not by God whispering in their ear telling them what to write down. While I observe that nothing creates itself, so a supernatural creator is totally a possibility, I lack the gene for belief in manmade religious concepts.
It’s developed off the mkultra mind control. Ultra low frequencies can be used to interrupt regular brain function. The articles I’ve read about it go into the science behind it. Real deal friend, just like tons of supposed science fiction they throw at you in the movies but actually have the technology to do. We only have access to technology they’ve allowed us to have.
LDS has got to be the biggest money scam in the history of religions. I just cannot bring myself to take it seriously. The amount of money that church makes for as short of time its been around is insane. Churches should not be sitting on mountains of wealth like they are, they should be helping communities to the point where they never have an abundance of money sitting around. I'm guessing since the vatican lost all their wealth, the Mormon religion is now the most wealthiest in the world.
You must be confused and thinking the God whispering to write down things....which is Book of Mormon
You must be confused. With the exception of the gospels, which are supposed to be eyewitness accounts of events in the life of Jesus (even though the four accounts vary radically from one another), the entire Bible is held by Christians of all sects to have been spoken directly by God to the scribes who merely wrote down what they heard.
Guys, something that needs to be said on Project Blue Beam: The origins of this idea are extremely thin. It was literally one person (A Canadian journalist) that posited this as a possibility. He never claimed to have evidence that this was a genuine plan within the U.S. or other world governments.
After that, the idea took off and has become part of UFO lore.
I'm NOT saying that it's beyond elements of the U.S. government to try something like this either ethically or technologically. The tech exists and everyone here knows that these bastards will do anything to maintain power.
But there's no true substance to the Project Blue Beam mythology when you dig into it.
I would encourage everyone in their skepticism about the government and life that originated from outside this planet. They've been lying to us for decades and there's ZERO reason to believe that they won't keep lying. I find this imminently arriving report from the DoD to be laughable. But I would encourage everyone not to go too far down the PBB rabbit hole. Much bigger elements to this story to become familiar with and subsequently wise to the deception from our government.
Hmmm, maybe this is why they want folks magnetized. I can see a rapture event just sucking people up. They think they are going to Heaven, but are actually being fed to the Lizard King. Mwahahahaha!!! Ok, maybe I shouldn't laugh so much. Mwahaha.
“Childhood's End is a 1953 science fiction novel by the British author Arthur C. Clarke. The story follows the peaceful alien invasion[1] of Earth by the mysterious Overlords, whose arrival begins decades of apparent utopia under indirect alien rule, at the cost of human identity and culture.”
The four fronts of the Adversary, the Devil, Satan.. what ever u want to call him. It reflects the indirect worship that Satan desires. As long as God is not the center the devil doesn't care which you choose
Others (worship of a person i.e. Pope's, presidents, movie stars etc)
I could see the logic of saying hey we need a one world government to fight the aliens blah blah blah. Not sure why we would need a one world religion though.
the way they are pushing the green earth stuff, it may be some earth worshipping religion gaia or whatever and then transition to the beast system. I'm all for being good stewards of what God has given us but they want to take to a whole new level, like all of us eating bugs and other stuff to "save the earth".
Religion controls a populations emotions/thoughts/actions.
Religion has always been the superior control mechanism but they also compliment each other. Every religion WW has been used for the purpose of social control.
The Cabal's religion is Luciferianism (They probably call it something else). Paganism has been used as a gateway into it. I don't know if it was originally designed for that purpose or if it was highjacked, but it has been used as a gateway, just like Freemasonry.
Figure the cabal might beam up a pic like this. GhostEzra posted "Do not be deceived." Thinking many sheeple would freak out if they saw this.Iit's either a drone with a light and some type of lightweight fabric or it's a hologram.
The whole alien thing seems more another "distract the public" tactic. That footage was from 2019. They suddenly release it amongst the Cuomo/Fauci scandals? Yeah right
I would say lots of misspellings are intentional or dyslexia. Not really indicative of IQ per se. so I would not dismiss a message based on misspellings. Some PhD level people I know are wicked smart can’t spell worth shit though. I mean real PhDs in math or engineering, not bullshit social psyence degrees.
Start talking about projects they can look up, like mockingbird, paperclip, the mk series (when they're ready), note that the govt is openly admitting they've known about aliens for decades, but decided to roll out info now, mockingbird, to distract from what?
Oh hhheeeeellll yyyeeeaaahhh!!!!!
I got sad thinking et's said fuck it, we're out. But then you pull through with the sauce. Thanks bud. You have a glorious day! You've made mine!
I can't wait for the MMS narrative on this. "Aliens who have flown across the galaxy/universe and who are millions of years more advanced than us, have come to shoot lasers at our dogs"
Mind the fact that they could annihilate us all with a sneeze, no.. the narrative will be anal probes and cow abductions.
The saddest part to this joke is that the lemmings will accept it as reality.
South Park predicts everything. That’s how you know you’re watching a movie. I think the Simpsons writers predicted some things too. Obviously canal controlled these shows and writers that they can see the future the cabal is about to write. Amazing how they do that
Whether Project Blue Beam is real or not..... Project Paperclip was real. They brought many Nazi scientists here after the war. One of them became head of NASA - Wernher von Braun (1912-1977). He repeatedly told friends and colleagues that the elites' last card to play would be a fake alien invasion. His protege, Dr. Carol Rosin is on record talking about it.
Hmmmm it has been a while, but didn't ET use that glowing finger to heal things? I seem to remember he practically brought things back from the dead....
What is project blue beam?! This is the first I’m hearing about it
Dang this is some wild shit. I’m reading about it now. Sad part is those of us that speak out against it, once actually in practice, would probably just be executed.
Let's get on with it. Christ's arrival is imminent!
“Project Blue Beam is a conspiracy theory that claims that NASA is attempting to implement a New Age religion with the Antichrist at its head and start a New World Order, via a technologically-simulated Second Coming.”
Obviously, wikipedia being in general hardcore left-wing extremist propaganda, this is worded so as to make it sound crazy.
The technique is to project profound religious images onto the sky using huge movie projectors (Hollywood is a CIA-controlled deepstate tool, remember) that are designed to generate a mass awe-spectacle across the entire nation at once, causing a mass psychotic shift and quasi-religious experience for those so inclined. (People like us would just stand there shaking their heads going 'Yeah right.') The goal is to create a new world religion that replaces the prior ones and serves the deepstate cabal.
Anytime you see the words "conspiracy theory" it's a cover for something that is most likely true which is inconvenient to the deep state.
Actually, if you read into the details of the project, even though based people might know about this beforehand, they have developed frequency projections that will make you feel in your gut that what you are seeing is truth. Only God’s Holy Spirit can protect Christians at that point. Also, it’s world wide, the projections will be in other countries languages as well.
I don't know what "frequency projections" are, but I guarantee you this:
The only thing I will feel in my gut is the ache in my sides from laughter at the sheep believing this crap.
Context: I believe the Bible was written by Middle Eastern males' invention, not by God whispering in their ear telling them what to write down. While I observe that nothing creates itself, so a supernatural creator is totally a possibility, I lack the gene for belief in manmade religious concepts.
It’s developed off the mkultra mind control. Ultra low frequencies can be used to interrupt regular brain function. The articles I’ve read about it go into the science behind it. Real deal friend, just like tons of supposed science fiction they throw at you in the movies but actually have the technology to do. We only have access to technology they’ve allowed us to have.
...and implemented via 5G??
Isn't everything we discuss man made concepts? Why dismiss Moses and go with Darwin?
I did neither and mentioned neither.
Go back even further and check out the oldest religions derived from ancient Sanskrit documents.
LDS has got to be the biggest money scam in the history of religions. I just cannot bring myself to take it seriously. The amount of money that church makes for as short of time its been around is insane. Churches should not be sitting on mountains of wealth like they are, they should be helping communities to the point where they never have an abundance of money sitting around. I'm guessing since the vatican lost all their wealth, the Mormon religion is now the most wealthiest in the world.
You must be confused. With the exception of the gospels, which are supposed to be eyewitness accounts of events in the life of Jesus (even though the four accounts vary radically from one another), the entire Bible is held by Christians of all sects to have been spoken directly by God to the scribes who merely wrote down what they heard.
Guys, something that needs to be said on Project Blue Beam: The origins of this idea are extremely thin. It was literally one person (A Canadian journalist) that posited this as a possibility. He never claimed to have evidence that this was a genuine plan within the U.S. or other world governments.
After that, the idea took off and has become part of UFO lore.
I'm NOT saying that it's beyond elements of the U.S. government to try something like this either ethically or technologically. The tech exists and everyone here knows that these bastards will do anything to maintain power.
But there's no true substance to the Project Blue Beam mythology when you dig into it.
I would encourage everyone in their skepticism about the government and life that originated from outside this planet. They've been lying to us for decades and there's ZERO reason to believe that they won't keep lying. I find this imminently arriving report from the DoD to be laughable. But I would encourage everyone not to go too far down the PBB rabbit hole. Much bigger elements to this story to become familiar with and subsequently wise to the deception from our government.
Hmmm, maybe this is why they want folks magnetized. I can see a rapture event just sucking people up. They think they are going to Heaven, but are actually being fed to the Lizard King. Mwahahahaha!!! Ok, maybe I shouldn't laugh so much. Mwahaha.
“Childhood's End is a 1953 science fiction novel by the British author Arthur C. Clarke. The story follows the peaceful alien invasion[1] of Earth by the mysterious Overlords, whose arrival begins decades of apparent utopia under indirect alien rule, at the cost of human identity and culture.”
The four fronts of the Adversary, the Devil, Satan.. what ever u want to call him. It reflects the indirect worship that Satan desires. As long as God is not the center the devil doesn't care which you choose
These are all AntI-Christ. Against Christ...
To make soys go
I could see the logic of saying hey we need a one world government to fight the aliens blah blah blah. Not sure why we would need a one world religion though.
Their one world religion would be atheism anyway
Nope, not fulfilling enough. Would be some weird pseudo occultic worship which would transition to worship of the beast.
the way they are pushing the green earth stuff, it may be some earth worshipping religion gaia or whatever and then transition to the beast system. I'm all for being good stewards of what God has given us but they want to take to a whole new level, like all of us eating bugs and other stuff to "save the earth".
their one world religion would be luciferianism, atheists are despised by the masons, they consider them to be grand fools
Government controls a populations actions.
Religion controls a populations emotions/thoughts/actions.
Religion has always been the superior control mechanism but they also compliment each other. Every religion WW has been used for the purpose of social control.
The Cabal's religion is Luciferianism (They probably call it something else). Paganism has been used as a gateway into it. I don't know if it was originally designed for that purpose or if it was highjacked, but it has been used as a gateway, just like Freemasonry.
Best summary I read... though it might keep you up at night. https://educate-yourself.org/cn/projectbluebeam25jul05.shtml
Figure the cabal might beam up a pic like this. GhostEzra posted "Do not be deceived." Thinking many sheeple would freak out if they saw this.Iit's either a drone with a light and some type of lightweight fabric or it's a hologram.
Do you have a good source on Project Blue Beam? I’ve heard about it, but not really familiar
I think I lost an IQ point reading half of that haha. Misspellings in it, zeo sources... Not bad science fiction though
Yeaaaah that is ridiculous
The whole alien thing seems more another "distract the public" tactic. That footage was from 2019. They suddenly release it amongst the Cuomo/Fauci scandals? Yeah right
Irony: Guy who disses site for misspellings, claiming impact to IQ, MISSPELLS the 4 letter word: zero. Proves low IQ claim!
Keeeeeek. Seriously hilarious. All in fun friend.
I would say lots of misspellings are intentional or dyslexia. Not really indicative of IQ per se. so I would not dismiss a message based on misspellings. Some PhD level people I know are wicked smart can’t spell worth shit though. I mean real PhDs in math or engineering, not bullshit social psyence degrees.
Psyence... Noice
But Enlish degreeses are ligit!
Excuse autocorrect. I'm not the one pushing bullshit as fact haha
Hey thanks I’ll take a look
Absolutely. I’m thinking this is direct message to blow the lid off bluebeam!
Well they haven't wanted to hear it thus far
haha yep. constant back and forth of who actually knows whats going on. a fake back and forth since we obviously know.
Start talking about projects they can look up, like mockingbird, paperclip, the mk series (when they're ready), note that the govt is openly admitting they've known about aliens for decades, but decided to roll out info now, mockingbird, to distract from what?
Sadly, nobody I know is going to look up anything.
Why? Q essentially said ETs are real, and here.
Imo, aliens are just us from another time. Whether past or future.
Oh hhheeeeellll yyyeeeaaahhh!!!!! I got sad thinking et's said fuck it, we're out. But then you pull through with the sauce. Thanks bud. You have a glorious day! You've made mine!
I can't wait for the MMS narrative on this. "Aliens who have flown across the galaxy/universe and who are millions of years more advanced than us, have come to shoot lasers at our dogs"
Mind the fact that they could annihilate us all with a sneeze, no.. the narrative will be anal probes and cow abductions.
The saddest part to this joke is that the lemmings will accept it as reality.
What a time to be alive.
Southpark predicted this.
South Park predicts everything. That’s how you know you’re watching a movie. I think the Simpsons writers predicted some things too. Obviously canal controlled these shows and writers that they can see the future the cabal is about to write. Amazing how they do that
Well, maybe the aliens that come over are like Bubba from Deliverance :)
They never said anything about the aliens sending their best ... could just be their rapists and murderers coming over ....
Are these the "anal probing" aliens?
Just wanted to know so I can be ready.
Yes the Chinese with the swabs.
Lol i hear Brazilian style is the way to go "down there"
Coffee enemas? No? I WANT MY COFFEEEE!!!!
Who would waste good coffee like that??
Faggots, of course?!!
The study for punctuation...colon or semi-colon: depth analysis ?
Big Mike always penetrates the full colon ... nothing semi with that much lumber....
Proof that the Obamas are involved.
Georgio is the man!
That dude must go through three blow dryers a month
Nah. He just looks at the unredacted Deep State plan for us each day when he wakes, and it takes care of itself ....
Wasn't it an "ouch" in the film? But good pick up.
that whole movie is about pedo grooming.
C;mon guys it is a secret message to Trump. " DT, phone home "
ET trying to make a ‘Q’...
Looks like Joe has been sticking his finger up his ass again.
Aliens and Fauci treason, so hot right now.
DO NOT wipe that alien booger on me!
Set your phasers to kill.
Thought it was air 'Q'.
Laughter. A shit-ton of laughter.
The magic touch
fake and gay.
the light is healing...
ET phone home!
I wonder if the date is a one month delta to July 4th.
Whether Project Blue Beam is real or not..... Project Paperclip was real. They brought many Nazi scientists here after the war. One of them became head of NASA - Wernher von Braun (1912-1977). He repeatedly told friends and colleagues that the elites' last card to play would be a fake alien invasion. His protege, Dr. Carol Rosin is on record talking about it.
Hmmmm it has been a while, but didn't ET use that glowing finger to heal things? I seem to remember he practically brought things back from the dead....
ET phone home...isnt he going home at this scene in the movie? Maybe it's not about et fakery...maybe it's time to go back?
Anon connect this Scavino Post to Much more :
It’s a reference to the cabal using the “existence” of aliens to make the sun (aka cabal) rise again during/after the storm.
"Ouchie" rhymes with "Fauci" is how I interpret this one.