Back during the lockdown (house arrest), there was a news article that piqued my interest: the Fed was folded into the U.S. Treasury and subsequently I read reports of the blackops funds being used to power the stimulus-trillions of dollars (ours) going back to the people (can you hear them singing??) Recent news has ignored the developments because you know, the thing... Next up??? restoring PM backed currency.. so the father of MAGA can work in overdrive to restore the true Republic.. The best is yet to come!
thats only recorded internet time, I got caught up in a scam from them going back to 2005 at least. this had to do with car loans and over charging for all sorts of insurance and stuff.
I'm still getting pay outs from the class action lawsuits that started paying in 2009. I got 3k back for something, another 900 for something else and I have more pending money to get ig I can recall the insurance company I had on yhe car I financed through them.
She's out of state, they close her account and mail her a check for her balance amount...she goes to use her debit card only to find out her account was closed...check is in the mail...
Believe it or not, this has happened to me as well but with Chase. They froze both my savings and checking accounts for an entire month (which happened to be December, making Christmas very hard). My wife and I spent weeks trying to get answers. All the initial people I would talk to were kind and helpful until they saw something that made them freeze and refuse to tell me anything. The most I could get out of them was that my account was "under investigation."
I called lawyers and every one treated me with the same suspicion you have... Luckily I was able to get by for the month on credit before they finally sent a letter saying I had access to my money again WITHOUT ANY EXPLANATION.
I have still not found out why they did this, but they can hold your money hostage for absolutely no reason at all. Needless to say I have been warning people against banking with Chase since.
There have been reports of this happening in UK. Iirc the accounts that were publicised were frozen due to “suspicious activity” or “potential money laundering”. It’s appalling and this sort of BS is why I’ve always been suspicious of banks and the move for basically force us all to move to electronic banking as it is way too easy for them to close it all off with one mouse click.
Yes, this. But do your research...not all credit unions are insured. All federal credit unions and many state-chartered credit unions are federally insured by the National Credit Union Association. Some state-chartered credit unions cover themselves by private deposit insurance. But the remainder are not. If they are, their insurance status should be displayed somewhere obvious on their website.
All federal credit unions and many state-chartered credit unions are federally insured by the National Credit Union Association.
So what? There is less than 1% of assets in those insurance programs, and the insurance does not apply if there is a "bail-in" like what happend in Cyprus.
Go local, that's a good idea, but don't rely on "insurance" that doesn't really mean much.
Additionally, read the part about FICA insurance in the creature from jekyl island. The bank insurance isn't there for your money, it's there for the banks.
Fair point. I should probably then add that part of doing your research is also determining the financial health/stability of the CU you are looking to join.
The world is full of risks...there are no true safe havens. Diligence prevails.
I know most of y’all are anti crypto but THIS is exactly its purpose....(and don’t go off saying it’s fake built on nothing.... imho you’re talking about fiat since we left the gold standard and at least crypto has set rules can’t be inflated etc etc) - and most importantly no centralized “trust” authority where you have to hope won’t screw you over....
Another example.... no matter what your opinion on wiki leaks.... I’d assume we are all on the same page that the government shouldn’t have the power to attempt to shut down financial donations to the org in an attempt to shut them down... (something that bitcoin was able to circumvent)
Finite assets like bitcoin and precious metals are safer than savings accounts in the event of the economy crashing, which is highly likely under Pedo Joe, and they also protect against being financially deplatformed.
For practical day to day living though, we still need a checking account as well.
You have to go with the average with crypto, yes there are a few disadvantages but we're going to kick the enemy's ass with it. It will naturally fluctuate wildly on its way up because the people getting involved are getting bigger and bigger. Huge buy ups and sell offs scare the herd one way and the other but it still outperforms gold on average. El Salvador just replaced their Central Bank with Bitcoin. The tug of war will be wild but we will smash the centralized banking system.
Anything linked to the dollar is inherently unstable while Pedo Joe is in charge. The dollar will crash under Pedo Joe. The first signs are already showing.
Not to mention the transaction fees that can vary. I think I lost about $300 in fees and another $1000 due to volatility. Though, the u.s. dollar is rapidly losing its value.
Do you remember talk a couple of years ago all banks changed wording for customer from depositor to investor because of 08 crash. In 08 big banks got bail outs and used that money to buy out small banks. I got letter from my small bank that my account was transferred and to make an appointment immediately to verify funds.
So in a crash you can lose your money esp since you took a gamble as an investor and if bank goes under no FDIC funds left.
That is really strange…I know they can easily get access to those things but haven’t heard of an extensive blockage of an individual’s internet before.
So how can a bank close your account and steal your money at the same time and what kind of excuse could they possibly give? This certainly needs more investigation.
Yeah that's what happened to me before, there will be at least somewhere that she can cash it. This is also why I have multiple banks and spread my money out.
Do something "bad" enough and they all will turn on you as fast and collectively as YT, FB and Twitter turned on Alex Jones and COUNTLESS other conservative voices.
Why not keep money with an organization like Fidelity? I use them as my brokerage but I've considered just effectively using them as a bank too. Fortunately I have NFCU so I'm not worried about switching banks but it's an idea for anyone out there still using the big banks.
The last home I purchased, I told the lender... "you may NOT sell this loan to Wells Fargo". She said that was a common request. I was surprised, but Wells Fargo is at the top of my list of bad, careless, incompetent banks. Never do business with them.
Unbanked yourself. Buy crypto (BTC, ETH, USDT, altcoins). Central bankers are doing everything they can to stop crypto from happening. The good news.. they can’t!
Central banks will feel it first as people start boycotting/moving away and they no longer have the same resources provided by us available to them
One can only imagine what would happen if people realised that boycotting bloated governments was now in their power as they would no longer be able to seize money, track money or use inflation to essentially tax anyway
Now you see why they’ll try to stop, subvert or destroy crypto
Reasons I pull a few hundred out every check and keep it "old school", out of bank hands. The only thing in there is to pay bills, all else is on-hand.
With no exaggeration, if the bank was inaccessible, I could live no problem for a year easily paying bills, gas and food with some left over.
I live in earthquake country so this is something that has been part of earthquake prep for a long time. I could not live that long, but could probably get by for a couple of weeks to a month, depending upon the severity.
I'd be interested in knowing what isn't said here. They must have had a reason for closing her account. For example, if the bank heard that she participated in a fraud or corruption and the Feds were in the process of seizing her assets. Or, the account was jointly held with her ex-husband and the bank was ordered to close it until the court decides how it is to be divided. There could very well be legit reasons why the bank would close the account. I'd just like to hear all sides of the story before I pile on.
Someone I know who would know sent me this regarding this.
"No, and this can't have happened as described. Bank accounts are owned by the account holder but the bank and so simply can't be taken by the bank.
Bank held assets can only be frozen or sieved by governments for tax evasion or criminal activity, and in cases of divorce, or extreme bankruptcy involving crimes. Only courts can take bank assets after trials and verdicts. WFB could not simply take the funds and close the account. "
Parallel to this - I just left BoA for a local bank.
Mother fuckers keep closing branches near me, which is funny because I originally joined them for the convenience of them being "everywhere". The irony is painful.
There is more to this story....
Why would anyone have their money in Wells Fargo to start with? They've been crooked for years and it's been widely publicized:
The same could be said for the entire federal reserve system.
Back during the lockdown (house arrest), there was a news article that piqued my interest: the Fed was folded into the U.S. Treasury and subsequently I read reports of the blackops funds being used to power the stimulus-trillions of dollars (ours) going back to the people (can you hear them singing??) Recent news has ignored the developments because you know, the thing... Next up??? restoring PM backed currency.. so the father of MAGA can work in overdrive to restore the true Republic.. The best is yet to come!
When the treasury took control of the fed funds, I thought the arrests would begin shortly.
Perhaps there have been but between opsec and the MSM, won't hear much..
At this point doesn’t 4 companies own all the banks?
thats only recorded internet time, I got caught up in a scam from them going back to 2005 at least. this had to do with car loans and over charging for all sorts of insurance and stuff.
I'm still getting pay outs from the class action lawsuits that started paying in 2009. I got 3k back for something, another 900 for something else and I have more pending money to get ig I can recall the insurance company I had on yhe car I financed through them.
She's out of state, they close her account and mail her a check for her balance amount...she goes to use her debit card only to find out her account was closed...check is in the mail...
Believe it or not, this has happened to me as well but with Chase. They froze both my savings and checking accounts for an entire month (which happened to be December, making Christmas very hard). My wife and I spent weeks trying to get answers. All the initial people I would talk to were kind and helpful until they saw something that made them freeze and refuse to tell me anything. The most I could get out of them was that my account was "under investigation."
I called lawyers and every one treated me with the same suspicion you have... Luckily I was able to get by for the month on credit before they finally sent a letter saying I had access to my money again WITHOUT ANY EXPLANATION.
I have still not found out why they did this, but they can hold your money hostage for absolutely no reason at all. Needless to say I have been warning people against banking with Chase since.
There have been reports of this happening in UK. Iirc the accounts that were publicised were frozen due to “suspicious activity” or “potential money laundering”. It’s appalling and this sort of BS is why I’ve always been suspicious of banks and the move for basically force us all to move to electronic banking as it is way too easy for them to close it all off with one mouse click.
Simiilar to the randomness of the No Fly list.
Most certainly must be.
She was probably constantly in the negative, but trans-rich.
LOCAL COMMUNITY CREDIT UNIONS... remove your money from big bank
Yes, this. But do your research...not all credit unions are insured. All federal credit unions and many state-chartered credit unions are federally insured by the National Credit Union Association. Some state-chartered credit unions cover themselves by private deposit insurance. But the remainder are not. If they are, their insurance status should be displayed somewhere obvious on their website.
So what? There is less than 1% of assets in those insurance programs, and the insurance does not apply if there is a "bail-in" like what happend in Cyprus.
Go local, that's a good idea, but don't rely on "insurance" that doesn't really mean much.
The insurance can not be offered without meeting very strict, consumer friendly, regulations.
Those regulations guarantee a lot more than the insurance provides.
Additionally, read the part about FICA insurance in the creature from jekyl island. The bank insurance isn't there for your money, it's there for the banks.
Fair point. I should probably then add that part of doing your research is also determining the financial health/stability of the CU you are looking to join.
The world is full of risks...there are no true safe havens. Diligence prevails.
I have that book actually. The Creature from Jekyll Island.
Unions usually have some sort of defining characteristic like Service in the Military, or Living in a certain geographic area.
BECU let's anyone open an account.
I know most of y’all are anti crypto but THIS is exactly its purpose....(and don’t go off saying it’s fake built on nothing.... imho you’re talking about fiat since we left the gold standard and at least crypto has set rules can’t be inflated etc etc) - and most importantly no centralized “trust” authority where you have to hope won’t screw you over....
Another example.... no matter what your opinion on wiki leaks.... I’d assume we are all on the same page that the government shouldn’t have the power to attempt to shut down financial donations to the org in an attempt to shut them down... (something that bitcoin was able to circumvent)
Don't forget about physical Gold/Silver. No one can take your physical precious metals in your own possession from you.
Finite assets like bitcoin and precious metals are safer than savings accounts in the event of the economy crashing, which is highly likely under Pedo Joe, and they also protect against being financially deplatformed.
For practical day to day living though, we still need a checking account as well.
You have to go with the average with crypto, yes there are a few disadvantages but we're going to kick the enemy's ass with it. It will naturally fluctuate wildly on its way up because the people getting involved are getting bigger and bigger. Huge buy ups and sell offs scare the herd one way and the other but it still outperforms gold on average. El Salvador just replaced their Central Bank with Bitcoin. The tug of war will be wild but we will smash the centralized banking system.
My bank account was frozen how much of my stable USD can I spend? ?
There are tether coins out there that are pinned to the USD value
I am not sure however if they are in anyway resilient to censorship like Bitcoin
Some companies are working on a debit card that links to your crypto wallet so you never have to be beholden to a bank account again.
Venezuela (i believe) just made bitcoin legal tender And cardano has an agreement with the African government that is worth checking out.
USD stable?!
Isn't inflation up 6.6% across everything?
That said, Tether, DAI, and other stable coins that are linked to the dollar would be your best bet.
Also even though BTC dropped 30k, it's still up. Especially if you invested in it awhile ago.
There are 'stablecoins' out there which are linked to the value of the dollar. USD Coin (USDC) and Biance Coin (BUSD) are two options.
Anything linked to the dollar is inherently unstable while Pedo Joe is in charge. The dollar will crash under Pedo Joe. The first signs are already showing.
Still takes $30k to buy ONE bitcoin though doesn’t it? Now back up to $40k-right about true value of physical gold.
You dont have to buy a whole bitcoin, you can buy .1 and less im quite sure
Correct, I never implied that. Only stating how devalued the dollar is by how much gold is actually worth. I own a percentage of one bitcoin myself.
Not to mention the transaction fees that can vary. I think I lost about $300 in fees and another $1000 due to volatility. Though, the u.s. dollar is rapidly losing its value.
Do you remember talk a couple of years ago all banks changed wording for customer from depositor to investor because of 08 crash. In 08 big banks got bail outs and used that money to buy out small banks. I got letter from my small bank that my account was transferred and to make an appointment immediately to verify funds.
So in a crash you can lose your money esp since you took a gamble as an investor and if bank goes under no FDIC funds left.
Had forgotten about that. Thanks for refreshing my memory on that
Most of the bailout money went for executive bonuses... Watch the Big Short for info on "CDOs"..
Could be but I know for sure PNC bought out Equibank and one other. I had to deal with that.
They can close your account but the certainly can't steal your money.
Whooooops..... it got lost in the mail....
Yes, someone in government can criminalize and put flags on her account because they disagree with her politically. It’s called Operation Choke Point. Here’s an article about it.
What about shutting down your ability to use internet, data, hot spot, sign on to any internet, period?
It has happened to my husband. He can't get on to the internet unsing his i phone or macbook while at work, home or anywhere. This started yesterday.
I'm sitting next to him and can use the internet just fine. We share the internet, at&t accounts, etc. It's weird....
That is really strange…I know they can easily get access to those things but haven’t heard of an extensive blockage of an individual’s internet before.
So how can a bank close your account and steal your money at the same time and what kind of excuse could they possibly give? This certainly needs more investigation.
I'm assuming a paper check is in the mail on the way to her right now.
Yep and the problem then is getting it cashed or trying to open an account when you’re flagged for “suspicious activity”.
At that point take it to check cashing place
"Pay the man his money."
Yeah that's what happened to me before, there will be at least somewhere that she can cash it. This is also why I have multiple banks and spread my money out.
They collaborate.
Do something "bad" enough and they all will turn on you as fast and collectively as YT, FB and Twitter turned on Alex Jones and COUNTLESS other conservative voices.
Local credit union or next best thing, a local, regional bank. Stay away from New York City banks.
It's a subsidiary of a big multinational French bank. Think smaller.
I am lucky to have an employee owned bank-they prospered in 2008=09 because there were real assets that were loaned on and avoided the tranches/CDOs..
Why not keep money with an organization like Fidelity? I use them as my brokerage but I've considered just effectively using them as a bank too. Fortunately I have NFCU so I'm not worried about switching banks but it's an idea for anyone out there still using the big banks.
The last home I purchased, I told the lender... "you may NOT sell this loan to Wells Fargo". She said that was a common request. I was surprised, but Wells Fargo is at the top of my list of bad, careless, incompetent banks. Never do business with them.
Unbanked yourself. Buy crypto (BTC, ETH, USDT, altcoins). Central bankers are doing everything they can to stop crypto from happening. The good news.. they can’t!
Crypto is the real life “who is John Galt” IMO
Central banks will feel it first as people start boycotting/moving away and they no longer have the same resources provided by us available to them
One can only imagine what would happen if people realised that boycotting bloated governments was now in their power as they would no longer be able to seize money, track money or use inflation to essentially tax anyway
Now you see why they’ll try to stop, subvert or destroy crypto
Wels Fargo SUCKS. I was with them years ago and they charge hidden fees up the ass...even to close your account they try to fuck you over
Reasons I pull a few hundred out every check and keep it "old school", out of bank hands. The only thing in there is to pay bills, all else is on-hand.
With no exaggeration, if the bank was inaccessible, I could live no problem for a year easily paying bills, gas and food with some left over.
I live in earthquake country so this is something that has been part of earthquake prep for a long time. I could not live that long, but could probably get by for a couple of weeks to a month, depending upon the severity.
This is why I hate banks and withdraw any money deposits immediately after I get the deposit notifications.
That's theft, take your records to the FBI or Marshal's offices, your money is insured and protected unless you are a legit criminal.
Something here that isn't correct about the story, unless LE is behind this they just robbed you AND broke banking rulez.
Not that anyone cares about rulez these days but still.
Yeah Wells Fargo is corrupt, use credit unions and local banks.
I don’t get it, they closed it cause she’s conservative.
For the love of God people. This right here is why you leave banks, especially the big four, and join a CREDIT UNION.
Right now is when we need the good old Baily’s Savings and Loan.
Bitcoin my friends.
Ditch the big banks...keep your money at local banks and don't have all eggs in one basket.
I'd be interested in knowing what isn't said here. They must have had a reason for closing her account. For example, if the bank heard that she participated in a fraud or corruption and the Feds were in the process of seizing her assets. Or, the account was jointly held with her ex-husband and the bank was ordered to close it until the court decides how it is to be divided. There could very well be legit reasons why the bank would close the account. I'd just like to hear all sides of the story before I pile on.
Exactly this
Why they closed the account? Why did they take away your money? Simple questions.....
We use a small local bank, no big banks! Leave banks that have more than 20 branches.
I HIGHLY doubt this... bs meter through the roof on this
Decentralized finance
Someone I know who would know sent me this regarding this.
"No, and this can't have happened as described. Bank accounts are owned by the account holder but the bank and so simply can't be taken by the bank.
Bank held assets can only be frozen or sieved by governments for tax evasion or criminal activity, and in cases of divorce, or extreme bankruptcy involving crimes. Only courts can take bank assets after trials and verdicts. WFB could not simply take the funds and close the account. "
Do they have a legal standing to keep the money?
Parallel to this - I just left BoA for a local bank.
Mother fuckers keep closing branches near me, which is funny because I originally joined them for the convenience of them being "everywhere". The irony is painful.
Go Woke, Get Broke
You basically give the bank your money and if the shtf, guess what? You probably ain't getting it. Interesting and scary as shit article:
If you're in a bank, switch to a credit union.
bitcoin is the way, bitcoin been under attack by elon musk fbi and china and everybody they scared of bitcoin
Something else going on here.