That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government...
While we're at it, abolish primary-residential property taxes after you've paid in long enough. I've paid in for over THIRTY YEARS, the amount has doubled in the last 12 years, it's KILLIN ME man, is this absolutely necessary?? It's why older homes fall into disrepair, some of them are so elegant & beautiful and should be tended to with the bloated tax money they steal from the owners who love them. (Yes, I live in a Blue State ??)
What we need is a constitutional amendment that prevents the government from taxing property or wealth. Property and death taxes need to be permanently done away with. I should be able to buy 2,000 acres in the middle of nowhere and live off the land without ever paying the government a penny if I choose to live that way. They shouldn't be able to make up excuses to steal my land.
It's not going to happen until people take a stand. Even if you follow all the rules, if you aren't willing to die to protect what's yours then it's not yours.
Curious though how we would fund the local government without some property tax. True that they are way too high in many areas, but wouldn't a reasonable property tax be the most fair since property owners have the most to benefit from functioning infrastructure?
But what burns me is that a property owner or corporation may only get a few votes versus dozens or hundreds of votes on say a school referendum or infrastructure updates, of course they will choose the Cadillac plan (if they vote) because they won't ultimately be paying for it as much as a single residence property owner will.
Our obesely swollen government has found nothing that it can't make more inefficient by their corruption. It can't get out of it's own way anymore. The corruption has finally corrupted the corrupters. Hope is visible on the near horizon.
After what happened recently I'm thinking that the NSA is the only one with any decent people left in it. I still don't trust it in general without more proof but I was thinking not only about Snowden being an obvious Obama plant but also looking back the NSA is pretty much never portrayed positively in media and fiction while the CIA and FBI and such get hero roles in so many movies. Think mirror.
Yes to all of the above. ESPECIALLY the ATF. There may be good FBI and CiA agents out there, but I honestly think you can count the number of "good" ATF agents on one hand. The entire agency is pretty much solely focused on attacking our rights and freedoms anymore.
Really ludicrous when you think about it....the federal government having control over alcohol, tobacco,....and then firearms which our founding document expressly says our right to bear shall not be INFRINGED.
We need an agency 'like' the FBI, and that's about it. We can do a 10% flat tax or sales tax or whathaveyou and be done with taxes right there, so yeah don't need the IRS either.
obama the Usurper transferred serious firepower to the cartels while ATF watched, so I'm kinda confused why we would need those terrorista-looking NPCs too, and while we're at it the SCOTUS has to be revisited and term limits must be insisted upon and criminal activity must be punished.
I almost cannot believe it but the temporary black police chief in Houston who just took over for the punk Art Acevedo is trying to tell the politicians that they have to punish criminals if the police catch any.
US Marshalls is primarily composed of diehard patriots. These deputies are on the front lines serving up warrants to dangerous fugitives and capturing escaped pedos 24/7. You may also be interested to know that they provide security for fed judges and they are IN PLACE now and constantly for the proper time ahead. Secondly, they control the federal witness protection program. Sooooo if you're wondering where certain persons are being kept after faked deaths you might consider that there is a structure in place to relocate and hide people and OUR patriots are in charge of it. That's as much as can be safely said.
Yes, we save the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights and the Ten Commandments in front of each local, state and federal courthouse in the country.
Let’s not forget we have good things to save as well. All Libraries, especially the National Archives, the Smithsonian, all museums, Library of Congress, Parts of NASA, all of the Federal Cemeteries, National treasures monuments, the Liberty Bell, Trinity Church, Mount Vernon, Monticello the list goes on and on.
Typical shill talk. The Smithsonian is actively engaged in hiding scientific evidence (e.g. giant humans) and the whole of NASA's good parts can be rolled into Space Force instead of left in the hands of climate change propagandists.
CDC, NIH, NSA too. Revamp the local through federal judicial system too with unbiased, follow the law, Constitutionalists. Clean out Congress and streamline or replace the number of members. It has became to unwieldy.
Everyone thinks this. The only government positions that should be available in a true honest system, are elected positions. You don't get to appoint the head of the FBI, ect. ect.
So what????? Fire them all and the very next day they will show up at the door step of a new agency and get a job because the new agency will need to be bacfilled quickly. Same old people, just a new alphabet agency. Nothing will ever change until a LOT of folks go to Gitmo and the apple slicer starts dropping.,
I might make an exception for the DoD (department of Defense), but only if there were some checks on what they could do without the consent of the people.
might as well get the CIA while they are at it
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government...
I vote to ABOLISH, in full.
Second that
I third that
I fourth it as well.
Seventh that.
strip the whole damn federal government until nothing is left but an empty shell.
Most definitely need to eliminate the CIA.
How the hell were they missed? And yes.
I'd add the CDC to this list as well.
Any and all pseudo gov agency abusing public for profit
Don't forget pharmaceutical pushers FDA!
And the list goes on...
While we're at it, abolish primary-residential property taxes after you've paid in long enough. I've paid in for over THIRTY YEARS, the amount has doubled in the last 12 years, it's KILLIN ME man, is this absolutely necessary?? It's why older homes fall into disrepair, some of them are so elegant & beautiful and should be tended to with the bloated tax money they steal from the owners who love them. (Yes, I live in a Blue State ??)
What we need is a constitutional amendment that prevents the government from taxing property or wealth. Property and death taxes need to be permanently done away with. I should be able to buy 2,000 acres in the middle of nowhere and live off the land without ever paying the government a penny if I choose to live that way. They shouldn't be able to make up excuses to steal my land.
It's not going to happen until people take a stand. Even if you follow all the rules, if you aren't willing to die to protect what's yours then it's not yours.
My father pays over a dollar an hour in property tax. Every hour. Every day.
He has owned that place clear for twenty or so years. His misses the tax bill it's gone.
This isn't theft how?
I paid more in property tax than income tax last year. And we get nothing for it.
Yes, yes and yes. You can pay off your house, but the property taxes never go away. Enough already.
Curious though how we would fund the local government without some property tax. True that they are way too high in many areas, but wouldn't a reasonable property tax be the most fair since property owners have the most to benefit from functioning infrastructure?
Sales tax
I am all for a consumer tax where EVERYONE pays.
That thinking shows you are still dependent on the system. Still a slave. Let go of the idea that it is necessary. It is a LIE.
I don't think we want anarchy.
We dont either??
There are many ways that local governments make money. Here's a site that shows some of their revenue.
Don’t we have local taxation? On top of the Federal Taxation.
But only home owners and land owners are taxed! Those that live in Apts. and Fed. Housing don't pay property tax., Well maybe on the car they drive.
It's rolled into their rent so it's invisible to them, did you think the landlords pay the property taxes out of their own pocket?
But what burns me is that a property owner or corporation may only get a few votes versus dozens or hundreds of votes on say a school referendum or infrastructure updates, of course they will choose the Cadillac plan (if they vote) because they won't ultimately be paying for it as much as a single residence property owner will.
Blue state. That explains the bloated property taxes.
That list isn't long enough.
EPA, FEMA, DEA, HUD, I mean just pick the letters out of a bag. If it exists, disband it.
Fire the lot of them. Get back to being a constitutional republic. The best reset.
NPS stands out as an exception from the others. They manage our land far better than local agencies where I am at.
Eh heh heh BOFA.
BOFA deze nuts.
No need to be selective. The entire Federal Government is corrupt and the main reason for the suffering and problems in America.
It is time for the whole Federal Government, and all it branches and agencies, to be dismantled.
Came to start enumerating agencies to cut, but no: This is the way.
Agreed. States can fend for themselves if need be. And if they can’t, their citizens have an obligation to form a government that can get it done.
Our obesely swollen government has found nothing that it can't make more inefficient by their corruption. It can't get out of it's own way anymore. The corruption has finally corrupted the corrupters. Hope is visible on the near horizon.
Add the CIA and it is way past time for them all to go.
Pretty much every alphabet agency that exists should be disbanded.
After what happened recently I'm thinking that the NSA is the only one with any decent people left in it. I still don't trust it in general without more proof but I was thinking not only about Snowden being an obvious Obama plant but also looking back the NSA is pretty much never portrayed positively in media and fiction while the CIA and FBI and such get hero roles in so many movies. Think mirror.
How ironic that the NSA shouldnt even exist and yet it is one of the ones we might be able to trust for now
Don't forget the Federal Education Dept. I'm sure if we really thought about it we could add a dozen to the list.
Oh, I have a special hatred for the thieves known as the IRS. Take them all down.
Every patriot since President John F. Kennedy said as much in the 60s
Yes to all of the above. ESPECIALLY the ATF. There may be good FBI and CiA agents out there, but I honestly think you can count the number of "good" ATF agents on one hand. The entire agency is pretty much solely focused on attacking our rights and freedoms anymore.
Really ludicrous when you think about it....the federal government having control over alcohol, tobacco,....and then firearms which our founding document expressly says our right to bear shall not be INFRINGED.
Gov paycheck and benefits, I highly doubt these ATF people really care much about their responsibility… it’s just a job.
We need an agency 'like' the FBI, and that's about it. We can do a 10% flat tax or sales tax or whathaveyou and be done with taxes right there, so yeah don't need the IRS either.
obama the Usurper transferred serious firepower to the cartels while ATF watched, so I'm kinda confused why we would need those terrorista-looking NPCs too, and while we're at it the SCOTUS has to be revisited and term limits must be insisted upon and criminal activity must be punished.
I almost cannot believe it but the temporary black police chief in Houston who just took over for the punk Art Acevedo is trying to tell the politicians that they have to punish criminals if the police catch any.
I mean, damn where did THAT come from.
I haven't heard any horror stories about the U.S. Marshalls...maybe they're okay?
US Marshalls is primarily composed of diehard patriots. These deputies are on the front lines serving up warrants to dangerous fugitives and capturing escaped pedos 24/7. You may also be interested to know that they provide security for fed judges and they are IN PLACE now and constantly for the proper time ahead. Secondly, they control the federal witness protection program. Sooooo if you're wondering where certain persons are being kept after faked deaths you might consider that there is a structure in place to relocate and hide people and OUR patriots are in charge of it. That's as much as can be safely said.
Thank you. You sound like you know a thing or two.
No. 1% final offer. Anything more is either inefficient or overstepping its reach constitutionally.
Not sure one percent would cover it but okay, deal mi amigo.
MTG is this you?
I am sick of these bastards and their black projects.
Now we have 21 Trillion missing.
Why do they get to fail upward?!?
They suck ag their jobs and it’s time to hold them accountable.
Start over.
Cast them into the wind.
Cee Eye Aye
And the lying, cheating, thieving Red Cross
Just a question for everyone here what should we save? Is there anything to save?
Yes, we save the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights and the Ten Commandments in front of each local, state and federal courthouse in the country.
The churches.
Let’s not forget we have good things to save as well. All Libraries, especially the National Archives, the Smithsonian, all museums, Library of Congress, Parts of NASA, all of the Federal Cemeteries, National treasures monuments, the Liberty Bell, Trinity Church, Mount Vernon, Monticello the list goes on and on.
Typical shill talk. The Smithsonian is actively engaged in hiding scientific evidence (e.g. giant humans) and the whole of NASA's good parts can be rolled into Space Force instead of left in the hands of climate change propagandists.
CDC, NIH, NSA too. Revamp the local through federal judicial system too with unbiased, follow the law, Constitutionalists. Clean out Congress and streamline or replace the number of members. It has became to unwieldy.
If it truly is going to be BIBLICAL! then yes, burn it all down and rebuild out of the ashes.
I FEEL its time to focus on the audit.
None of those are going away before the audit happens.
Leaving the CIA, FBI, ATF, IRS, DOJ, and the cabal in the white house is dangerous too. Should remove them all. The military can take charge.
I thought that over 10 years ago.
Ron Paul has been sayin this shit since 88
And CIA. And PBS. And NPR. And…
Everyone thinks this. The only government positions that should be available in a true honest system, are elected positions. You don't get to appoint the head of the FBI, ect. ect.
So what????? Fire them all and the very next day they will show up at the door step of a new agency and get a job because the new agency will need to be bacfilled quickly. Same old people, just a new alphabet agency. Nothing will ever change until a LOT of folks go to Gitmo and the apple slicer starts dropping.,
30 years past time.
It’s a good start.....
I might make an exception for the DoD (department of Defense), but only if there were some checks on what they could do without the consent of the people.