Sorry, I can't come to the door right now. If you could leave a message at the beep, I'll get back to you as soon as I can. BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP.
"My mother was a victim of identity theft after someone came to the door posing as someone from XYZ. Our attorney surmised they somehow took a picture of her and needed confirmation that it was her. It was very expensive and stressful to remedy. I am sure you understand we are just very cautious now. Smile!"
I just made that up but ID theft has gotten very sophisticated. But that does not mean it all high tech either. People do pose to be from utility companies to gain access for theft, etc.
For a while here in AZ, there was a rash of home invasions where they would have one person who looked nonthreatening knock on the door. When the homeowner felt comfortable and would start to open the door, they would bum rush the homeowner and enter the home to rob, etc. I look through the peep hole and then go back to what I was doing. I used to have a door mat (given to me by my brother who recently lost his wife to cancer) that said GO AWAY. Loved that door mat.
I suggest if you must say something, to tell them to Go away Jehovah Witnessess, if you come back I will sue you for harrassment.
They'll put you on the sus list. I'm not saying don't, but right as they're leaving, maybe just say "I just don't want one of 'em MAGA country boyes showing up unannounced" or something. A pussy move but an effective move.
If you don't want to be on a list, say you or someone in your home works at a hospital and we're all vaccinated in December / January before they started the papers-please tracking
This is actually a good idea. If they are legit, they should be willing to identify themselves, but they wont be happy about it.
I would ask them what info they have on you, who gave them permission to access it, etc. Tell them no personal info, even name. They can look it up for free online if they have becon(or similar), but why help them? Tell them you don't want to be on any lists, and them doing so is a state and federal privacy violation. You have their info so you will hold them personally responsible for the violation.
Also, they may be in violation of medical privacy laws just for asking about your vax status, so friendly advice they may want to rethink this career path.
Finally, they were not invited, point to your no solicitation/trespass siarn, say they are not welcome, and their presence is unsettling. They should leave immediately and not come back. If they dont leave you will call the cops. If they aren't gone in 1 minute you will consider your life and property in danger and will put them under citizens arrest and/or open fire.
Your bases are now covered.
FYI in my area, there has been a rash of breakins and arson. Strangers coming onto property uninvited is what is happening. One or two distract the homeowner while the others sneak around back and break-in.
If someone is angry or rude, try to not take personally. They may just be having a bad day. Brush it off and on to the next door!
Hmm... What is the quickest way to get them to move on to the next door?
Sounds like angry or rude is a surefire technique!
How about:
The vaccine is killing and permanently injuring more people than it is saving. You are being used as a tool to generate profits for Big Pharma. Now get off my property immediately.
Dave Hodges says its all about gathering info on people. If you are uncooperative or unvaxed they will check your names for gun registration. Then they know exactly who has the guns and can use it to confiscate them.
100% I hope people are kidding when they say stuff like shooting someone for knocking at their door. That's not how the Castle Doctrine or Stand Your Ground works....
They already have mountains of papers. Every place that has closed is required to send their papers to the add, they have them, they're just waiting on the funding and manpower to start the databases.
The poster is saying if you're uncooperwtive in the door to door vax stuff, they check the gun registration list you're talking about, and use your uncooperative-ness to confiscate it.
Lie... tell the you've already been vaccinated and you had a bad reaction... then get angry and upset. If they don't believe they need to convince you to get the vaccine they will leave quickly and if they think you've already had it they won't write you down as someone to harass later.
Seriously... do we owe these people the truth? They lie to us constantly. Its about time we lie right back.
I don't think it's a good idea to joke about using guns on a public forum. That gives the goons even more of a reason to go after us and claim we are violent. Just sayin'.
Senior: I’ve had allergic reactions to medications and foods years ago, is this vaccine safe for me?
CHA: The only true contraindication to this vaccine is a severe (anaphylactic) reaction to an
injectable/vaccine in your past. Or an allergy to an ingredient in the vaccine, like polysorbate.
Looks like GA suddenly developed an allergy to polysorbate.
I am betting if you don't show it, they will mark you as un-vaccinated and also "difficult" and "non-compliant".
The whole purpose if this is to shore up the database that is not complete right now. They want to identify "extremist" and "vaccine non compliant " people, so they know who to come after first.
Once they show up and ask, they will flag you one way or the other and if you don't show the card, they will mark you as un-vaccinated.
Best to defeat their plan simply by answering the door, tell them everyone is vaccinated in your household. Direct them to your democratic-socialist neighbors homes and tell them they refuse to get the shots and offered fake CDC vaccination cards to others. Grab a beer, sit back, relax and most importantly - ENJOY THE SHOW!
Love this part "ignore no soliciting signs". How about No Trespassing signs? Will that work? How about a large dog barking at them when they come onto the porch?
Oh, labs will bark loud and may seem scary, but they are just asking for cuddles… german shepherds, Dobermans. Rotties, American bull dogs and plenty of others, you can legit be afraid of if you find yourself going into the wrong place.
I'm going to say something a bit controversial but it's good to have different opinions.
People who volunteer for the health department to inform people about vaccination are people who have swallowed the media's narrative and just want to help people. I imagine if I was trapped by the MSM, I would want to be a volunteer and help too! These people's hearts are in the right place and they are trying to do the right thing to save lives. That is what most of them think. However, I understand that their good intentions are being used as a vessel to do the nefarious bidding of the health department to make a list of the unvaccinated and vaccinated. That is not ok, that is horrible, but I put more blame on the entities pulling the strings than the brainwashed worker sheep with good intentions. Absolutely, there's some blame to be had for the warm hearted sheep. How much? I don't know...
This might sound odd, but the people volunteering to go door to door to talk about the vaccine, many of them are the most compassionate people in the community. Unfortunately, their compassion is being enslaved and controlled by, in my opinion, the wrong people, MSM, and incorrect information!
We need to show these people love and compassion, that's all many of them are trying to do for us.
Am I talking about the CDC, MSM, government propaganda, etc? No. The things these entities are doing is largely abhorrent. However, the 'little brainwashed sheep' with good intentions should be treated as fellow humans who are lost deep in the fog.
Also, in my opinion, it seems obvious to not answer if you have been vaccinated or not, or just say you are vaccinated. Perhaps you could talk about your regrets and findings after taking the vaccine. Another controversial thought, I think lying that you are vaccinated is another noble lie, no real harm, and especially if it's the only way people will listen to you about the facts of the negatives of the vaccines.
“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”
I don't buy that. During the 2010 census, I completed my census mailed paperwork and also called an 800 number to offer my information and satisfy my obligation - Census workers showed up at my house anyway. They get paid on number of contacts they make, so they ignore any info they get of 'completed paperwork' and knock on doors nonetheless.
The useful idiots... The reason the gubment had any support for any of this in the first place. They willingfully get spoonfed this shit and come back for more. Just because they are sympathetic and nice, doesn't mean they aren't doing damage to the community. How many Germans in the late 30's thought they were just doing the right thing?
Their argument is that the vaccine merely reduces symptoms, and doesn't change transmission rates or anything like that. So if you're not vaccinated, you're more likely to end up in the hospital, but you still could have serious symptoms even if you're vaccinated. It really makes no sense.
Which makes you wonder why anyone should bother getting it in the first place. It's pure virtue signaling, "look, I'm a good sheep! I always obey nonsense instructions!"
If I have time when these pathetic storm troopers arrive, I would be tempted to try and enlighten them. Most likely the people who volunteer to do this are going to be among the 4-6% who will never wake up, but I'm stubborn enough to try anyway.
There is ZERO reason to be polite or open the door to these people.
At their base core, they are coming to "inform" you because deep down in their little black hearts they believe you are too stupid to know whats good for you.
Its condescending as hell. Its insulting. Their appearance at your door is not because they "care". ITS BECAUSE THEY THINK YOU ARE STUPID.
“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”
Just put up a sign that says "vaxxed" maybe they move on before even knocking on the door. People that are really vaxxed would do it too so not out of the ordinary and tell random people different answers so it can't be corroborated
''Vaxxed'' doormat.. with a cutesy PIC of a covid jab.. so you can innocuously wipe your feet on it as you simultaneously waylay unwelcomed visitors/questions
I wouldn't spend to much time letting this intimidate or scare you. It most likely will never happen and seems to me like another fear mongering campaign to try and get us to cooperate. I think these people have lost there power and they know their time is just around the corner for justice to be served.
The last paragraph is their propaganda way to get these people to do their dirty work for them.
NO, you're NOT doing an amazing thing (for the better anyway)
Me: When was the last time you came so hard, you had trouble walking for a few days?
Them: That's none of your business.
Me: My medical history is none of yours
Community-based organizations used to do street outreach like this for HIV/AIDS. The data they return is usually pretty crappy, which does not make for good databases. Plus, I doubt anyone will pay for people to clean and reconcile the data errors. As far as I can tell, this has the standing of a door-to-door survey, and there's no obligation to be truthful. For example, you can tell them you are already vaxxed, you're recovering from blood clots, etc., etc.
BUT, you also have the right to see an informed consent document and receive information on who will be analyzing the data and how the information will be used. Obviously, this initiative didn't pass through any IRB reviews!
"Have fun! This is an amazing thing your doing! Regardless of how people respond, have confidence that you are making a difference and helping to save lives."
Everybody should have a mask hanging by the front door and if a strangers knocks, open the door with a mask . . . if they are biden brown shirts, lie that you took the jab. Tell them you left the card in the car and need to get ready for a Dr. appointment
Answer it. Do not answer questions. Close the door. Go back to what you were doing. This is mainly for the ICE-fearing crowd. There are so many of them, but that's not our fault is it, Biden?
Sounds to me that they are going to areas with a low rate of vax, not that they actually have information on individuals. Ima be friendly and tell them what they want to hear. If a bunch of questions are lobbed at me, Sorry, I'm right in the middle of something right now, and have to go, but thanks for coming by, have a nice day.
The one thing I haven't seen is what they're to do if a person has natural immunity. For those of us that had the China Virus there's no need to be vaccinated. No one is talking about us
Do not answer the door. Do not answer questions if you do.
Instead, ask to see their credentials and photograph the ids and them.
Doxx them first. They will then be intimidated enough to move on and not doxx you.
Best response I’ve seen is to tell them you’re coming, but don’t, waste their time.
Sorry, I can't come to the door right now. If you could leave a message at the beep, I'll get back to you as soon as I can. BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP.
"My mother was a victim of identity theft after someone came to the door posing as someone from XYZ. Our attorney surmised they somehow took a picture of her and needed confirmation that it was her. It was very expensive and stressful to remedy. I am sure you understand we are just very cautious now. Smile!"
I just made that up but ID theft has gotten very sophisticated. But that does not mean it all high tech either. People do pose to be from utility companies to gain access for theft, etc.
For a while here in AZ, there was a rash of home invasions where they would have one person who looked nonthreatening knock on the door. When the homeowner felt comfortable and would start to open the door, they would bum rush the homeowner and enter the home to rob, etc. I look through the peep hole and then go back to what I was doing. I used to have a door mat (given to me by my brother who recently lost his wife to cancer) that said GO AWAY. Loved that door mat.
I suggest if you must say something, to tell them to Go away Jehovah Witnessess, if you come back I will sue you for harrassment.
They'll put you on the sus list. I'm not saying don't, but right as they're leaving, maybe just say "I just don't want one of 'em MAGA country boyes showing up unannounced" or something. A pussy move but an effective move.
You're already on the list! That's why they'd be at your door!!
Kek 😂
Bingo you won
Just lie and say you've been vaccinated.
Apologize, say you're right in the middle of something and leave.
No need to raise suspicion.
Invite some frens with a dozen phones if they do.
See something, say something.
You'll start getting mountains of donation requests.
If you don't want to be on a list, say you or someone in your home works at a hospital and we're all vaccinated in December / January before they started the papers-please tracking
Or just be like yeah, l will be getting it on the 31st. Of August. August 31st.
Shroedinger Vaxed
This is actually a good idea. If they are legit, they should be willing to identify themselves, but they wont be happy about it.
I would ask them what info they have on you, who gave them permission to access it, etc. Tell them no personal info, even name. They can look it up for free online if they have becon(or similar), but why help them? Tell them you don't want to be on any lists, and them doing so is a state and federal privacy violation. You have their info so you will hold them personally responsible for the violation.
Also, they may be in violation of medical privacy laws just for asking about your vax status, so friendly advice they may want to rethink this career path.
Finally, they were not invited, point to your no solicitation/trespass siarn, say they are not welcome, and their presence is unsettling. They should leave immediately and not come back. If they dont leave you will call the cops. If they aren't gone in 1 minute you will consider your life and property in danger and will put them under citizens arrest and/or open fire.
Your bases are now covered.
FYI in my area, there has been a rash of breakins and arson. Strangers coming onto property uninvited is what is happening. One or two distract the homeowner while the others sneak around back and break-in.
Hmm... What is the quickest way to get them to move on to the next door?
Sounds like angry or rude is a surefire technique!
How about:
The vaccine is killing and permanently injuring more people than it is saving. You are being used as a tool to generate profits for Big Pharma. Now get off my property immediately.
And then slam the door.
I think that would work.
why not angry and rude while saying that you are already vaccinated??
lmao this
Dave Hodges says its all about gathering info on people. If you are uncooperative or unvaxed they will check your names for gun registration. Then they know exactly who has the guns and can use it to confiscate them.
Those types of words are said a lot, but I doubt most people saying things like that would ever do anything.
100% I hope people are kidding when they say stuff like shooting someone for knocking at their door. That's not how the Castle Doctrine or Stand Your Ground works....
They won't. I remember on TDW Jan 5 and Jan 6 people posting themselves with their guns in hotel rooms "ready to do what it takes."
Not a peep after it all went down.
Probably glowies trying to incite violence.
Bingo. Every 3rd post on 4chan was about killing people "not in Minecraft" between the election and january
Just make sure you don't shoot them in the back.
They already have mountains of papers. Every place that has closed is required to send their papers to the add, they have them, they're just waiting on the funding and manpower to start the databases.
The poster is saying if you're uncooperwtive in the door to door vax stuff, they check the gun registration list you're talking about, and use your uncooperative-ness to confiscate it.
How would they do that?
They couldn't. This is flat out ridiculous speculation.
Would have to agree.
This is true!
Lie... tell the you've already been vaccinated and you had a bad reaction... then get angry and upset. If they don't believe they need to convince you to get the vaccine they will leave quickly and if they think you've already had it they won't write you down as someone to harass later.
Seriously... do we owe these people the truth? They lie to us constantly. Its about time we lie right back.
Vaccine killed one of my family. No more!
Yup, that’s what I’m saying. Two of my coworkers each have had acquaintances that have died from heart attacks and both were in their 30’s or 40’s.
The question is - how do we keep them from coming back AGAIN ?
All this silly macho shit just glows to high heaven.
Smile, be polite, say you got vaxxed, take the pamphlet, apologize and say you're right in the middle of something and gave to go.
In the middle of a 3-way, could be a 4-way - "hey, are you interested?"
Now THAT'S how you achieve herd immunity!
That's probably the best approach.
BTW, the REAL vaxx is ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and a panoply of other things that keep you from getting sick if you come in contact with it.
In fact, if you took the Dr. Mengele shot, you'll still need those things.
But they don't need to know that.
You don't even need drugs.
Vitamin D, Zinc, Quercetin and NAC will kick COVID's ass.
Vitamin D daily, Quercetin/Zinc and NAC at first sign of symptoms.
Works against the cold/flu as well.
^This. In medical field, he's 100% right. If it doesn't help you go HCQ/Ivermectin/Azithromycin/Doxcycline. You don't need the vax.
"The sound of a double-barrel shotgun"
-Joe Biden
I don't think it's a good idea to joke about using guns on a public forum. That gives the goons even more of a reason to go after us and claim we are violent. Just sayin'.
But he was just quoting the most popular president in US history
They are trespassing. Trespassers are shot without warning.
Biden's Buy a Shotgun Song
Exactly they are at our doors because they already know we aren’t Vaxx like a very smart fren said in above comment
Looks like GA suddenly developed an allergy to polysorbate.
Just tell them you're "vaccinated". They have no way of knowing if you're not.
They'll just ask for your vaccine card
Tell them it's in your safe deposit box...
Or you lost it in a boating incident.
Or say it and then don't cooperate, no law saying you need to show it for confirmation
I am betting if you don't show it, they will mark you as un-vaccinated and also "difficult" and "non-compliant".
The whole purpose if this is to shore up the database that is not complete right now. They want to identify "extremist" and "vaccine non compliant " people, so they know who to come after first.
Once they show up and ask, they will flag you one way or the other and if you don't show the card, they will mark you as un-vaccinated.
Can still make it more difficult for them
So go to grab it, come back empty handed. Say you don't know where it is, your husband/wife cleaned recently.
You don't owe them anything.
Give them the number to your medical place.
To your local STD clinic. Let them guess.
Best to defeat their plan simply by answering the door, tell them everyone is vaccinated in your household. Direct them to your democratic-socialist neighbors homes and tell them they refuse to get the shots and offered fake CDC vaccination cards to others. Grab a beer, sit back, relax and most importantly - ENJOY THE SHOW!
You're my kinda badger! :)
Love this part "ignore no soliciting signs". How about No Trespassing signs? Will that work? How about a large dog barking at them when they come onto the porch?
I have two big Labs. That ought to help!
If they REALLY want you, they'll just shoot the dogs unfortunately
I don't believe these people would have personal firearms.
Whoopsie doopsie, then when it is the police, they will
Oh, labs will bark loud and may seem scary, but they are just asking for cuddles… german shepherds, Dobermans. Rotties, American bull dogs and plenty of others, you can legit be afraid of if you find yourself going into the wrong place.
They'll have to ask Cujo his vaccination status before making it thru the gate.
Maybe just put 'QUARANTINED' signs
Go to the door and answer through the door.
Apologize and say that you're sick. Cough, sneeze, whatever.
That's a good point.
Crime Scene tape across the door. Or print up your own flyers to hand out.
Lol, the tape. And perhaps some chalk body outlines on the front step.
I'm going to say something a bit controversial but it's good to have different opinions.
People who volunteer for the health department to inform people about vaccination are people who have swallowed the media's narrative and just want to help people. I imagine if I was trapped by the MSM, I would want to be a volunteer and help too! These people's hearts are in the right place and they are trying to do the right thing to save lives. That is what most of them think. However, I understand that their good intentions are being used as a vessel to do the nefarious bidding of the health department to make a list of the unvaccinated and vaccinated. That is not ok, that is horrible, but I put more blame on the entities pulling the strings than the brainwashed worker sheep with good intentions. Absolutely, there's some blame to be had for the warm hearted sheep. How much? I don't know...
This might sound odd, but the people volunteering to go door to door to talk about the vaccine, many of them are the most compassionate people in the community. Unfortunately, their compassion is being enslaved and controlled by, in my opinion, the wrong people, MSM, and incorrect information!
We need to show these people love and compassion, that's all many of them are trying to do for us.
Am I talking about the CDC, MSM, government propaganda, etc? No. The things these entities are doing is largely abhorrent. However, the 'little brainwashed sheep' with good intentions should be treated as fellow humans who are lost deep in the fog.
Also, in my opinion, it seems obvious to not answer if you have been vaccinated or not, or just say you are vaccinated. Perhaps you could talk about your regrets and findings after taking the vaccine. Another controversial thought, I think lying that you are vaccinated is another noble lie, no real harm, and especially if it's the only way people will listen to you about the facts of the negatives of the vaccines.
“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”
I don't buy that. During the 2010 census, I completed my census mailed paperwork and also called an 800 number to offer my information and satisfy my obligation - Census workers showed up at my house anyway. They get paid on number of contacts they make, so they ignore any info they get of 'completed paperwork' and knock on doors nonetheless.
bro who downvoted you lmao
Or worse yet, many are probably thrown out of work from COVID.
The useful idiots... The reason the gubment had any support for any of this in the first place. They willingfully get spoonfed this shit and come back for more. Just because they are sympathetic and nice, doesn't mean they aren't doing damage to the community. How many Germans in the late 30's thought they were just doing the right thing?
If they have to ask they don't know. Just say everyone in your household is vaccinated. (Which is probably true if you've had childhood vaccinations)
It's not even a lie.
The coof shot is not a vaccine and I did receive all of my childhood vaccines.
I am, therefore, fully vaccinated.
That's literally what they want.
The kindest, gentlest, most doe-eyed sweet innocent volunteer who's just trying to help their community, gunned down by some ignorant racist redneck.
And if they can't find one, they'll make one.
Can someone explain to me why vaccinated people should care one iota if someone else is vaccinated or not?
Because its pretty hard to create a social credit score system in the country if people don't think that way.
I believe it's called virtue signalling or proseltyzing..
Their argument is that the vaccine merely reduces symptoms, and doesn't change transmission rates or anything like that. So if you're not vaccinated, you're more likely to end up in the hospital, but you still could have serious symptoms even if you're vaccinated. It really makes no sense.
Which makes you wonder why anyone should bother getting it in the first place. It's pure virtue signaling, "look, I'm a good sheep! I always obey nonsense instructions!"
If I have time when these pathetic storm troopers arrive, I would be tempted to try and enlighten them. Most likely the people who volunteer to do this are going to be among the 4-6% who will never wake up, but I'm stubborn enough to try anyway.
There is ZERO reason to be polite or open the door to these people.
At their base core, they are coming to "inform" you because deep down in their little black hearts they believe you are too stupid to know whats good for you.
Its condescending as hell. Its insulting. Their appearance at your door is not because they "care". ITS BECAUSE THEY THINK YOU ARE STUPID.
If they do get any face time with you, just say you're already vaxxed or completely ignore them.
Just put up a sign that says "vaxxed" maybe they move on before even knocking on the door. People that are really vaxxed would do it too so not out of the ordinary and tell random people different answers so it can't be corroborated
...with a Biden Harris sign in the window.
''Vaxxed'' doormat.. with a cutesy PIC of a covid jab.. so you can innocuously wipe your feet on it as you simultaneously waylay unwelcomed visitors/questions
More believable tbh
A few governors might, but many states have vax goon governors.
I wouldn't spend to much time letting this intimidate or scare you. It most likely will never happen and seems to me like another fear mongering campaign to try and get us to cooperate. I think these people have lost there power and they know their time is just around the corner for justice to be served.
Offer them a hot coffee and then sweep the leg when they least expect it.
The last paragraph is their propaganda way to get these people to do their dirty work for them. NO, you're NOT doing an amazing thing (for the better anyway) YOU'RE HELPING TO KILL MILLIONS! How do you feel now?
Sounds like offering medical advice without a license to me. There are people in jail for that.
What state is this from? Lake County, FL?
Me: When was the last time you came so hard, you had trouble walking for a few days? Them: That's none of your business. Me: My medical history is none of yours
Community-based organizations used to do street outreach like this for HIV/AIDS. The data they return is usually pretty crappy, which does not make for good databases. Plus, I doubt anyone will pay for people to clean and reconcile the data errors. As far as I can tell, this has the standing of a door-to-door survey, and there's no obligation to be truthful. For example, you can tell them you are already vaxxed, you're recovering from blood clots, etc., etc.
BUT, you also have the right to see an informed consent document and receive information on who will be analyzing the data and how the information will be used. Obviously, this initiative didn't pass through any IRB reviews!
"Have fun! This is an amazing thing your doing! Regardless of how people respond, have confidence that you are making a difference and helping to save lives."
Didn't know I could cringe this hard.
Everybody should have a mask hanging by the front door and if a strangers knocks, open the door with a mask . . . if they are biden brown shirts, lie that you took the jab. Tell them you left the card in the car and need to get ready for a Dr. appointment
Answer it. Do not answer questions. Close the door. Go back to what you were doing. This is mainly for the ICE-fearing crowd. There are so many of them, but that's not our fault is it, Biden?
“Ignore No Soliciting signs”. Try ignoring a No Trespass sign? Judge on MY side mo-rons.
I was expecting a paragraph about "Ignore no trespassing signs" lol. Oh well...
It does say that “you can ignore no soliciting signs! You’re not soliciting!” No trespassing may work though.
Lake county, Il...!?
What cuckery.
this is ridiculous.
they think we don't know about this? They're coming to educate us? lol
Sounds to me that they are going to areas with a low rate of vax, not that they actually have information on individuals. Ima be friendly and tell them what they want to hear. If a bunch of questions are lobbed at me, Sorry, I'm right in the middle of something right now, and have to go, but thanks for coming by, have a nice day.
If they come back, that's another story.
They have to know answers but their job is to inform. LOL 🤡🌎
If they come to my door I have a bunch of questions for them.
The one thing I haven't seen is what they're to do if a person has natural immunity. For those of us that had the China Virus there's no need to be vaccinated. No one is talking about us
Never answer the door if you're not expecting someone!
If anyone shows up I’m just gonna say we’re all set thanks. Don’t need the flyer either.