Don't dismiss the powerful effect of beer goggles. They don't know what she really looks like until the morning light and sobriety clarifies their vision. And then it's too late.
LOL you are a gentleman and a scholar! And I'm female so I would literally die of alcohol poisoning before coming close to it myself. I have just seen some amazingly homely chicks go home with some otherwise decent men who were too drunk to know better. It happens. And it's not pretty.
Glamour magic. hard to cast over more than one at a time without help. Poor souls have almost no chance when they are drunken. I've seen it happen. Moment of silence for the fallen, please.
I mean a whole Gallon dude... come on, you would screw Bruce Jenner and then drunk dial him like you just broken up with your highschool crush before sobering up if you drank a gallon of everclear.
Thankfully I always end up hiding somewhere and passing out before making stupid decisions on my sex life. And college taught me that Everclear and Sunny D are a perfect combo. I'd still rather use it as anti-septic or to start up the fire on your charcoal grill.
Beer goggles deceive guys into think the 3 across the bar is a 7. Believe me, one of my best friends picked up his last couple girlfriends (both exes, thankfully) like this. Both complete cunts, emotionally manipulative, ugly, and just horrible women.
If that's the case, it's probably no accident they met the way they did. Chicks like that know they can't get a guy by conventional methods, so they go to the bar and wait for closing time. Try to convince your buddy to go to church and find himself a good girl, he'll thank you later :)
Discarded prophylactics from a public park, turkey baster. Just for the pleasure of murdering the most innocent and helpless. Feminism is all about finding a way.
When abortions are used as a means of birth control.
Years ago I talked to a college professor and asked what was the most common cause of students failing exams and needing to re-sit. She said bereavement, illness and abortion. Noting my shock she went on to say, and many don't have just one but several in 3-4 years.
Godless people have no morals or conscience.
there was a video here last week, of a woman who's mother was a satanist and would have parties where the women would perform abortions on each other/rituals with the blood. all in a suburban home, sounded horrific. the woman's name was Abigail, but can't remember her last name..
Seems like it would be poetic justice that one of the long term effects is the inability to ever have any children again. If she's going to go killing 21 of her babies, she doesn't deserve to ever have one.
That is a hell of a word picture you painted there! The creativity on this board is nothing short of amazing. No "/s" - I mean that as a compliment. :)
I had 2 miscarriages in the 2 years it took us to get pregnant with my first child.
More than a decade later I still mourn those 2 babies. I don’t understand how anyone could willingly kill their own child. And 21 times? She must not have a soul at all.
It seeps into their subconscious and haunts them. They are just too deep into it to admit it. Because, muh patriarchy. This is why they are on antidepressants and miserable.
Sounds right up Satans alley.
Abortions are a satanic sacrifice
“a ceremonial affirmation of self-worth and bodily autonomy that integrates the abortive process.” As presented in a lawsuit by the Satanic temple suing texas over abortion being their religious right.
Know anything else being pushed that could be also considered “a ceremonial affirmation of self-worth and bodily autonomy that integrates the abortive process?”
I used to be very left wing, very pro-choice, but I saw this photo a few years ago and it haunted me; I realized how completely insane everyone around me was; I'd been lied to about everything, it's not about keeping people safe from rape and incest; they're just addicted to vice and incapable of acting as a functional adult.
This woman is an insane degenerate, and she's proud of her degeneracy.
This is what a serial liar looks like. There is no way she's convinced any man to have sex with her 21 times.
Don't dismiss the powerful effect of beer goggles. They don't know what she really looks like until the morning light and sobriety clarifies their vision. And then it's too late.
Speak for yourself. Not even a gallon of Everclear would make me even consider getting close to a thing like her
LOL you are a gentleman and a scholar! And I'm female so I would literally die of alcohol poisoning before coming close to it myself. I have just seen some amazingly homely chicks go home with some otherwise decent men who were too drunk to know better. It happens. And it's not pretty.
Just go to Walmart and look at all the "mothers"! Some people will stick it in anything!
Glamour magic. hard to cast over more than one at a time without help. Poor souls have almost no chance when they are drunken. I've seen it happen. Moment of silence for the fallen, please.
I mean a whole Gallon dude... come on, you would screw Bruce Jenner and then drunk dial him like you just broken up with your highschool crush before sobering up if you drank a gallon of everclear.
Thankfully I always end up hiding somewhere and passing out before making stupid decisions on my sex life. And college taught me that Everclear and Sunny D are a perfect combo. I'd still rather use it as anti-septic or to start up the fire on your charcoal grill.
Said the man that doesn't drink! Kek
Beer goggles deceive guys into think the 3 across the bar is a 7. Believe me, one of my best friends picked up his last couple girlfriends (both exes, thankfully) like this. Both complete cunts, emotionally manipulative, ugly, and just horrible women.
If that's the case, it's probably no accident they met the way they did. Chicks like that know they can't get a guy by conventional methods, so they go to the bar and wait for closing time. Try to convince your buddy to go to church and find himself a good girl, he'll thank you later :)
Mickey Gilley "the girls all get prettier at closing time"
Colt44 goggles...
Discarded prophylactics from a public park, turkey baster. Just for the pleasure of murdering the most innocent and helpless. Feminism is all about finding a way.
Her lady parts probably look like Stalingrad during the German siege in WWII.
↑↑↑↑ Academy Award for Best Mental Picture goes to......
That us some vivid imagery my friend.
Or, they look like whatever that thing is hanging on the wall.
WTF is that?! Look's like Buffalo Bill's tailor work with some kinda alien vajayjay for a head/mask...
Bro… I kek’d into my mouth a bit. 🤢
You're welcome. Bwahahahahaha....
When abortions are used as a means of birth control. Years ago I talked to a college professor and asked what was the most common cause of students failing exams and needing to re-sit. She said bereavement, illness and abortion. Noting my shock she went on to say, and many don't have just one but several in 3-4 years. Godless people have no morals or conscience.
Fixated in misguided behaviors, attitudes, fears, and desires in a gradually worsening process which ends in neurosis and destruction.
I think some of them do it for the thrill.
there was a video here last week, of a woman who's mother was a satanist and would have parties where the women would perform abortions on each other/rituals with the blood. all in a suburban home, sounded horrific. the woman's name was Abigail, but can't remember her last name..
An abortion is major surgery and it is not something to be proud of. Then there are the long term effects of health and psychological issues as well.
Seems like it would be poetic justice that one of the long term effects is the inability to ever have any children again. If she's going to go killing 21 of her babies, she doesn't deserve to ever have one.
Well, one can easily argue that she had plently of psychological issues before the first abortion
I'm sure she's a pleasant, well-balanced individual /s
That is a hell of a word picture you painted there! The creativity on this board is nothing short of amazing. No "/s" - I mean that as a compliment. :)
I had 2 miscarriages in the 2 years it took us to get pregnant with my first child.
More than a decade later I still mourn those 2 babies. I don’t understand how anyone could willingly kill their own child. And 21 times? She must not have a soul at all.
It seeps into their subconscious and haunts them. They are just too deep into it to admit it. Because, muh patriarchy. This is why they are on antidepressants and miserable.
She needs Jesus.
Imagine being proud of that...
A Slut and a Serial Killer of the unborn.
Sounds right up Satans alley. Abortions are a satanic sacrifice “a ceremonial affirmation of self-worth and bodily autonomy that integrates the abortive process.” As presented in a lawsuit by the Satanic temple suing texas over abortion being their religious right.
Know anything else being pushed that could be also considered “a ceremonial affirmation of self-worth and bodily autonomy that integrates the abortive process?”
I used to be very left wing, very pro-choice, but I saw this photo a few years ago and it haunted me; I realized how completely insane everyone around me was; I'd been lied to about everything, it's not about keeping people safe from rape and incest; they're just addicted to vice and incapable of acting as a functional adult.
This woman is an insane degenerate, and she's proud of her degeneracy.
Glad you made it
I thought it was a man at first. Kinda reminded me of the Biden appointed health commisioner.
Trannies can get pregnant now? I don't think so.
Top kek
The word "SLUT" would have conveyed the same message; just saying...
How drunk do you have to be? Cuz I have never been THAT drunk.
This...has...a uterus-?
Kinda glad this thing didn’t reproduce….
What in the world is behind her?
A late-term abortion.
That crazy bitch has a haunted pussy.
She has those crazy liberal eyes
It's a bit late but you could do us all a favor by being the 22nd. I'll even push the abort trigger for you. Sick bitch.
Side note, I'll bet the poor bastards you got to fuck you are glad they ain't stuck with you.
What's hard to believe is that scaggy rag managed to get a dick stuck in her 21 times.
Looks like a human cockroach
That sadly won't be her expression when she answers to the Lord Almighty. Unless she repents while there's time.
You can tell by the eyes.
Black as a sharks eyes.
Would ya look at those worn out flap jacks...
She's a demon.
I didn't know trannys could get pregnant
She looks crazy to me.
Someone(s) fucked that 21 times?
The question is who would fuck that 21 times?
Or a man dressed up like chic to convince real women it's ok...
If true, I’m thinking the world is a better place.
Utterly disgusting.