No talking in Australia
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Crickey! Let the Government do all the thinking. It’s our duty to shut up and obey. /s
Fuck this clown world bullshit!
Yeah, this sign language stuff is pure cringe.
I don't think it's sign language in general, it's this virtue signaling bullshit look they always have.
I'm pretty sure if I were deaf I'd be insulted by these people.
As if closed captioned television hasn't been a thing for my entire 40 years of life!
Id bet my left nut that MORE people are able to read subtitles than are able to read sign
Well, closed captions are usually pretty delayed and terrible for live stuff. An interpreter probably really is better for this kind of thing... They just don't need to look like THAT...
If one is deaf, do they knownits delayed?
Member when shows said closed captioning provided by insert commercials here ? That shit ain't free or instant. Even this boards crush handling things in Florida during the hurricane/building collapse used sign language translators... because that's what you do when providing real time updates on live tv. This part of the thread is looking mighty retarded.
And when they have the half dozen or so people behind them, it's usually a major leftist propaganda speech.
I almost simply posted ‘clown world’, but you did it for me
The Australian subreddit eats this shit up
I think you mean those bots eat digital shit. Reddit is chinabots crossed with the intellectually feeble. The few decent posters are pissing against the wind.
is that actually proven somehow or is it just a really commonly held believe? I don't know. It wouldn't surprise me but I'm wondering if there is evidence.
Here's your proof: I'm just some guy and I could make a reddit bot that spews any kind of propaganda I want. I could even make it understand context and know how to reply to people.
There is 100% chance that someone out there had this idea and actually did it. What do you think are the chances state actors might want in too?
Well when they killed the ISIS leader only headlines that didn't include trump were able to rise to the front page. It doesn't take much time in any sized sub to realize the manipulation that occurs there. My favorite was when a post on the Houston sub hit the front page that only consisted of a banner over a freeway saying SAVE THE KIDS. All it took was one person to say 'oh that's those Jew hating qtards that are trying to trick you' and suddenly it was back to zero score and off the front page. Bots. Paid shills. Mods on payrolls. Admins that party with jizzlane Maxwell. You consume enough of their content and you start to see through it all.
That escalated quickly, yikes.
Shut up and don't talk to each other.. sounds like what Biden and goons are doing here via social media CURRENTLY, or trying to do.
It's hard for them to track people talking ... force them to text where they have it all ... these "people" are sick
I've been mulling over why there are more than one word for us... human, mankind, homo sapien, there's probably others I'm forgetting.
But mostly Human & mankind - these words have been interchangeable for so long they mean the same to me now.
I know the meanings of many words have been warped and changed over time and gradually the differences are forgotten (like they're doing with "equality" and "equity" now).
But... human & mankind. Idk. And it's been so long now that that I can't find the true meanings of those words Or I can't find anything because they really ARE the same thing and it's Just deep lawn-mowing-ponderings.
Fucking cunts
No thats too... basic :)
As she drones on ad nauseum, I guess she's not too worried about giving COVID to the guy behind her. Hypocrite.
How can you say that? Don't you understand that this is the new normal?
We're all in this together. No one is safe until we are all safe.
Translation: all humans are equal, but some humans are more equal than others.
Only "official .gov" personnel are allowed to breath and to talk apparently.
Clowns have taking over Australia apparently.
Oh, they took over a LONG time ago. Actually I wonder if Australia ever was in fact a free nation, or if they just let us have the semblance of a free nation, corralled like a thoroughbred, run out on festival and abused whenever the master gets drunk.
If you give a caged animal a big enough cage, it will think that it's actually free, even though it never actually is.
Same as the US...
Not exactly. I kind of like what I heard by someone on Bannon's WR the other day (Something I agree with). Since its inception, the USA has always been subjected to attack and people (aka the Cabal) trying to take it over. But the fight has been constant.
Whereas, with regards to Australia, I have begun to conceive that after America escaped their direct control via the Revolution and establishment of the People's constitution, Australia was actually founded as a sort of controlled ranch, where the people would be made to think they were free but in fact, "soft control" has always been the case. Never free.
the First Aus colony was founded in 1788. Yes. And our constitution is and was established by and ACT of the British Parliament, NOT by the Australian people.
Big, big difference.
Oh man. Perfectly described mate. My thoughts too.
As she's speaking, I'm envisioning someone running onto the stage and smashing her face with an axe handle. Is that wrong?
how about loading something long and metal up and pointing it....that's not wrong?
Do NOT become what you despise. If you despise and hate with volition, you WILL become as they are, and at the very minimum, be unable to access the path that actually leads us out of this madness.
If you have such feelings, you've got work to do. Your angry righteousness must be seeking after liberation for your people and accountability. We should be weeping for them, because their accountability will lead them to horrific places. We cannot stop it; it's their choice, but don't indulge in such emotions. That's what THEY do.
Be better, fren. Rise to your higher self. It's the only way for you, for me, and our people to exit the lunacy.
Or a good old wood chipper like the movie Fargo.
australia is so totally fucked!
The memo has obviously gone out all over the world for the Globalist takedown. The intent seems to be lock everyone in their homes and keep them silent while the economy burns to the ground until nothing but compliant serfs are left. I don't think people are going to go quietly to the slaughter.
Yeah, I have taken note to the fact that it seems to be a GLOBAL shift to lock everyone down and tell them to not talk to each other, each country taking their own approach at the SAME goal. They tell you to not speak to each other, its time to gather gather gather and yell your demands to stop the BS.
When are the Aussie's gonna say "ENOUGH!"
The problem is their guns were taken after the Port Author hoax and they have no free speech laws.
Australians are being fined $10,000 for not wearing a mask in public, including if you're driving in a car by yourself.
The Australian government is making anyone who questions them instantly homeless... for "their own good"... because of the sniffles.
Yeah, nah, way too much oversimplification.
That's not really where its at (even yet)
BTW, the fines don't stand up. Vicpol issued nutty fines to non-maskers or peeps travelling outside their designated zone (Yep, Stalinists be envious) but they wiped them all at the end of the year for the peeps that didn't pay them - why? because they would not and cannot stand up in court.
But masking in car is not part of the regulations bro.
Not defending, just clarifying. Cheers.
In SA they are: masks are mandatory for ANYONE leaving the house unless you fulfill certain exceptions and driving a car IS NOT one of them.
Hmmm. Seems ambiguous, but maybe. I mean, if you are in the car alone, are you still required to wear a mask. I guess in the absence of any direct statement that you aren't, it means yes.
Man, what do we do when the government itself is gaslighting the public? Unbelievable.
Been there done that feels good man.
🖕🖕🖕 🖕🤡🖕 🖕🖕🖕
That's not a lockdown, this is a lockdown mate. I will stop posting after this one as I'm only getting more annebriated but in two earlier post. I mentioned Australia or Canada next for the people standing up and we'll shit I forgot the second 🤣 have a good night .win
You all do have boomerangs right?
Why is this bitch not getting wrecked by hundreds of boomerangs?
Australia, you have no idea how absurdly awesome Oz is in the minds of Americans. Gather the Roos. Unleash them in the streets.
I own a stainless steel one. And a grinder. It also opens beers (some genius thought to cut that feature into it... Straya!!!).
Yes, I can throw the fucker, watch it do four hotlaps and catch the bastard afterwards.
I will not go quietly into the long dark night of Khazarian goblin tyranny.
Godspeed Dundee.
I don't buy the Aussies taking this horse shit. I haven't known many, but the few in have known weren't sheep. I think this is their Awakening. Pretty sure they won't put up with much more of this nonsense, just like we aren't
Aaaaa garn git fuQd.
Smile. Hug People. Share microbes. Build immunity. Look after your health. Ignore these goblins.
Even people in the prison system have more rights! This is idiotic. The people need to follow her around and see if she follows her own moronic advice.
Chances are somewhere between
None <<<<Here, and
Fuck all <<<<Here.
how do normies not see through this shit? it is getting beyond retarded
Trickle down tyranny is in full incontinences mode down under... 😢
they do but they are 'scared'. Scared that their tv dinners will disappear (INXS 1990), their tv will be taken away, they won't be able to play video games, but all the while doing it without being able to breath or walk down the street.
I am stunned at how completely brainwashed my fellow humans are. They have become dedicated lemmings. It's embarrassing.
All these commie bastards pushing this non sense at this point, with all the facts at hand, and a year past their last sky is falling doom porn lockdown, they all must die. Fuck this shit. No more tyranny. Every person in every country must reclaim their rights and stop this commie shit. They cant stop even 5% of their contrymen if they all rose up and fought back. Here in the USA our Founding Fathers nowadays would be considered by the fake biden admin to be the white supremacy terrorist boogeymen they constantly chirp about. ENOUGH COMMIE TYRANNY!
STOP THE SPREAD (of the truth)
She has no idea this is how the French Revolution started ...
Thing is, a thread here last week showed only 9% of aussies were vaxed, so they seem more awake than most of the 1st world.
As she stands there talking without a mask
Nah, a rope "mask" would be more fitting
Canada and Australia are ground zero for Communism
"Don't use a medium we can't censor."
Notice the emphasis:
They have forgone any semblance of actual rationality, that members of the population can actually think, and have just gone
"Do not speak to others"
"Clown world" doesn't even begin to scratch the surface.
yeah, us aussies have been a little too loud lately ... we've been asking too many questions, not obeying and worst of all ... SPEAKING TRUTH!
I thought we here in Australia were doing OK at the start of this scamdemic. I made an error in judgement and realised that our country is ran by clowns. Either they are in CCPs payroll to push this propaganda, power hungry, or are simply that fucking retarded. Probably all of the above.
If anyone wants to sponsor me, I have a set of useful skills and am willing to fight for freedom on the last front fighting against the true enemy, and would love to be an American citizen.
Hehe Can't sponsor you. I'm still here (Dictanistan)
But if you are interested in taking them online digital warrior skills and converting them to local action, let me know. I can hook you up with folks who are fighting back.
And yes, Australia has probably ALWAYS been run by clowns. We just didn't know it. hoodwinked
Very interested. Any actionable things I can do to help, I’m willing.
I’m always engaging with family, friends, and especially social media in an effort to try and redpill others. At the same time, I’m not complying with any “health instructions” they mandate, ie. masks and QR codes.
Edit: Condolences also.
Cool. I'll get back to you.
and yeah, not only do I not comply. Now I want to go out of my way to resist them.
Put women in positions of power and see what they do. More often than not, this.
Usually I'd call you out for a cheese penis but in this case cucked Aussie women prove you right
Sometimes musky, but never cheesy.
I suppose I could have qualified my assertion to women that self identify as progressive. Authoritarian, tyrannical proclivities seem to be defining characteristics. Nice vid, TY.
All this over what??? 1388 cases and 5 deaths
I really hope you people don't listen to this minister of propaganda shit.
The gov is locking them down to prevent the rebellion that’s brewing among aussies!
Stop the Spread! (of the mind virus)