WOW!!! Truth Bombs +++ !
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Did I...just fall in love?
Came here to say this. ^
Angry moms are nothing to joke about 😂
We are everywhere.
AWESOME LADY! More please!
Does anyone know where to find the entire thing ? What city was this in ?
Clark County, NV.
Does it matter? She is speaking for people EVERYWHERE.
It matters if you are trying to find a full length video elsewhere.
lol yes I'm also trying to figure out where this is from
True, apologies.
I think it's Navada
Las Vegas, Nv. Clark County
Thanks. I found it and I'm watching in parts. Many great speakers. (2hrs long)
Link? Please and Thank You.
This is the whole thing. What I sent was a clip which cut out. Blonde woman is at 5:37 Red Head REF in post @ approx 32 mins. They have a lot of patriots in this town. Hope they boycott these commissioners. "No soup for You"
Love Seinfeld!!!! Literally laughed out loud
I like when that happens.
I got it from this page. Someone quicker than me posted it
“We are the ones that put the brakes on your cars”
Yes, without the little people things would not run very smoothly!
As long as they don't become a giant "human megapede" :)
Tyler Durden put it best, lmao
Damn, I knew I should have read the comments before I posted basically the same thing. This chick has balls, we need more of her and less of those elected cucks.
Great minds think alike =P
Do not FUCK with us! I thought about this scene when she said that also.
What's really interesting is when you realize that the movie, and more so the book, are dark comedy. (btw, if you ever get a chance, read the book, it's fuckin gold...)
But the fact that it spoke to so many people in a serious way should have been a red flag for everyone...
This movie blew my mind. As soon as I watched it for the first time many years ago I had to start it over immediately. The only other movie I ever did this with was the first matrix movie. I’ll have to find the book now. Thanks for the heads up. 👍🏼
Yes I was luckily not informed of the ending and was thoroughly mindblown. It's pretty high on my my favorite movie list, alongside Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, The Matrix, Across the Universe... Fight Club used to be my Sunday movie - I always had it on repeat all day while I was playing WOW or whatever.
WOW dude, these are all on my top ten. I’d also add boondock saints to the list. Awesome taste in movies. 👍🏼
Not a problem.
Btw, rewatch the movie while keeping in mind it's a comedy, and a lot of stuff makes more sense...
Nor stop smoothly and not by a tree or concrete wall either. 👏😂😁
100% success rate against tyrants.
This lady has had it with those losers!
I wish that were true. Clinton, Bush, Obama... all DS tyrants. However, against Biden, we shall emerge victorious.
Success doesn’t always come instantaneous. Satan tries every angle. But that fool is no match for God, and never will be. Tyrants fall, empires burn. In the end, God wins. And that means we win to my friend. Amen!👍
There’s a beautiful woman right there! Well spoken, controls her emotions so she gets the point across, intelligent. Seems like maybe a school mask hearing or something?
So ridiculous. She’s standing behind plexiglass and when she takes off her mask, you can hear the board recoil in horror. Such complete morons.
"I'm not the one who should be scared...." Veritas
Audience isn't allowed to clap so they wave their arms, the Board is power mad and they need to die (once found guilty of treason and crimes against humanity that is).
Notice the size of the chair the govt Karen is sitting in? It’s a damn Throne!
My exact words!
Nothing better than a based, gorgeous redhead
"I'm not the one who should be scared."
This woman is awesome!
The brakes!!! 😂
Love it. Wish we had the whole clip. Anyone know where this was filmed?
We ARE the majority.
OMG I love her! Classic line right here: “This country has a 100% success rate at taking down monarchies.” I so want that line in a T-shirt!
Sorry about the shit book link 30:30.
Thanks! At the end of her speech she says and I will be driving pretty! Lol
The guy after her is pretty good too.
And check out the lady at 4:48.
Thanks for this
She's right, they're going to lose and it will be lets just say very ugly when they do.
We ARE everywhere…and we will not abide tyrannical rule!
Right on right on right on
The one part she is getting wrong is these people know they are doing the bidding of tyrants and are hurting children, but they ENJOY it. They aren't going to stop because we call them out. We have to force them to stop.
Run for School Board. Run for City Hall Run for Mayor
Until we stop letting them do this to us and we take control of the political offices, this will continue. Either that or we will wind up dead and they will be smirking the entire time. At least until the elites come for them.
Get 'em girl!
God help us all to so bold. Lord Jesus please lend us your mighty arm as well. This lady just put tears in my eyes she is so right.
I just realized i married the wrong woman.
God bless this lady! That was EPIC!!!!!
I want to buy her a drink.
Awesome sauce!👏🏻🇺🇸
Hahahaha what the hell, we need more 😃
I've seen several of these with the hand waving instead of clapping. WTH is that all about? OMG
They aren’t allowed to clap!
I know and that is what is so freakish. It reminds me of the beatniks snapping their fingers.
Can I get a TL:DW for the people at work who can’t listen openly?
Sorry, I am technologically impaired. Maybe someone with skills can help.
Too long:didn’t watch or in plain English: a summary.
She's calling out government, saying everybody is in someone's pocket. Saying that we are the majority and that she's (we) not (aren't) the one(s), that need to be afraid and we will come out as right.
Fight club time!
Women are leading the way, just like the beginning of the French Revolution!
where is this from?
And is she married?