Passing mindless time in between new posts on GAW new, I found something interesting, of someone else finding something I think our community will find interesting
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮
It's the bohemian grove
Its right next door to a Christian retreat campground I worked at one summer. We were told not to hike too close. :)
At the time, I had no idea of the deeper fuckery. I though it was just a "place that President's go to".
Satanists will often put altars and other crap near prominent Christian locations as an acronym to God and His People.
that’s not what an acronym is
Probably spell check. Once you start using eccentric words, autocorrect tries to cut you down to its level. 1984 vocabulary reduction by robotic happenstance.
Good one. You should phrase that statement as a question to Siri, or Alexa, and record how it responds. Might be good for a laugh.
I almost wrote a short scifi story based on that concept.
Typed it on my phone. 😟
That’d be a long acronym 😄
lol- I knew what he meant though.
What did he mean? I was trying to figure out but couldn’t
I think this:
Definition of sacrilege
1 : a technical and not necessarily intrinsically outrageous violation (such as improper reception of a sacrament) of what is sacred because consecrated to God 2 : gross irreverence toward a hallowed person, place, or thing
that makes sense, they have the same amount of syllables, same “k” sound emphasis, and approximately rhyme
thank you
username checks out sigh
You meant an "antonym".
I think you mean "Anathema", not acronym...
I did not find this on earth.google.com. However, when doing a search for Moloch, I did find a Lucius Moloch AD in Bulgaria (company), and apparently Moloch itself in the middle of a street in Austria.
There's also a Mount Moloch, right next to Mount Baal in Canada.
And a Allor Moloch Archeology Dig Site in Wales. Allor apparently means "altar" in Welsh.
Disgusting, isn't it?
Apparently Lucifer lives in the suburbs of Reno, is a private investigator, and has a Bar in West Hollywood and its the same fucking building as in Netflix's Lucifer.
Wtf, is "Lucifer" on Netflix a declas?
According to wikipedia that building is the Sunset Tower Hotel. Perhaps being able to edit those locations is open to random people, or someone just has a sense of mischief.
The show is a pale imitation of the comic series and only takes some characters and ideas from the first few issues, the rest of the comic goes in a way different and interesting direction.
Watch Alex Jones's famous video of him infiltrating the grave. He catches this ceremony live on hidden video.
There's no way he survived that if he wasn't controlled opposition.
yeah they offered him a cushy job as the conspiracy dude and Bill was like "I'll do it!"
And for those who don't know this reference, there's a conspiracy theory stating the comedian Bill Hicks did not die of pancreatic cancer at the age of 32, but rather was recruited by the CIA, faked his death and assumed the identity of Alex Jones.
His supposed role? Make conspiracy theorists look insane.
Below is an archive of a Tweet from 2020 making the claim, but I remember coming across that theory years ago.
What if the real Alex Jones was replaced by Bill Hicks and then immediately given a Hollywood movie role as part as the payment? Crazier things have likely happened.
Alex Jones was already doing TV when Bill Hicks was around. This is a joke theory that people started taking seriously because sarcasm is sometimes difficult to tell online and they can't be bothered to do any research.
Ah, the famous sarchasm.... 😁
But Bill Hicks was based, if not extremely blackpilled.
Yea this theory is bogus
to me the fact that they came from the same town and had basically the same best friend/agent is somewhat of a give away. i loved bill when he did standup too - watch some of his live standup and try to not see alex jones in it... you will see the mannerisms etc are spot on. so over the top. the voice is changed though much more gravel in aj voice. a tangent/rabbit hole but an interesting theory
Looking at the pictures I'm having a hard time NOT believing this theory...
It served no purpose to the Cabal for Alex to expose them. None whatsoever. Alex is a patriot. Flynn loves him and told us so.
What’s the deal with the owl? Every time I Google Moloch I get pictures of a bull. :/ EDIT: Durr, I remembered I could look harder. Bohemian Grove mascot. Got it. 😄👉🏻👉🏻
The Owl is often symbolized in satanism for it being nocturnal, wise and all-seeing.
Yah, except when you evolve with no natural predators, and one comes along, you're in a bad way.
That's what happened to these cabal idiots. They, like the owl, are incapable of actually observing their surroundings because they can't or don't think they need to. That's why they got/are getting their butts kicked by the good guys.
Nice analogy
Zackly. They can’t stray from their “plan”.
The US Capitol Grounds
If you are getting pics of a bull when googling Moloch, it's not far off. Baal is the Cannanite god. That's where we get the word "cannibal".
Weird. If you search maps for it, it takes you to Bohemian Grove. Same place. Some of the photos are the same. But the one in the video with the fire and altar is gone.
Not much digging required. There is a huge Wiki article on it. Even Alex Jones did a segment on it.
Creepy shit for sure.
That moloch statue offends me deeply. I think it needs to be removed or destroyed.
I posted this the other night because the algorithms blessed me with coming across it. What i liked best is the comments on YouTube. Good that this is getting even more views because I usually post late at night. People are waking up.
I wonder if it burned in the Dixie Fire now I’m California. Greenville has benn almost totally incinerated
It's just called the bohemian grove on Google maps
The club...
I believe anyone can add a place on Google Maps