SHILL IDENTIFICATION MANUAL: Ever wondered what the difference between a newb genuinely asking questions and a POS shill here only to sow discord and lies? The difference can hard to spot, but u/MyPillowHurts puts on a master class for anyone on GreatAwakening wondering how to spot 'em at work!
🧠 These people are stupid!
I think the people peddling red herring theories like "The corporation of the united states is bankrupt and Trump is being inaugurated on March 4th" as well as the DoD Law of War Manual bullshit are also disruption shills. Whenever I've engaged with them and linked Q posts that utterly debunk these nonsensical theories, they've responded with wild personal attacks and just acted totally irrational.
I think of shills as people who are on a mission, literally. Like they are working for soros or democratic party.just because someone doesn't fully agree with the conventional narrative, or just because they have alternative ideas, or interpret things differently does not make them a shill.
Q says things that are largely open to interpretation but amongst this forum there are narratives and common beliefs that maybe the majority thinks is true. To think differently than that does not make a personal shill.
A real shill is a person who would be working on behalf of the opposition.
Don’t be so sensitive. It’s perfectly natural and healthy to question the leadership looking into and exposing voting fraud. After all, it’s been almost a year since the election and we haven’t moved an inch closer toward justice.
Jesus Christ is the only way out of this. That’s the great awakening.
We learned just yesterday that Durham has been presenting evidence to a grand jury in order to explore criminal charges. We also were told by Q in his second-to-last post that Durham would be the solution. We also saw a Trump tweet all the back in Dec. 23 straight up talking about a special counsel investigating the voter fraud. You should be able to piece that all together, unless you yourself are a disruption shill.
Very odd assessment. Inability to judge distance "we haven't mOvEd aN iNcH" ie determine progress accurately, suggests advisability of praying and helping rather than opining/guessing. Best wishes :-)
Obviously and we all k ow hunter Biden still smokes Crack and Joe still pedos innocent t children.
Shills never learn. Besides as always Art of War in play...appear weak when you are strong These things that first present as maybe a miss step always boomerang back in the cabals face. They never seem to know when they are being played.
I understand what you're trying to say, but some of these aren't the greatest examples you could have picked. Q is neither a religion nor a cult where you aren't allowed to ask questions. As long as they aren't constantly shutting up the board, I see little wrong here. There are worse posters on this board. u/trumptroll or whatever his name is come to mind
I think this is a great example.
I see someone trying to "CNN" us by using the same, tired tactics we are largely immune from. This person sounds like Don Lemon. However, it would probably be somewhat effective on newbies.
They use un-specific terms such as "border security" while trying to convince whoever that drone bombing is fine because it was in the same sentence as "border security". Shills are easy to spot once you understand that they only have one form of attack. They just try to fine tune that tactics based off the target audience.
It's either working on you, or you're also a shill. Wisen up. We're not Facebook.
I love when they try to discredit Q by "outing" him as a specific person. I also love when they try to discredit someone by claiming he is Q.
They like to use the word “literally” as emphasis. They think they sound smart.
These shills are awful at shilling. They are so obvious. Do these jokers do anything well? Asking for a fren.
Remain genuine curious and true and it passes quickly. Rite of passage kind of stuff. Better to go through here than on 4chan or 8kun. It was brutal at times but it hardened my shell for the long haul!! 🇺🇸🐸🇺🇸
Everyone is welcome here. Question everything and learn to think on your own. Everyone is here for the same thing for the most part.
I don't know a lot of the GA slang and this seems good a place as any to ask! Am I right that a "shill" is someone who pretends to be on board with Q but is really just wanting to disrupt? Basically a concern troll?
What is a "pede"? I tried to look it up and the best I could tell it comes from centipede which seems strange. lol So maybe that's completely off base.
A "datefag" is someone who gets hung up on a set date for something to happen, right? What is a "glowfag"? I have no clue.
And why do peeps say "frens" instead of friends?
Allow me to impart more lingo.
The origin of kek.
In the game World of Warcraft, there are two factions of races battling against each other. To avoid collusion in "Player vs. Player" servers, there is a word scrambler such that one factions cannot understand the other. Each faction has a common language, Human for the Alliance, Orcish for the Horde. And when "lol" is said in Orcish, Alliance faction players read "kek" instead.
Then there's Pepe, a frog character turned meme.
It turns out Kek is also a deity from Ancient Egypt, represented by a frog, and the characters on the base of statues of Kek look like a person in front of a computer https://world.edu/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/keke_pepe.jpeg
Since then Kek has become the purveyor of meme magic, and Pepe his prophet. Praise Kek.
Glowfag is someone who suggests violence is the solution, instead of waiting for law and justice to prevail. They're considered to be FBI agents trying to incite/honeytrap others to go along with their bad intent. They "glow" because everyone can see them for what they are.
Frens is what retarded pepe would say. Retarded pepe is a meme that represents a newbie who is still learning (or whatever else you want him to mean to you). Retarded pepe is cool enough that people would still emulate him, even if they are well learned. You either get it or you don't. Those who don't are usually liberal, because liberals are incapable understanding memes.
Pede comes from an early meme about Trump https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKH6PAoUuD0 taken from a national geographic documentary about centipedes being "nimble navigators". Pede is more of a Trump meme than a Q meme, many Trump supporting communities call themselves pedes without reference to Q.
Most of the other explanations you gave sound about right.
From Knife Party, not a documentary:
Correction : The nickname pede, short for centipede, for Trump supporters, came from Can't Stump the Trump videos made during the 2015/16 presidential debates.
In the popular videos, Trump was called a lethal predator and "nimble navigator" which referenced the National Geographic documentary's description of centipedes. Clips from the centipede documentary were part of the intro to each CSTT video.
AFTER choosing to link Trump to the lethal and nimble predator, the centipede, the Can't Stump the Trump video creator chose music from Knife Party to underscore the centipede reference.
This is correct, generally someone who is intentionally there to mislead or derail the conversation.
I've been around for years and it doesn't make sense to me either. The source is from this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKH6PAoUuD0. "pede" is kind of a joking, familiar term for internet anons.
Yup, datefag is someone who thinks something will happen on a certain date and is generally wrong 99% of the time. If we know, the DS knows.
Glowfag is generally a term for someone, specifically from the FBI (or CIA) who is pretending to be an anon and inciting violence.
Not exactly sure. Might be a demographic thing. People kind of started using it and it caught on. TruReporting kind of talks like that.
Yes, and usually shill accounts use stealth tactics to build reputation by trying to fit in but then very subtly begin to counterpoint or dismiss informative posts and comments while downvoting truth and upvoting other shills.
When I think of shill, all the definitions given fit, but in addition I think that shill implies an association to a superior (higher up) entity, or a group.
The reason I think this is because few people, not motivated by a higher allegiance, would put energy into shilling simply to satisfy an emotional idiosyncrasy, or advance a personal ideological position. Most people in standalone mode would simply avoid a site that did not agree with their thinking, I believe.
Absolutely agree.
Meh... to be honest the guys does have some valid points , we need to do better , we can’t even convince the guys over on Patriots.win
which comments, specifically, do you feel are valid points?
PW can be unreal, yeah. They still think Sessions, Barr, and Pence were traitors, as if they get no credit for what they actually did... and legit the other day one of them said, basically, "I'd rather not read [your Devolution link] and not know what's going on than click on a link from a fucking Q-tard."
Barr openly stated that there was no evidence of fraud and called Trump's claims "bullshit". Then he resigned in December to allow for the Marxist overthrow.
How is he not a traitor?
If Pence, whom we are told acted a part by letting the certification take place, is being put forth as a patriot, why can't we believe that Barr was playing his part also.
For that matter, if we did not think that Trump did what he did for a larger purpose, by all rights he would fit the traitor profile too.
The whole thing with Pence and Flynn, the Pence Ryan website, and the fact that Pence's wife did get an envelope at poppy bush's funeral make me think he was cooperating with the white hats January 6th not because he's a good guy, but because of the dirt our side has on him.
I don't think Pence is a good guy at all.
Listen @42:50 https://rumble.com/vl131p-biden-desperate-as-vax-narrative-falls-apart-clif-high.html?mref=lzerp&mc=3ifeq
Guys name, that said Pence was playing a necessary part was Cliff High. I'm trying to find the Bitchute vid.
Who said that Pence acted a part?
Last I checked he betrayed us and doesn't speak with Tump anymore.
Found it. 42:50
That ball headed guy that has the predictive software he uses to predict future events. Can't think of his name, but saw a vid yesterday of him saying more or less, Trust Me, before this is all over, you will see that Pence is a hero.
Yeah thats convincing...
I'm not convinced they are not traitors, however, a definitive answer to that has yet to play out imo. All of them have been playing the game for years.
Good sticky btw.
This shill doesn't really need to be recognized because they're openly a traitor. They don't pretend to be otherwise. It's the shills who pretend to be a patriot, but then throw in the occasional demoralising or questioning comment that need to be recognized. Again, this shill doesn't hide the fact that they are a traitor. They make no attempt to hide where their loyalties lie, and they therefore deserve a traitor's justice.
They try so hard, but that’s okay, cos in the end it really doesn’t matter (anyway)
"Hello, my fellow pedestrians"
There's a lot of this same BS from these twatwaffles here on GAW.
Low IQ...wow
I'm other words, just look for terrible arguments? 😄
I bet he works for CNN
Not hard for me to spot a shill. They’re so obvious,
This is the exact type of shillary that went unchecked in T_D and eventually ruined that .win.
Haven't been there in months. Can't imagine that is is anything but 24/7 doom porn now.
His response makes me think of the crap Posts on Voat. Half the time you’d post & you’d get that negative crap back. Thanks for tagging him Catsfive!
We know better. It's not unlike you to lie.
Not so “deleted” comments.
"The proof is on Trump"
Then step aside and let us do Full Forensic Audits.
"Nobody cares about hunter"
His father does. He's been protecting him and using him as a proxy to fleece American tax payers.
"Ron Watkins aka Q literally didn’t know what he was looking at."
Do you?
"People will come here as long as conditions and corruption in their own countries continue to be horrible."
Because of the corruption here which we are trying to expose. We have been fueling that fire. We have been depriving those countries of the social change they need by allowing them to come here instead of fighting for liberty there.
"Hunter Biden smoked crack and so did Mike Lindell."
Is Mike or his family receiving our tax dollars (by proxy) from his father's politcal dealings?
☝️ Meet our newest mod, errybuddy. 👆
A well-earned promotion.
Lol, thanks.
Gratz 😁
He's getting a lot of comments/hr. At ten cents a post that's $3.60/hr.
I think shiIIs shouldn't have their comments deleted. Remove the ability to be upvoted and move them all the way to the bottom, maybe, but I'd really enjoy being able to respond.
Some of the less oblivious shit-comments I leave, especially if they are getting educational responses any newbies reading might find useful.
Is there a stat that be looked at for accuracy in deports? I hold back and don't do it very much because I'm not sure how much I suck at it. Lol.
Well... I think rather that some of them shall be archived if they are not so obvious like this. This shill is living rabbish,removing those piece of shit is just cleaning after obvious vandalism... As I wrote above: 2 cells,one in pocket,second [in head] pretending to be brain... Those shill is really just leftist freak probably not "shill" in normal sense,because I doubt this piece of shit would get even one cent for such shitty work. Of course I really hope cabal is already so stupid to pay such idiot dolars or some shekels or mao as they would lose money,but I doubt they would be really SO stupid to pay for something like this...
If they have a thread titled, "Does anyone have valuable information that has to do with XYZ? They are probably legit."
If they have one titled, "Flat Earth is the biggest psyop evur, haters get banned." Then they might be a shill.
Eh, Catsfive?
That was an op. They happen occasionally. Almost a dozen flat earth-tards were netted, tagged with radio collars, and relocated by helicopter to other WINs with that post. Leave this to the professionals, pls.
An op by who, for what?
It's all part of the awakening.
Keep stifling discussion and free thinkers.
Divide and conquer, eh?
Muh "sTifliNg diScUsSiOn". Lmao
This community is FOCUSED on Q drop inspired research. Flat earth chit chat, while interesting, is not Q research FOCUSED. Here its a DISTRACTION.
Fortunately, those interested in flat earth discussions can do so in the conspiracy win community and many other places on the internet.
Common sense and courtesy. Vetting for entry versus open borders. :-)
Flat earth... FREE THINKERS
AHAHAHAHA, comedy fucking gold
All part of the awakening.
Never trust anyone that uses the phrase nothingburger. It's their favorite word to use next to 'literally.'
I agree, their language & temperament gives them away. they seem to be a bunch of impatient/bitter millennials.
Kinda like op
i can't believe they think Ron is Q. lolz
Ron is nowhere close to the level of intelligence Q is.
exactly, they 'think' a lot of things because they haven't read the drops.
shills are obvious from their lack of basic knowledge and their unwillingness to learn.
Unironically them: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vaJVv1bzfTU
yes that's them × a few billion🥴
yes fren, yaassssssss!
I've noticed that the fine line between genuinely inquisitive and divisive shill is belligerence. If they're genuinely asking questions then they'll at least be receptive to the answers provided. If they keep asking questions and continue to be belligerent/attacking/controversial etc., then they're a shill trying to sow discord.