Climate change is real. Our climate is constantly changing. We cannot stop this, its due to solar activity. Giving money to the government won't stop the sun from being the sun, or from changing the climate on this earth.
I think the big point is being missed. We need to stop looking at these videos the same way the sheeple do. The significance of this video is that it has Joe Biden saying something that is contrary to the left's stance. He is sowing doubt and creating waves - sarcastically or not. Further, it is being spread on Tik Tok....
To me, that is the big takeaway. We look at all these videos, news stories, rumors, everything - not as a sheep, but as a sheep herder.
Don't read the item at face value as it was produced to be, but rather, examine it like this: Where is this information being distributed? Why would it be distributed? What is the intended message? What is the intended audience? Who benefits from this item's dissemination? Who made the video, and is it relevant that they are leaking it? Does it help my cause to spread it further?
This is information warfare, and intelligence analysis. We are not the consumers of these pieces of info, we are digital soldiers. We look at all of this data differently from the sheeple. (Or should be). We don't need to debate the veracity of the content, but instead view the whole battleground from 40,000 feet.
Well he did say "climate crisis". Climate change is something that is completely normal, like the carbon cycle we all learned about in elementary school. A climate crisis on the other hand is complete and utter bullshit.
Your comment is deceptive because he didn’t say climate change. He said something almost verbatim,”you’ve convinced the American people of a climate CRISIS”. We’re not in a climate crisis. Change, sure. Crisis, no.
I dont understand how this is supposed to be solid evidence unless you want it to be. This is what the MSM did with Trump all the time just now with Biden
"Youre beginning to convince people (who dont believe) in the climate crisis" is what he is saying
It doesn't seem to me like he's being sarcastic or anything. He could personally believe it, and be congratulating "J" for "finally helping those stupid tax cows understand."
Idk if you watch this from the eyes of a democrat who believes in climate crisis then it’s easy to see he could have been saying it sincerely not schemingly. Nothingburger
Most people don’t get sarcasm. They really don’t. Think about how stupid the average person is. Then realize half the population is dumber than that person and then you understand posts like this. Be careful using sarcasm in mixed conversations. I found out the hard way when young.
Anyways, Joe Biden is an evil pedo so if it’s a lie that finally takes him down, it would probably be fitting. But some of us have a real hardon for truth. This post is simply a lie. Down voted.
Being honest with myself, I think he was being sarcastic. Like if you just got done telling your skeptic friend about the great reset or something
I also agree. Downdoot me.
Climate change is real. Our climate is constantly changing. We cannot stop this, its due to solar activity. Giving money to the government won't stop the sun from being the sun, or from changing the climate on this earth.
Yes that’s what I tell people. “It’s the Sun!”
Seriously they have found global warming on other planets. It’s not humans causing warming on other planets.
The first thing I ask leftists is, "What did people do to cause the polar ice caps to melt on Mars at the same rate they melt on Earth?"
I believe you but sauce on this would be tasty to share with climate alarmists
Username checks out.
I remember reading an article years ago about how Mars was "warming" statistically the same as Earth.
Look into it more. ALL the planets of our Solar System are.
I think the big point is being missed. We need to stop looking at these videos the same way the sheeple do. The significance of this video is that it has Joe Biden saying something that is contrary to the left's stance. He is sowing doubt and creating waves - sarcastically or not. Further, it is being spread on Tik Tok....
To me, that is the big takeaway. We look at all these videos, news stories, rumors, everything - not as a sheep, but as a sheep herder.
Don't read the item at face value as it was produced to be, but rather, examine it like this: Where is this information being distributed? Why would it be distributed? What is the intended message? What is the intended audience? Who benefits from this item's dissemination? Who made the video, and is it relevant that they are leaking it? Does it help my cause to spread it further?
This is information warfare, and intelligence analysis. We are not the consumers of these pieces of info, we are digital soldiers. We look at all of this data differently from the sheeple. (Or should be). We don't need to debate the veracity of the content, but instead view the whole battleground from 40,000 feet.
Well he did say "climate crisis". Climate change is something that is completely normal, like the carbon cycle we all learned about in elementary school. A climate crisis on the other hand is complete and utter bullshit.
Your comment is deceptive because he didn’t say climate change. He said something almost verbatim,”you’ve convinced the American people of a climate CRISIS”. We’re not in a climate crisis. Change, sure. Crisis, no.
He said crisis, but he was commenting on the climate change narrative that they've been pushing for years. Different word, same story.
this was also my take away
Yep. Should be 100% obvious. It's not just normies who are sometimes struck by confirmation bias.
Agree with this.
I dont think this says what you think it says.
Or he was told to say it.
Like he was told to say he didn't need anybody's vote
Like he was told to say he has the biggest voter fraud organization ever.
Member when he cried like a baby talking about his own death?
Nothingburger. Looks like he's congratulating someone for convincing the people there is a climate crisis.
…probably just some guy named Jay
Agent J
Normies will say he is saying that there is a thing called climate crisis but a lot of people don't believe it and need to be convinced. Inconclusive.
So trashy
Agreed. OP is reaching hard for what he wants to hear. Dumb post.
This vid is a nothingburger with nothing on it but a retarded pedo wiping his nose
I dont understand how this is supposed to be solid evidence unless you want it to be. This is what the MSM did with Trump all the time just now with Biden
"Youre beginning to convince people (who dont believe) in the climate crisis" is what he is saying
I would love to send this to people who believe it but they'd only say the video was doctored :(
Then tell them to prøve it, tell them to find the original video clip. They wont be able to since it's not doctored...
I could but they do not want to be told the truth. Waiting for it all to come out through official channels.
Climate change and climate crisis are two different things. Climate changes cyclically. There is no climate crisis or disaster.
I don’t believe there is a Climate Crisis but I don’t see how this video confirms that.
First and foremost, the climate "crisis" is a joke. Unfortunately the punchline is on the people who will suffer from the "solutions" demanded...
With that being said, this wont convince anybody who isn't already convinced.
Not trying to be a downer, but what he said is just vague enough you could interpret it however you wanted to.
It doesn't seem to me like he's being sarcastic or anything. He could personally believe it, and be congratulating "J" for "finally helping those stupid tax cows understand."
Idk if you watch this from the eyes of a democrat who believes in climate crisis then it’s easy to see he could have been saying it sincerely not schemingly. Nothingburger
This doesn’t prove crap. We know it’s a hoax but don’t pretend Joe Biden just admitted that in the video.
Did anyone notice that the words aren't in sync with the lips?
No, this doesn't show it's a fake. He is saying nothing against it. Try again.
Most people don’t get sarcasm. They really don’t. Think about how stupid the average person is. Then realize half the population is dumber than that person and then you understand posts like this. Be careful using sarcasm in mixed conversations. I found out the hard way when young.
Anyways, Joe Biden is an evil pedo so if it’s a lie that finally takes him down, it would probably be fitting. But some of us have a real hardon for truth. This post is simply a lie. Down voted.
Oh they for sure get their jollies by playing the sheeple! Oh to be a fly on the wall!!!
Wishful thinking with that I think....
It doesn't look like that's what he's saying, but it may be too grainy on my tablet. Sure sounds like him.
I see it now that coffee's in my system.
He didn't say "climate pressure" he said "climate crisis".