Qanon=Fabrication, made up by the MSM to be used as a whipping boy for all things they hate in their adversaries. Used by those who have not yet awakened or those newly red-pilled but not yet knowledgeable to the ways of anons
MSM= fake news
*See The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy for more information.
This is really the best they can do? At this stage of the game, this is what they throw out there. Is Walmart peddling discount False Flags now? "FF's in isle 3, special today, buy 4 get the 5th for free". No refunds. Lame, and quite frankly, very embarrassing.
Are these people serial??? When is the last time or for that matter the first time any of us have heard of an Anon attacking anyone let alone a servicemember??? A servicemember, people that we respect and admire almost as much as POTUS??? Fucking 🤡🌎...
It is like he is worried about trademarks or something - like when you see counterfeit stuff for name brands. I saw a picture once of Starsbuck in China. All the same colors, logo , bur with the added 's'. They must have sold lats instead of lattes.
The FBI said Capitol Police confirmed that on March 3, Olson had approached a National Guardsman stating he was "maybe going to do something crazy stupid tomorrow" and asked them not to shoot him.
Capitol Police detain him, then after a 4 day psych eval, he's released, goes back to Wisconsin and the paintball incident happens. Nothing to see here...
I clicked through to see what a "paintball attack on troops" could possibly be (besides playing paintball with the troops) and it's spray painting graffiti? Disappoint.
At what point did the bag of coinage become relevant? And how? So random. Like they assume trump supporters that read Q are psychotic basement dwelling freaks. Basically hot pocket live at home with mommy types, libs and gubermint clowns LOL
LOL - false flag on a budget ... $ORO$ money running low ...
But what's Qanon though?
I thought there is Q, and there are anons who read Q.
Q= MI (best guess so far)
anon= you and me! 😊
Qanon=Fabrication, made up by the MSM to be used as a whipping boy for all things they hate in their adversaries. Used by those who have not yet awakened or those newly red-pilled but not yet knowledgeable to the ways of anons
MSM= fake news
*See The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy for more information.
So long, and thanks for all the fish.
I also know lots of Q folks that refer to it as "MY" plan instead of "THE" plan.... And by 'lots' I mean 'none whatsoever...
I know alot of liberals that drive subarus. This guy ain't us.
Fr lol
"Omw to DC"
"Trust my plan"
Bwahaha. Total glowie.
Right? Trust "my" plan?
Never did those words come from Q. That I can tell you.
Holy crap! We found Q! Trust the Narrative!!!
LoL these guys are stupid.
This guy got the idea after a drink with the FBI.
He cant afford the glow.
They aren't even trying to make it look like a Q follower. Just enough effort for their mindless drones to believe it.
They're not sending their best.
I think you missed the point... this IS their best.
No way this fag is one of us!
Sorry guys I didn't know....
I think he's glowing a little bit...
What is it with the three names?
Clowns in America shtick. Patsies have three names because they're special.
I’ll bet you this guy never sees the inside of a cell. What a glowie.
Believer?! I hardly know'er!
The phrase "qanon believer" doesn't even make any sense. Whoever did this knows we know this. Everyone here knows this.
Are these people serious with this shit? 😂😂😂😂😂
Can someone give me context on this?
Former mod here who deleted his account iirc.
This is really the best they can do? At this stage of the game, this is what they throw out there. Is Walmart peddling discount False Flags now? "FF's in isle 3, special today, buy 4 get the 5th for free". No refunds. Lame, and quite frankly, very embarrassing.
Maybe they should research the whole Q thing a little before conducting a false flag.
This is some seriously top shelf fucking kek.
Are these people serial??? When is the last time or for that matter the first time any of us have heard of an Anon attacking anyone let alone a servicemember??? A servicemember, people that we respect and admire almost as much as POTUS??? Fucking 🤡🌎...
Omg what a JOKE 🤣🤣🤣
Most definitely not one of us, that wackjob is antifa.
They need more attractive false flaggers. I'm offended. We are pretty damn it!
"Trust my plan"
They can't even fucking false flag right
That handshake that was deported over and over again...
He knows all the catchphrases. I think it's legit, guys.
"Trust My Plan"
"No More Sheep"
"They Thought She'd Win"
"Only Certain Things Can Stop What Is Coming"
"there seems to be a massive tempest approaching our location"
You have as much as you think.
Not even stuff we say
Any one of those and I'd believe him
Shhh let's not give [THEM] any ideas.
Lol yeah, let's not teach the snake how to slither y'all.
Don't worry, CIA, I'm here to help!
Trust THE plan
They never thought SHE WOULD LOSE
Really, for an "intelligence" agency you suck pretty hard.
It is like he is worried about trademarks or something - like when you see counterfeit stuff for name brands. I saw a picture once of Starsbuck in China. All the same colors, logo , bur with the added 's'. They must have sold lats instead of lattes.
It's all so perfectly plausible.
He goes to DC, then this happens:
Capitol Police detain him, then after a 4 day psych eval, he's released, goes back to Wisconsin and the paintball incident happens. Nothing to see here...
That’s not even paintballs! That was spray paint! Herp derp
I clicked through to see what a "paintball attack on troops" could possibly be (besides playing paintball with the troops) and it's spray painting graffiti? Disappoint.
At what point did the bag of coinage become relevant? And how? So random. Like they assume trump supporters that read Q are psychotic basement dwelling freaks. Basically hot pocket live at home with mommy types, libs and gubermint clowns LOL
His plan is stupid and wouldn’t of ever worked
He is stupid, I bet "he" has never worked either :)
Probably on an FBI watch list too.
Guys, the storm is officially here.
That's not right! There is something funny about this. That's not an official Qanon motor pool car!
Can we use rentals now? Can we put it on the company Amex or do we pay cash and get reimbursed? Asking for an Qanon.
Subarus? What are we, animals? 🤣
I like the cut of your jib, anon, kek.
another MKultra CIA mental douche bag set up by plenty of drugs and the US black budget government.
Who believes this shit? and paintball ooooooooooh sooooo criminal.
Anytime it is reported Qanon, I am almost certain it is a false flag.
If this doesn't work for any articles you know of, let me know. Really all MSM stories about Q &/or Anons are FF.
What's there to believe? We don't even know who or what it is, and the fucker never tells us a damn thing.
He looks like one of the schizophrenics the crazy MK Ultra " therapist's " use to FF
this is so pathetic is almost unbelievable. Please tell me their propaganda department can do better then this?
Could it be our opposition are morons?
Even the people that think I'm batshit wouldn't fall for this
🤣🤣🤣they can’t even fake it correctly