Plus, if you search for ‘horse’ in Q drops at, you get:
Q 182 - (MacBeth Act II, Scene IV) ‘many odd happenings and a darkness on the horizon for humanity. It is noted that even the HORSEs are rebelling and turning upon one another (specifically eating each other).
Is it possible that the Clintons have turned on the Rothschilds?…’
Q 782 - Anon asks about “Behold a Pale HORSE” book from 1991, by Bill Cooper re: ‘clowns planning to use school shootings as a way to disarm the citizenry… What say you?’ - Q replies “BIG!’
Q 4750 - ‘Why are Hussein's school records under seal?
Competing factions [each with a HORSE in the race] seeking direct WH control [+USMIL][+Trillions _overseas transfer of US taxpayer funds]?
All working together [coordinated][infiltration not invasion][VJ _HA]…’]
So anyway - if you now subtract your inspired phrase ‘horse comms are legit’ (28) from just plain/mere ‘horse comms’ (45), you get:
45 - 28 > 17 !
So yes - you are unerringly ’spontaneously correct’!! > Q !!!
Gematria for Ivermectin in Jewish is 981---translates first to "Light at the end of the tunnel" and in English is 338 --- translates second to Comimaty witch is "Comirnaty is a vaccine indicated for active immunization to prevent coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in individuals 16 years of age and older."
There's a whole subreddit for it at (I know, eww reddit but some battlefields are in enemy territory).
Up to a couple weeks ago it was just a discussion board for people treating their coof (or what have you) with ivermectin, whatever the source (doctor prescribed pills or... "horse paste") all living in harmony until the idiot nation attacked. Now it's a constant battle where the topics are memes attempting to make fun of anyone eating horse ivermectin (and regular ivermectin by extension) and the rational peeps posting links to research and how it actually works.
Go there if you feel like, but every time I do I just get a little angrier that people like that exist; wanting to deny a legit cure because otherwise it destroys what's left of their vax narrative (and there's very little left as it is)
LOL! I just did a test run of Bimectin over the weekend, my stomach has been bugging me a bit since. It killed some sort of parasites inside me for sure. Make sure you do the math and dose appropriately if you go this route. For rough reference it was about 1/10th the tube/syringe used (15mg).
I had never heard of that, but my fiancee there would not take her baby outside until he was baptized for fear evil spirits would seep into him. I wasn't there on that day, so I don't know how she actually got him to the church.
These people complaining about horse paste are scared ivermectin works. Who cares if it's pills or a paste. They make Tylenol in dog paste. Should we make fun of people who take Tylenol and calls them dogs?
I gave one of these vet vials to one of my adult children who had 'covid' for 2 weeks - I'm a Mom with good horse sense!! In this instance, thank God for Amazon!
Be careful with Amazon, I have received fakes from them and wouldn’t put it past whatever seller to do the same with the horse paste. I bought some from Tractor Supply. It cost a little more, but piece of mind is worth it. I read it is also good for rosacea.
Yes, it was the only source available to me. Bought them shortly after Christmas, prayed over them and stuck them in section drawer between fridge and freezer. If I do my part, God does His part. Thank you for the warning :)
Did your adult child notice any side effects? My dad is taking Ivermectin now and has been experiencing upset stomach (which is a normal side effect) but he is not taking the full recommended dose from the protocol at so I'm concerned it may not prevent hospitalization for him. Hard to convince him to take a higher dose when he's having trouble at about half the recommended dose. :(
We feel desperate to prevent hospitalization because who knows what will happen to him once admitted. No guests are allowed. If we admit him we have to leave him at their mercy and likely, they have been brainwashed against following the treatment protocol that has been proven most effective so far. I wish there was a list of hospitals and hospital doctors who are treating COVID with the FLCCC protocol.
Is your dad sick or just prophylactic right now? My covid was almost all gut related with a killer headache and elevated temp one of the days. I don't think I would have been able to properly dose anything orally. Can you get a phone consult with one of the Frontline doctors to get something to help with nausea?
He is sick right now so at the 170-190 lb. weight class so unless I misunderstood the protocol he should be taking a minimum of 11, 3g pills daily. He is taking 5. (Protocol at
I asked him to take Ivermectin prophylactically but he didn't want to. He seems to be starting to feel better today after several days of worrying if he was gonna end up in the hospital.
I would love to consult with a Frontline Doctor. They do have a list of providers at but none in our specific area. An e-consultation is definitely something we are open to if he doesn't continue on his path if improvement.
We spent around $900 to get him two IV vitamin drips, 4 days apart, in his home since his worthless Kaiser primary care doctor would do nothing for him other than send him to the ER. We asked for some supplemental oxygen at home since his biggest challenge was keeping that pulse oximeter number up but of course his doctor would not even consider prescribing for him. Both times he did the in home IV drip he had some relief from symptoms the next day and felt better. After the feel good day we noticed a slight decline the following day like maybe the vitamin boost was just masking the underlying illness that was still doing its thing. I think having those small moments of "feel good" during the illness helped him have the strength to muscle through the harder days.
Tonight I got him a few of those boost oxygen canisters sold at CVS and WalMart just in case he needs a few puffs to get him thru the night. I tested one on myself and didn't notice anything really so I'm not sure how much they will help him if his numbers drop this evening but I will hope for the best. I asked him to try sitting in his new truck with the AC on full blast on his face for 5-10 minutes earlier today when I learned we weren't going to get our hands on any significant amt of oxygen unless he was hospitalized and I was pleased that that did give him a slight boost on his pulse oximeter readout.
I deeply object to the money my parents are spending on their health care insurance while simultaneously receiving no care. I am taking notes along the way in case we pursue litigation in future.
Not that she mentioned to me. She is a life long supplement user, works for a Naturopath so has observed patients and treatment given them through all of this scamplandemic. It was the carelessness of a coworker who did not announce her boys were sick ( then then quarantine herself) with it until she came down with it,. My daughter had to do her work also after and with in a day her symptom appeared. She was quite sick for the two weeks but was able to work half a week on the third week and past the contagious stage. It definitely knocked her down but everything she took, helped her.
I understand! I won't go near a hospital myself with the stories coming out about what they do to people after admitted then many die. Basically since it started early last year. I would not let them come near me with the pcr test for anything, so even with a minor wound that should have had a few stitches, I just used butterfly band-aids. etc. and treated myself. i pray your dad recovers quickly! My dad had it at 85 and although hard on him, he made it through. They gave him nothing and sent him home with instructions to drink a lot of water. I'm in another country so couldn't make sure he took all the supplements that would have made it easier on him. My brother is a PA who did not get Ivermectin .or HCQ to him. And now I pray my brother and his nurse practitioner wife are not a part of this evil :(
Thank you for sharing your story and for your support! I hope your brother and his wife aren't in on the evil too. I bet they aren't. This public brainwashing campaign has been very effective. I think a few people are evil and the great majority of the rest have just been misled.
Unfortunately, overdose of medication can be lethal as many have found out with doctor prescribed Oxycodone. It has also happened with over the counter drugs such as Tylenol. By all accounts, Ivermectin is safe if taken in proper dosage, whether the prescribed pill form or the horse formulation. I have heard of overdose with the horse paste but have not heard of any actual deaths. I would be curious if anyone else knows of anyone dying from improper use. I am sure a number of us know of deaths resulting from proper use of the vaccine.
The FDA has been reporting on overdose problems from Ivermectin but it is very difficult to trust that they are telling the truth. They are succeeding in scaring people though - or at least in scaring me. Per the FLCCC protocol at, an adult man weighing 190 lbs would need to take a minimum of 11, 3mg Ivermectin pills every day for 5 days or until recovered. My dad has been taking 5, 3mg pills for the last several days and he is still quite sick and struggling to maintain proper blood oxygen levels. He has noticed some stomach pain in taking the Ivermectin which is an expected side effect but that discomfort coupled with the reports of harm from "Ivermectin overdose" create doubts for him about if increasing to the proper dosage is wise. I am advising him to follow the protocol but I feel afraid too and really wish we could trust our agencies to tell the truth. I obviously don't want to contribute to his harm.
One of the more difficult aspects of dealing with this illness is the lack of information and isolation. Sometimes we forget the simple things. For instance, we often forget the importance of water.
I have some family visiting in from Honduras. My mother is a legal immigrant. My cousin could not understand our media's portrayal of ivermectin. She said they have been using it over there all year as a prophylactic in tablet form. The for animal use only narrative was eye opening to her. My dad was a pharmacist and I know he would have found a way to supply us if he was still alive. Horse paste will have to suffice; i've got me 3 tubes.
you know you dont have to take big pharma poison right? flus are made by the body to heal it rockefeller medical teaches you to poison yourself when ur detoxing. im confused as you why you would even want to stop healthy detoxes with pharmaceutical drugs or would want to promote that.
Who makes a treatment is irrelevant. Does it work? Does it have side effects? And what does it cost? Those are the variables in play here that people care about.
That's been my belief regarding the "common cold" for many years....a cleaning out, detoxification of accumulated stuff....and the rest of the "viral" manifestations. I've been considering the herpes simplex "virus" recently. I've had cold sores for much of my life....very few in the past 15 years or so. I find that when they do begin to manifest, I've had a period of increased stress which would certainly necessitate a cleaning out. I am able to help my body resolve these outbreaks before they go beyond the initial symptoms. My diet has improved in the past 10 years so that would create less need for such detox situations.
So, that would mean that the herpes simplex "virus" is a non-starter. It's interesting that the only areas that become symptomatic are the upper or lower lips. This is an interesting question to me.
W(h) in-n (y) ing!
25-8=17...see, horse comms are legit. 😂
Well, actually……. since you bring it up…….
The first layer of triple gematria values (at gematrix) for ‘horse comms’ are:
Hebrew gematria 436 = 13;
English gematria 768 = 21;
Simple gematria = 128 = 11.
So together they add to: 45. > (yay, Trump!)
And then, taking your ‘horse comms are legit*’ (since its Hebrew gematria 663 works out to ‘God Sacred Number Code’) > you get:
Hebrew gematria 663 = 15;
English gematria 1230 = 6;
Simple gematria = 205 = 7.
Together they add to: 28.
[And Q 28 itself is pretty interesting + timely:
Plus, if you search for ‘horse’ in Q drops at, you get:
Q 182 - (MacBeth Act II, Scene IV) ‘many odd happenings and a darkness on the horizon for humanity. It is noted that even the HORSEs are rebelling and turning upon one another (specifically eating each other). Is it possible that the Clintons have turned on the Rothschilds?…’
Q 782 - Anon asks about “Behold a Pale HORSE” book from 1991, by Bill Cooper re: ‘clowns planning to use school shootings as a way to disarm the citizenry… What say you?’ - Q replies “BIG!’
Q 4750 - ‘Why are Hussein's school records under seal? Competing factions [each with a HORSE in the race] seeking direct WH control [+USMIL][+Trillions _overseas transfer of US taxpayer funds]? All working together [coordinated][infiltration not invasion][VJ _HA]…’]
So anyway - if you now subtract your inspired phrase ‘horse comms are legit’ (28) from just plain/mere ‘horse comms’ (45), you get:
45 - 28 > 17 !
So yes - you are unerringly ’spontaneously correct’!! > Q !!!
Work like this deserve an upvoat.
Good use of italics, length of comment, bold text where it counts, even a rule to separate content, and good general line spacing.
Voat, eyyyy ohhh!
I miss my herd 😔
Gematria for Ivermectin in Jewish is 981---translates first to "Light at the end of the tunnel" and in English is 338 --- translates second to Comimaty witch is "Comirnaty is a vaccine indicated for active immunization to prevent coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in individuals 16 years of age and older."
I have some coincidences I am looking at with Gematria. I want you to look at them.
Dohh!!! I spit out my ☕️ and changed my shirt!! I needed a laugh first thing Monday morning 😎 (we got the best comedians).
don't worry.... some NAG will downvote your ass-essment!
Bbutt...muh Wilburrr.
Wanted to updoot, but you're at 17!
If I could give you a gold i would.
Leave Reddit at Reddit.
okay, change gold to award.
There's a whole subreddit for it at (I know, eww reddit but some battlefields are in enemy territory).
Up to a couple weeks ago it was just a discussion board for people treating their coof (or what have you) with ivermectin, whatever the source (doctor prescribed pills or... "horse paste") all living in harmony until the idiot nation attacked. Now it's a constant battle where the topics are memes attempting to make fun of anyone eating horse ivermectin (and regular ivermectin by extension) and the rational peeps posting links to research and how it actually works.
Go there if you feel like, but every time I do I just get a little angrier that people like that exist; wanting to deny a legit cure because otherwise it destroys what's left of their vax narrative (and there's very little left as it is)
^^^ all battlefields are in enemy territory when you’re on the offensive and seek the conquer. 🐸
Trannys take the vaccine and I'm not a tranny, so why would I take it?
But I am hung like a horse.
Bigger the apple the bigger the banana.
Maybe it'll turn the trannys back to what God made them ;)
LOL! I just did a test run of Bimectin over the weekend, my stomach has been bugging me a bit since. It killed some sort of parasites inside me for sure. Make sure you do the math and dose appropriately if you go this route. For rough reference it was about 1/10th the tube/syringe used (15mg).
and NEVER trust a fart in this situ
I’ll bet that horse’s name is Chad.
Werehorses are apparently a thing in the Phillipines
I had never heard of that, but my fiancee there would not take her baby outside until he was baptized for fear evil spirits would seep into him. I wasn't there on that day, so I don't know how she actually got him to the church.
Can confirm- local term is - tikbalang
These people complaining about horse paste are scared ivermectin works. Who cares if it's pills or a paste. They make Tylenol in dog paste. Should we make fun of people who take Tylenol and calls them dogs?
I gave one of these vet vials to one of my adult children who had 'covid' for 2 weeks - I'm a Mom with good horse sense!! In this instance, thank God for Amazon!
Be careful with Amazon, I have received fakes from them and wouldn’t put it past whatever seller to do the same with the horse paste. I bought some from Tractor Supply. It cost a little more, but piece of mind is worth it. I read it is also good for rosacea.
Yes, it was the only source available to me. Bought them shortly after Christmas, prayed over them and stuck them in section drawer between fridge and freezer. If I do my part, God does His part. Thank you for the warning :)
Did your adult child notice any side effects? My dad is taking Ivermectin now and has been experiencing upset stomach (which is a normal side effect) but he is not taking the full recommended dose from the protocol at so I'm concerned it may not prevent hospitalization for him. Hard to convince him to take a higher dose when he's having trouble at about half the recommended dose. :(
We feel desperate to prevent hospitalization because who knows what will happen to him once admitted. No guests are allowed. If we admit him we have to leave him at their mercy and likely, they have been brainwashed against following the treatment protocol that has been proven most effective so far. I wish there was a list of hospitals and hospital doctors who are treating COVID with the FLCCC protocol.
Is your dad sick or just prophylactic right now? My covid was almost all gut related with a killer headache and elevated temp one of the days. I don't think I would have been able to properly dose anything orally. Can you get a phone consult with one of the Frontline doctors to get something to help with nausea?
He is sick right now so at the 170-190 lb. weight class so unless I misunderstood the protocol he should be taking a minimum of 11, 3g pills daily. He is taking 5. (Protocol at
I asked him to take Ivermectin prophylactically but he didn't want to. He seems to be starting to feel better today after several days of worrying if he was gonna end up in the hospital.
I would love to consult with a Frontline Doctor. They do have a list of providers at but none in our specific area. An e-consultation is definitely something we are open to if he doesn't continue on his path if improvement.
We spent around $900 to get him two IV vitamin drips, 4 days apart, in his home since his worthless Kaiser primary care doctor would do nothing for him other than send him to the ER. We asked for some supplemental oxygen at home since his biggest challenge was keeping that pulse oximeter number up but of course his doctor would not even consider prescribing for him. Both times he did the in home IV drip he had some relief from symptoms the next day and felt better. After the feel good day we noticed a slight decline the following day like maybe the vitamin boost was just masking the underlying illness that was still doing its thing. I think having those small moments of "feel good" during the illness helped him have the strength to muscle through the harder days.
Tonight I got him a few of those boost oxygen canisters sold at CVS and WalMart just in case he needs a few puffs to get him thru the night. I tested one on myself and didn't notice anything really so I'm not sure how much they will help him if his numbers drop this evening but I will hope for the best. I asked him to try sitting in his new truck with the AC on full blast on his face for 5-10 minutes earlier today when I learned we weren't going to get our hands on any significant amt of oxygen unless he was hospitalized and I was pleased that that did give him a slight boost on his pulse oximeter readout.
I deeply object to the money my parents are spending on their health care insurance while simultaneously receiving no care. I am taking notes along the way in case we pursue litigation in future.
Not that she mentioned to me. She is a life long supplement user, works for a Naturopath so has observed patients and treatment given them through all of this scamplandemic. It was the carelessness of a coworker who did not announce her boys were sick ( then then quarantine herself) with it until she came down with it,. My daughter had to do her work also after and with in a day her symptom appeared. She was quite sick for the two weeks but was able to work half a week on the third week and past the contagious stage. It definitely knocked her down but everything she took, helped her.
I understand! I won't go near a hospital myself with the stories coming out about what they do to people after admitted then many die. Basically since it started early last year. I would not let them come near me with the pcr test for anything, so even with a minor wound that should have had a few stitches, I just used butterfly band-aids. etc. and treated myself. i pray your dad recovers quickly! My dad had it at 85 and although hard on him, he made it through. They gave him nothing and sent him home with instructions to drink a lot of water. I'm in another country so couldn't make sure he took all the supplements that would have made it easier on him. My brother is a PA who did not get Ivermectin .or HCQ to him. And now I pray my brother and his nurse practitioner wife are not a part of this evil :(
Thank you for sharing your story and for your support! I hope your brother and his wife aren't in on the evil too. I bet they aren't. This public brainwashing campaign has been very effective. I think a few people are evil and the great majority of the rest have just been misled.
This might be the greatest meme of all time
Top meme 🏆
Unfortunately, overdose of medication can be lethal as many have found out with doctor prescribed Oxycodone. It has also happened with over the counter drugs such as Tylenol. By all accounts, Ivermectin is safe if taken in proper dosage, whether the prescribed pill form or the horse formulation. I have heard of overdose with the horse paste but have not heard of any actual deaths. I would be curious if anyone else knows of anyone dying from improper use. I am sure a number of us know of deaths resulting from proper use of the vaccine.
Why aren't the vaccines dosages calibrated by body weight and health? It seems they give the same to everyone.
A sound question indeed… but fat shaming you understand?
Good point
The FDA has been reporting on overdose problems from Ivermectin but it is very difficult to trust that they are telling the truth. They are succeeding in scaring people though - or at least in scaring me. Per the FLCCC protocol at, an adult man weighing 190 lbs would need to take a minimum of 11, 3mg Ivermectin pills every day for 5 days or until recovered. My dad has been taking 5, 3mg pills for the last several days and he is still quite sick and struggling to maintain proper blood oxygen levels. He has noticed some stomach pain in taking the Ivermectin which is an expected side effect but that discomfort coupled with the reports of harm from "Ivermectin overdose" create doubts for him about if increasing to the proper dosage is wise. I am advising him to follow the protocol but I feel afraid too and really wish we could trust our agencies to tell the truth. I obviously don't want to contribute to his harm.
One of the more difficult aspects of dealing with this illness is the lack of information and isolation. Sometimes we forget the simple things. For instance, we often forget the importance of water.
Hay...quit horsing around... 😏
If we survive the meme wars this will have earned its place in the hall of fame.
Horse Comms. Awesome meme!
Just waiting for President Trump to speak the words "My fellow Americans, the Kentucky Derby is upon us"
Mint Juleps for everyone!!!
I have some family visiting in from Honduras. My mother is a legal immigrant. My cousin could not understand our media's portrayal of ivermectin. She said they have been using it over there all year as a prophylactic in tablet form. The for animal use only narrative was eye opening to her. My dad was a pharmacist and I know he would have found a way to supply us if he was still alive. Horse paste will have to suffice; i've got me 3 tubes.
you know you dont have to take big pharma poison right? flus are made by the body to heal it rockefeller medical teaches you to poison yourself when ur detoxing. im confused as you why you would even want to stop healthy detoxes with pharmaceutical drugs or would want to promote that.
This vid shows how viruses are naturally occuring and non contagious
because its made for horses and not humans does this make it somehow healthy or something? yall on pawt?
"because its made for horses and not humans does this make it somehow healthy or something?"
If people had easy access to the prescribed version they wouldn't buy the horse version.
Truth. It has been both expensive and difficult to get the human version
The horse versions are safe for million dollar racehorses. Good enough for me.
Ivermectin is also made by "big pharma" - Merck - and I bet they're loving all of this right now.
People fight against the vaccine (ok by me) because it's big pharma... but then turn around and rush to buy Ivermectin, which is also big pharma
Merck has declared their own product unsafe in order to have an excuse to beg for Emergency Use Authorization.
Who makes a treatment is irrelevant. Does it work? Does it have side effects? And what does it cost? Those are the variables in play here that people care about.
Exosome Theory… a rabbit hole worth diving into.
That's been my belief regarding the "common cold" for many years....a cleaning out, detoxification of accumulated stuff....and the rest of the "viral" manifestations. I've been considering the herpes simplex "virus" recently. I've had cold sores for much of my life....very few in the past 15 years or so. I find that when they do begin to manifest, I've had a period of increased stress which would certainly necessitate a cleaning out. I am able to help my body resolve these outbreaks before they go beyond the initial symptoms. My diet has improved in the past 10 years so that would create less need for such detox situations.
So, that would mean that the herpes simplex "virus" is a non-starter. It's interesting that the only areas that become symptomatic are the upper or lower lips. This is an interesting question to me.
Dan Bilzerian approves of Ivermectin
I for one, welcome our Equine overlords.
Breathes in Morbo
I imagine this horse saying "neigh" in Stan Smith's voice.
The Deep State is no match for the Average Horse Enjoyer.
I'm curious how do you use the paste for covid? I just don't know how it works? Just curious.
Taken by weight
A horse @1200 lbs uses the entire tube
A smaller horse @120 lbs is 1/10th or ~2 notches
Florida media going into overdrive trying to stop people from self medicine.
They're just jealous because people trust self medicating with veterinary meds more than they trust them.
I totally read that as "Florida man" lol, had to look at the link to figure out there's not enough coffee in me yet.
He'll give you the answer that you'll endorse.
I agree with you: Trump shall rise again!
Sure, along, Mommy's calling ya.