I urgently need suggestions for helping treat a friends wife who had her first pfizer shot and is now having massive pain coupled with extended period bleeding. Suggestions or relevant posts welcome.
Comments (106)
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Tell her not to get the second one.
That goes without saying!
Does it though? I can somewhat understand why people early on got the vaccine but if you're just now getting it, you're borderline retarded.
right I see it all the time in the telegram covid vaccine injuries.
People are being forced. By family, jobs, schools.
Here's an Australian mob,Covid Medical Network. You may be able to message
One of the better US ones, FLCCC
I hope all goes well. With these vaccines it is a real lottery and sometimes the prize is not good.
Then the third one, the fourth one, the fifth one, the sixth one.....
please see your doctor right away. he should check d-dimers and address coagulation issues she may be having, as well as report this in VAERS.
The same doctor that likely convinced his wife she needed it in the first place, then administered it without giving proper information about contents and side effects? Not sure I'd trust ol doc anymore.
who knows where it was administered. drug store, grocery store, walk-in clinic...
the point is major side effects need intervention.
This. D-dimer test needed to see if she has developed DIC (Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation). If so she will need inpatient monitoring and therapies. DIC is big trouble, not the sort of thing you just walk off.
doctor won't help, she's a gonner, OP should tell his friend to get a life insurance policy out on her
I hope OP does not see your thoughtless comment, made out of ignorance and your own fear.
sometimes the truth hurts 😢
You have obviously never taken care of a sick patient.
What's your purpose, bub?
Aren't we all here to support and help each other? What do you call this then? So easy being a tough cookie on the netz. I thought everyone here was of the same mindset. Folks like you are as good as a left cucky. Offer some condolences or some advice. Your comment shows your low intellect, lack of compassion for a fellow patriot, and self righteousness.
Maybe think about what you say before you say it. We're all here to help each other, not kick someone when they're down. The OP is asking for help.
You don't know this guy's story and why his wife got the shot, it's not even your business as to why. This is not the place to judge, especially another patriot.
People like you just help destroy what's trying to be done here.
Tacky realeagle!! We have to be better than that!!
You cannot claim a life insurance policy if the person died after taking something experimental.
Yup, our life insurance doesn’t cover experimental medicine or dying in drug trials. We are not getting it, we’ve already had covid anyway so there’s no point.
Ivermectin, Hydrxychloroquinine, or some other quinine product (check out angostura bitters, for example) or wormwood.
I am not a doctor, but Pfizer has parasites in it: https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/dr-robert-young-finds-graphene-oxide-in-all-four-vaccines-and-other-disturbing-ingredients/ Furthermore, a virus is classified as a parasite: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21413309/
Sticky for a couple hours to get as much exposure and help as possible
P.S. the comments here is advice based on the situation and not necessarily medical directive. Just saying.
Ty fren. Much appreciated
Look for the immune support regimen floating around on Google docs. It helps prevent and treat covid and support longhaulers. You might be able to stop some of the damage.
You guys are legends. Really appreciate the super fast response from everyone. Have forwarded this thread to my friend so he can start researching the different options.
Get NAC as it is shown to flush out the graphene oxide and spike proteins. I found some on stupid Wal-Mart and had it shipped to my dad and aunt in Arizona. Other places have it backordered (but maybe they've stopped making it?) I'm not in America, so I dunno.
Yep. I'm using NAC right now with dr. Zilinko treatment for bronchitis.
Please provide an update for us when she gets well
In addition to Ivermectin and HCQ, add Vitamin D with K, Liposomal Vitamin C, Zinc with Quercitin, to protect against the spike protein, Cod Liver oil, Curcumin with Bioperene as anti-coagulant and anti-inflammatory agents. Olive oil and avocado oil will also help.
Eliminate red meats or anything heavy in omega-6 (milk products etc.) and refined carbohydrates. Eat broccoli, blueberries, salmon, nuts, ginger and other anti-inflammatory and anti-coagulant foods.
OzDropbear all the best to your friend and his wife.
Horse paste. Ivermectin helps.
I’m a little late to the party but apparently it will bind up the spike protein.
N-Acetylcysteine: Top 7 NAC Supplement Benefits + How to Use It
Many shots if not all, have Graphene Oxide in them. NAC will detoxify the person. I say "many" because they may be using different ingredients in different lots to get more information from their human experiment.
Jack shit? Ill have you know it does a lot, and none of it good!
Probably, hard to tell when lies are everywhere
Pine needle tea. Check Health Ranger and other Docs online.
Eastern white pine needle tea is loaded with vitamin C and very pleasant to drink. Supposedly not good at all for pregnant women as it can cause a miscarry.
Diagnostics — Immediate
Don’t go blind, get a CBC (Complete Blood Count) test immediately - if you go to a properly equipped ER, they can get it done in an hour or so. It’ll also be much more accurate. Most hospital ERs should be ok. Be vocal.
Look at the results,
Red Blood Cells — any on the low end? What are the ranges? She may be losing more blood than usual. Good to know these numbers as a baseline.
Hemoglobin — (as above)
Hematocrit — (as above)
Platelets — this number might be high as the body thinks it’s bleeding (which it is), this needs to be kept in check or blood clots will form all over the body (silent killer).
WBC (White Blood Count) — get a read as a baseline, any on the high end? Depending on which value, a class of pathogenic load can be identified. It’s not absolute, but it’s good insight for where to dig.
Also, while at the ER, jot down her SpO2 levels (oxygen saturation levels) and her Blood Pressure. Go on Amazon and buy an Oxymeter … they are cheap.
Diagnostics — as soon as able
These will take time, but ask primary care doc (if he pushed the vaxx, fire him go elsewhere OR go see a ND, Naturopath) for additional blood tests — Vit D, Anion Gap, CO2, Ammonia, Uric Acid, Inflammation markers (CRP is a good one), Thyroid, Ferritin.
These will provide a better picture if there are specifics imbalances in the blood chemistry that may be causing pain.
You didn’t mention what kind of pain, is it localized? Systemic, etc?
If systemic, good to know of her tissues are getting enough oxygen otherwise they will go into an anabolic state, producing lots of lactate / lactic acid. If there is an overgrowth of a pathogen, for example Candida… it may be producing too much Ammonia in the blood (all painful).
Additionally buy some pH strips or get a pocket pH meter an Amazon and start measuring her urine pH. First pee in the morning and a maybe once during the day. Use the pH strips for her saliva — we’re looking to see if her ‘blood’ pH is normal. The blood will always be in a solid range (or she’ll die) but the urine and saliva gives a good indicator of her body is robbing buffering agents from tissues, etc.
** To do immediately **
The most critical at this point is to stop any potential blood clot formation… this is especially dangerous during the time of the month, with her prolonged period bleeding the body will try to produce more clotting agents (platelets, this is an assumption at this point, get the CBC).
2 possible paths…
(1) Blood thinners — aspirin (aspirin only), kid dose only. However, this is dangerous if she is still on her period. Look at the CBC to make a decision.
(2) Natural supplements and foods…
Curcumin - Designs for Health has a good one called Curcum-Evail, you can get it on Amazon, it’s pricey but worth it.
Eat foods to help with iron loss,
Good quality protein,
Lots of hydration (no tap water or Gatorade please) — ensure she has good electrolyte balance. Make a cocktail of magnesium chloride, potassium bicarbonate and sodium chloride aka Salt (a little will do).
No Sugar, No Wheat / Gluten, No Diary, No simple carbs,
Lots more I can list, but need a lot more info.
Look into possible use of nac supplement n-acetyl cysteine for combating vaccine effects
Prayer probably doesn't hurt.
I would look into Suramin, glutathione and N-acetyl l ceistine. Not a doctor by any means, but I have read that each of these, along with the pine needle taa already mentioned, help to neutralize the vaxx effects. If you can find a Functional Medicine Doctor in her area, I would suggest she go. They are medical doctors who look to the root cause of issues and try to offer a natural supplement before turning to the prescription pad. Good lluck. Saying a prayer for her. Please keep us posted.
Pine needle tea. 2 cups a day to help with spike proteins.
Star Anise tastes really good. Much better than pine needle tea. Get a bag of the whole pod. It looks like a star. Put it in the coffee grinder. Boil water add 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of powder. Put on low simmer for 5 minutes. Strain if you want to. Delicious! You could also add regular tea and make like a spiced chai along with ground cardamom/ fennel seeds /ginger.
Also nac
Eat the horse paste!
Raspberry leaf and chamomile tea, the real stuff, not commercial grocery store, well they sell it at whole foods if you don't have a natural foods store available, like Richards or something of that nature. That's the fastest non doctor related route for the menstrual pain and excessive bleeding, also black and blue cohosh are two you can look into for female issues, but make sure you research both because one can cause more bleeding, but I can't remember which off the top of my head, here's a quick article for an assist, make sure she's getting adequate iron from greens or meat.
please check my following post. a lot of good suggestions
I read that Ivermectin should help destroy the synthetic spike protein in the vaccine.
However no confirmation or study exist at this time!
I was wondering about the ivermectin since it wraps around the spike proteins.. would that help or hurt a vaxed person.
Well I cant find any peer review studies about this however some have claimed it does. And since Ivermectin seems to be a wonder drug it dont hurt to try
Saved this from somewhere- "Snagged from a colleague! If you have young kids, please watch the 20 minute video attached. “Came across a proactive approach to exposure and transmission: @15:30 Four things everybody should be doing immediately. It’s part of my [Dr. Ardis] disease-prevention cocktail: • Vitamin C 5,000 mg/day minimum; maximum 10K mg/day for life (very important); spread dose throughout day • Magnesium start at 500 mg/day minimum; get up to 1,000 mg/day • Selenium 200 micrograms/day • Apple pectin powder 700 mg 2X/day to protect the jabbed from the things that are about to be disclosed to the FDA from Pfizer; and Modern has applied for FDA approval. They’re both going to have to actually tell us now what’s in the shots. It doesn’t matter if it’s graphene oxide or polyethylene glycol or Polysorbate 80, you have to use apple pectin to help bind to and remove the toxic poisons in those shots. Go to https://www.thedrardisshow.com/, put in your email, and you’ll get my 67-page C v document, my 20-page disease prevention cocktail, with all the adult and child doses, and all the research backing up how we know it’s going to protect you from disease.” https://rumble.com/vlsf6b-dr-ardis-shocking-news.html"
Countering graphene oxide can be found in this article [Neutralizing graphene oxide](Fwd: https://katrinah.com/nutrition-protocol-to-neutralize-graphene-oxide/)
Ivermectin and no more shots
I have a bottle of Artemesia. It works like HCQ, that I know. It will handle the spike proteins, but will it work to flush the graphene oxide like NAC does? I wonder.
Pine needle tea Star anise tea Ivermectin NAC Zinc/HCQ
Good luck Patriot
My sister in law got the j&j and had hemmorghing during her last period. She went in to see her dr today and was told that she’s seen this a lot in women who got the shot. She was prescribed progesterone. :/
I used a cream progesterone when I was going through menopause.
Had a very heavy and long cycle that caused a lot of bleeding. I was out of town for a week when it occurred at the time and did not wish to go to any doctor. It was touch and go for a while.
I put a large amount of the cream on my skin (transdermal) and the bleeding finally stopped within a few hours. No need to go see a doctor.
I swear it was what helped me.
Just as GoingCamero stated, the I recover protocol is the current best method available to resolve some of the problems associated with covid and long haul / vaccine side effects.
No promises it will resolve everything, but it's about all we know to try that helps sometimes.
Yet another sad jab story. When will it end? All for a "virus" that has a 99.97% survival rate. Decisions have consequences. Drink pine needle tea and pray to God.
black seed oil has be recommended to take
Dr. Kory recommends people suffering from post vaccine syndrome to follow the flccc’s I recover protocol:
Vitamins Zinc, C, D3 with K. and make sure they're taking something if they're constipated... it's very important toxins are able to get out.... (aloe)
Pine needle tea, star anise
Ginkgo biloba, vit C, saffron, NAC and black rod.
Get a vitamin IV with glutathione Get NAC
These are antioxidants — neautralizes Graphene oxide
Also invermictin if rumors are true there are in fact