My at home test was scotch. My (vaxxed) wife was sick and passed it to (unvaxxed) me. I have taken vitamins B,C,D for over 15 years, and have taken zinc and quercetin for the last year+. She wouldn't. I got sick for a day and a half with a high fever (103), but was fine right after the 1.5 days of crap. In fact I did a LOT of yard work right after that. Then her positive covid test came back. By that time I had no fever, no brain fog, and no headache or cough. Throughout the whole time I would take a shot of scotch, smell it like the wine tasters do, then drink it. If I could smell it and taste it I was fine. Then the day her test came back I went to smell the scotch and nothing - no smell whatsoever, but the taste was there. My sense of smell completely left.
I didn't have to go get a test since she did, and my test tested positive (thank-you scotch). I haven't yet and will not take any of the tests or the vax. My sense of smell started returning in about 2 weeks, probably thanks to me sniffing a ton of concentrated vape juice samples every night until I could smell one, then I'd leave that one out the next time. It's still not as refined as I used to have but it is getting better every day.
I'm lucky - I am a 100% remote worker so I didn't have to do anything special. I was told that if I wanted to go into an office (I do time-to-time) I would have to take a test if under 7 days since my symptoms hit, but I waited 21 days.
BTW - wife's covid lasted almost 3 weeks. Mine like I said lasted 1.5 days. So much for her vax. I did follow her illness closely to make sure her O2 did not go too low. I have an old Samsung phone with the O2 monitor built-in (had to load old software to reactivate it) and we were fine. Mine never went below 97% and hers hit 95% briefly. 94% was my threshold for making the call to the frontline doctors to get HCQ and Ivermectin, but I never had to do that. Also, wife is now finally taking my treatment regiment finally. She was pissed that the vax didn't make her illness lighter or quicker, and mine was basically over in a heartbeat.
Don't worry about getting covid. If you take the vitamins, zinc, and quercetin it is just a mild cold/flu. The bonus is - you now have antibodies. Some day the morons will have to recognize natural immunity and stop all the mandate nonsense. Until then, keep your senses, lay low and avoid the testing/vax, and don't compromise. They want your life or your obedience. Don't give them either.
They literally don’t know if you yourself have a variant or not - they do a statistical analysis based on percentage of cases. That’s it. Yeah, seriously.
The problem is that the tests have to be accepted by the institution prior to the person allowed back to work or school they dictate what test you take when and where and how many times
If your work says they follow the CDC guidelines then you don't have to take a test if you wait 10 days after symptom onset. CDC said (haven't checked in the last month though) if you want to return earlier you need a neg test. In my comment above I said I waited 21 days, but only because I work from home and had no need to go into a local office for anything until the 21st day. YMMV.
Stop taking the tests. You are putting yourself and your family in harms way. There is NO test that can diagnose COVID-19. Your ought to know this by now if you have read about the massive testing fraud occurring.
Even if you think your kid has COVID-19, which I doubt, there is a 99.998% chance he'll be just fine. To kids, it's no more than nose sniffles at most. Use Dr. Zelenko's protocol or Vitamin D3, Vitamin C, and Zinc. Buy some Shweppes tonic water.
Covidophobia. It's a fear of a purported 'virus' (it doesn't exist) that is essentially 100% (99.998%) harmless to children. It's sad they are testing your child. Was this with your consent? Who would allow a stranger to touch/examine their child? Who permits strangers to have custodian authority over their child? Who's the parent here? Do you see the problem here?
There IS a covid, it's patented and was developed through gain of function research, and it's main threats are in the spike proteins, not the flu. But because commies and their minions are unable to create things, their attempt at a bioweapon failed. They ARE good at destroying things, so the test swabs apparently became a vector of attack. Various groups have analyzed them to find all sorts of nastiness.
Graphene oxide toxicity symptoms include loss of smell and taste. Heavy metals can cause all sorts of neurological conditions. Many people have reported they don't notice symptoms until after being "tested."
Glutathione in our systems naturally eliminate toxins such as GO, and cysteine, available also as NAC, helps us make more. Heavy metals are harder to deal with.
I agree with most of your post, but COVID-19 is a Trojan horse for issuance of the mRNA bio-weapon. You should listen/watch David Martin, PhD. I do not know what this 'COVID-19' ailment and toxicity is, but I have a theory to what it actually is and will get to that shortly.
Herewith, first note viruses have never been isolated or purified. That's because the theory is erroneous and viruses don't really exist. Pasteur 'Germ Theory' as it is called in academics teaches this and is the reason why the common cold has never been cured. Germ Theory is what helped create the Pharmaceutical industry and its medical tyranny of today. In Germ Theory they hunt for a bogieman and end up treating the symptom and not the cause. Know that the plagiarist and con man, “[Louis] Pasteur himself, in one of the most quoted deathbed statements perhaps of all time, recanted the Germ Theory and admitted that his rivals had been right, and that it was not the germ that caused the disease, but rather the environment in which the germ was found:
“Bernard acail raison; le terrain c’est tout, le germe c’est rien”, translates to “Bernard was right. The microbe is nothing, the soil is everything.”
He was referencing his nemesis Claude Bernard, a proponent of the Terrain Theory and contemporary of Antoine Béchamp.”
Here's a good short video explains what Terrain (Exosome) Theory is. Our brainwashing has led us to this unGodly predicament we are in.
Renowned scientist Dr Rudolph Virchow, who is considered the father of modern pathology and who was a vocal critic and opponent of the germ theory, said that, “If I could live my life over again, I would devote it to proving that germs seek their natural habitat: diseased tissue, rather than being the cause of diseased tissue.”
Dr. Saul Pressman explains: “The so-called ‘bad’ bacteria and viruses that modern medicine fights with its huge arsenal of pharmaceutical drugs are in reality the germs of life. These germs of life live in symbiosis with the nutritive medium that constitutes our body, allowing it to be built up and later decomposed, to be metamorphosed and recreated. These germs are pleomorphic shapeshifters who are controlled by the medium in which they live.
“Germs are not something separate, isolated, unfriendly and coming from without, but are rather the foundation for all life. Without germs, there is no life. Their number is infinite. Their function is varied. Germs can change shape, join together, separate again and return to their primordial condition. Viruses, bacteria and fungi are various developmental forms of germs. The nutritive medium on which the germs thrive determines the type of development they will undergo.”
An online article titled “The Fallacious Germ Theory” explains that, “It was Antoine Béchamp (1816-1908), a contemporary of Pasteur, who discovered the true nature of germs. He found they were pleomorphic (capable of changing from one type of organism to another). With this theory, it is the conditions where germs live that is important (the terrain), instead of the germ itself. As Florence Nightingale put it: ‘There are no specific diseases, there are specific disease conditions’.
This statement leads me to your post above mentioning graphene oxide (GO) and the symptoms thereof:
"Graphene oxide toxicity symptoms include loss of smell and taste. Heavy metals can cause all sorts of neurological conditions."
I have read in depth about GO, it's toxicity, and symptoms, which are similar to asbestosis. In fact, asbestos has similar symptoms as graphene oxide.
My wife and I both had the symptoms of this. I was the first to have these symptoms. We both had headaches, a low temperature, and felt like shit. We both loaded up on Vitamin D3, Vitamin C, and Zinc. The peculiar thing was that we both lost senses of smell and taste. For me, it was like a light switch was turned off. I felt pretty good when I discovered I couldn't smell anything. It's been a long road since last December, and most of my smell has come back. I'd say I am at 85-90% for olfactory functionality, but this occurrence really puzzled me because I've never in my 70-some years ever experienced anything like this. This is why I am theorizing that graphene oxide is the cause.I am proposing that GO has been introduced in the environment some how. I believe GO and other toxins have weakened and undermined people's immune systems. The weakened immune system has allowed parasites to infect people, especially the respiratory system, and the symptoms are multiple depending on what organs are effected and this is compounded with the symptoms of GO.
The problem is once a school sends home a sick kid, you’re already being tracked. If you go for the 10 day quarantine they consider you positive “by admission”. If you can’t afford or can’t handle a kid 10 days out of school, or don’t want them to fall behind, test is your only option.
It’s totally a trap.
And don’t all type in “home school”! Not an option for many
"The problem is once a school sends home a sick kid, you’re already being tracked."
Tell me how the kid is being tracked? My kids were sick last year at school at different times. The school called each time and told me they didn't feel well. End of story. I called the school the next day and told them my child will not be attending school today due to illness. End of story.
My friend, you sound like you have Covidophobia. It is a fear of a purported 'virus' that is 99.998% harmless to children. The only way the school would have knowledge of a COVID-19 case is that they tested the child. It's sad they are testing your child. Was this with your consent? Who's the parent here? Who would allow a stranger to examine their child? Who permits strangers to have custodian authority over their child? Do you see the problem here?
No friend, I don’t. I have administrative and burocratic fear.
Last year, you say?
Let me be clear, you don’t notify the school of any illness. Period. Because, THIS year, the nurse hands you a sheet of paper with 3 options to get them back in. They log the student absent reason and/or if they go home sick as requiring theses 3 options to get them in.
Free in FL? Where are you (county - not city)? There are huge differences between the counties in FL - take Broward for example. The school boards and their regulations vary widely. I lived in Volusia for 18 months recently until I just couldn't take it any more and moved back to East TX. Daughter is still a kindergarten teacher in Volusia. Wife wanted to stay in case she decided to get married (fairly recent college grad) but I searched for a job that paid for relo back to TX and left as soon as I could.
Your gov is great. Other than that, I didn't have much use for doing either 40 or 100 on I-4 depending on who was in front of me. Strange place - lived there for several years previously (in Polk that time) and things were still basically the same. Too many retirees, too many snowbirds, too many New Yorkers escaping, and of course "Florida Man".
Just went through this exact scenario. Here's what I learned (because it is going to spread through your family):
Kids do just fine. It's a breeze for them to get over it.
Adults traditionally have done well, but whatever variant has led to kid-to-adult transmission tends to suck.
Don't expect ANY healthcare providers to treat you for anything because they won't.
Follow the iMASK+ protocol on
Use horse ivermectin, it's the same as pills. Easy to dial plunger to whatever your weight is and take that much daily (about the amount of toothpaste on a toothbrush.)
If you are struggling, find a clinic offering monoclonal antibodies. They aren't requiring you to have a lot of comorbidities to qualify for MCA.
You need to treat Covid from the top down. Along with the other excellent advice here, keep in mind It starts in your nose and your mouth. This was recommended by a nurse and I’ve seen it elsewhere in a study that said it helps to kill Covid. You need Xlear nasal spray and get crest or scope mouthwash with CPC ( that’s the active ingredient medicine Unit, and it will say it in the front of the bottle). Use the nasal spray a couple times a day and swish and gargle so it hits the back of your mouth with the mouthwash. If you look up studies on these two things, there’s been some really good feedback about them helping to kill the virus before It can spread to your lungs. Also Another thing you can get easily that also has some studies behind it is to drink dandelion tea. You can get organic dandelion leave easily on the Internet and steep and drink the tea. Apparently there was a study in Germany or somewhere in Europe that show dandelion has some amazing properties that help block the spike protein. Hope this helps you, fren.
Note: there's dandelion LEAF tea and ROOT tea, you're looking for the LEAF version for this, both have good properties.
Pine needle tea also provides the ingredient you're looking for: SURAMIN. As with many of these other inexpensive natural sources, they have multiple benefits- Dr Judy Mikovits said they knew long ago Suramin was a possible treatment for autism, for example. Perhaps because it helps us clear contaminants?
My family and I just finished a 10 day- 4 week bout with Covid. KHo3P0 list above is perfect. The earlier you start Ivermectin the quicker it will be over and lessen symptoms greatly. Those in my family who did not take Ivermectin because muh horse medicine had a much harder time and symptoms lasted much longer. Actually my mom and wife did not take Ivermectin and were sick for 2-3 weeks and still have chest symptoms 4 weeks later. I did take and was sick for 10 days. I think it would have been much less if I took Ivermectin before day 5
Dr. Peter McCullough has said that it's best to stay active, even when your inclination is to rest. He says it makes a difference. He's the one who wrote one of the first successful protocols on handling this WuFlu crap. He is also demanding that the vaccines cease at once, which of course makes him the enemy of science according to the pedocrats and the Big Pharma Skeksis who control them.
Please do all of this! We found a chart on here with dosage for vit D, vit C, zinc, and quercetin. The quercetin is extremely important in order for the zinc to work. You should start this now whether you feel okay or not. I got sick followed by my husband and our 2 kids, 9 and 1.5. The kids were fine! The older one was sick for only a matter of hours. It felt like a very long, drawn out flu for myself and husband. Most of my extended family was sick. 3 of my (adult) siblings developed double pneumonia. Two of them were admitted to the hospital with extremely low oxygen. One had already taken ivermectin and got the monoclonal antibodies right after being admitted and he did really well, he also was put on these vitamins with quercetin.. My sister was denied all of this and put on a ventilator, 5 days total. She improved the day after we started the vitamin regiment listed above. They are both home now! It is IMPERATIVE that you do all that you can to avoid pneumonia. That's the real danger. Force yourself to stay well hydrated and eat. Stay as active as you can without over extending yourself. If you get sick do NOT sleep on your back..side sleep if you must but mainly sleep in prone positioning (belly) and watch a video on how to do it correctly so you don't mess up your back/neck.
Everybody has covered the meds and protocols, but I never see anyone mention pulmonary hygiene. Since you mentioned avoiding pneumonia I though I'd drop this advice from our physician right here.
"As a medical student in the ‘70's at the VA Hospital, I would need to get up at 3 AM to perform an order for "Pulmonary Toilet.” In the 21st Century, political correctness renamed the process “Pulmonary Hygiene.” Either way, it’s getting the yucky mucus out of the lungs.
The premise is simple- put a glass of water on your front porch. In a few days, it turns brown, and has little things swimming around in it. But a garden hose trickling for days stays clear. Stagnant fluid in the lungs turns badly infected, and needs to be removed. Here are the three processes we teach--they should be done 3-4 times a day.
TURN, COUGH, AND DEEP BREATHE- Lie in bed on your right side, cough hard, take a deep breath, and turn to your left side and repeat. Do this for 5 minutes. Imagine trying to get honey from the bottom of a jar to the sides. Same idea.
INCENTIVE SPIROMETRY- If you have one of those gadgets with balls that rise as you take a deep breath; perfect. Otherwise, improvise by exhaling totally, take as deep a breath as deeply as possible, hold it for 5-10 seconds, exhale, and repeat the process for 5 minutes. We need the airways open, and this accomplishes that.
PERCUSSION AND DRAINAGE- Again we improvise for home use. You'll need a partner wearing PPE (protective personal equipment). They cup each hand and begin playing the bongos on your back as you lie over a table with your shirt off. They should pound fairly hard. After about a minute, they should leave the room as you cough deeply to remove as much fluid as possible. Repeat the process for five minutes or more."
You can get meds. Go online to frontline doctors site and schedule a phone call, and get scrips for ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine and a zpack. You may need to file a request for each family member but discuss your case with them when they call. We did the Zelenko protocol minus quercetin. Worked great for me.
There are no ages mentioned in any posts here, that matters. Young kids under 10 will most likely have runny nose and 1 day of low grade fever, I gave mine zinc gummies and multi vitamins and sent them outside in the sunshine.
I’m over 40, was mild cold, headaches fatigue lost tast and smell 2 weeks. Wife more serious flu-like. We got meds for her from Frontline and she immediately responded. Be patient. Fight it. Stay away from ERs Urget cares, and hospitals. There are some very odd symptoms with this spike protein bioweapon. Hell, stay away from your own doctor if you don’t know their stance on this. Only go if your oxygen saturation drops below 95 or you start feeling like your lungs are affected. Shortness of breath, difficulty breathing. (You can buy a finger mounted oxygen saturation meter at Walgreens).
Avoid getting tested, tell no one. (We never told the school) no one got it from the kids - that’s BS they are feeding you.
I contacted AFLD a couple weeks before we got sick to get ivermectin prevention. When we got sick, I contacted them again to get a script for my husband. They are SO backed up that we didn't get a call back till two weeks after (and we were already better.) I decided to go ahead and buy the prescription they finally prescribed, but found out that it's on back-order at many pharmacies. I found one pharmacy that carried it, but it had a pharmacist that said she was "uncomfortable" filling the prescription.
So, moral of the story: contact AFLD or another telemed source for ivermectin NOW! Don't wait til you need prophylaxis and definitely don't wait til you get sick.
I think yes. But watch this video on Peak Prosperity channel with Dr. Chris Marten who reviews info from a world-leading toxicologist. There's a section where he talks specifically about pregnancy at 25:33.
Rather than bickering over what a real test is or not to take a test, let’s help a fellow peer out with how we would treat ourselves and our family in this scenario!!
Links, personal (non medical advice) recommendations, and progress!
On a side note it seems you got the test that tests for both Covid and flu. Isn’t this the new combined test replacing the PCR? Seems convenient, where they can now say, “nope, not the flu, definitely Vid”.
My adult daughter presented with funky/ achy feeling— scratchy throat very low temperature— gargled with salt water / honey and hot tea/ and zicam— good to go in 2 days— didn’t get tested— most likely a cold ( coronavirus) but would have been a statistic if tested— I wouldn’t bother unless forced— I did immunology tests for rubella-(36 hour test) with still some iffy results ( on OBs in the 70’s)- so much of this is hit or miss
The same thing happened to us, except we didn't confirm it with a test and nobody else did a test or did anything different and nothing happened, after one day off school, all was well and life went on as normal. Don't worry, it's almost certainly nothing special.
Edit: I see you commented that the school required it. I wholeheartedly disagree with them doing that. That’s a slippery slope, where do YOU draw the line. Not trying to bash on you. It’s just a mask, it’s just a test, it’s just a vaccine... that’s where I see that going.
The fear porn is real. You keep waiting for the other shoe to drop after a positive result. It’s crazy how ingrained COVID=Death has become in the media. Start the protocol and stay up and as active as possible. I had one day where I felt like shit, recovered then promptly caught a cold that’s worse than the case of COVID I had.
My 3 kids all got a one day fever than sniffles and coughs.
Kid 1 (6yo)got over it in 2 days and went back to school. Was over Labor Day weekend and missed one day. No test
Kid 2 (4yo) and 3 (2yo) got it from kid 1 and cough still lingering after a week. Kid 2 missed a week of preschool. No test. Both in good spirits otherwise.
I got it several days ago. Fever/chills one day, now bad cough and sniffles, but getting better. Told work I had a cold and going to work from home so I don’t make any one freak out. Told them it’s not COVID-19.
All of us: Quercitin, Chelated Zinc, vit D, vit C, magnesium 2x/day.
Is it Covid? Who knows maybe. Saliva tests are $100 and is the only test I would take. Just staying away from people till we are better.
My daughter had a scratchy throat. She’s 10. Two days later her 14 year old sister got a fever. Next day the 15 year old sis and myself got it. I’ve had flu before and the fever in this is no joke. Hot flashes coming and going, waking up every 3 hours to a soaked bedsheet. Went to the hospital today. Family and ER doctors both refused to prescribe ivermectin.
People are subconsciously affected by the propaganda even if you feel you are awake to it. Once people are sick they start worrying and feeling like they are going to die.
I had the same exact symptoms as handshake above is explaining. Made it through just fine. Didn’t even have IVM at the time, just zinc, vit D, Vit C, ibuprofen, Tylenol, B12, hot tea, soups, orange juice, and a Heating pad. Stayed active (out of bed) during the day, even painted living room lol! Don’t let it consume you.
If I were to know back then what I know now, I’d have some IVM and HCQ and Quercitin on hand
Reminds me of the time I beat strep throat at home. It was bad too, I’d completely lost my voice and could hardly swallow. I’m very proud of that accomplishment 😆
Careful with that one. It can lead to much worse things, like scarlet fever or sterilization. Maybe go online and get some fish antibiotics. They have stuff like penicillin, amoxicillin, doxycycline, and a bunch of others. You can also find z-paks (mine came from Thailand). I used one for severe bronchitis/resp issue that was going into pneumonia and was fine. I used to get strep multiple times a year growing up and went into scarlet fever one time. Fever hit 105.
This was like 9-10 years ago, I didn’t have health insurance and wanted to give it a go. I started seeing that I was continually improving, if not I would’ve just sucked it up and went to a doctor.
If you can tolerate the symptoms I would say skip the tylenol and Ibuprofen. Those are more for comfort. They suppress your natural immune response in fighting the illness. Probably just adding 2-3 days.
I dug up a fire pit in my yard that was there when I moved in. About 6-700 pounds of rocks. They were so heavy my riding mower couldn't tow the cart I put them in, and the cart tires went flat. I imagine stuff like that can actually make the disease move faster if sweating a ton helps shed the bad stuff.
Good reason why we all should get HCQ or ivermectin from docs who WILL prescribe it, before symptoms strike, so we'll have it on hand when we need it. We've heard enough times on this board that docs and hospitals will not give these potentially life-saving medicines, and the legal/political/financial reasons why that is. The medical industry is not going to help us recover; we have to take care of ourselves. A very sad statement about the medical world today.
There’s a wonderful gal on Instagram ( her profile is treatronaathome)who is a nurse ( Nurse Michele) who provides a link to documents she complied with protocols and a supply list to prepare yourself ahead of time before you get sick. She also gives you the protocol on how to use a nebulizer with hydrogen peroxide. She’s got some great videos too that are very helpful. I’ve printed out all the free documents that she has made for people that give you protocols, a preparedness list of all the supplies you want to have on hand. Just sharing because I know a lot of people will be reading this thread and I hope it helps somebody else. I’ve been making copies of the amazing material that she has compiled and I’ve been giving it out to my friends so they are ready in case they or someone they love gets sick they will be all set with everything they need.
If it were me, I would be asking what test they gave and who administered it. If it was not with my approval, I would ask who gave them approval. If it was a PCR test, I would be asking them how many cycles and who determined that was a valid number of cycles.
It sounds like they are playing you.
I would be asking A LOT of questions. Then I MIGHT agree to another test, but it would depend on their answers.
We are in a situation that people need to educate themselves on all these scams they are running on people.
Seems like that is a top priority, now that they have targeted your family.
So it was the rapid test and now you need that nasal swab with the 2 day results? We do it ourselves at the pharmacy drive thru in our state. They don't usually stare you down to make sure you shove it up your nose super high. They also don't ask if right beforehand you used a nasal saline spray and then swiped a little tiger balm in your nostril to get a negative result.
I would not get on record no way, no how, with any part of the coronavirus cabal.
It's like walking up to a policeman and asking him if you guilty of any crimes. Best option is to stay away from the policeman altogether.
But I guess since were talking about you school age child, that you have to show a negative test in order from them to participate in school, so good luck with the testing.
Kids have a 1/2,500,000 chance of dying if they catch covid-19
From the table below, a 15 year old male in a High Income Country (HIC) without co-morbitities has a 0.00004% chance of dying if they catch the Wuhan virus. (The '>0' columns are people with health problems such as diabetes)
0.00004% means a 1 in 2,500,000 chance.
The values in the table are in percent, as evidenced by the fact that if you are 80+ years and old and unhealthy, the number is 20.08
Oddly enough, when I got it from my kid the only thing I felt was relief.
Kids, if they have any symptoms at all are back to normal very soon, like the next day soon. For me, I describe it as the mildest cold of my life, any other time and wouldn’t have thought anything of it, would have kept going to work etc. seasonal allergies are worse.
So, after seeing what a weak ass virus it was I was glad to have it over with, and beautiful robust natural immunity which is most likely life long according to the science. Anywho, you’re seeing it in other comments but I just did vitamin c, d, and zinc and was back to normal in a few days, my biggest symptom was needing an afternoon nap for 3 first days.
What....nobody gets a cold anymore?? 🤦♀️ STOP COMPLYING PEOPLE!! This goes for tests to.... why do we continually feed the beast?? And Why are so many people addicted to tests, meds and doctor visits....its all witchcraft, part of their wicked plan!!!!
Father God we bind the spirit of witchcraft and fear that is over our country, we cast you back to the pit of hell. We loose the spirit of courage and truth, we call in your holy angels to protect us during these days. Help us Lord to be steadfast in our faith, holding on to you Jesus and knowing that you Father God are protecting us from every evil. In the Mighty and Matchless name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ🙏🙏🙏🙏
We got quarantined today because one of my kids was a contact of someone with no symptoms but a positive test. I still super pissed off about it. COVID is affecting all of our kids too much.
We all have allergy symptoms this time of year so we’ve been treating them. No fever in anyone, but we are taking zinc and d3 anyway… have been for a while as recommended by a couple docs.
The news is trying to scare everyone. They are finding every scary story the can and spreading it everywhere. I just remember that what they show are the exceptions - that’s why they’re a big deal. Far more people have come through this just fine. My kids will be fine if they get it. I will be fine - even as a diabetic.
Get some rest and take your vitamins. Test if you want. Don’t test if you don’t want to. You make the decisions when it comes to your kids - you don’t have to coparent with the government.
I'm not sure how old your son is but everyone in the house should start taking vitamin d (5,000-10,000) daily, vitamin c (2,000+), zinc (50), and quercetin (1000) asap preemptively. I don't know your son's age, these doses are for adults.
Don't panic, this is just a regular respiratory illness. You're only panicking because they've tricked us into thinking it's something worse than it is. It's not.
Stock up on fresh fruits and healthy food in general. In our experience everyone was kind of sick for a few days and then had 1-2 days where they slept ALL DAY. It can seem scary, but it's normal for the body to fight a virus this way. Once that day passes, get up and walk as often as possible, even just around the kitchen. Just laying in bed for days is a sure way to progress to pneumonia.
I wouldn't take the horse paste ivermectin because it has inactive ingredients in it that are not safe for humans. We were told this by a doctor who was happy to prescribe two rounds of ivermectin.
In our house everyone ended up having it and we unknowingly gave it to my parents also. Everyone is fine.
Kid came home with a fever, threw up once. No test, treated it like any other time he came down with a fever. 2 days later he's back in class, back to normal. He had a 24 hr bug.
Your son tested positive for a corona virus of some sort. Unless they sequence it’s genome, they don’t know if it’s covid-19. Loss of taste, etc. seem to be better potential indicators of it’s actual C19.
I have ivermectin and take hydroxycorquine ( for my lupus) I have the zpack. I need to get zinc and vitamin D3 and zinc. I am making sure that I have it all if I get sick..Saying prayers for you and your family for a speedy recovery 🙏
Again - take my test. Get scotch. Pour a shot. Put it up to your nose and take a big sniff. Then drink it. Can you taste it or smell it? No = covid. Yes = get more scotch - you're ok. Caveat - Taste and smell are subjective. I lost smell but not taste.
Go to a local animal feed store and stock up on ivermectin. Buy Durvet Horse Dewormer. Should be about $10, same mg/kg bodyweight for horse and human. Tube is notched (I think) 50lb increments (don't remember exact increment) so you get the right dosage. Meant for 1500lb but you can treat a 150 lb horse 10 times with 1 tube.
Also follow the Zelenko protocol or FLCCC i-MASK protocol
I’ve never taken a test, never taking a vax. Fuck that. I caught onto that trash way before doubting this was even a thing. I’m thankful for that
My two cents are take them in-home test if you’re curious, but stay off the grid so to speak by not testing at an official testing facility.
Even the at-homes connect to your phone and the internet ... it's ridiculous and planned.
The at home tests we use is a piece of paper.
My at home test was scotch. My (vaxxed) wife was sick and passed it to (unvaxxed) me. I have taken vitamins B,C,D for over 15 years, and have taken zinc and quercetin for the last year+. She wouldn't. I got sick for a day and a half with a high fever (103), but was fine right after the 1.5 days of crap. In fact I did a LOT of yard work right after that. Then her positive covid test came back. By that time I had no fever, no brain fog, and no headache or cough. Throughout the whole time I would take a shot of scotch, smell it like the wine tasters do, then drink it. If I could smell it and taste it I was fine. Then the day her test came back I went to smell the scotch and nothing - no smell whatsoever, but the taste was there. My sense of smell completely left.
I didn't have to go get a test since she did, and my test tested positive (thank-you scotch). I haven't yet and will not take any of the tests or the vax. My sense of smell started returning in about 2 weeks, probably thanks to me sniffing a ton of concentrated vape juice samples every night until I could smell one, then I'd leave that one out the next time. It's still not as refined as I used to have but it is getting better every day.
I'm lucky - I am a 100% remote worker so I didn't have to do anything special. I was told that if I wanted to go into an office (I do time-to-time) I would have to take a test if under 7 days since my symptoms hit, but I waited 21 days.
BTW - wife's covid lasted almost 3 weeks. Mine like I said lasted 1.5 days. So much for her vax. I did follow her illness closely to make sure her O2 did not go too low. I have an old Samsung phone with the O2 monitor built-in (had to load old software to reactivate it) and we were fine. Mine never went below 97% and hers hit 95% briefly. 94% was my threshold for making the call to the frontline doctors to get HCQ and Ivermectin, but I never had to do that. Also, wife is now finally taking my treatment regiment finally. She was pissed that the vax didn't make her illness lighter or quicker, and mine was basically over in a heartbeat.
Don't worry about getting covid. If you take the vitamins, zinc, and quercetin it is just a mild cold/flu. The bonus is - you now have antibodies. Some day the morons will have to recognize natural immunity and stop all the mandate nonsense. Until then, keep your senses, lay low and avoid the testing/vax, and don't compromise. They want your life or your obedience. Don't give them either.
Does the purchaser have to register? Are they RFID?
1.24 in every 100000 I think it was break in the nose get stuck, cause a bleed enough to risk life , see a study in here yesterday
So, seeing that he is showing positive on this test, are you making any different treatment action than if he were negative but still had sniffles?
BTW, I don't see on the results page which variant this is supposed to be - How are people coming up with this 'delta' determination?
They literally don’t know if you yourself have a variant or not - they do a statistical analysis based on percentage of cases. That’s it. Yeah, seriously.
Did you mean By NOT testing and testing sites?
The problem is that the tests have to be accepted by the institution prior to the person allowed back to work or school they dictate what test you take when and where and how many times
If your work says they follow the CDC guidelines then you don't have to take a test if you wait 10 days after symptom onset. CDC said (haven't checked in the last month though) if you want to return earlier you need a neg test. In my comment above I said I waited 21 days, but only because I work from home and had no need to go into a local office for anything until the 21st day. YMMV.
Stop taking the tests. You are putting yourself and your family in harms way. There is NO test that can diagnose COVID-19. Your ought to know this by now if you have read about the massive testing fraud occurring.
Even if you think your kid has COVID-19, which I doubt, there is a 99.998% chance he'll be just fine. To kids, it's no more than nose sniffles at most. Use Dr. Zelenko's protocol or Vitamin D3, Vitamin C, and Zinc. Buy some Shweppes tonic water.
Covidophobia. It's a fear of a purported 'virus' (it doesn't exist) that is essentially 100% (99.998%) harmless to children. It's sad they are testing your child. Was this with your consent? Who would allow a stranger to touch/examine their child? Who permits strangers to have custodian authority over their child? Who's the parent here? Do you see the problem here?
There IS a covid, it's patented and was developed through gain of function research, and it's main threats are in the spike proteins, not the flu. But because commies and their minions are unable to create things, their attempt at a bioweapon failed. They ARE good at destroying things, so the test swabs apparently became a vector of attack. Various groups have analyzed them to find all sorts of nastiness.
Graphene oxide toxicity symptoms include loss of smell and taste. Heavy metals can cause all sorts of neurological conditions. Many people have reported they don't notice symptoms until after being "tested."
Glutathione in our systems naturally eliminate toxins such as GO, and cysteine, available also as NAC, helps us make more. Heavy metals are harder to deal with.
I agree with most of your post, but COVID-19 is a Trojan horse for issuance of the mRNA bio-weapon. You should listen/watch David Martin, PhD. I do not know what this 'COVID-19' ailment and toxicity is, but I have a theory to what it actually is and will get to that shortly.
Herewith, first note viruses have never been isolated or purified. That's because the theory is erroneous and viruses don't really exist. Pasteur 'Germ Theory' as it is called in academics teaches this and is the reason why the common cold has never been cured. Germ Theory is what helped create the Pharmaceutical industry and its medical tyranny of today. In Germ Theory they hunt for a bogieman and end up treating the symptom and not the cause. Know that the plagiarist and con man, “[Louis] Pasteur himself, in one of the most quoted deathbed statements perhaps of all time, recanted the Germ Theory and admitted that his rivals had been right, and that it was not the germ that caused the disease, but rather the environment in which the germ was found:
He was referencing his nemesis Claude Bernard, a proponent of the Terrain Theory and contemporary of Antoine Béchamp.”
Here's a good short video explains what Terrain (Exosome) Theory is. Our brainwashing has led us to this unGodly predicament we are in.
Renowned scientist Dr Rudolph Virchow, who is considered the father of modern pathology and who was a vocal critic and opponent of the germ theory, said that, “If I could live my life over again, I would devote it to proving that germs seek their natural habitat: diseased tissue, rather than being the cause of diseased tissue.”
Dr. Saul Pressman explains: “The so-called ‘bad’ bacteria and viruses that modern medicine fights with its huge arsenal of pharmaceutical drugs are in reality the germs of life. These germs of life live in symbiosis with the nutritive medium that constitutes our body, allowing it to be built up and later decomposed, to be metamorphosed and recreated. These germs are pleomorphic shapeshifters who are controlled by the medium in which they live.
“Germs are not something separate, isolated, unfriendly and coming from without, but are rather the foundation for all life. Without germs, there is no life. Their number is infinite. Their function is varied. Germs can change shape, join together, separate again and return to their primordial condition. Viruses, bacteria and fungi are various developmental forms of germs. The nutritive medium on which the germs thrive determines the type of development they will undergo.”
An online article titled “The Fallacious Germ Theory” explains that, “It was Antoine Béchamp (1816-1908), a contemporary of Pasteur, who discovered the true nature of germs. He found they were pleomorphic (capable of changing from one type of organism to another). With this theory, it is the conditions where germs live that is important (the terrain), instead of the germ itself. As Florence Nightingale put it: ‘There are no specific diseases, there are specific disease conditions’.
This statement leads me to your post above mentioning graphene oxide (GO) and the symptoms thereof:
I have read in depth about GO, it's toxicity, and symptoms, which are similar to asbestosis. In fact, asbestos has similar symptoms as graphene oxide.
My wife and I both had the symptoms of this. I was the first to have these symptoms. We both had headaches, a low temperature, and felt like shit. We both loaded up on Vitamin D3, Vitamin C, and Zinc. The peculiar thing was that we both lost senses of smell and taste. For me, it was like a light switch was turned off. I felt pretty good when I discovered I couldn't smell anything. It's been a long road since last December, and most of my smell has come back. I'd say I am at 85-90% for olfactory functionality, but this occurrence really puzzled me because I've never in my 70-some years ever experienced anything like this. This is why I am theorizing that graphene oxide is the cause.I am proposing that GO has been introduced in the environment some how. I believe GO and other toxins have weakened and undermined people's immune systems. The weakened immune system has allowed parasites to infect people, especially the respiratory system, and the symptoms are multiple depending on what organs are effected and this is compounded with the symptoms of GO.
Horse dewormer* flip the “insult” on its head 😂
Get some quercetin from Amazon. That also helps as long as you take B, C, D, and zinc. People forget the B vitamin but it is helpful.
The problem is once a school sends home a sick kid, you’re already being tracked. If you go for the 10 day quarantine they consider you positive “by admission”. If you can’t afford or can’t handle a kid 10 days out of school, or don’t want them to fall behind, test is your only option.
It’s totally a trap.
And don’t all type in “home school”! Not an option for many
Tell me how the kid is being tracked? My kids were sick last year at school at different times. The school called each time and told me they didn't feel well. End of story. I called the school the next day and told them my child will not be attending school today due to illness. End of story.
My friend, you sound like you have Covidophobia. It is a fear of a purported 'virus' that is 99.998% harmless to children. The only way the school would have knowledge of a COVID-19 case is that they tested the child. It's sad they are testing your child. Was this with your consent? Who's the parent here? Who would allow a stranger to examine their child? Who permits strangers to have custodian authority over their child? Do you see the problem here?
No friend, I don’t. I have administrative and burocratic fear.
Last year, you say?
Let me be clear, you don’t notify the school of any illness. Period. Because, THIS year, the nurse hands you a sheet of paper with 3 options to get them back in. They log the student absent reason and/or if they go home sick as requiring theses 3 options to get them in.
Free in FL? Where are you (county - not city)? There are huge differences between the counties in FL - take Broward for example. The school boards and their regulations vary widely. I lived in Volusia for 18 months recently until I just couldn't take it any more and moved back to East TX. Daughter is still a kindergarten teacher in Volusia. Wife wanted to stay in case she decided to get married (fairly recent college grad) but I searched for a job that paid for relo back to TX and left as soon as I could.
Your gov is great. Other than that, I didn't have much use for doing either 40 or 100 on I-4 depending on who was in front of me. Strange place - lived there for several years previously (in Polk that time) and things were still basically the same. Too many retirees, too many snowbirds, too many New Yorkers escaping, and of course "Florida Man".
Well, your world is far different than mine. How's living in the Soviet Union, anyway?
Admiral Akbar It's a trap!
Just went through this exact scenario. Here's what I learned (because it is going to spread through your family):
Kids do just fine. It's a breeze for them to get over it.
Adults traditionally have done well, but whatever variant has led to kid-to-adult transmission tends to suck.
Don't expect ANY healthcare providers to treat you for anything because they won't.
Follow the iMASK+ protocol on
Use horse ivermectin, it's the same as pills. Easy to dial plunger to whatever your weight is and take that much daily (about the amount of toothpaste on a toothbrush.)
If you are struggling, find a clinic offering monoclonal antibodies. They aren't requiring you to have a lot of comorbidities to qualify for MCA.
Keep active even if you don't feel like it.
You need to treat Covid from the top down. Along with the other excellent advice here, keep in mind It starts in your nose and your mouth. This was recommended by a nurse and I’ve seen it elsewhere in a study that said it helps to kill Covid. You need Xlear nasal spray and get crest or scope mouthwash with CPC ( that’s the active ingredient medicine Unit, and it will say it in the front of the bottle). Use the nasal spray a couple times a day and swish and gargle so it hits the back of your mouth with the mouthwash. If you look up studies on these two things, there’s been some really good feedback about them helping to kill the virus before It can spread to your lungs. Also Another thing you can get easily that also has some studies behind it is to drink dandelion tea. You can get organic dandelion leave easily on the Internet and steep and drink the tea. Apparently there was a study in Germany or somewhere in Europe that show dandelion has some amazing properties that help block the spike protein. Hope this helps you, fren.
Nice! I'm told that dandelion tea was a bit trendy here in Japan a year or two ago. I can find it easily on Yahoo Shopping Japan.
Here is a study I found on dandelion:
Note: there's dandelion LEAF tea and ROOT tea, you're looking for the LEAF version for this, both have good properties.
Pine needle tea also provides the ingredient you're looking for: SURAMIN. As with many of these other inexpensive natural sources, they have multiple benefits- Dr Judy Mikovits said they knew long ago Suramin was a possible treatment for autism, for example. Perhaps because it helps us clear contaminants?
My family and I just finished a 10 day- 4 week bout with Covid. KHo3P0 list above is perfect. The earlier you start Ivermectin the quicker it will be over and lessen symptoms greatly. Those in my family who did not take Ivermectin because muh horse medicine had a much harder time and symptoms lasted much longer. Actually my mom and wife did not take Ivermectin and were sick for 2-3 weeks and still have chest symptoms 4 weeks later. I did take and was sick for 10 days. I think it would have been much less if I took Ivermectin before day 5
Dr. Peter McCullough has said that it's best to stay active, even when your inclination is to rest. He says it makes a difference. He's the one who wrote one of the first successful protocols on handling this WuFlu crap. He is also demanding that the vaccines cease at once, which of course makes him the enemy of science according to the pedocrats and the Big Pharma Skeksis who control them.
Please do all of this! We found a chart on here with dosage for vit D, vit C, zinc, and quercetin. The quercetin is extremely important in order for the zinc to work. You should start this now whether you feel okay or not. I got sick followed by my husband and our 2 kids, 9 and 1.5. The kids were fine! The older one was sick for only a matter of hours. It felt like a very long, drawn out flu for myself and husband. Most of my extended family was sick. 3 of my (adult) siblings developed double pneumonia. Two of them were admitted to the hospital with extremely low oxygen. One had already taken ivermectin and got the monoclonal antibodies right after being admitted and he did really well, he also was put on these vitamins with quercetin.. My sister was denied all of this and put on a ventilator, 5 days total. She improved the day after we started the vitamin regiment listed above. They are both home now! It is IMPERATIVE that you do all that you can to avoid pneumonia. That's the real danger. Force yourself to stay well hydrated and eat. Stay as active as you can without over extending yourself. If you get sick do NOT sleep on your back..side sleep if you must but mainly sleep in prone positioning (belly) and watch a video on how to do it correctly so you don't mess up your back/neck.
Everybody has covered the meds and protocols, but I never see anyone mention pulmonary hygiene. Since you mentioned avoiding pneumonia I though I'd drop this advice from our physician right here.
"As a medical student in the ‘70's at the VA Hospital, I would need to get up at 3 AM to perform an order for "Pulmonary Toilet.” In the 21st Century, political correctness renamed the process “Pulmonary Hygiene.” Either way, it’s getting the yucky mucus out of the lungs.
The premise is simple- put a glass of water on your front porch. In a few days, it turns brown, and has little things swimming around in it. But a garden hose trickling for days stays clear. Stagnant fluid in the lungs turns badly infected, and needs to be removed. Here are the three processes we teach--they should be done 3-4 times a day.
TURN, COUGH, AND DEEP BREATHE- Lie in bed on your right side, cough hard, take a deep breath, and turn to your left side and repeat. Do this for 5 minutes. Imagine trying to get honey from the bottom of a jar to the sides. Same idea.
INCENTIVE SPIROMETRY- If you have one of those gadgets with balls that rise as you take a deep breath; perfect. Otherwise, improvise by exhaling totally, take as deep a breath as deeply as possible, hold it for 5-10 seconds, exhale, and repeat the process for 5 minutes. We need the airways open, and this accomplishes that.
PERCUSSION AND DRAINAGE- Again we improvise for home use. You'll need a partner wearing PPE (protective personal equipment). They cup each hand and begin playing the bongos on your back as you lie over a table with your shirt off. They should pound fairly hard. After about a minute, they should leave the room as you cough deeply to remove as much fluid as possible. Repeat the process for five minutes or more."
Take care brother. God bless!
Great advice!
Not entirely true.
You can get meds. Go online to frontline doctors site and schedule a phone call, and get scrips for ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine and a zpack. You may need to file a request for each family member but discuss your case with them when they call. We did the Zelenko protocol minus quercetin. Worked great for me.
There are no ages mentioned in any posts here, that matters. Young kids under 10 will most likely have runny nose and 1 day of low grade fever, I gave mine zinc gummies and multi vitamins and sent them outside in the sunshine.
I’m over 40, was mild cold, headaches fatigue lost tast and smell 2 weeks. Wife more serious flu-like. We got meds for her from Frontline and she immediately responded. Be patient. Fight it. Stay away from ERs Urget cares, and hospitals. There are some very odd symptoms with this spike protein bioweapon. Hell, stay away from your own doctor if you don’t know their stance on this. Only go if your oxygen saturation drops below 95 or you start feeling like your lungs are affected. Shortness of breath, difficulty breathing. (You can buy a finger mounted oxygen saturation meter at Walgreens).
Avoid getting tested, tell no one. (We never told the school) no one got it from the kids - that’s BS they are feeding you.
I contacted AFLD a couple weeks before we got sick to get ivermectin prevention. When we got sick, I contacted them again to get a script for my husband. They are SO backed up that we didn't get a call back till two weeks after (and we were already better.) I decided to go ahead and buy the prescription they finally prescribed, but found out that it's on back-order at many pharmacies. I found one pharmacy that carried it, but it had a pharmacist that said she was "uncomfortable" filling the prescription.
So, moral of the story: contact AFLD or another telemed source for ivermectin NOW! Don't wait til you need prophylaxis and definitely don't wait til you get sick.
can you take ivermectin if you’re pregnant?
I think yes. But watch this video on Peak Prosperity channel with Dr. Chris Marten who reviews info from a world-leading toxicologist. There's a section where he talks specifically about pregnancy at 25:33.
Sticky for an hour to get solid data and advice
Rather than bickering over what a real test is or not to take a test, let’s help a fellow peer out with how we would treat ourselves and our family in this scenario!!
Links, personal (non medical advice) recommendations, and progress!
On a side note it seems you got the test that tests for both Covid and flu. Isn’t this the new combined test replacing the PCR? Seems convenient, where they can now say, “nope, not the flu, definitely Vid”.
You all should Take Vitamin d3, vitamin c, zinc. These will do wonders while fighting the virus and help boost immune systems of anyone around.
Plus an ionophore so the zinc will be bioavailable. Ideally ivermectin, HCQ, quercetin in that order.
Quercetin is really cheap and usually available at WallyWorld and for sure available Amazon and you can get it with zinc in one capsule.
And quercetin
My adult daughter presented with funky/ achy feeling— scratchy throat very low temperature— gargled with salt water / honey and hot tea/ and zicam— good to go in 2 days— didn’t get tested— most likely a cold ( coronavirus) but would have been a statistic if tested— I wouldn’t bother unless forced— I did immunology tests for rubella-(36 hour test) with still some iffy results ( on OBs in the 70’s)- so much of this is hit or miss
The same thing happened to us, except we didn't confirm it with a test and nobody else did a test or did anything different and nothing happened, after one day off school, all was well and life went on as normal. Don't worry, it's almost certainly nothing special.
Someone tested your child without consent from you?
Read u/Michelleobamasnuts reply again. Spot on
Edit: I see you commented that the school required it. I wholeheartedly disagree with them doing that. That’s a slippery slope, where do YOU draw the line. Not trying to bash on you. It’s just a mask, it’s just a test, it’s just a vaccine... that’s where I see that going.
What if you’d refused, did they tell you the alternative? (Curious)
The fear porn is real. You keep waiting for the other shoe to drop after a positive result. It’s crazy how ingrained COVID=Death has become in the media. Start the protocol and stay up and as active as possible. I had one day where I felt like shit, recovered then promptly caught a cold that’s worse than the case of COVID I had.
Pretty sure orca was being sarcastic.
My 3 kids all got a one day fever than sniffles and coughs.
Kid 1 (6yo)got over it in 2 days and went back to school. Was over Labor Day weekend and missed one day. No test
Kid 2 (4yo) and 3 (2yo) got it from kid 1 and cough still lingering after a week. Kid 2 missed a week of preschool. No test. Both in good spirits otherwise.
I got it several days ago. Fever/chills one day, now bad cough and sniffles, but getting better. Told work I had a cold and going to work from home so I don’t make any one freak out. Told them it’s not COVID-19.
All of us: Quercitin, Chelated Zinc, vit D, vit C, magnesium 2x/day.
Is it Covid? Who knows maybe. Saliva tests are $100 and is the only test I would take. Just staying away from people till we are better.
Stop getting tested!!!
Skip the test and just stay home if they will let you.
My daughter had a scratchy throat. She’s 10. Two days later her 14 year old sister got a fever. Next day the 15 year old sis and myself got it. I’ve had flu before and the fever in this is no joke. Hot flashes coming and going, waking up every 3 hours to a soaked bedsheet. Went to the hospital today. Family and ER doctors both refused to prescribe ivermectin.
sounds like a normal fever/illness to really needed to go to the hospital?
People are subconsciously affected by the propaganda even if you feel you are awake to it. Once people are sick they start worrying and feeling like they are going to die.
Its a crazy thought to me now...but I do remember where I was 5 years ago. Your name is relevant. I will continue to work towards our goal.
I had the same exact symptoms as handshake above is explaining. Made it through just fine. Didn’t even have IVM at the time, just zinc, vit D, Vit C, ibuprofen, Tylenol, B12, hot tea, soups, orange juice, and a Heating pad. Stayed active (out of bed) during the day, even painted living room lol! Don’t let it consume you. If I were to know back then what I know now, I’d have some IVM and HCQ and Quercitin on hand
Reminds me of the time I beat strep throat at home. It was bad too, I’d completely lost my voice and could hardly swallow. I’m very proud of that accomplishment 😆
Careful with that one. It can lead to much worse things, like scarlet fever or sterilization. Maybe go online and get some fish antibiotics. They have stuff like penicillin, amoxicillin, doxycycline, and a bunch of others. You can also find z-paks (mine came from Thailand). I used one for severe bronchitis/resp issue that was going into pneumonia and was fine. I used to get strep multiple times a year growing up and went into scarlet fever one time. Fever hit 105.
This was like 9-10 years ago, I didn’t have health insurance and wanted to give it a go. I started seeing that I was continually improving, if not I would’ve just sucked it up and went to a doctor.
If you can tolerate the symptoms I would say skip the tylenol and Ibuprofen. Those are more for comfort. They suppress your natural immune response in fighting the illness. Probably just adding 2-3 days.
Np. I try to offer as much exposure when someone asks for/requests for community help. It’s the least I can do
I dug up a fire pit in my yard that was there when I moved in. About 6-700 pounds of rocks. They were so heavy my riding mower couldn't tow the cart I put them in, and the cart tires went flat. I imagine stuff like that can actually make the disease move faster if sweating a ton helps shed the bad stuff.
Good reason why we all should get HCQ or ivermectin from docs who WILL prescribe it, before symptoms strike, so we'll have it on hand when we need it. We've heard enough times on this board that docs and hospitals will not give these potentially life-saving medicines, and the legal/political/financial reasons why that is. The medical industry is not going to help us recover; we have to take care of ourselves. A very sad statement about the medical world today.
There’s a wonderful gal on Instagram ( her profile is treatronaathome)who is a nurse ( Nurse Michele) who provides a link to documents she complied with protocols and a supply list to prepare yourself ahead of time before you get sick. She also gives you the protocol on how to use a nebulizer with hydrogen peroxide. She’s got some great videos too that are very helpful. I’ve printed out all the free documents that she has made for people that give you protocols, a preparedness list of all the supplies you want to have on hand. Just sharing because I know a lot of people will be reading this thread and I hope it helps somebody else. I’ve been making copies of the amazing material that she has compiled and I’ve been giving it out to my friends so they are ready in case they or someone they love gets sick they will be all set with everything they need.
I assume that is a PCR test? And when you say, "Wednesday were going for real test", is that an antibody test?
Since you indicate school, I take it that he is in the category with a 99.998 survival rate.
I would call a Teledoc, find you location here that uses effective protocols if your worried. Don't let him go to hospital what ever you do.
Well ... everybody knows that the minimum wage clerks at Walgreens are high-level scientists. /s
What was the "test" that was already "done?"
You didn't answer that.
How did somebody conclude "positive?"
I'm not hating on you at all.
If it were me, I would be asking what test they gave and who administered it. If it was not with my approval, I would ask who gave them approval. If it was a PCR test, I would be asking them how many cycles and who determined that was a valid number of cycles.
It sounds like they are playing you.
I would be asking A LOT of questions. Then I MIGHT agree to another test, but it would depend on their answers.
We are in a situation that people need to educate themselves on all these scams they are running on people.
Seems like that is a top priority, now that they have targeted your family.
So it was the rapid test and now you need that nasal swab with the 2 day results? We do it ourselves at the pharmacy drive thru in our state. They don't usually stare you down to make sure you shove it up your nose super high. They also don't ask if right beforehand you used a nasal saline spray and then swiped a little tiger balm in your nostril to get a negative result.
Lucky it didn't give you a positive
I would not get on record no way, no how, with any part of the coronavirus cabal.
It's like walking up to a policeman and asking him if you guilty of any crimes. Best option is to stay away from the policeman altogether.
But I guess since were talking about you school age child, that you have to show a negative test in order from them to participate in school, so good luck with the testing.
Thank you. A great source for literally every USA state and world.
What are the circumstances that lead to getting a test, OP?
My kids school did the same shit. Wouldn't let him back in without a negative test. Fucking medical tyranny. kids former school just said negative test or 10 days out... we left quick
Ah ok. Thanks for the reply, and I hope your son recovers quickly and the rest of the family doesn't catch it, if it is really the Wuhan virus.
I can pretty much state as fact that your son will be fine.
Anyone under 20 years old has only a 1 in 2,500,000 risk from the virus. That is 0.00004%.
The risk of riding in the car to Walmart is higher.
The risks really don't add up to much until you get to age 60.
Kids have a 1/2,500,000 chance of dying if they catch covid-19
From the table below, a 15 year old male in a High Income Country (HIC) without co-morbitities has a 0.00004% chance of dying if they catch the Wuhan virus. (The '>0' columns are people with health problems such as diabetes)
0.00004% means a 1 in 2,500,000 chance.
The values in the table are in percent, as evidenced by the fact that if you are 80+ years and old and unhealthy, the number is 20.08
Oddly enough, when I got it from my kid the only thing I felt was relief.
Kids, if they have any symptoms at all are back to normal very soon, like the next day soon. For me, I describe it as the mildest cold of my life, any other time and wouldn’t have thought anything of it, would have kept going to work etc. seasonal allergies are worse.
So, after seeing what a weak ass virus it was I was glad to have it over with, and beautiful robust natural immunity which is most likely life long according to the science. Anywho, you’re seeing it in other comments but I just did vitamin c, d, and zinc and was back to normal in a few days, my biggest symptom was needing an afternoon nap for 3 first days.
uh no...fuck that school.
what are they teaching your kid?
whats in the bookS?
prepare for contact tracers to hound you...they may show up as spam calls...lessons learned dont comply with testing
What....nobody gets a cold anymore?? 🤦♀️ STOP COMPLYING PEOPLE!! This goes for tests to.... why do we continually feed the beast?? And Why are so many people addicted to tests, meds and doctor visits....its all witchcraft, part of their wicked plan!!!!
Father God we bind the spirit of witchcraft and fear that is over our country, we cast you back to the pit of hell. We loose the spirit of courage and truth, we call in your holy angels to protect us during these days. Help us Lord to be steadfast in our faith, holding on to you Jesus and knowing that you Father God are protecting us from every evil. In the Mighty and Matchless name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ🙏🙏🙏🙏 BE FEARLESS!!!
We got quarantined today because one of my kids was a contact of someone with no symptoms but a positive test. I still super pissed off about it. COVID is affecting all of our kids too much.
We all have allergy symptoms this time of year so we’ve been treating them. No fever in anyone, but we are taking zinc and d3 anyway… have been for a while as recommended by a couple docs.
The news is trying to scare everyone. They are finding every scary story the can and spreading it everywhere. I just remember that what they show are the exceptions - that’s why they’re a big deal. Far more people have come through this just fine. My kids will be fine if they get it. I will be fine - even as a diabetic.
Get some rest and take your vitamins. Test if you want. Don’t test if you don’t want to. You make the decisions when it comes to your kids - you don’t have to coparent with the government.
Runny nose. Scratchy throat. ... ? Does any one ever get a regular cold anymore? Seriously.
If you've been doing any of your own research you would know the tests can't tell a difference between flu and coronavirus.
NO ONE to date has even isolated the virus. It was proven in court. (Alberta and Ireland)
Why be part of their system? It's all a lie. The PCR tests cannot tell the difference between COVID and Flu, or even live virus and dead virus.
I'm not sure how old your son is but everyone in the house should start taking vitamin d (5,000-10,000) daily, vitamin c (2,000+), zinc (50), and quercetin (1000) asap preemptively. I don't know your son's age, these doses are for adults.
Don't panic, this is just a regular respiratory illness. You're only panicking because they've tricked us into thinking it's something worse than it is. It's not.
Stock up on fresh fruits and healthy food in general. In our experience everyone was kind of sick for a few days and then had 1-2 days where they slept ALL DAY. It can seem scary, but it's normal for the body to fight a virus this way. Once that day passes, get up and walk as often as possible, even just around the kitchen. Just laying in bed for days is a sure way to progress to pneumonia.
I wouldn't take the horse paste ivermectin because it has inactive ingredients in it that are not safe for humans. We were told this by a doctor who was happy to prescribe two rounds of ivermectin.
In our house everyone ended up having it and we unknowingly gave it to my parents also. Everyone is fine.
How do they know it's COVID and not the flu? What are they basing their conclusion on?
Kid came home with a fever, threw up once. No test, treated it like any other time he came down with a fever. 2 days later he's back in class, back to normal. He had a 24 hr bug.
Lots of rest, lots of sweat, lots of OJ, starve a fever feed a cold and lots of sunlight if possible.. That's what my daughter and I did..
How do you go in Wednesday for the "real test?"
Was this a fake test?
But ...
How did someone already determine "positive?"
Yup thats how crazy and nonsensical this shit really is
Your son tested positive for a corona virus of some sort. Unless they sequence it’s genome, they don’t know if it’s covid-19. Loss of taste, etc. seem to be better potential indicators of it’s actual C19.
Good luck with the family, hope you stay healthy.
I have ivermectin and take hydroxycorquine ( for my lupus) I have the zpack. I need to get zinc and vitamin D3 and zinc. I am making sure that I have it all if I get sick..Saying prayers for you and your family for a speedy recovery 🙏
So they invented a test that can differentiate between covid and influenza?! This is huge!
Taking the test is for them to have you in the system and track you. Just be informed. No one HAS TO take a test.
Don't get tested.
Pure and simple.
Again - take my test. Get scotch. Pour a shot. Put it up to your nose and take a big sniff. Then drink it. Can you taste it or smell it? No = covid. Yes = get more scotch - you're ok. Caveat - Taste and smell are subjective. I lost smell but not taste.
Go to a local animal feed store and stock up on ivermectin. Buy Durvet Horse Dewormer. Should be about $10, same mg/kg bodyweight for horse and human. Tube is notched (I think) 50lb increments (don't remember exact increment) so you get the right dosage. Meant for 1500lb but you can treat a 150 lb horse 10 times with 1 tube.
Also follow the Zelenko protocol or FLCCC i-MASK protocol
Https:// - Zelenko Treatment Protocol
Https:// - Prophylaxis Protocol
Https:// - FLCCC i-mask protocol for prevention and early outpatient treatment
He has a cold. Give him some zinc and vitamin C.
And go buy another pack of toilet paper for good measure.
The tests don’t work!