I believe Fauxi’s days are numbered big time. How’s he lasted this long? Each time I see him he looks more scared. He KNOWS his BS game is about over. Each & every eugenicist needs a few doses of their own medicine...or worse. Hate to say it, but I wish Trump hadn’t utilized this sick mofo...just look at his “handling” with AIDS? Did he help create it? Probably. The timeline with SARS vaccine research was well documented. CDC, AMA & NIH among other orgs need dismantling as required. They’re ALL criminals. Fauxi has been the backbone of the ruination of our trust in the medical/healthcare industry. Thanks Tony, you evil midget.
Right here. I thought I knew all these deep state players and what they have been up to. Well, I didn't. We all had to learn about Fauci and what he has done and what he would like to do. He is the last stand for big pharma.
We were told. 4951
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 11/12/2020 22:20:17 ID: b3a95d
Archive Bread/Post Links: 11618439 / 11618946
Direct Link: 11618946
Shall we play a game?
[N]othing [C]an [S]top [W]hat [I]s [C]oming
Who stepped down today [forced]?
More coming?
Why is this relevant?
How do you 'show' the public the truth?
How do you 'safeguard' US elections post-POTUS?
How do you 'remove' foreign interference and corruption and install US-owned voter ID law(s) and other safeguards?
It had to be this way.
Sometimes you must walk through the darkness before you see the light.
Yes, and his tide has turned. I believe it won’t be long now. We oughta take a poll how he will go out? I’m rooting for a meteor to take out his limo. 💥
Trump knew why Fauci HAD to get involved here and what he was up to. This will result in the end of big pharma and reveal all the past plagues he has engineered, Fauci did not have a choice but to get involved on a major level to try to stop the inevitable and was given all the rope needed to hang himself.
You'd think, if the story they were telling were factual and honest, that they would relish the opportunity to have this debate and show how wrong we all really are. Unfortunately for them, their narrative doesn't hold up to scrutiny and the only reason that the truth isn't widely know is the media and medical community blackout on dissenting viewpoints. It pisses me off to no end the way that science had been bastardized by politicians and used against all of us illegitimately.
Yours doesn't??
How sad.... that is one of my favorite emojis!
Are you android? You should certainly be able to download add-on keyboards that will give you the extra emojis....back before they became the norm, that's what you had to do; download an app that contained them, then "install" / activate the keyboard in your phones settings - even on iPhone......
I mean, how amazing would that be? But is it likely? Hell No! Fraudci knows his ass would be schooled and exposed. He would NEVER let this happen. He may be pompous, but he’s not THAT retarded.
How will this shot be heard around the world? My instant useless theory.with the premise that his Biden is a duplicate.
Biden gets an adverse reaction / dies is a few days. Instant wake up call for entire world against medical military industrial complex snowballing into other areas.
Simple theory that makes a fair amount of sense. We know Biden will make his exit at some point in the near future.
Having a horrible Joffrey Baratheon style reaction to the shot would be a suitable and satisfying end for Joe's character.
The only aspect I don't like about this theory is it doesn't have much to do with "hearing" in the literal sense of the word. Feels a little off for a Q proof.
This guy is SCARY BRILLIANT. Late last year I listened to him use simple equations to demonstrate the vote steal. He also gave the first presentation in the AZ audit presentation, just about examining the envelopes.
I'm not scared of him, but I agree he's off the charts brilliant. And what I like the most about him is that he brilliantly seems to realize that we are not all as brilliant as he is, yet he wants us to know, so he teaches so that we can grasp and understand. Brilliant.
Pardon the rant. But I don’t know why people keep pumping Pay per View. It should be broadcasted free over the air. All political debates that affect the public should be free. That’s the whole reason we preserve OTA.
now that would be worth seeing
Needs a MTG/AOC undercard, jello optional
Baby oil...just saying jello is gross
Unless the jello is squished in between MTG's toes then it's super nom nom.
It's only tolerable with vodka.
I second that.
Dr. Ayyadurai didn't kill himself.
But looks like Twatter did kill his account...
I believe Fauxi’s days are numbered big time. How’s he lasted this long? Each time I see him he looks more scared. He KNOWS his BS game is about over. Each & every eugenicist needs a few doses of their own medicine...or worse. Hate to say it, but I wish Trump hadn’t utilized this sick mofo...just look at his “handling” with AIDS? Did he help create it? Probably. The timeline with SARS vaccine research was well documented. CDC, AMA & NIH among other orgs need dismantling as required. They’re ALL criminals. Fauxi has been the backbone of the ruination of our trust in the medical/healthcare industry. Thanks Tony, you evil midget.
Everybody knows his name and face now.
He put Fauxi front and center so that he won't escape scrutiny come THE STORM
Right here. I thought I knew all these deep state players and what they have been up to. Well, I didn't. We all had to learn about Fauci and what he has done and what he would like to do. He is the last stand for big pharma.
I don’t think any of us wouldn’t have known just what a rat Fauci is if they didn’t play it out this way.
We were told. 4951
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 11/12/2020 22:20:17 ID: b3a95d Archive Bread/Post Links: 11618439 / 11618946 Direct Link: 11618946 Shall we play a game? [N]othing [C]an [S]top [W]hat [I]s [C]oming NCSWIC https://www.cisa.gov/safecom/NCSWIC Who stepped down today [forced]? https://www.cisa.gov/bryan-s-ware More coming? Why is this relevant? How do you 'show' the public the truth? How do you 'safeguard' US elections post-POTUS? How do you 'remove' foreign interference and corruption and install US-owned voter ID law(s) and other safeguards? It had to be this way. Sometimes you must walk through the darkness before you see the light. Q
You branch Q-vidians are weird.
Thanks fren ✌🏻🇺🇸🍿🐸
Yes, and his tide has turned. I believe it won’t be long now. We oughta take a poll how he will go out? I’m rooting for a meteor to take out his limo. 💥
I was thinking of burial up to neck, honey on head in ant/bear country.
Blood Eagle.
Yes please!
I remember when the press said he was trying to "muzzle" Fauci.
I'm not sure President Trump felt that he could.
Trump knew why Fauci HAD to get involved here and what he was up to. This will result in the end of big pharma and reveal all the past plagues he has engineered, Fauci did not have a choice but to get involved on a major level to try to stop the inevitable and was given all the rope needed to hang himself.
I love this guy!!....no homo tho....
I remember the inventor of the PCR test said the same thing in like ‘89. They killed him right before covid hit
Kary Mullis. RIP
You'd think, if the story they were telling were factual and honest, that they would relish the opportunity to have this debate and show how wrong we all really are. Unfortunately for them, their narrative doesn't hold up to scrutiny and the only reason that the truth isn't widely know is the media and medical community blackout on dissenting viewpoints. It pisses me off to no end the way that science had been bastardized by politicians and used against all of us illegitimately.
Holy shit.... Who ever said the "shot" needed to be a GUNSHOT..... Epiphany......
I wish my phone had that little emoji with the smiley face's head exploding🐸
Yours doesn't?? How sad.... that is one of my favorite emojis!
Are you android? You should certainly be able to download add-on keyboards that will give you the extra emojis....back before they became the norm, that's what you had to do; download an app that contained them, then "install" / activate the keyboard in your phones settings - even on iPhone......
🤯I probably understand 10% of what my phone can do, but I did manage to save your pic to my clipboard🐸hehe👌Thank you!❤
One needle away from extermination, protect yourself Doctor Shiva.
when was that from?
Seems like I've heard that line was important somewhere....
PPV...I’ll buy out the local movie theater, AND PAY FOR THE POPCORN! 🍿
I'll bring those dark chocolate Raisenettes. Damn those are good🐸
Just have Shiva email in his credentials. The debate will be over before it begins.
Which Q post had that phrase?
572, if this is the week I'd be super happy. I think it's next week though.
Sounds like the "shot" has something to do with Obama, Google and Tesla (emails) from reading all those drops together.
What about the vaccine?
I mean, how amazing would that be? But is it likely? Hell No! Fraudci knows his ass would be schooled and exposed. He would NEVER let this happen. He may be pompous, but he’s not THAT retarded.
The shot heard around the world is the Vaxxicine
Cage match!
Ugh I love him
I do too
How will this shot be heard around the world? My instant useless theory.with the premise that his Biden is a duplicate.
Biden gets an adverse reaction / dies is a few days. Instant wake up call for entire world against medical military industrial complex snowballing into other areas.
I like it.
Simple theory that makes a fair amount of sense. We know Biden will make his exit at some point in the near future.
Having a horrible Joffrey Baratheon style reaction to the shot would be a suitable and satisfying end for Joe's character.
The only aspect I don't like about this theory is it doesn't have much to do with "hearing" in the literal sense of the word. Feels a little off for a Q proof.
This guy is SCARY BRILLIANT. Late last year I listened to him use simple equations to demonstrate the vote steal. He also gave the first presentation in the AZ audit presentation, just about examining the envelopes.
I hope he rips Fauci to shreds.
I'm not scared of him, but I agree he's off the charts brilliant. And what I like the most about him is that he brilliantly seems to realize that we are not all as brilliant as he is, yet he wants us to know, so he teaches so that we can grasp and understand. Brilliant.
Dr Shiva- a pure humanitarian of Truth & Light
Fauci won't even go on Fox, would be surprised if this is even possible
Paging Dr Faggot~~~ I mean, Paging Dr Fauci
Kary Mullis, PCR inventor, challenged fauci to a debate - Mullis is dead.
Dr. Ayyadurai’s account was suspended.
Definitely solidifies the shot as being the vaxx theory.
Pardon the rant. But I don’t know why people keep pumping Pay per View. It should be broadcasted free over the air. All political debates that affect the public should be free. That’s the whole reason we preserve OTA.
I would pay to see this!
How about shiva's post without flynn so that normies can't dismiss it right away.
I love the guy, but I didn't know a MIT PhD was a thing.
The news media do not care if Fauci is right or wrong, he is singing their song.
First lesson, trust nobody, even the supposed experts.
Week to remember?? 🍿