What he's saying is that Obama and crew are so full of themselves that in order to prove they are really in charge not Joe they probibly puffed him up with some bullshit about how this new area would look better etc. Then they sent the senile old man off to do PR and make a good show of it while they get on with taking over the world from the Whitehouse. Jill helps them out with managing the POTATOUS because she knows that's the only way she gets paid etc...
In other words Biden isn't in charge. Soros, China, Obama etc are the ones with REAL power. Except they probibly bicker with each other too.
Maybe Trump gave it as a call out... Trump being the prankster that he is, and Hannity eating it right up and proudly stating “Trump gave me this pin” yeah, cause you’re a bitch just like the CIA/FBI.
Reminds me of when Michael Scott leaves The Office - he gives Oscar a crappy “handmade” gift, and then laughs his ass off in his office about how Oscar obviously has the lowest opinion of him ever and how he trolled the crap out of him with the gift.
While I do not watch him on FuckNews, I do listen to him, if I am in my car, on Patriot Radio.. Same with Mark Levin.. and a few others. Hannity is a bit more "free" to talk about shit. He, heh.. said "I do not like talk about the stories that I do on Fox, here", eh.. Controlled op, seems right but, to hear him talk "when not of fox" is a bit more relatable imo.
And that thing that looks like an ashtray? Remember, when they had those inside buildings? With a folded diaper on it? The tablecloth for the teeny tiny table?
What's with the glass of water just sitting out on a table? If there really was a pandemic worth worrying about, that glass would be full of COVID-19. All it would take would be one sick person in the room.
Well, Biden does have a documented problem keeping his hands off children. I will let that carry over to this version of Biden as well. If you want to play him and keep the lie going, you can share in the consequences, too.
Remember when Trump moved into the White House and for many months had to have meetings outside the Oval Office because they had to strip all the walls to find listening devices? Just a hunch here that they're possibly doing the same, afraid that those horrible supporters of his have bugged the whole White House at this point. Yes, they are this paranoid I suspect. They probably fear that any moment the military may move in for them as well.
Another thought I have is that report from some time back where we heard rumors that Harris and Biden's staff are at each other's throats. The infighting could be so bad that they could be spying on each other.
Is Trump physically in the WH? Doubtful. Is he or military running things? I kinda have my doubts. I am reminded of a general store where I grew up that was part of a larger chain. The head office wanted to get rid of their satellite store so they put in person after person to run it. Finally after 3 really good managers they found the one that ran it into the ground giving them the justification to close it. Point is it would be smarter to actually let them run things because they're so grossly incompetent at this point they'll run things into the ground and when it finally collapses they'll move in at that time. That's probably what they fear right now as they fight each other.
Tucker said a source told him the fake set has all of this fancy teleprompter screens and equipment. The oval office is less equipped and Biden would have to speak directly into a camera from memory, which he can't do. The 🥔 can only read what is in front of him. Frightening, but I think the most likely explanation.
The backdrop behind Biden as he was getting his booster shot wasn’t “created” for that event — it had been used five days earlier for a global coronavirus summit.
Yeah, we didn't build this thing for the booster shot photos.. we built it 5 days ago. As if that makes it any better.
Still trying to figure out what was going on with this:
Well hell.. If it aint Trump.. and it Aint Biden.. then it is NO ONE that ANYONE voted for.. is all I gotta say. Maybe Biden just .. loves his pretend WH.. it is prolly in his Basement anyway..
its so he can read from the hidden teleprompter. seriously stop taking my crap down I am all for trump and getting biden out of the white house. But we can't be the spreader of false information. Q already uncovered all of this.
Maybe he means Jill is working in the Oval Office while Joe wanders around looking for his butt wiper.
Jill who looks like a cheap hooker?
That's Dr. Jill the Cheap Hooker you racist!
You beat me to it, bigot.
Maybe Joe's shadow is in the WH. The "Shadow Knows"....
What he's saying is that Obama and crew are so full of themselves that in order to prove they are really in charge not Joe they probibly puffed him up with some bullshit about how this new area would look better etc. Then they sent the senile old man off to do PR and make a good show of it while they get on with taking over the world from the Whitehouse. Jill helps them out with managing the POTATOUS because she knows that's the only way she gets paid etc...
In other words Biden isn't in charge. Soros, China, Obama etc are the ones with REAL power. Except they probibly bicker with each other too.
I was joking about Jill. I think we all know Joe isn't in charge of anything, including his own butt. In more ways than one.
Hannity Sucks!
Yup, F hannity and faux news.
Controlled opposition.
CIA PEN on his shirt remember ?
He did state on the air that Trump gave it to him.
Maybe Trump gave it as a call out... Trump being the prankster that he is, and Hannity eating it right up and proudly stating “Trump gave me this pin” yeah, cause you’re a bitch just like the CIA/FBI.
Reminds me of when Michael Scott leaves The Office - he gives Oscar a crappy “handmade” gift, and then laughs his ass off in his office about how Oscar obviously has the lowest opinion of him ever and how he trolled the crap out of him with the gift.
Really , that is crazy.. We're living in crazy times thou.
I’m gonna come!
“Don’t come” - Someone 2021
Does anyone have this meme? It's my husband's favorite meme, and we can't find it anymore.
My company gave me a watch for Christmas once.
I was suppose to be 15 mins early for shift for debriefing, but almost always late.
Never did figure out why that gift. 🤦🏻♂️
Who even watches Hannity anymore? I banned myself from ever watching FOX on Nov 3rd 2020!
His talking over important people with important information means I will never watch this cunt again.
Big mouth, goofy, self important, annoying fuckwit.
While I do not watch him on FuckNews, I do listen to him, if I am in my car, on Patriot Radio.. Same with Mark Levin.. and a few others. Hannity is a bit more "free" to talk about shit. He, heh.. said "I do not like talk about the stories that I do on Fox, here", eh.. Controlled op, seems right but, to hear him talk "when not of fox" is a bit more relatable imo.
What’s with the teeny tiny table next to the podium? And the cheap looking spindly chair on the left? Looks like a set from a middle school play.
And that thing that looks like an ashtray? Remember, when they had those inside buildings? With a folded diaper on it? The tablecloth for the teeny tiny table?
It looks like a puppy pee pad, maybe they meant to have him stand on it lol.
That’s where jimmy and rosealine sits.
What's with the glass of water just sitting out on a table? If there really was a pandemic worth worrying about, that glass would be full of COVID-19. All it would take would be one sick person in the room.
<glug, glug, glug>
Don’t you see the teeny tiny table has his diapers on top of it
Well, Biden does have a documented problem keeping his hands off children. I will let that carry over to this version of Biden as well. If you want to play him and keep the lie going, you can share in the consequences, too.
Many people have just stopped short of saying Biden is the fake President. Seems like they are just waiting for a cue...
HA! I like it!
That or she's screwing Hunter and some other... ok i don't want to go there.
Meh, more prob.. Bill... I think Mike and husband.. dont swing her way. Yeah, Hunter seems more her target... Family is screwy that way :/
White Hats won't let Fox News have that kind of bombshell. He means Biden's handlers.
My sister in law is on it, she’s awake!
True frens AND family! Impressive and inspirational!
Whoahhhh my first stickyyyy!!! Thanks Mods 🤯🍿
Hannity is Mockingbird until proven otherwise
I have my own theory on this:
Remember when Trump moved into the White House and for many months had to have meetings outside the Oval Office because they had to strip all the walls to find listening devices? Just a hunch here that they're possibly doing the same, afraid that those horrible supporters of his have bugged the whole White House at this point. Yes, they are this paranoid I suspect. They probably fear that any moment the military may move in for them as well.
Another thought I have is that report from some time back where we heard rumors that Harris and Biden's staff are at each other's throats. The infighting could be so bad that they could be spying on each other.
Is Trump physically in the WH? Doubtful. Is he or military running things? I kinda have my doubts. I am reminded of a general store where I grew up that was part of a larger chain. The head office wanted to get rid of their satellite store so they put in person after person to run it. Finally after 3 really good managers they found the one that ran it into the ground giving them the justification to close it. Point is it would be smarter to actually let them run things because they're so grossly incompetent at this point they'll run things into the ground and when it finally collapses they'll move in at that time. That's probably what they fear right now as they fight each other.
But what a shitstorm it's going to be until then.
Well I know one thing for sure/ God is in control!
Hannity knows Kung Fu
Tucker said a source told him the fake set has all of this fancy teleprompter screens and equipment. The oval office is less equipped and Biden would have to speak directly into a camera from memory, which he can't do. The 🥔 can only read what is in front of him. Frightening, but I think the most likely explanation.
This makes the most sense honestly. They can also usher him in/out more efficiently.
He's probably implying authentically black heels-up Harris, if anyone. But I do like the hope here.
Boys..Girls...is it habbening?? It’s habbening isn’t it. 🍿🍿🍿🍻
"office of the president-elect"
He's suggesting Biden is a puppet, though he doesn't mind pulling in some Q enthusiasts along the way.
That is a fake, phony and false claim! We all know he VaPeS!!! 🐸🐸🐸 KeK
3 WH Sets here. The Jab was set up in the Eisenhower Bldg. This one above looks like the same set. Look at the large leaves in the window. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/sep/30/facebook-posts/no-joe-biden-didnt-get-his-booster-shot-fake-white/
Heh. The article says...
Yeah, we didn't build this thing for the booster shot photos.. we built it 5 days ago. As if that makes it any better.
Still trying to figure out what was going on with this:
it's been a while since I've seen this. It sure did give me a chuckle. Mind-blowing though.
"Fact checking?" lol
Well hell.. If it aint Trump.. and it Aint Biden.. then it is NO ONE that ANYONE voted for.. is all I gotta say. Maybe Biden just .. loves his pretend WH.. it is prolly in his Basement anyway..
The slow unraveling of the truth…
He’s a fake. He never talks about voter fraud and that tells me everything. He only discusses voter ID and denies fraud. He is almost cool, but not.
its so he can read from the hidden teleprompter. seriously stop taking my crap down I am all for trump and getting biden out of the white house. But we can't be the spreader of false information. Q already uncovered all of this.
Sean still tick tocking 4 years later. LOL He lost me long ago.
If he was the true Patriot he claims to be he would have left Fox News on November 4th.
its so he can read from the hidden teleprompter
No, obama is in the house.
Law Of War? What happens should Xiden spill the beans about the “shadow government hijacking MY presidency” between his sips of prune juice?
Biden looks beefier in this photo. Actor #17???
If Trump is really in the White House, I'm not happy about the job he's doing.
4 possibilities of why he isn't using the white house
I don't listen to shills... even when they appear to be on "our side".