The soulless eyes. The evil, rundown, ugly look. The yellow stained teeth. They're all satanic luciferian limp-wristed bitch-made cuck fucks. In times like these we need Sam & Dean - no joke lmao. Either that or Jesus needs to pull up.
I vote for all 3 to roll up in that black Impala with shotties and Jesus says "let my father's will be done...." Right before they kick some evil ass. Yeah... That would be pretty cool 😌
Keep in mind the creators of the show and most actors are also in 'the club'. The show, seen with fresh eyes (watched it for years without realizing) designed to promote evil and denigrate everything holy.
All the good beings are actually bad guys. The only way to survive is to make deals with evil....etc.
The entire goal of the final season was to dump on God and promote the anticrhist (Jack) as the savior.
Same guy created The Boys which also dumps on God.
My Dad always complains about the limp wrist handshake. An acquaintance, who lifts heavy weights with Dad, complained like a little girl one time they shook and he gave the limp wrist. I think dude is a mason lol, can't wait to bring this up again
It is definitely an odd way to hold hands. I would imagine Nancy and the Pope know more secret handshakes than are listed on that chart. It looks like a combination of mark master and fellow craft.
Thats because its trying to read into awkward or bad handshakes as super secret freemasonry handshakes in public. This is no different and in any event Pelosi isnt a freemason as women are not allowed to be members
“And if at times our efforts and works seem to fail and produce no fruit, we need to remember that we are followers of Jesus… and his life, humanly speaking, ended in failure, the failure of the cross.”
How can anyone remain a member of the Catholic Church today after hearing the antipope say such blasphemy?
I don't think the Biden example works at all. They were both illegally installed nwo puppets and very evil, but the pope is supposed to be the voice of God on earth, and through papal infallibility is the annoited authority on Catholic beliefs, very different than an unelected president of a secular nation. This one outright denies the divinity of Jesus Christ as God and savior. To the antipope, his death was a failure, ignoring his resurrection and that his sacrifice on the cross was to deliver us from our sins and be saved through his sacrifice. As a Christian, I could never accept a spiritual leader spouting such blasphemy. I grew up Catholic, and still love the beauty and the traditions (the few that are intact) but the current Novus Ordo is not the Catholic Church anymore, it is a New Age tool of the NWO. The SSPX are the only Catholic leaders I trust in matters of faith. I'm not trying to lead you to renounce the church, just giving my opinion. God bless!
Nice chatting with you as well. It's great that you found such a church, there are no churches performing the Latin mass anywhere by me, I would love to attend one. It would really bring me back to my youth
I just concentrate on having a personal relationship with Jesus and exalting Him in my heart.
And thank you for your blessing, I could use as many as possible in the next days. Be well and God bless!
P2 ( Propaganda Due) lodge has been considered a clandestine lodge since the 70s and is likely a big part of how these two nwo demons have such power. Pelosi comes from a mob family and is just doing her part in the family business.
It doesn't officially exist as anything today, but it was a hub where mafia and Vatican crime co-mingled. It was just a nwo tentacle that got chopped off and those involved scurried elsewhere in politics, finance, "philanthropy", etc..
It doesn't officially exist as anything today, but it was a hub where mafia and Vatican crime co-mingled. It was just a nwo tentacle that got chopped off and those involved scurried elsewhere in politics, finance, "philanthropy", etc..
First of all, the Catholic Church does not merely dislike freemasons; in actuality, being a freemason is a de facto excommunication from the catholic church.
Secondly it has nothing to do with money and everything to do with the freemasonic attempts to destroy catholicism (openly claiming that end).
To your final point, yes of course all have sinned. But the statemeht “it all comes down to money” is just false. The Church is the body of Christ, according to Catholic doctrine.
The Freemasons have attacked the church openly from almost their inception. You can look that up. Prominent freemasons such as Albert Pike were openly satanists.
Regarding excommunication: yes you’re right, they don’t enforce it, because as I said, being a freemason is a de facto excommunication. That means that a person excommunicates themselves by joining the freemasons. So nothing to enforce.
The freemasons are a satanic cult, and as an initiate rises in the ranks, that becomes more apparent as Lucifer is finally invoked as the “grand architect of the universe.”
You really don’t know the first thing about freemasonry. You could start by renting one of their lodge books from the library - of indeed you can actually fund one.
The RCC, the Vatican itself to a greater degree had han the church at large, has been involved with masonry since before Vatican II. This site has a lot of sources, verified and unverified, and others confirm this in the present.
First of all, the RCC has not been involved in masonry; masonry has infiltrated the Church. So straighten that out.
The RCC is NOT the Vatican. The Vatican is a totally corrupt city state. The Vatican is possibly the Whore of Babylon, attempting (unsuccessfully) to whore out the Body of Christ for iniquitous purposes, in order to defame, degrade and desecrate the Sacrifice on the Cross.
First of all, you can calm the fuck down. I read and like your posts often, but you're sounding like a little bitch right now. Being infiltrated means are now involved, they are not opposite terms. I made quite clear in my post that the Vatican and church are not the same, in fact I don't see how you could read it any other way. The fact is, that masonry has a huge influence in the Vatican in particular, and many Catholics,, including priests, are active masons.
He was a Freemason at one point, yes. However texts show that later in his life he no longer participated, never made it to the top degrees, and no longer was interested in it.
Some of our Founding Father's (I believe 9 of them) were indeed Freemasons, however others such as John Adams we're very much so against the idea of secret societies/Freemasonry.
(text bubble): “Martha, I’ll be home early. I just wanted to drink beers and do some community service, but the guys at the lodge are being weird and faggy”
Then when? My maternal grandfather was 'London Grand Rank' he lived 1908-1976 were they then. My father 1926-2010 though he renounced in 1908, but only rose to 3rd degree.
I have done 'Freedom for Masonry' course in particular from the curses so I am not afraid for myself.
At what point were they taken over by satan? And what is the evidence for this?
My mother still alive at 91 has concerns for her father.
Probably so, heard of some scandle,and my grandmother was going to divorce him,but made him sign over the house to her. He also made a bunch of money on some stock deals his friends told him about......
They squeeze your hand with their thumb and fingers. If you’ve ever received one of these handshakes you notice it. I had a manager at a job that was a mason and he shook my hand like that one time.
Very few women are allowed to NOT wear black in the presence of the pope. Either she's not as special as she wants to be or they're hiding her position from the public.
It's weird. It's protocol, but not necessarily required. Kind of like wearing a veil, long sleeves etc. A sign of respect for the pope. They actually call it 'white privilege '.
Only 7 women have worn a color other than black with the pope. All of them queens, heads of state etc.
Her index finger looks oddly positioned. At least she's not wearing her bullet bracelet. (unless the pic is inverted and it's on the other hidden wrist).
Pay close attention. This is only the grip of a fellow craft. That’s the fucking Pope and speaker for the house- two of the most “powerful” people according to mainstream conspiracy.
So if these two are only FELLOW CRAFTsmen.. then how many fuckers are above them that never see the limelight?
I gave the Uni President a palm-tickler after i made sure i had a firm grip on my Diploma with the other hand at graduation. But I didn't know it was Masonic.
If you can accept the blasphemy of the antipope, then you are not following Christ. Why be a member of a church led by a nwo antichrist who outright denies the divinity of Jesus Christ? I grew up Catholic, and still love the beauty and the traditions (the few that are intact) but the current Novus Ordo is not the Catholic Church anymore, it is a New Age tool of the NWO. The SSPX are the only Catholic leaders I trust in matters of faith.
All those years playing thumbwar and I never knew I was promoting the free masons..
There are dark forces in all of us. Good thing you escaped them. One day it's Thumbwars...
The next day you’re naked before your lodge brothers in windowless room...
Thank God I’m a Water Buffalo?!
Fred & Barney were a coupla good ol boys, eh?
You, Fred & Barney! 😹
Everybody wants a water buffalo! 🦬 🐃
The soulless eyes. The evil, rundown, ugly look. The yellow stained teeth. They're all satanic luciferian limp-wristed bitch-made cuck fucks. In times like these we need Sam & Dean - no joke lmao. Either that or Jesus needs to pull up.
I vote for all 3 to roll up in that black Impala with shotties and Jesus says "let my father's will be done...." Right before they kick some evil ass. Yeah... That would be pretty cool 😌
Yes to me they all look like limp wrist faggot handshakes. So weird.
Almost looks like they missed ... or they are each trying to do a different one.
If only their characters were real...
Keep in mind the creators of the show and most actors are also in 'the club'. The show, seen with fresh eyes (watched it for years without realizing) designed to promote evil and denigrate everything holy.
All the good beings are actually bad guys. The only way to survive is to make deals with evil....etc.
The entire goal of the final season was to dump on God and promote the anticrhist (Jack) as the savior.
Same guy created The Boys which also dumps on God.
Dont look to actors or hollywood for good guys...
My Dad always complains about the limp wrist handshake. An acquaintance, who lifts heavy weights with Dad, complained like a little girl one time they shook and he gave the limp wrist. I think dude is a mason lol, can't wait to bring this up again
Hahahaaa! Dying laughing at this post!
Top Kek
Which one is it?
That's what I was wondering, it doesn't look like any of them.
It is definitely an odd way to hold hands. I would imagine Nancy and the Pope know more secret handshakes than are listed on that chart. It looks like a combination of mark master and fellow craft.
They've been drinking too much communion wine.
Or freshly filled with adrenochrome
My money ☝🏼
They're 90 years old.
They probably can't move their fingers.
Kek, probably true
Agree. Updoot.
Looks like the second one on that list
"Real grip of a Fellow Craft"
Yeah I've seen some videos of alleged mason handshakes and still don't understand which one is which. lol
Thats because its trying to read into awkward or bad handshakes as super secret freemasonry handshakes in public. This is no different and in any event Pelosi isnt a freemason as women are not allowed to be members
He’s lookin like he needs a fix, Doc? FIX DENIED!
They look like the Cryptkeepers!
May they ROT IN HELL together for ALL ETERNITY! 🔥🔥🔥
Silly commies. Bones, note that Francis said “rebuild from the rubble.”. 3-‘b’s in there...666. They can’t hide what they are. Satanists.
He is an antichrist:
“And if at times our efforts and works seem to fail and produce no fruit, we need to remember that we are followers of Jesus… and his life, humanly speaking, ended in failure, the failure of the cross.”
How can anyone remain a member of the Catholic Church today after hearing the antipope say such blasphemy?
I don't think the Biden example works at all. They were both illegally installed nwo puppets and very evil, but the pope is supposed to be the voice of God on earth, and through papal infallibility is the annoited authority on Catholic beliefs, very different than an unelected president of a secular nation. This one outright denies the divinity of Jesus Christ as God and savior. To the antipope, his death was a failure, ignoring his resurrection and that his sacrifice on the cross was to deliver us from our sins and be saved through his sacrifice. As a Christian, I could never accept a spiritual leader spouting such blasphemy. I grew up Catholic, and still love the beauty and the traditions (the few that are intact) but the current Novus Ordo is not the Catholic Church anymore, it is a New Age tool of the NWO. The SSPX are the only Catholic leaders I trust in matters of faith. I'm not trying to lead you to renounce the church, just giving my opinion. God bless!
Nice chatting with you as well. It's great that you found such a church, there are no churches performing the Latin mass anywhere by me, I would love to attend one. It would really bring me back to my youth I just concentrate on having a personal relationship with Jesus and exalting Him in my heart.
And thank you for your blessing, I could use as many as possible in the next days. Be well and God bless!
Does the fancy cloth have a name? Like, "the papal linen wiper" or something. If it's not new, then I wonder how many popes ago it was acquired
None match
Yeah, those 2 will be holding hands in hell.
yeah this isn’t any of those, though
I’m sure that chart isn’t every secret handshake there is. I would say Nancy and pope are probably off the chart level masons.
women can’t be masons
I don’t think Nancy is human but you might have a point about that pope.
They can be Dark Mothers.
P2 ( Propaganda Due) lodge has been considered a clandestine lodge since the 70s and is likely a big part of how these two nwo demons have such power. Pelosi comes from a mob family and is just doing her part in the family business.
It doesn't officially exist as anything today, but it was a hub where mafia and Vatican crime co-mingled. It was just a nwo tentacle that got chopped off and those involved scurried elsewhere in politics, finance, "philanthropy", etc..
It doesn't officially exist as anything today, but it was a hub where mafia and Vatican crime co-mingled. It was just a nwo tentacle that got chopped off and those involved scurried elsewhere in politics, finance, "philanthropy", etc..
females have their own separate lodge system. Job's Daughters, Rainbow Girls, Order of the Eastern Star..
Pelosi is a man. Satanic Gender inversion.
Look at "her" "daughter" Alex, who makes documentaries and appears as a commentator. That's a man, maybe as big as Big Mike.
I knowwwwww the feeling.
No, that’s incorrect.
First of all, the Catholic Church does not merely dislike freemasons; in actuality, being a freemason is a de facto excommunication from the catholic church.
Secondly it has nothing to do with money and everything to do with the freemasonic attempts to destroy catholicism (openly claiming that end).
To your final point, yes of course all have sinned. But the statemeht “it all comes down to money” is just false. The Church is the body of Christ, according to Catholic doctrine.
The Freemasons have attacked the church openly from almost their inception. You can look that up. Prominent freemasons such as Albert Pike were openly satanists.
Regarding excommunication: yes you’re right, they don’t enforce it, because as I said, being a freemason is a de facto excommunication. That means that a person excommunicates themselves by joining the freemasons. So nothing to enforce.
The freemasons are a satanic cult, and as an initiate rises in the ranks, that becomes more apparent as Lucifer is finally invoked as the “grand architect of the universe.”
If you don’t know this, look into it.
I am highly scrutinizing, believe me. For instance, the Pope Bergoglio is clearly a heretic.
Albert Pike is just one of the early examples. You need to do a lot more research. Look up St Maximilian Kolbe.
You really don’t know the first thing about freemasonry. You could start by renting one of their lodge books from the library - of indeed you can actually fund one.
The RCC, the Vatican itself to a greater degree had han the church at large, has been involved with masonry since before Vatican II. This site has a lot of sources, verified and unverified, and others confirm this in the present.
First of all, the RCC has not been involved in masonry; masonry has infiltrated the Church. So straighten that out.
The RCC is NOT the Vatican. The Vatican is a totally corrupt city state. The Vatican is possibly the Whore of Babylon, attempting (unsuccessfully) to whore out the Body of Christ for iniquitous purposes, in order to defame, degrade and desecrate the Sacrifice on the Cross.
First of all, you can calm the fuck down. I read and like your posts often, but you're sounding like a little bitch right now. Being infiltrated means are now involved, they are not opposite terms. I made quite clear in my post that the Vatican and church are not the same, in fact I don't see how you could read it any other way. The fact is, that masonry has a huge influence in the Vatican in particular, and many Catholics,, including priests, are active masons.
Wasn’t George Washington apart of Freemasonry?
He was a Freemason at one point, yes. However texts show that later in his life he no longer participated, never made it to the top degrees, and no longer was interested in it.
Some of our Founding Father's (I believe 9 of them) were indeed Freemasons, however others such as John Adams we're very much so against the idea of secret societies/Freemasonry.
How was he texting in the 1700s?
(text bubble): “Martha, I’ll be home early. I just wanted to drink beers and do some community service, but the guys at the lodge are being weird and faggy”
I don't think they were taken over by the satanist at that time.
Then when? My maternal grandfather was 'London Grand Rank' he lived 1908-1976 were they then. My father 1926-2010 though he renounced in 1908, but only rose to 3rd degree.
I have done 'Freedom for Masonry' course in particular from the curses so I am not afraid for myself.
At what point were they taken over by satan? And what is the evidence for this?
My mother still alive at 91 has concerns for her father.
I don't know,my grandfather was a 32 degree mason,he backed away in the 60s I belive.
They probably are evil in the big cities,and not so much in the smaller towns.
But I'm not an expert.
From my research, they're pretty much evil everywhere, but only once you get past certain ranks. If he was a 32, he knew what he was doing.
Probably so, heard of some scandle,and my grandmother was going to divorce him,but made him sign over the house to her. He also made a bunch of money on some stock deals his friends told him about......
Pelosi always looks like hostage in pictures-- must be the Botox
Her double w/the Pope?
Yes, probably his too.
They're probably not at the Vatican either.
Can women be freemasons?
Is it just me or does that bottom one just look like a normal handshake? Are we all Most Excellent Masters?
They squeeze your hand with their thumb and fingers. If you’ve ever received one of these handshakes you notice it. I had a manager at a job that was a mason and he shook my hand like that one time.
Did you shake back like a Mason or what?
Why do all the grips look to me like limp wrist faggot type handshakes?
Also don't forget the obvious white and black symbolism in case nobody else noticed it
Very few women are allowed to NOT wear black in the presence of the pope. Either she's not as special as she wants to be or they're hiding her position from the public.
Interesting.... Didn't know that. Any reason why?
It's weird. It's protocol, but not necessarily required. Kind of like wearing a veil, long sleeves etc. A sign of respect for the pope. They actually call it 'white privilege '.
Only 7 women have worn a color other than black with the pope. All of them queens, heads of state etc.
Will be what? ask the neophytes.
Answer: Symbolism will be their downfall, according to Q.
What happened to elbow bumps in the pandemic?
What a bunch of losers.
I wonder whom the intended recipient of this message is?
Sooooo... is that the one where "Nancy" fucks the "Pope" in the ass?
I forget.
A commie, nwo-installed antipope and his demon-infested witch. When these two are pleased, God is not. Make demons seethe again!
Bird on the left: Who the pope pretends to be.
Bird on the right: Who the pope really is. Here is the article the pic came from. Piglosi & Pope meet..
Her index finger looks oddly positioned. At least she's not wearing her bullet bracelet. (unless the pic is inverted and it's on the other hidden wrist).
This is quality. Keep 'em coming. Their symbolism is their downfall now.
In the picture, she kind of looks like a dorky fan meeting a rock star. She seems many levels below the Pope.
Ive been in this game for a long time. This is the first Im seeing this.
And I dont believe it.
Pay close attention. This is only the grip of a fellow craft. That’s the fucking Pope and speaker for the house- two of the most “powerful” people according to mainstream conspiracy.
So if these two are only FELLOW CRAFTsmen.. then how many fuckers are above them that never see the limelight?
Clearer picture here (5th one from top)
Some of those look pretty much the same.
These 2 need one another.
I gave the Uni President a palm-tickler after i made sure i had a firm grip on my Diploma with the other hand at graduation. But I didn't know it was Masonic.
If you can accept the blasphemy of the antipope, then you are not following Christ. Why be a member of a church led by a nwo antichrist who outright denies the divinity of Jesus Christ? I grew up Catholic, and still love the beauty and the traditions (the few that are intact) but the current Novus Ordo is not the Catholic Church anymore, it is a New Age tool of the NWO. The SSPX are the only Catholic leaders I trust in matters of faith.