🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
Ever since my father got the first shot he has been having lapses of memory. It’s getting increasingly worse. My mother is starting to get very upset. She is bringing him to the hospital now. I need advice and insight please! Thanks guys.
My opinion: The hospital will not help. Take him to a naturopath. And don't get the second shot!!!
Hospitals are no longer safe.
Thank you FBLie, Stroke is one of the proven side effects of the jab. I understand what you are saying and I am not a doctor nor did I intend to give medical advice. Please Jesko, consider the source, my advice is worth every penny you paid for it. That said, given what you described, I would do what I suggested were it me.
Lets get this anon the help they need, even if it is just prayers.
Early onset of Alzheimer symptoms have been reported as side effects of the mRNA vaccine.
I honestly don't know what to tell you other than to keep him out of the hospital system. Their protocols will only do further damage.
Do what you can to comfort him. If these symptoms are a result of spike protein toxicity, you could try researching detox protocols. Perhaps someone on GAW can recommend one.
I will pray for you and your father. 🙏
Does anyone else remember when Biden said every hospital bed will soon be filled with Alzhiemers patients? Why on earth would he say that?
Projection? I didnt see/hear him say it, but I wouldnt put it past him. Irrelevant comment; mine not yours. Praying for you and Dad OP.
Yes, it was during his SOTU address. In that speech, he also said that he wants to advance the medical field by including/incorporating technology from DARPA. Sounds like transhumanism if your body acclimates to the technology, or dementia if your body rejects it.
Or dementia is the reason to push it further.
Because he has Alzheimer's?
Black Seed Oil and NAC are two of the best. Pine Needle tea too 👍🏽
It's been shown to help rid the body of toxins. NAC is a wonderful antioxidant, and has been show to help fight cognitive decline. Many doctors also recommend NAC post-vax.
Do not take the second shot.
NAC + Vit D + Vit C + Zinc
FDA banned NAC recently. Not suspicious at all right?
You can still order it overseas and I just ordered from Vitacost recently and got my 4 bottles
When? My wife just got it yesterday
June If you got it in the USA, where? Stock up and tell me where I can replenish.
Thank you!
Check Vitamin Shoppe-where I got mine 😎
Huge vote of confidence that it works!
Not true....I ordered two bottles last night.
Glutathione IV will work better than OTC NAC if you can find a doctor who does it in your area.
I’ve also read about nebulizing liposomal glutathione as a way of getting really good absorption
Plus Quercetin & Turmeric!
Great advice u/Patriot_Perks!
what does NAC stand for?
Don't let her bring him to the hospital without being there yourself!
Don't let her take him to a hospital, hospitals are killing people in record numbers.
It is likely too late, why did he take the poison?
Try to contact these folks, good luck, Pray for us all.
Where would 'you' go, knowing many hospitals are run/staffed by Evil, where would 'you' go?
To The Master Healer! 🙏
I LOVE pepe with The Armour of God!! Thanks fren!
Sorry to hear this. They need Suramin. Some of my friends were ill after the shot, I made them white pine-needle tea with mint, echinacea (cone flower) and raw honey. After drinking it they felt great, even got their energy back. I am making them more this week, I collected the ingredients myself. I found a place you can order the pine needles for someone else on here the other day, I linked below, as well as a good write up about the benefits and it being a possible antidote for the vax as well as the illness itself. In there is also a video of Dr Judy Mikovits PHD discussing pine needle tea as an antidote.
Good luck! J
What is your recipe?
I made it myself, I am luckily surrounded by a pine forest. I harvested fresh white pin needles, cut them to about 1/4 inch. I added chopped spearmint and Echinacea (cone flower) to my pine needles. I used equal size parts, mixed it together, then filled my silver tea steeper (tea bag size) to make each cup. I also used raw honey to sweeten it. It tasted really good actually, the pine and mint gave it a crisp Christmas time taste.
BTW, It did give us all an energy boost, it may make some people hyper for a little while so I would suggest drinking it early in the day..
Good luck! -J
Thank you!
Elderberries and marigolds as well
Thank you for spreading info about God's healing plants u/holland404!
The best I know to help you are the following:
Methylene Blue - For memory, an anti-malarial, a St John's Wort style antidepressant, for cyanide poisoning, as an internal anti-fungal, and as an electron donor.
There is a vial of methylene blue in every emergency room cabinet in the US if not the world as an immediate cyanide poisoning remedy. Most nurses and doctors don't even know what it is for anymore, let alone how it works. Don't take it if you're on SNRI anti-depressants.
Good Video Interview on Methylene Blue's help with memory:
Part 1
Part 2
I've been taking it for months, two drops under the tongue before bed. I'm doing fine. I thought it would help my narcolepsy, but no signs of improvement on that end. Other than that, it has been a good replacement for my antidepressant. Oh, and it helps keep my athlete's foot from flaring up, despite being taken internally. Go figure...
Diatomaceous Earth - For heavy metal removal. Might help with the weird crap in the vaccines, but I doubt it will do much good in the short-term. Drop a spoon in some water or room-temperature tea and drink it down fast. It's very important not to get it too hot or it will crystalize and reduce all potency. It's the silica bones of a single-celled ocean plant that has been used for milenia as a tooth paste, absorbant, and anti-fungal.
If he has issues taking it, tell him it will help get his hair to grow in thicker, that usually sells it for people.
Ivermectin would be good to block the spike proteins as well, but the stigma might make it a hard sell for him.
Hope this helps!
Thanks for the videos on Methylene Blue! I just watched them and they're excellent. I have already emailed them to an elderly family friend with Alzheimer's!
What a wealth of info u/sleepydude! This will be a blessing for many. I'm passing it on to all. 👏
Sorry, but because I despise Amazon, I have to provide this link for an alternative. I looked into this because diatomaceous earth also kills ants.
I dislike them too, but what you posted isn't food grade.
I regularly get mine from a local health shop, so I don't have a good link other than what I found after a quick search.
Sorry - you are right, that's not food grade. My apologies. I did find this though:
Diatomaceous earth works for killing insects only when it's dry
NAC has been recommended to clean up graphene oxide in shots.
Also, NAC has shown to have pro-neurogenic properties and neuroprotective effects.
May God bless you all and keep you healthy. May he heal your father and give you all strength.
Amen! Praying for all as well! 🙏
Prayer. That's it right now.
I recall reading a bit where they were finding in some vaxed nuerofibrillary tangles similar as with Ahlzheimers, ALS, and others which themselves have some provocative viral links, though still largely speculative. Thing is, there's no treatment for NFTs of any source.
You can remove him from the accute source, but since in this case that's likely the spike proteins churning out from the mRNA swimming inside him that avenue is locked down.
So Prayer. Yours and mine and everyone in between.
Lord Jesus, I ask you, please bring help NOW for this man’s father and heal him and help him retain his memory and overcome all affects of the clot shot. In the Almighty, All Powerful name of Jesus Christ, Yeshua Amen
Agreeing in prayer with u/Callmejuls!
Maybe you could check out coconut oil, which might help reverse early prion disease
There are lots of websites which talk about it including a paper which I can't lay my hands on right now/
I guess it's a phase equilibrium with a threshold. Or maybe the misfolded proteins get scavenged by the immune system.
Last time I posted a link like this, people also suggested lion's mane mushrooms and ginkgo biloba.
Many researchers believe that Alzheimer's a form of diabetes and have done double blind studies which show amazing results from a low glycemic diet with coconut oil in two groups: pre-Alzheimer's and full blown Alzheimer's.
This Study showed symptoms reversed in both groups! Sorry I don't remember the sauce as it was 10 years ago when I was on deep digs into cancer and all things health related. In my pre-Q days.
Thank you!
Thank you for your valuable info u/propertyofUniverse!
You're welcome fren!
Many people are having nuerodegeneration issues!
My stepfather is having memory lapses suddenly too. Things like forgetting to lock the door, reason for entering a room, lunch at home. Small things but things he never used to forget.
Blessings to you fren!
He needs the hospital for a work up…MRI, carotid Doppler,angiogram, blood work etc. When they find out what is wrong, research all treatments before going forward. If nothing shows up then research reversing effects of vaccine and maybe consult Americas frontline doctors.
I'm not a doctor "this is not medical advice"
What I would do
This could be caused by a lack of oxygen to the brain. It's possible his Hemeagloben is damaged from the vaccine, in this case, although oxygen may help him, he needs new blood.
Another thing that may help is some strong blood thinners which may help the blood flow through the damaged blood vessels.
Worse case I would give him an Intravenous Oxygen Injection which can give him much-needed oxygen. (this is not just air, do not give air Intravenously, you will die.)
What I would NOT do
do not put him on a ventilator.
do not give him Remdesivir.
He needs an MRI
Thank you everyone. Your advice and prayers mean more to me than you can imagine. We are living through uncertain times, I appreciate that everyone here understands and is willing to help each other. God bless all of you.
We are lifting your family in our prayers u/jesko603 🙏
Someone dear to me is having similar situations. Doctors wife who’s had both shots and booster, so I have to tread lightly with the vax but I’ve noticed more decline each time. I’m trying to approach it from a diet and supplement angle.
Ironically, a lot of the research I did brought me to similar to covid protocol. Here’s some things to look into...
MIND diet (all kinds of info and books) Implement vitamin E in diet Implement resveratrol in diet
Quercetin (there’s a lot of research for nuero function) NAC VItamins D3/C B12 (most important) but also B1/B6/B9 TRS -metal detox Turmeric Make sure there is a lot of water (lemon water is best) to help the kidneys and liver process the toxins correctly! I’ll update more as I research! Keep him out of the hospital and good luck!
This was post on here a couple days ago. Talks about some weird muscle testing stuff that I don't know about, but from the clinical trials I've read about Quercetin and the other things he said, I think there is truth in this post.
How I cured my mom from her pfiz
I wish i had good solutions, but it is dependent on symptoms beyond just memory loss. Best case is he is having a clotting problem, which may have caused a minor stroke (if it was major hed be having much worse symptoms), which suramin/pine needle tea can help with. If you are looking for a detox solution, 3 day fasting apparently resets the immune system
Worst case? Spongiform encephalopathy or Alzheimers. Both were confirmed side effects in the animal testing done post hoc by doctors on the vax. If so, i hate to say this but it maybe time to mentally prepare yourself for the worst.
Praying its the former and not the latter, fren.
From one who's lost more than he can count to this poison....
Praying for you u/Lupinate 🙏
Reach out to a frontline doctor or a local family doctor you can trust. Get some help prior to hospital, sorry you’re going through this. Stay strong and know we all have you in our thoughts.
How long ago did he get the shot? Sending prayers hopefully they will work him up for an clotting issues
This information might help. I'm just now digging into it . Heard him, Dr Kats, on the Thomas Paine podcast and there is a telegram group that discusses this treatment for the coof and post shot. Seems to have many with successful outcome. Utilizes niacin and melatonin .
Amazing... thanks u/TexasSwammer!
Try ivermectin
The End of Alzheimer's: The First Program to Prevent and Reverse Cognitive Decline
This book by Dr Bredesen is revolutionary. My father is at high risk for Alzheimer's. My grandfather passed with it. They're undertaking some of the steps in this book, and it's helping.
God bless you and yours. Stay strong. May your doctors be wise and Heaven-led. May blessings come from places you did not expect and did not plan, and may God shine His glory upon you and others because of it. In the name of Jesus!
I'm in a similar situation with my mother. She has now been dx with osteoporosis (not before the jab) and broke her back in mid-August. She had spinal surgery, with a cage, Sept 24 and now in recovery center for 2 weeks. It's almost like rapid onset dementia/alzheimers or something, nobody has even checked her neuro! I asked yesterday, if any dr has come by to check her neuro and they asked, "why?" I'm telling them she's completely different, super confused, not in this reality, doesn't know where she is, thinking deceased relatives are alive, that she was trying to get to my daughter's funeral, etc. Dementia/Alzheimers and osteoporosis are listed as reported adverse events via VigiAcess. Praying for your father, I have a feeling it's related to the jabs.There are parasites in them, and I'm worried they're attacking the brains, like prion - disease (also reported adverse event).
Surgeries will set elderly people back, when it comes to their brain function. ALWAYS. It is the anesthesia, and, the antibiotics they may get especially if they are in the hosp for pneumonia. It is possible your mom may stay this way or worsen. But sometimes they snap out of it once they are home. Right now I would blame her surgery and all the fricken drugs she has and is receiving, and the jab too, I guess. Western medicine destroys people.
First of all, do not let him get a second shot. Second, though I don't remember memory lapses or Alzheimer's being known reactions to the shot, it might have reacted in a bad way with his body chemistry or any other medication he takes. Have him go through a thorough checkup
Step 1. Do not take the vaccine.
best advice I can give is get in contact with americas frontline doctors
addendum: Also, it would be a good idea to get ahold of your dad's regular physician than an ER dcotor who wouldn't recognize your dad even if he'd seen him before because so many come through his ward...
Looks like there is good info in this thread about NAC and Quercetin so I will just leave this tidbit.
Look into Paul Stamets research on microdosing psilocybin with niacin and other mushroom mycelium like lion's mane and chagga. There is a lot of research coming out showing it can prevent and reverse dimentia and other neurological problems. It regrows brain cell/nerve endings. He was on Joe Rogan twice talking about it and has several TED talks on it.
I wish you and him well. Be strong, be safe.