Friend of ours went and got herself,husband and 3 kids vaccinated. All 5 are having issues theyve never had a day in thier lives.
Theyre at the hospital now with one child.blood pressure through the roof with no explanation. Never had anxiety or panic attacks,he does now.a whole bunch of issues.
My girl asks her everytime she mentions it,"dont you think the vaccine had anything to do with it?" She keeps flatout denying it or changes subjects and says "you should get vaxxed as well". ARE YOU FUCK8N SERIOUS?
But fakebook and cnn say its perfectly safe.
Ah, the "You should get vaxxed as well" line because they realize they done f****d up and want for you to suffer, too!
But oh my goodness, those poor kids! Prayers that they somehow manage to come away with no permanent damage. Hearing about this breaks my heart.
I don't think this ones gonna make it. They've been at the doctors constantly since the shots and getting no answers.
Sadly the answer went into thier arms and they won't realize it,even after they lose a kid.
That's so sad. The poor children :(
ask them if they are planning to go for the boosters in 6 months.
because people who've had bad reaction to the initial shots, are likely to have worse reactions to boosters. So they better be sure 'it's not the vaccine' because right now booster shots are looking very likely for continued 'fully vaccinated' status. Remind them that those first vaccine cards had more than 2 lines for a reason.
So when that booster rolls around, and they don't have a medical record testifying that they should be exempt due to bad reaction to initial vaccination it will be another 'safe' jab or become officially 'anti-vaxxer'
Maybe you could ask them to try some of the measures that have been tossed around on here. You could say something like "If you want to swallow your pride and try something else, I've heard about this, it may work, it may not but it's worth a shot." Then suggest NAC or something.
I suppose you run the risk of them turning on you if things go badly though because as we know these people are unhinged.
I'm afraid you are right. Updooted anyway. Sad. Thanks for posting hard truths, Fren.
When you attack the matrix, they all turn into agent Smith to defend the matrix at all costs
I don’t understand what’s in it for them to deny their suffering. It makes zero sense.
They are protecting their ego.
Yup, they don’t want to admit they are idiots. First step to be a recovering idiot is to admit you are an idiot. Hell, I’ve had to do it a time or too.
They'll die denying it... can you imagine realizing you believed & trusted in something and you are the cause of your beloved children suffering & dying.
I can't even.
They can't admit they've made a mistake. It would shatter their world view. So, despite getting injured, they cling to the narrative.
Thats a good explanation.
Vaxdenial. It’s a brand new mental illness.
There's a strong confirmation bias with folks who get the jab. Once they commit to getting it, their ears are sealed to anything other than what they've been told by the MSM and biased medical community.
Vaxx Truth Denial is the term we should start using.
Truth Denial, in all things, is a term we should use.
"You're a truth denier!"
I don't get to talk to many people who are vaccinated, but I have talked to 3 directly. All 3 are having brand new problems they didn't have. Exactly 0 think the vaccines have anything to do with it.
You know its funny. I'm not having any new problems.
I haven't been vaxxed either.
There are no coincidences!
Actual conversation, "---- daughter got her second jab and had anaphylactic reaction and recovered, but she got her second shot and is doing well. I am definitely getting my booster shot." I was like WTF???
If Fecesbook and CNN says that everyone has to wear shoes on their heads... it would only take days before the streets are full of idiots wearing shoes on their heads. Any opposition (or pointing out that it's stupid) would instantly be removed from social media. Only opinions in support of shoe-head wearing would be allowed.
Then, corporations would begin to make it mandatory, wear a shoe on your head or you lose your job. People that refuse the shoe-head orders will be made to stay home, not allowed to buy groceries and can have their businesses shut down or kids taken away.
In the end... we become a society of people all wearing shoes on our heads. :>) Very few would even think to question how it happened.
You forgot a step: Fashion magazines and icons would highlight the new shoe on head fashions, designers would create new and exciting expressions of shoe on head wearing and news organizations would air glowing profiles on the pioneers of the new fashion frontier.
Who knew it was that easy. The elites are having a laugh.
Updooted just for the FecesBook reference. I'm totally stealing that! Kek!
My dads lung collapsed and my brother's hip had to be replaced. The doc said the hip degeneration was probably from his sarcoidosis (which is benign lymphoma basically) . we all hear the vax can cause cancer so i think both of their things were caused by vaxing.......and none of family will even speak the words. I just wanna scream HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOO DUH!!! I warned them all. I saw them all last wkend and am just glad their immune systems are apparently not too shattered yet from normal germs and i havent been blamed for getting anyone sick. Oh and my mother in law died a few months post vax with stage 4 liver cancer she didn't know she had. And was pretty healthy exxept for being a long time smoker
This is the crab pot mentality. Sad. If they only realized instead of pulling us down with them they should allow us to pull them up.
The longer this shit show goes on, the more obvious it is they (Cabal, NWO, satanists, etc) want us dead.
Malignant hypertension is a described reaction to the vaccine. Been reported many times.
There must be some mind control element to the clotlings because they’re all just repeating a line from a script.
What a time to be alive.
What a time indeed my fren.
reduced expression of VMAT2 gene
Mass psychosis going on around us.
In this case all got vaxed and all got sick who were healthy before no one can blame the nonvaxed. I wonder whats going thru the parents brain now.
It’s so sad they can’t admit they were wrong. That they hurt their kids. A parents nightmare. Idk.. you’d think in freaking out, they’d blame the damn jab and look for ways to stop what’s going on. Just rediculous.
That combined with pride. They can't admit they're wrong.
Are they putting toxoplasmosis parasites (or something like it) in the vaxxes?
The woman who at Pfizer said the vial glowed like someone broke a glow stick into the vial.
A Dr also said the vaccine samples she tested all had glowing bits in them, and a squid like living creature
Dear _snausage, I haven't yet been able to bring myself to watch the videos that expose those contents. I get triggered very easily and descend into a VERY low vibration. Maybe later.
But - if you can tolerate it - let me share a video of our Blessed Dr. Zelenko facing off against a Rabbinic Court. He pretty much lays down the law and exposes what we all feared: genocide. I have a hard enough time with that.
Roughly thirty minutes and worth your time (in my opinion).
THANK YOU for being a part of this forum!
Thank you for this. I watched some of it a while ago and couldn't finish. I'm ready to watch it all now.
Lord help us.
We are awake for a reason... Bless you
Complete insanity!
I know 2 people hurt by Vax, my niece (18) fainted in the shower after her second shot. She was hospitalized for a few days, where doctors failed to make a correlation to the shot. Then she goes to drive back to college after she gets released and DRIVES TO THW WRONG CITY. My brother can’t imagine it was the vax. The other is my friends mom - classic vax injury with 1/8 of the energy from ore vax. Doctors are “baffled”. She gets it, but the son (who is a Doctor himself) that pushed her to get it is now pushing the booster on her! He of course fails to see the correlation as well.
I think these people deep down are 1) brainwashed by evil people that have hidden these side effects from them and 2) want it not to be the vac because then they hurt them by urging them to take it.
To be fair, I've known 18yo girls who can get lost in their own driveway. Lol
I needed that laugh
I thought this was quite a good interview:
Does it sometimes feel like you’re surrounded by people who’ve been hypnotised in some way? Well, maybe you are. My guest tonight is Mattias Desmet, Professor of Clinical Psychology at Ghent University in Belgium, and his observations over the past 18 months have led him to conclude that the overwhelming majority have indeed fallen under a kind of spell. Except it’s not actually a spell, of course: the term for it is ‘mass formation’ and right now it’s manifesting as a psychological response — not unlike hypnosis — to the unrelenting, single-focus campaign of fear to which we have all been subjected. Join me at 5pm when I will explore with Mattias what triggers and sustains this mass response, where it could ultimately lead us, why a minority somehow manages to remain unaffected, and whether there’s anything we can collectively do to break the spell before it’s too late.
God has drawn a veil of incomprehension over their minds.. Repentance is the cure for that..
I honestly don’t think it’s God that’s done this. There are lots of Believers who have also been manipulated into taking the jab because they’re genuinely good people who’ve been taught to respect authority and think of others first. So they do what they think is the “right thing”. It doesn’t help that the general populace has been being told for months now that this is the answer to the terrible plague that has struck our planet. This is evil behind this - it is not God punishing anybody. He will help people wake up as a result, though.
What about the Faucis? what about the Doctors who have forsaken "Do No Harm?" Yes, normies have been conditioned to respect the white coat, but at the "white coat syndrome" is a real fear factor even before the coof.
The Bible says that God allows a great delusion to overcome them
Deep down, I think they know. But acknowledging this would cause their world to crumble and they would have to undergo some serious introspection. The programming runs deep.
Understand that books have been written on this one fact..."Liberalism is a severe mental disorder." Add this issue to the fact that the strongest force on this planet is the ego of man. Nothing can change a man's ego, but for the power of the Holy Spirit. I have seen the Holy Spirit utterly break the will and ego via the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I saw it happen to someone I never thought could possible own Father.
I used to argue about all kinds of stuff with other students when I was in college. Over the years I just grew tired of trying to prove truth to others. It was always so difficult trying to convice people about information that I thought was so obvious and straight forward. One of the most incredible examples of the results of the brain damage (dead spirit), is discussing with liberals the horror of abortion. I am always amazed at how a human being can become so degenerate in their thinking a liberal who would literally strap their ass to a tree and risk their freedom or life for bambie or the spotted owl...this same individual is completely ok and supports the outright murder of unborn babies. These are the most innocent of their OWN DAMN SPECIES!
However, eventually I stopped arguing with people. It's a waste of time and counter productive. It's better to just listen to the other persons viewpoint calmly and attentively and then make sure you state your case in the same manner...calmly and thoughtfully. Whatever happens...make sure you respond because the human subconscious mind...even the liberal a most sophisticated data collection and storage device. Whatever you say to your liberal friend, they can try and ignore you, they can refuse to pay attention, they can get worked up and throw a temper tantrum. But the one thing they cannot do is stop the information from entering into their subconscious mind. The issue is their ego will prohibit them from allowing that information from making sense and changing their way of looking at least when they are standing in front of you in all their insecure glory.
At 2 or 3 in the morning, they have no ego. They lay there in their bed at night alone! It's just them and their Creator...and that's when the Holy Spirit can cause their subconscious to recall the points you shared with them over lunch the day's at this kind of time that God can work on them and repair the damage this evil world has wreaked on their minds.
Never hold back from sharing your Truth with a liberal...
This person sees my posts on fakebook. But cuz fb says its false,you know the rest
Just tell them Trump’s vaccine made them sick. That’ll open their eyes.
This is brilliant.
A guy at my work, had his second jab. That night he woke up with intense chests pain and had to spend 3 days in hospital and was it was a close call that first night. He was off work for nearly 2 weeks.
He comes back and one of the first conversations I had with him he was encouraging me to get the Jab. Like WTF dude. No way.
It is the "crabs in a bucket" type of thing. Since they are in the bucket, if they see another crab almost getting out they pull them back in. They fucked up, so they figure if it happened to me, it needs to happen to you.
She keeps flatout denying it or changes subjects and says "you should get vaxxed as well".
In case you missed it:
I missed it.ty fren
They don’t understand that this is the epitome of what happens if you join in when all of your friends jump off the bridge in the age-old idiom.
That's how ya know it's working!
Mass psychosis
Sometimes I think I’m more shocked by the levels of denial many people have than the evil actions of the perpetrators. It’s not difficult to find alternative news that differ from your own belief, but then again, isn’t that their problem
gee, a thing that binds to ace2 receptors can affect blood pressure? who knew
They'll be blaming you soon enough by the sound of it. Prayers fren.
My coworker left work early today with severe lower back pain. Thinks it’s probably a normal reaction to the vaccine. Got his booster two days ago.SMDH
This is where that dog shit on the shoe analogy I read here yesterday fits right in.They're realizing they licked the dog shit and now they want US to lick the dog shit on the shoe too
Say a prayer for them but the isn’t a pill to cure stupidity.
Misery loves company.
Too many children in this country need and deserve much better parents than they have.