We have switched to a naturopath - so far so good. Eating better and being more safety conscious about everyday tasks so we dont break any bones or find ourselves in a medical situation, saw an accupuncturist for some sinus issues - all good now, the medical docs around here are part of the network - the pro covid network. Also spouse getting their rx through a private compounding pharmacy now - trying to stick it to big pharma a few dollars at a time. Researching and working on natural ways to get them off the thyroid, cholesterol and bp drugs completely.
I take several supplements to help keep my BP down, including olive leaf + celery seed extract, pycnogenol, and half a dozen other things that are good for my cardiovascular system.
Of course, eating carefully (NO vegetable oils other than olive oil and never any canola oil especially; NO fried foods, lots of organic veggies, etc), exercising, and so on are also important. All the supplements and drugs in the world can't overcome an unhealthy lifestyle.
Hope this helps to either get you OFF BP meds or to at least be able to lower the dose of what you're taking. Standard disclaimer: I'm not a doctor and this isn't medical advice. Do your own research.
I drink organic tart cherry juice (2 jigger shots 3 times/day) plus take BioBeet supplements from Amazon to keep mine down. Also, lots of red onion on meals 2x day for circulation. I feel a huge difference.
Man, maybe I shouldn't have eaten that second gummy. But at first glance I thought you said "I drink orgasmic fart...." and I thought you were messing with me, lol
Research Hibiscus & Hawthorn
Both of those are considered heart herbs. You can drink tea daily or an herbal tincture.
Don’t buy tea before checking out the company. Many companies use plastic tea bags. If your new to tea a local health & herbal shop might be helpful.
You can take those in supplements. Herbs are different than prescriptions. They take time to work. Man made RX work instantly.
Double check any supplements or herbal for side effects & interactions if you are on medication.
Herbal Tinctures are great. Keep in mind most of them you will need to take 2-3 times a day.
If you would rather try herb supplement look for herb liquid in capsule gel.
It’s hard to explain in a short note. Some herbs are better in one form or another depending on what you are treating.
I’ve read omega will help. I haven’t taken any long enough to advise.
Research drinking Bragg Vinegar daily. Always drink in water. Recipes are online. I think it’s 2 tablespoons vinegar in at least 6 oz water. Don’t drink vinegar straight it will strip enamel from teeth.
Some reputable companies sell ginger shots. I’ve tried one and it was good. You can research how to use ginger. Ginger and lemon are great for many health conditions.
I use a topical CBD oil blend with essential oils. When I used it daily I noticed a difference. I can’t confirm if that alone helped.
I’m very familiar with essential oil use and benefits. I use them regularly. There may be blends for BP.
Any natural medicine is constant. It helps your body cope with the disease.
Ask if you would like links to reputable companies. I’m attaching a link from a reputable certified herbalist. I find his information helpful. He’s in New Zealand. I’m in USA, I like his site because he uses examples of patient situations. *I’m not certified or a trained medical professional or certified in herbal medicine & aromatherapy. I’ve been studying it a long time for personal use.
Funny you mention getting off of bp meds. I'm on 2 types (Lisinopril & amlodipine, small doses, once daily) though I have noticed my blood pressure has been lower lately.
I know I've changed my diet the last year due to finding out I have Meniere's Disease (less bread, diary, sodium, pastas and eating more oatmeal with different fruits), and I'm on a diuretics for MD (Hydrochlorothiazide) since last year, and I also started taking Quercetin (with zinc, c & d3) months ago. So I looked up Quercetin and it does help lower bp according to Healthline (link below). When I looked up diuretics, I learned another thing, they can help lower bp also. One of those "slaps forehead" moments, lol. I keep checking my bp a few times a day and if I notice it is edging up I will take one (Lisinopril) bp meds. But I've been going days without needing to take one. Not sure if not taking my bp meds everyday is good practice or not, but I thought I'd see how it went.
It doesnt cost much for a consultation with a naturopath - it was about $100 for each of our first visits. It was the most thorough medical questions I have ever been asked and what your health goals are. He made no promises about getting off meds but showing us ways to improve through diet, exercise, supplements, relaxation techniques, etc. Like Pomegranate juice and eating watermelon are super good for blood vessels - never knew that. Worth a shot!
Can you elaborate on the private compound pharmacy? Who prescribes if no doctor? Or am I missing something because I'm definitely interested if no doctor needed. Thanks in advance!
I wasnt very clear on that - sorry. The prescriptions were written by a doc and transferred from old pharmacy to the compounding pharmacy with about 9 months left on the rx's. They are super helpful people who work there. The pharmacist gives a lot of info. you never even think about - like how much water to drink taking them. It matters apparently! They did not even mention the vax. We are hoping that a couple can be dropped when we get our bodies detoxed off a lifetime of bad food, etc. - blood tests will tell the story as we get started on the journey - the naturopath wants meds continued for now - wont be a cold turkey kind of thing, but, it is so mind blowing to see a health professional who wants you to be well and off meds if conditions can be controlled another way. He is hopeful on a couple but thyroid might be forever - we shall see. The accupuncturist actually did our referral to him. I feel like a hippie!
Thank You for that! I have reached out to a homeopathy doctor and we are in talks as well. I had to find a new doctor, have an appointment for end of month. Had to complete a questionnaire for this medical doctor that he reviews and approves and no mention of the jab so I'm hoping that is not an issue.
I too am looking to get off a couple of the meds I'm on so fingers crossed for all of us! I will do some more research on the compounding in my area, who knew there was an appropriate amount of water to take with different meds ....
Good luck to you. On that note, let me play Cliff Claven here with what we were told about the water. Not drinking enough water or food affects the rate of dissolve with some meds so it hits your with a higher concentration. Also learned that older people drink less water on purpose because they dont want to get up and pee as much which makes them suseptible to uti's which can manifest as a sudden dementia. The good news is it is a reversible if the uti is discovered and treated. So watch your elders, if they suddenly start acting wonky, have them checked for a UTI. Learned all that in a talk with a good pharmacist in a 20 minute discussion. When is the last time a pharmacist talked to you for 20 minutes?
I’m glad you were able to this. I’ve heard it’s life changing.
How did you find the naturopath dr? Did you use any helpful websites to help you find the best one for you? Find ratings?
I’d like to start seeing one. I don’t mind spending the money. I waste a lot on natural medicine that might not work! I’m hesitant about spending that kind of money and the doctor isn’t good.
Thank You
We live in a pretty small area so I am not sure how you would find a good one if you didnt know someone. We found ours thru an accupuncturist that a friend referred me to for a chronic sinus condition - I was skeptical but tired of suffering and didnt want to go to doc anymore because of the covid craziness. The accupuncturist noted several things about my overall health from just looking at my tongue - I know - weird. Anyway he referred me to the naturopath because he thought I had some food allergies, which it turns out I do and never knew. And my sinuses have not bothered me in months.
It’s great it’s working for you. I’ve had blood test at dr & endo dr, all negative. I know something isn’t right! It is crazy what our bodies tell us if we will just listen. The tongue & dark circles under eyes tell a lot! I’m 90% sure I’ve got food allergies.
I’ve got an apt scheduled with the acupuncturist my doctor recommended. I’m an hour from the closest city that has naturopathy.
I understand leaving medical doctors. My trust was shaken years ago. Now I don’t have trust.
Good luck
Yes, the office has NO mask-required signs and everyone I spoke to seems very based, but I still gotta worry because I haven't asked outright about their position on the jab.
I don't see what would stop them (witness the Walgreens pharmacist jabbing kids) especially if you're asleep and some avenging angel lunatic thought they were doing good.
Asking the important questions. Seeing a lot of this 'naturopathic' quackery floating around here lately. Not gonna trust my safety to anyone I can't vet.
I prefer to think of it more as "taking a far more active role in determining our health and health outcomes, and not relying on authority that has been proven to be compromised"
Sorry to hear you need appendix surgery. I'm glad my appendix surgery was last August before the vaxxes were rolled out. Just so you know, the first couple of times they make you stand up, it hurts like a bitch! Especially when they "help" you swing your legs over the side of the bed before you are ready.
Oh, I was just joking about how a naturopathic organ removal would work, but that you for the concern nonetheless! I was a paramedic and dealt with a fair number of acute cases, and the pain certainly appeared to be excruciating! I always felt bad having to do the psoas and obturator tests because I could see the pain it was causing.
From my experience following and reading (about) reputable certified herbalist, aromatherapist or naturopathic doctor should always advise when its time to seek western medicine.
People might need an antibiotic for something serious. Natural medicine is amazing but it can’t heal a ruptured appendix or many other emergency situations that need surgery or antibiotics. Most aren’t against vaccines. (I mean pre Covid). I was in herbal groups on social media for many years. When people asked questions how to cure certain infections they advised going to the doctor. They might advise a detox with the antibiotic. (Of course I don’t the percentages that support vaccines. This is my experience reading post by experts for five years.)
Not OP, but most electronic charting systems have reminders for things that need to be completed (things like “due for TDAP shot” or “no record of influenza vaccine”). I checked the chart pop ups at my local doctors office and it didn’t flag the covid shot (and I declined the flu shot and TDAP boosters for obvious reasons)
Personally, I've taken to the view that if I'm going to a hospital these days my chances of dying due to this constant threat of someone power-tripping are skyrocketed.
Essentially, that means that in order to justify it anymore, in dire cases I have to choose between the apparently high probability I'll be injected with an unknown substance facing likely death versus death anyways. That's really sad.
I'm not one to pretend that the hospital scene is obsolete-- though I do also believe there's a lot withheld from us in the way of a more herbalist or homeopathic approach, or whatever alternative form of medical practice there may be.
However, it is readily apparent that hospitals as they stand today are purely for profit and the Hippocratic oath -- along with essentially every "societal conviction" so to speak -- are just afterthoughts merely there for cosmetic purpose.
It's simply not acceptable that the reality should be that you have someone at the standby to shove a choice you didn't make down your throat whilst using the very life you're living as a bargaining chip to achieve it.
It should not be a convenience industry. My mother was a nurse for 24 years, and by the end of it, was not treated much differently than a waitress at a diner.
Nurses, our most precious caretakers of society should not have to be forced to give their life, to take an experimental concoction, for the ones they seek to protect. They didn't sign up to be guinea pigs or to trade their life for another's..
So many things must change.
At the end of the day, to me it becomes a matter in which only a completely fundamental teardown of the current system and a correction to the better path is needed. That's why the way Q seems to be explaining things out is that we are accelerated to the precipice until it's no longer deniable for each and every semi-intelligent human capable of.. abstract thought, let's say.. or even better, my favorite thing, critical thinking, to see it in such a way that is, "look, we have to come together.. we need to talk about this and we need to fix this."
No longer is it about grabbing sacred furniture, or trying to save the structure of the house imploding in flames.
It's about simply stopping the flames. Removing the threat..
Letting go of the bindings that tie us to this false reality, and moving triumphantly forward no longer afraid of the future the Lord has waiting for us. That's our role as the People, is to ignite the future and do so gloriously to give praise to our great Creator.
Obviously first, unfortunately, my bloodlust calls for the reforms of a more criminal element before I can truly accept that we are finally a unified people no longer stared down upon by the tyrants.
Gonna be good to hear the world is losing a few pedophiles and mass murderers. :')
Sorry for the big rant, lol, I'm trying to lurk less and actually contribute around these parts. Now you see why I don't comment much, I talk too damn much lmao.
I once needed an abdominal exploratory surgery but I didn't want to be knocked out. My OBGYN instead gave me several shots in my stomach and they did it while I was still awake. They moved organs this way and that way. It was never enough discomfort that I called for the anesthetist standing nearby.
My OBGYN Dr. was pumped to get the chance to do it that way...I guess they don't get a lot of volunteers.
It may be illegal or invalid but once the shot is given - oops, sorry about that. In my opinion they dont care what is illegal or immoral only about the money and control.
unless someone is like dead and needs to be reanimated or something there is literally no reason to ever step foot in a hospital. Read Aajonus Vonderplanitz for complete refutation of medicine and stupid supplements and the actual cure for cancer and how to live past 200.. spoiler its literally raw meat
Lots of hospitals are shady business - look into CHS (community health systems) for example.
Fortunately in our area we have two hospital networks and one is a really great hospital network that is non profit (so they dump TONS of money back into the hospital and it’s employees, and also are not as concerned about squeezing you for every penny). I would recommend going to a hospital that is non profit as it seems to make a difference in care, and I know they would not (or have not at least) forced anything with the vaccine.
My daughter is almost 3, Kaiser is mad we still have not signed the consent form, not sure why they would need written consent form when it’s just normal pediatric appointments 🤷♂️ But that form says we consent to all vaccines…ha no thanks ✌️
They have to tell you.
Though I'm really starting to wonder if one of the hospitals gave me the vaxx without my consent or knowledge. Symptoms I had after that hospital visit were eerily similar to those that get it, i.e. irregular heartbeat, stabbing pain in heart, arms, and extreme disorientation.
Had a seizure in May due to diabetes, went to the ER, since then I’ve had tingling up and down my right side, and severe anxiety about it. Legitimately worried they administered the clot shot without consent... could’ve at least given me my social credit afterwards.
I actually did this recently while visiting an ER. Asked for the hard copies of everything before signing and then took a half hour to read the many pages all over. The woman waited there the entire time. I didn’t find a clause that gave permission to vaccinate. There was a whole page dedicated to a state law about informed consent, which I found ironic.
Oh boy. You expect the enemy to play fair? Before the Scamdemic there were reports of patients being sexually assaulted while unconscious for a procedure.
Today, Hospitals imprison you, starve and kill you and you think they will play fair? No. Some or a few asshats will do you the pleasure of making sure you get several helpings of the jab.
I was freaking out last week - my hubby wasn't feeling well and went to the prompt care. His heart rate was very low and they immediately sent him to the trauma center at the hospital. He called me while on his way - I got there and the hospital staff couldn't even find him in the system - they asked me if he went to the other hospital across the street - I told them no, his insurance only covered him in this particular hospital. When they finally found him - he was in surgery to have a pacemaker put in!! I have NO idea what he had done before that and what really happened. They wanted to put him in the ICU - I said NO WAY!! I know what happens to patients who go to the ICU!! Thankfully, he is home and doing well - but I have NO idea what they did to him before I got there.
I don't think I will be going to any medical QUACK for quite some time. We need to get a state by state list of patriot doctors going.
We have switched to a naturopath - so far so good. Eating better and being more safety conscious about everyday tasks so we dont break any bones or find ourselves in a medical situation, saw an accupuncturist for some sinus issues - all good now, the medical docs around here are part of the network - the pro covid network. Also spouse getting their rx through a private compounding pharmacy now - trying to stick it to big pharma a few dollars at a time. Researching and working on natural ways to get them off the thyroid, cholesterol and bp drugs completely.
I'd be interested in knowing the way to get off the bp meds
I take several supplements to help keep my BP down, including olive leaf + celery seed extract, pycnogenol, and half a dozen other things that are good for my cardiovascular system.
Of course, eating carefully (NO vegetable oils other than olive oil and never any canola oil especially; NO fried foods, lots of organic veggies, etc), exercising, and so on are also important. All the supplements and drugs in the world can't overcome an unhealthy lifestyle.
Hope this helps to either get you OFF BP meds or to at least be able to lower the dose of what you're taking. Standard disclaimer: I'm not a doctor and this isn't medical advice. Do your own research.
I drink organic tart cherry juice (2 jigger shots 3 times/day) plus take BioBeet supplements from Amazon to keep mine down. Also, lots of red onion on meals 2x day for circulation. I feel a huge difference.
Man, maybe I shouldn't have eaten that second gummy. But at first glance I thought you said "I drink orgasmic fart...." and I thought you were messing with me, lol
Research Hibiscus & Hawthorn Both of those are considered heart herbs. You can drink tea daily or an herbal tincture. Don’t buy tea before checking out the company. Many companies use plastic tea bags. If your new to tea a local health & herbal shop might be helpful. You can take those in supplements. Herbs are different than prescriptions. They take time to work. Man made RX work instantly. Double check any supplements or herbal for side effects & interactions if you are on medication. Herbal Tinctures are great. Keep in mind most of them you will need to take 2-3 times a day. If you would rather try herb supplement look for herb liquid in capsule gel. It’s hard to explain in a short note. Some herbs are better in one form or another depending on what you are treating. . I’ve read omega will help. I haven’t taken any long enough to advise. . Research drinking Bragg Vinegar daily. Always drink in water. Recipes are online. I think it’s 2 tablespoons vinegar in at least 6 oz water. Don’t drink vinegar straight it will strip enamel from teeth. Some reputable companies sell ginger shots. I’ve tried one and it was good. You can research how to use ginger. Ginger and lemon are great for many health conditions. . I use a topical CBD oil blend with essential oils. When I used it daily I noticed a difference. I can’t confirm if that alone helped. I’m very familiar with essential oil use and benefits. I use them regularly. There may be blends for BP. Any natural medicine is constant. It helps your body cope with the disease. Ask if you would like links to reputable companies. I’m attaching a link from a reputable certified herbalist. I find his information helpful. He’s in New Zealand. I’m in USA, I like his site because he uses examples of patient situations. *I’m not certified or a trained medical professional or certified in herbal medicine & aromatherapy. I’ve been studying it a long time for personal use.
Funny you mention getting off of bp meds. I'm on 2 types (Lisinopril & amlodipine, small doses, once daily) though I have noticed my blood pressure has been lower lately.
I know I've changed my diet the last year due to finding out I have Meniere's Disease (less bread, diary, sodium, pastas and eating more oatmeal with different fruits), and I'm on a diuretics for MD (Hydrochlorothiazide) since last year, and I also started taking Quercetin (with zinc, c & d3) months ago. So I looked up Quercetin and it does help lower bp according to Healthline (link below). When I looked up diuretics, I learned another thing, they can help lower bp also. One of those "slaps forehead" moments, lol. I keep checking my bp a few times a day and if I notice it is edging up I will take one (Lisinopril) bp meds. But I've been going days without needing to take one. Not sure if not taking my bp meds everyday is good practice or not, but I thought I'd see how it went.
Bread / refined flour / sugar are terrible for your body.
I was hypertensive and pre-diabetic - cut carbs & went keto. Walked a ton. Lost 120+ lbs and my blood levels got better than when I was 18.
I stopped getting sick entirely.
Now I just gota solve hay fever
It doesnt cost much for a consultation with a naturopath - it was about $100 for each of our first visits. It was the most thorough medical questions I have ever been asked and what your health goals are. He made no promises about getting off meds but showing us ways to improve through diet, exercise, supplements, relaxation techniques, etc. Like Pomegranate juice and eating watermelon are super good for blood vessels - never knew that. Worth a shot!
Can you elaborate on the private compound pharmacy? Who prescribes if no doctor? Or am I missing something because I'm definitely interested if no doctor needed. Thanks in advance!
I wasnt very clear on that - sorry. The prescriptions were written by a doc and transferred from old pharmacy to the compounding pharmacy with about 9 months left on the rx's. They are super helpful people who work there. The pharmacist gives a lot of info. you never even think about - like how much water to drink taking them. It matters apparently! They did not even mention the vax. We are hoping that a couple can be dropped when we get our bodies detoxed off a lifetime of bad food, etc. - blood tests will tell the story as we get started on the journey - the naturopath wants meds continued for now - wont be a cold turkey kind of thing, but, it is so mind blowing to see a health professional who wants you to be well and off meds if conditions can be controlled another way. He is hopeful on a couple but thyroid might be forever - we shall see. The accupuncturist actually did our referral to him. I feel like a hippie!
Thank You for that! I have reached out to a homeopathy doctor and we are in talks as well. I had to find a new doctor, have an appointment for end of month. Had to complete a questionnaire for this medical doctor that he reviews and approves and no mention of the jab so I'm hoping that is not an issue.
I too am looking to get off a couple of the meds I'm on so fingers crossed for all of us! I will do some more research on the compounding in my area, who knew there was an appropriate amount of water to take with different meds ....
Good Luck to you and yours!
Good luck to you. On that note, let me play Cliff Claven here with what we were told about the water. Not drinking enough water or food affects the rate of dissolve with some meds so it hits your with a higher concentration. Also learned that older people drink less water on purpose because they dont want to get up and pee as much which makes them suseptible to uti's which can manifest as a sudden dementia. The good news is it is a reversible if the uti is discovered and treated. So watch your elders, if they suddenly start acting wonky, have them checked for a UTI. Learned all that in a talk with a good pharmacist in a 20 minute discussion. When is the last time a pharmacist talked to you for 20 minutes?
I’m glad you were able to this. I’ve heard it’s life changing. How did you find the naturopath dr? Did you use any helpful websites to help you find the best one for you? Find ratings? I’d like to start seeing one. I don’t mind spending the money. I waste a lot on natural medicine that might not work! I’m hesitant about spending that kind of money and the doctor isn’t good. Thank You
We live in a pretty small area so I am not sure how you would find a good one if you didnt know someone. We found ours thru an accupuncturist that a friend referred me to for a chronic sinus condition - I was skeptical but tired of suffering and didnt want to go to doc anymore because of the covid craziness. The accupuncturist noted several things about my overall health from just looking at my tongue - I know - weird. Anyway he referred me to the naturopath because he thought I had some food allergies, which it turns out I do and never knew. And my sinuses have not bothered me in months.
It’s great it’s working for you. I’ve had blood test at dr & endo dr, all negative. I know something isn’t right! It is crazy what our bodies tell us if we will just listen. The tongue & dark circles under eyes tell a lot! I’m 90% sure I’ve got food allergies. I’ve got an apt scheduled with the acupuncturist my doctor recommended. I’m an hour from the closest city that has naturopathy. I understand leaving medical doctors. My trust was shaken years ago. Now I don’t have trust. Good luck
I need one but I don't know any in my own area.
I would like to also, but can't find any in my area either.
Patriots in all professions! Everyone should know who they’re dealing with during these crazy times.
Yes, the office has NO mask-required signs and everyone I spoke to seems very based, but I still gotta worry because I haven't asked outright about their position on the jab.
Couldn't they still give you the jab, even if you specify NO VACCINES?
I am getting a procedure in a couple of weeks and have been worried about exactly this happening.
I don't see what would stop them (witness the Walgreens pharmacist jabbing kids) especially if you're asleep and some avenging angel lunatic thought they were doing good.
All hospital procedures are bad and will be a determent to your health. You are better off consulting with a naturopathic doctor.
What’s the naturopathic treatment for a ruptured appendix?
Asking the important questions. Seeing a lot of this 'naturopathic' quackery floating around here lately. Not gonna trust my safety to anyone I can't vet.
Yup. It's a knee jerk over reaction to the betrayal of big pharma and so many doctors.
You can simultaneously trust western medicine less and avoid over correcting by placing all your trust into "naturopathy".
I prefer to think of it more as "taking a far more active role in determining our health and health outcomes, and not relying on authority that has been proven to be compromised"
get your surgery but dont let the drug dealer get you hooked up on your way out?
Sorry to hear you need appendix surgery. I'm glad my appendix surgery was last August before the vaxxes were rolled out. Just so you know, the first couple of times they make you stand up, it hurts like a bitch! Especially when they "help" you swing your legs over the side of the bed before you are ready.
Oh, I was just joking about how a naturopathic organ removal would work, but that you for the concern nonetheless! I was a paramedic and dealt with a fair number of acute cases, and the pain certainly appeared to be excruciating! I always felt bad having to do the psoas and obturator tests because I could see the pain it was causing.
From my experience following and reading (about) reputable certified herbalist, aromatherapist or naturopathic doctor should always advise when its time to seek western medicine. People might need an antibiotic for something serious. Natural medicine is amazing but it can’t heal a ruptured appendix or many other emergency situations that need surgery or antibiotics. Most aren’t against vaccines. (I mean pre Covid). I was in herbal groups on social media for many years. When people asked questions how to cure certain infections they advised going to the doctor. They might advise a detox with the antibiotic. (Of course I don’t the percentages that support vaccines. This is my experience reading post by experts for five years.)
This was pretty funny
How we find those in our areas?
I rarely take any crap the doctor prescribes, other than antibiotics in the "worst" cases. Would love to find one of these around where I live.
Maybe you're better off telling them you've already had it?
I would think that they would see right away if you are lying.
If they ask just say “already got it, thank you!”
I don't know your situation of course lol
I heard from a nurse whistleblower on the Stew Peters Show, at about the 6:35 mark...
😱 That's horrifying!
Fear porn like this is often horse shit
Post the actual verbiage down on the screen.
Not OP, but most electronic charting systems have reminders for things that need to be completed (things like “due for TDAP shot” or “no record of influenza vaccine”). I checked the chart pop ups at my local doctors office and it didn’t flag the covid shot (and I declined the flu shot and TDAP boosters for obvious reasons)
Personally, I've taken to the view that if I'm going to a hospital these days my chances of dying due to this constant threat of someone power-tripping are skyrocketed. Essentially, that means that in order to justify it anymore, in dire cases I have to choose between the apparently high probability I'll be injected with an unknown substance facing likely death versus death anyways. That's really sad.
I'm not one to pretend that the hospital scene is obsolete-- though I do also believe there's a lot withheld from us in the way of a more herbalist or homeopathic approach, or whatever alternative form of medical practice there may be. However, it is readily apparent that hospitals as they stand today are purely for profit and the Hippocratic oath -- along with essentially every "societal conviction" so to speak -- are just afterthoughts merely there for cosmetic purpose.
It's simply not acceptable that the reality should be that you have someone at the standby to shove a choice you didn't make down your throat whilst using the very life you're living as a bargaining chip to achieve it. It should not be a convenience industry. My mother was a nurse for 24 years, and by the end of it, was not treated much differently than a waitress at a diner. Nurses, our most precious caretakers of society should not have to be forced to give their life, to take an experimental concoction, for the ones they seek to protect. They didn't sign up to be guinea pigs or to trade their life for another's.. So many things must change.
At the end of the day, to me it becomes a matter in which only a completely fundamental teardown of the current system and a correction to the better path is needed. That's why the way Q seems to be explaining things out is that we are accelerated to the precipice until it's no longer deniable for each and every semi-intelligent human capable of.. abstract thought, let's say.. or even better, my favorite thing, critical thinking, to see it in such a way that is, "look, we have to come together.. we need to talk about this and we need to fix this."
No longer is it about grabbing sacred furniture, or trying to save the structure of the house imploding in flames. It's about simply stopping the flames. Removing the threat.. Letting go of the bindings that tie us to this false reality, and moving triumphantly forward no longer afraid of the future the Lord has waiting for us. That's our role as the People, is to ignite the future and do so gloriously to give praise to our great Creator.
Obviously first, unfortunately, my bloodlust calls for the reforms of a more criminal element before I can truly accept that we are finally a unified people no longer stared down upon by the tyrants. Gonna be good to hear the world is losing a few pedophiles and mass murderers. :')
Sorry for the big rant, lol, I'm trying to lurk less and actually contribute around these parts. Now you see why I don't comment much, I talk too damn much lmao.
Those mother you know what. I don't plan on going in but....... sneaky....deceptive..evil..
That is my fear too.
Thanks for the heads up!
Do you get enough zinc and iodine each day?
I once needed an abdominal exploratory surgery but I didn't want to be knocked out. My OBGYN instead gave me several shots in my stomach and they did it while I was still awake. They moved organs this way and that way. It was never enough discomfort that I called for the anesthetist standing nearby.
My OBGYN Dr. was pumped to get the chance to do it that way...I guess they don't get a lot of volunteers.
This needs a sticky.
That's illegal. If you can't read or view the consent form for the digital signature, that signature is no way valid.
It may be illegal or invalid but once the shot is given - oops, sorry about that. In my opinion they dont care what is illegal or immoral only about the money and control.
Illegality is meaningless if no one will prosecute them or no court will allow a lawsuit to proceed
Since when, after the year 2019, does anyone in healthcare, science, or government care about what's blatantly illegal?
unless someone is like dead and needs to be reanimated or something there is literally no reason to ever step foot in a hospital. Read Aajonus Vonderplanitz for complete refutation of medicine and stupid supplements and the actual cure for cancer and how to live past 200.. spoiler its literally raw meat
and the poor bastard died by falling off his balcony
Lots of hospitals are shady business - look into CHS (community health systems) for example.
Fortunately in our area we have two hospital networks and one is a really great hospital network that is non profit (so they dump TONS of money back into the hospital and it’s employees, and also are not as concerned about squeezing you for every penny). I would recommend going to a hospital that is non profit as it seems to make a difference in care, and I know they would not (or have not at least) forced anything with the vaccine.
My daughter is almost 3, Kaiser is mad we still have not signed the consent form, not sure why they would need written consent form when it’s just normal pediatric appointments 🤷♂️ But that form says we consent to all vaccines…ha no thanks ✌️
Don’t ever ever go to a hospital unless it’s absolutely necessary
They do not have your best interest anymore. It’s all about money and death now
Unless you have broken bones. Serious lacerations etc
Don’t. Take ANY big pharma anything ! They’re pure evil
We are going to need medical care eventually, and the entire industry seems untrustworthy now.
My husband is having a shoulder replacement in December. I'm going to look over those papers like a hawk!
Excellent advice. I won't forget this. Also, watch out for your loved ones.
They have to tell you. Though I'm really starting to wonder if one of the hospitals gave me the vaxx without my consent or knowledge. Symptoms I had after that hospital visit were eerily similar to those that get it, i.e. irregular heartbeat, stabbing pain in heart, arms, and extreme disorientation.
I will seriously hunt down and take the life of anyone who ever does that to me. Don't fuxking care what I signed.
Avoid doctors at all cost.
Telemedicine is safer than going to the hospital. For illnesses search homeopathy and the illness or your symptoms.
Had a seizure in May due to diabetes, went to the ER, since then I’ve had tingling up and down my right side, and severe anxiety about it. Legitimately worried they administered the clot shot without consent... could’ve at least given me my social credit afterwards.
Did you at least get a free donut?
I am so sorry to hear this, but yeah, if they snuck it to you, at least have the decency to give you the damn card/T-shirt!
Good to know; thank you!
I actually did this recently while visiting an ER. Asked for the hard copies of everything before signing and then took a half hour to read the many pages all over. The woman waited there the entire time. I didn’t find a clause that gave permission to vaccinate. There was a whole page dedicated to a state law about informed consent, which I found ironic.
Oh boy. You expect the enemy to play fair? Before the Scamdemic there were reports of patients being sexually assaulted while unconscious for a procedure.
Today, Hospitals imprison you, starve and kill you and you think they will play fair? No. Some or a few asshats will do you the pleasure of making sure you get several helpings of the jab.
Bet on it.
sauce? if no sauce this feels like facebook crud
I work in Ophthalmology and have patients sign Consents all day. There is no secret hidden section in ours to give any kind of shot.
Thanks for the post, i will not shed a tear when they are HUNG at gimo!
I was freaking out last week - my hubby wasn't feeling well and went to the prompt care. His heart rate was very low and they immediately sent him to the trauma center at the hospital. He called me while on his way - I got there and the hospital staff couldn't even find him in the system - they asked me if he went to the other hospital across the street - I told them no, his insurance only covered him in this particular hospital. When they finally found him - he was in surgery to have a pacemaker put in!! I have NO idea what he had done before that and what really happened. They wanted to put him in the ICU - I said NO WAY!! I know what happens to patients who go to the ICU!! Thankfully, he is home and doing well - but I have NO idea what they did to him before I got there.
OKAY, can you please take the specific excerpt in the printed agreement then and show us? Otherwise this is another he said she said blah blah blah
Without a source/proof gonna have to assume this was written by some nutjob as fearporn.
I hope you are right, but I am scared that you might be wrong.
Those 2 maimed kids getting the jab instead of the flu shot keep coming to mind.