This is true and an interesting observation. Question: Since the guidelines are not published, why would OSHA even mention the no reporting of adverse side effects?
Yep. Did you read the Brian Cates posts, in which he states Trump's EO during a declared emergency cannot be rescinded as long as the Emergency is active? Then Cates talks about PEADs that are instructions for the military during the Emergency that are standing orders. These are not privy to the current Administration until the Emergency is declared over.
I think this would be a worthwhile talking point to better understand the dynamics going on. Biden can end the Emergency, but if he does the EAU comes to an end and then the Vaxxine companies are no longer protected from personal injury lawsuits. The original Congressional Act signed into law provides the legal definition of 'vaccine'. This is the definition that the vaxxine companies are bound to, not the constant changes the CDC and Mirriam Webster dictionary have provided.
What does this mean for us? The EAU will continue until 'some kind' of development causes it to end. What could it be?
When an Act is passed and signed into law, the legal terms are defined. It's all there. Now think about this for a moment. There would be no laws that have meaning if the words of the law changed willy-nilly. Words like 'up' could be changed to mean 'down', 'over' would be 'under' and 'crime' could be made to mean 'lawful'.
The original meaning of the words in the law are laid out and defined. 'Vaccine' in the Act that gives immunity to vaxxine companies is already defined. That is the law they are functioning under. The rest of the stuff we are seeing from the CDC and so forth is all deception.
The physical manifestation of the GA Movement, perhaps? Red October will soon bleed out . . . I sure hope we get more than DWAC and the start of Durham subpoenas out of it. I'm still expecting a restored Constitutional Republic . . : )
For the same reason companies like Boeing tried and may still try to force workers like me to work with chemicals while pregnant with labels on them that say such things as ‘Reproductive hazard’ and ‘May cause fetal alcohol syndrome’
By the time they're told to stop doing it, Jen Psaki / the MSM will already have used the "zero adverse reactions reported" as proof the vaccine is safe a thousand times over.
Do you notice that OSHA is only saying that they are not going to enforce the 29CFR 1904 recording requirement? That means that this OSHA requirement is still in effect and that lack of enforcement is not the same thing as removing it. Employers need to think about this one very carefully before they decide to just ignore it - it could come back to bite them in the ass.
So, “we don’t want people to know that this shot is killing and maiming their coworkers so that they, too, can line up to potentially be killed or maimed.”
Wow, so they’re openly stating the won’t enforce CFR, who stand for the Code Of Federal Regulations, that right there is illegal and ripe for lawsuits.
This is astonishing levels of disregard for transparency and safety.
This quote is surreal:
“OSHA will not enforce 29 CFR 1904's recording requirements to require any employers to record worker side effects from COVID-19 vaccination at least through May 2022”
This is like admitting to be an accomplice to murder. “If people die, we’ll just keep it hush hush so that more people can die!” On second thought, it’s confessing (in advance) to genocide and crimes against humanity.
This can’t be real!
Why isn't this being attacked with lawsuits? This is contrary to OSHA precedent and undermines their entire purpose.
exactly. arbitrary rules invalidate every other safety rule and the entire agency.
Because the commie judges would say we have no standing
Because the regulations do not really "exist" yet
This is true and an interesting observation. Question: Since the guidelines are not published, why would OSHA even mention the no reporting of adverse side effects?
Because white hats may not control everything and there are still thrashing nefarious elements in government.
I tend to think its a case of a David against a very formidable and large Goliath.
It is open collusion in genocide . . . Insanity rules the day - in Libworld, at least!
Yep. Did you read the Brian Cates posts, in which he states Trump's EO during a declared emergency cannot be rescinded as long as the Emergency is active? Then Cates talks about PEADs that are instructions for the military during the Emergency that are standing orders. These are not privy to the current Administration until the Emergency is declared over.
I think this would be a worthwhile talking point to better understand the dynamics going on. Biden can end the Emergency, but if he does the EAU comes to an end and then the Vaxxine companies are no longer protected from personal injury lawsuits. The original Congressional Act signed into law provides the legal definition of 'vaccine'. This is the definition that the vaxxine companies are bound to, not the constant changes the CDC and Mirriam Webster dictionary have provided.
What does this mean for us? The EAU will continue until 'some kind' of development causes it to end. What could it be?
When an Act is passed and signed into law, the legal terms are defined. It's all there. Now think about this for a moment. There would be no laws that have meaning if the words of the law changed willy-nilly. Words like 'up' could be changed to mean 'down', 'over' would be 'under' and 'crime' could be made to mean 'lawful'.
The original meaning of the words in the law are laid out and defined. 'Vaccine' in the Act that gives immunity to vaxxine companies is already defined. That is the law they are functioning under. The rest of the stuff we are seeing from the CDC and so forth is all deception.
The physical manifestation of the GA Movement, perhaps? Red October will soon bleed out . . . I sure hope we get more than DWAC and the start of Durham subpoenas out of it. I'm still expecting a restored Constitutional Republic . . : )
DWAC is Trump's social media venture, no? What do you know about Ben Swannn's 'Sovren'?
Not a thing. You?
Sovren was reported by TGP. It sounds pretty good. You can listen to the interview here.
For the same reason companies like Boeing tried and may still try to force workers like me to work with chemicals while pregnant with labels on them that say such things as ‘Reproductive hazard’ and ‘May cause fetal alcohol syndrome’
Well this is highly illegal. I hope OSHA is prepped to be sued. Share this far and wide!
By the time they're told to stop doing it, Jen Psaki / the MSM will already have used the "zero adverse reactions reported" as proof the vaccine is safe a thousand times over.
They even gave us the federal regulation they are violating!
Do you notice that OSHA is only saying that they are not going to enforce the 29CFR 1904 recording requirement? That means that this OSHA requirement is still in effect and that lack of enforcement is not the same thing as removing it. Employers need to think about this one very carefully before they decide to just ignore it - it could come back to bite them in the ass.
So basically it's still a requirement, just not being enforced by OSHA
good catch, just more rope to hang the guilty with.
Certain laws have been pre-lifted ?????
So, “we don’t want people to know that this shot is killing and maiming their coworkers so that they, too, can line up to potentially be killed or maimed.”
Sick bastards.
Criminal in plain sight!
Thanks for the sauce!!
Add OSHA to the list of government agencies that need to be dismantled. Start at their TOP.
I added them for dismantling when they stopped caring about masks depriving workers of oxygen.
Good point!! 👍🏽
Wow, so they’re openly stating the won’t enforce CFR, who stand for the Code Of Federal Regulations, that right there is illegal and ripe for lawsuits.
If this isnt the most clown world thing I've ever seen... there is a 99.9997% IFR. GIVE ME A BREAK!!
Why don’t they have the VAERS phone number on their little vaccine cards?
OSHA is heading for a big law suit on this one.
This is astonishing levels of disregard for transparency and safety.
This quote is surreal:
It's completely transparent!
"We wish to inform you that we will be ignoring this specific federal regulation. Thank you for your attention."
We will reevaluate the agency's position at that time...when we've received our next payment from Gates and Gavi and Soros.
I thought osha's job was to protect workers
This is like admitting to be an accomplice to murder. “If people die, we’ll just keep it hush hush so that more people can die!” On second thought, it’s confessing (in advance) to genocide and crimes against humanity.
This can’t be real!
Is this real? That’s insane. I remember the days when OSHA was supposedly the workers’ friend. The advocate and enforcer of safety, of all things.
How is this looking out for the employee if you're discouraging and not keeping record of the damage your "mandate" is causing?
This is shady AF.
They bent the knee.
Another government entity that doesn’t work.
Does anyone know how to get to archive the collapsable links?
Again, something I posted a week or so ago but no one cared lol
They anounced it via tweet a long time ago.
Pay attention people.
Fuck OSHA Its just another shakedown operation for the crooks under the guise of safety.
But can it be reported anyways?
I’d love a link to this on the actual osha website instead of just a screen shot with at the top
Scroll up
Archived. Thx
OSHA has some merit, but these days they care more about income (fines) than worker safety.
Change my mind...