IMO any image post claiming "This isn't the real person" should automatically be expected to feature SIDE BY SIDE IMAGES and point out areas of alleged differences, for readers to compare and make up their own minds.
Simply posting a single image and saying "Yep, even though this looks like her, trust me, IT ISN'T!!" isn't helpful. With nothing to compare it to, this image appears to be the harpy bitch we all know and loathe.
You guys who are saying that are making my point. To the casual observer, the person you're trying to convince, yes it does look just like Hillary. So, just saying "It doesn't look like her" with no proof is completely ineffective. From infancy, humans are hardwired to believe their eyes in facial recognition.
So a visual comparison should be a no-brainer redpill. People need to see it, not just be told.
I also agree that the picture looks just like Hillary Clinton. Hillary caught in a maniacal laugh but its her. Have you ever noticed how you look different than the norm in some pictures you take either because of how you were smiling or the face you had or the lighting or were caught mid laugh or talking? That is going to happen to everyone esp someone as photographed as Hillary
Except I am, and although no one knows for sure, I think it could be—as do a number of others commenting in this thread. So there goes that theory, dude.
If you have proof one way or the other, we're open-minded to seeing it. Instead of merely ridiculing, show some evidence. The way people do when they're demonstrating differences between things. That's all we're saying.
And who is that, exactly? Are they in the room with us right now? Do you even know where you are or what form you're posting on right now?
Who am I trying to convince here, aside from you, the dumb faggot who (paraphrasing here) basically just said "HURR WE NEED SIDE BY SIDES BECAUSE I DON'T REMEMBER WHAT HILLARY LOOKS LIKE" in a really shitty attempt to forum slide? 🤔
You don't know what Hillary looks like? You think people can't pull up a picture on any standard web search in under 5 seconds? Get the fuck out of here with your stupid bullshit. Sorry your brain is so shitty that it can't remember faces though, that's unfortunate.
Who the fuck doesn't know what Killary looks like. That is clearly not her. The human brain is designed to recognize faces. That's why you remember someone even from 30 years later.
DD…a meme can have text on the picture/photo or it can have a text as a headline accompanying a picture or photo. It’s a Digital War we are fighting and winning.
Death and decay is not pretty, so of course it would be uncouth to send in the real Hillary Clinton. Rolling a nasty dead corpse would be frowned upon!
HRC is the very first Black Hat I want to see swinging from the gallows at Gitmo. Even before Uncle Joe, Barry, Big Mike, Nancy, Schumer, the Cuomo boys....she is absolutely my first choice to have the bottom drop out of her trap door. Plus, I want it televised on every single network. Have the FCC force all channels, over the air and cable, to send that video out over the air waves. Make darn sure her face is seen with a rope around her neck before the black hood is placed over her head. I want ALL AMERICANS and illegal aliens to witness what happens when you run rough shod over our Constitution. Too bad it's taken this long.
Wow, maybe they were hoping the Brits wouldn't notice. She just had pics put out on the beach and she was looking pretty rotund in those, hat and glasses of course. Perhaps that one wasn't available.
Ok I usually call BS on a lot of the double threads, but Hillary is known to have doubles and this looks NOTHING like Hillary or her most famous double. The fuck?
She's actually remarkably attractive for someone as hideously repugnant as she is. Gotta give her credit for that. Normally, having a face like a sack of rusty hammers is a turnoff for most people, but she more than makes up for it by packing more frumpiness into her outfits than anyone would think possible. A real head-turner. And stomach, too.
She was somewhat decent looking when she was younger. Not sure what's up with these pics, it does seem like she's had some work done or something. Double? perhaps, but some expressions look the same. Comparison needed for me to think so.
But the real question is... Who cares? What is the point? It doesn't matter if it's her or not. People have doubles. So what exactly is the point here? This would only matter if the video of her cutting into a child's face was released, only then would a double matter.
edit: So people don't like what I am saying, why? is it not true? If it's not true then tell me, what's the point and why does this matter? Why downvote me without any engagement? enlighten me, please.
"She was seen smiling at staff." That alone proves it's not the evil slime!
Not to mention the fact that she's not wearing a circus tent . . .
Or her upside down cross necklace.
Her daughter still is.
IMO any image post claiming "This isn't the real person" should automatically be expected to feature SIDE BY SIDE IMAGES and point out areas of alleged differences, for readers to compare and make up their own minds.
Simply posting a single image and saying "Yep, even though this looks like her, trust me, IT ISN'T!!" isn't helpful. With nothing to compare it to, this image appears to be the harpy bitch we all know and loathe.
It is a bit lazy not to have some source, picture, clarity...
Hit up the Daily Mail Photographer for a better photo. Read entire thread for the absent sauce which I apologized for and posted.
Anyone with a memory and NOT suffering from prosopagnosia needs no comparison photo. It's just obviously not Killary.
This ^ KEK!
You are right. In this case, it's obvious enough anyway, but yes there should still be the added comparison.
Yup. It's The Hag.
Aight but this doesn't look anything like Hillary or her most common doubles.
You guys who are saying that are making my point. To the casual observer, the person you're trying to convince, yes it does look just like Hillary. So, just saying "It doesn't look like her" with no proof is completely ineffective. From infancy, humans are hardwired to believe their eyes in facial recognition.
So a visual comparison should be a no-brainer redpill. People need to see it, not just be told.
Are you implying you're a casual observer? Because no one in their right mind would think OP's pic is of Hillary, dude.
I also agree that the picture looks just like Hillary Clinton. Hillary caught in a maniacal laugh but its her. Have you ever noticed how you look different than the norm in some pictures you take either because of how you were smiling or the face you had or the lighting or were caught mid laugh or talking? That is going to happen to everyone esp someone as photographed as Hillary
Except I am, and although no one knows for sure, I think it could be—as do a number of others commenting in this thread. So there goes that theory, dude.
If you have proof one way or the other, we're open-minded to seeing it. Instead of merely ridiculing, show some evidence. The way people do when they're demonstrating differences between things. That's all we're saying.
If you're posting on TGA, 8ch,, or anything similar, you are absolutely, beyond any shadow of any doubt NOT a casual observer.
LOL I never said I was. I said the people you're trying to convince are.
And who is that, exactly? Are they in the room with us right now? Do you even know where you are or what form you're posting on right now?
Who am I trying to convince here, aside from you, the dumb faggot who (paraphrasing here) basically just said "HURR WE NEED SIDE BY SIDES BECAUSE I DON'T REMEMBER WHAT HILLARY LOOKS LIKE" in a really shitty attempt to forum slide? 🤔
You don't know what Hillary looks like? You think people can't pull up a picture on any standard web search in under 5 seconds? Get the fuck out of here with your stupid bullshit. Sorry your brain is so shitty that it can't remember faces though, that's unfortunate.
IMO…do your own research, you’ll see what we are talking about
The OP did the research and made a post.... they should present the research with evidence, not unsubstantiated assertions.
Do you want me to post how the sky is falling, and then reply "don't believe it, then do the research"... it's not helpful.
Omg who needs a side by side of killery? We have been seeing her face for god knows how many years…..geeeeesh. Take a chill pill for your fellow fens.
Who the fuck doesn't know what Killary looks like. That is clearly not her. The human brain is designed to recognize faces. That's why you remember someone even from 30 years later.
DD…a meme can have text on the picture/photo or it can have a text as a headline accompanying a picture or photo. It’s a Digital War we are fighting and winning.
IMO do YOUR own research before making the post, so you can present at least some hint of evidence to support your claim, is all I'm saying
Im gonna get real pissy if her execution isnt televised
She certainly doesn't look like that right now. The last photos we saw of her were on a beach and let's just say she had the covid-39 going on.
Sorry - forgot the sauce.
Super low res images, LOL
My Fav site Hands Down on the internet for comments You people Never Fail me
Best entertainment
She has a look alike I can't remember her name but I did post about it before on here. But yeah that does not look like Hillary
Teresa Barnwell. But this pic isn't her. Teresa has a rounder face.
Death and decay is not pretty, so of course it would be uncouth to send in the real Hillary Clinton. Rolling a nasty dead corpse would be frowned upon!
She’s probably attending a witches coven to sacrifice something on Halloween- my guess is the Queen.
Looks better than Hillary. Let’s see the cankles to make sure
HRC is the very first Black Hat I want to see swinging from the gallows at Gitmo. Even before Uncle Joe, Barry, Big Mike, Nancy, Schumer, the Cuomo boys....she is absolutely my first choice to have the bottom drop out of her trap door. Plus, I want it televised on every single network. Have the FCC force all channels, over the air and cable, to send that video out over the air waves. Make darn sure her face is seen with a rope around her neck before the black hood is placed over her head. I want ALL AMERICANS and illegal aliens to witness what happens when you run rough shod over our Constitution. Too bad it's taken this long.
I like the way you think u/Tynyyn!
YYESSHH!! They get uglier by the second!
I didnt think that was possible considering of what they had to work with on the original.
Yeah, right?
I enjoy when it’s obviously a double, and yet there will always be people here calling us tinfoil hat weirdos.
Not enough fat
What was this from?
Today in London
Wow, maybe they were hoping the Brits wouldn't notice. She just had pics put out on the beach and she was looking pretty rotund in those, hat and glasses of course. Perhaps that one wasn't available.
Ah. New fake Biden today, too.
Careful what you say pede you may be asked to post side-by-side photos. /sarc
Bah, even with photos, most will say that these photos are of the same guy. Prosopagnosia rools, OK?
Yeah... This is a new double, and a poor one at that
Really getting tired of all this.
Ok I usually call BS on a lot of the double threads, but Hillary is known to have doubles and this looks NOTHING like Hillary or her most famous double. The fuck?
Looks like Hillary to me.
yah, Hilary from
At first glance, I thought that was a picture of Sidney Powell.
Sure looks like her criminal face to me
She's actually remarkably attractive for someone as hideously repugnant as she is. Gotta give her credit for that. Normally, having a face like a sack of rusty hammers is a turnoff for most people, but she more than makes up for it by packing more frumpiness into her outfits than anyone would think possible. A real head-turner. And stomach, too.
She was somewhat decent looking when she was younger. Not sure what's up with these pics, it does seem like she's had some work done or something. Double? perhaps, but some expressions look the same. Comparison needed for me to think so.
She's wearing a normal looking outfit for her age, not mental ward nighties.
But the real question is... Who cares? What is the point? It doesn't matter if it's her or not. People have doubles. So what exactly is the point here? This would only matter if the video of her cutting into a child's face was released, only then would a double matter.
edit: So people don't like what I am saying, why? is it not true? If it's not true then tell me, what's the point and why does this matter? Why downvote me without any engagement? enlighten me, please.
Ok, Hillary- you just outted your profile on GAW 🤣🤣🤣🤣
This is now my new favorite post!
I 100% believe its the real hillary,.and why you say,.?.well because i 100% believe its her,!..
When was this taken? Today? Was she trying to show that she's out and about and okay because a certain Q drop says she's gonna be arrested on 10/30?
I mean, it looks like Baldwin may have killed for HRC. That's some desperate looking shit!
That may have been her about 30 or 40 years ago.
Has that same wicked mouth though.
So, where is Killary?
Looks a bit like Sidney Powell! Must be Sidney's turn to play her :)