Where did this board say it's free speech? It us, but, it's also anti-asshole (says right in the sidebar). LOL, walk into a bar and behave that way, doomers. You'll immediately learn what those big muscles on the bouncer are for. Boom! Out on your ass. Finally, a WIN where the consequences of being a faggot are the same as in the real world.
100%… there is no group anywhere that you could show up and be welcomed inside and offered a warm handshake and a cold beer….. to then proceed to try to convince the members that they are stupid, ignorant, and obviously in need of the new person’s enlightenment when said person has no desire to assimilate. Then they whine like a bitch when you toss them out by the nape of the neck.
Epic comment, and thank you for the support. The mod team took years of abuse over this. Now they have their own place and they can hang out and do their own thing. Meanwhile, WE keep WINNING.
Nope. Always thought that it was a symbolic callsign, as in "George Washington and his men crossing the frozen Delaware rive on durham boats to fight for our freedom" kind of thing. Or the fact that Sydney Powell came from Durham,NC. Kudos for the patriots for keeping the opsec shut tighter than a nun's legs on this one.
Yesterday in Alberta, speeches. Scroll to 1:15 or so, as Dave Dickson talks. He went to court again on November 5, 2021. He is a retired police officer. He made progress. He updates. His speech does get interrupted by some agitators. He talks about Deanna Hinshaw, officer of Health in AB, etc. He explains his strategies, and progress.
Lingerie and title of video.
Go to Stop the DEMOCIDE.... LIVE from EDMONTON
I wonder if some people will just never be able to get Q, and maybe it's intended to be that way.
If all the posts were validated to the highest coincidental degree imaginable, would there still be some people that would never acknowledge it, absent some sort of formal declaration from a media or government authority?
I'm new enough to these parts that I somehow missed out on this entire chapter of stupid people saying "Durham isn't real," and that just BAFFLES me LOL......like, where were people even coming from with that commentary? Why wouldn't he exist? Doomers be doomin' I guess lmao
I’m raw from being here just 11 months, but all of this is statistically impossible. The opposition believes in “science”, too bad they don’t subscribe to math or logic. NEVER LOOK AWAY!
Doomers are like The Fruit Cake gift during the holidays Musty Dry Old and Useless everyone ignores and sends to the Mother in laws at the last minute!!
after 1st indictment, his case is silly. It's just lying under oath and the case will be thrown out
after 2nd indictment, -- silence --
after 3rd indictment, politicians coming out to claim they aren't guilty and trying to reframe their narrative. FBI claiming it'll stop at non-civilians and that civilians won't be implicated.
I’ll doom if I feel too much negative shit happening to be positive. I’ll be positive when good things happen. My threshold for the two is my threshold and nobody else’s. Not the left, right, center or whatever is going to make me believe and react to what’s happening the way they think I should. I had it with people trying to control others.
Doom if you will, yes it's your life...just don't try to bring others along with you like so many doomers do. Understand that it's a "you" problem and keep it that way. It's the "you're all so stupid for believing this sh$t" that has no place here
You have to celebrate the small steps otherwise you risk ruining every day by focusing on the negative. My 93 yo mom is like that. It's exhausting. It's like telling a cancer pt who just finished chemo "why are you celebrating, you have cancer ffs, you're suffering, you're probably going to die"
I encourage you to learn to take one step at a time
Off topic but last nite I saw a Musk tweet where he said “we have MIT & CALTECH, we need a Texas Institute of Technology & Science. With real science”. (TITS). 😂
Why is this stickied?
Yeah um if shitting on Doomers is gonna become a normal thing here then I think I will... BE SPENDING MORE TIME HERE!!!!
Once they become patriots they will join us. WINNING!
When pedogate breaks wide open is when we’ll have a huge influx from patriots.win
So many fucking handshake accounts will be saying: "Yeah I knew Q was real the whole time."
Bitter sweet. It’s been a long road
Until then... loads fresh mag of deports
Thanks for this ✊🏻
Haha right on!
Amen 👑Sir Catsfive!
Just in time to offset the doomtard posts about how it’s not free speech if we deport the doomtards… 🥳
Where did this board say it's free speech? It us, but, it's also anti-asshole (says right in the sidebar). LOL, walk into a bar and behave that way, doomers. You'll immediately learn what those big muscles on the bouncer are for. Boom! Out on your ass. Finally, a WIN where the consequences of being a faggot are the same as in the real world.
100%… there is no group anywhere that you could show up and be welcomed inside and offered a warm handshake and a cold beer….. to then proceed to try to convince the members that they are stupid, ignorant, and obviously in need of the new person’s enlightenment when said person has no desire to assimilate. Then they whine like a bitch when you toss them out by the nape of the neck.
Epic comment, and thank you for the support. The mod team took years of abuse over this. Now they have their own place and they can hang out and do their own thing. Meanwhile, WE keep WINNING.
There's a one day sticky sale today.
not a doomer, but also skeptical this means he will arrest Obama and Hillary. I think Clinton will die of old age before she sees prison at this rate
That is not dooming. That is legit skepticism and that’s fine. It only means you need to stick around more and invariably you will be convinced.
yes but any sorts of good news or good sign and this group ranks up the hopium level 100x.
so many disappointments if you take such things literally here.
In this long enough to remember Clinton always being Bill.
McCain died of natural causes.
As long as they take back the taxpayers money from their wretched offspring.
Vacations from now on.
Got banned from DuhDonald for trolling the dooming cunts ( Chibots ) that populate that pathetic cesspool.
You're too abrasive which is why you belong here fren. Hell, you've been banned by ME a few times but that's because you're fire 🔥!
and I always took it in stride..
while appreciating the break I can't seem to take on my own
“Oh Well”?! 😂
Channeling my inner Jesse..."BITCH!"🐸
Or just don’t ban unless they’re obvious bot or shill
I also ban tards. Sometimes I ban myself for that reason, LOL. Take it in stride and be better.
“Ban myself”...got my day started laughing 😂👍🏽
I literally banned myself once. It was a hack, but, hey
I’ll NEVER FORGET when he said that. You could tell by his face he knew shit was up. Wasn’t there over a million people there?
Patriots.win = blackpilled morass of despair
I'm still shocked that Durham is a real person. Let alone one capable of doing such work. Well, whatever works, I guess.
I think he’s got a large team
imagine the opsec on 1000+ Attorneys
I read somewhere that there's about 400 attorneys and that they're based in SLC.
Isn't that also where John Huber was based a few years back?
Yeah I recall somewhere it was like “over 465 Attorneys”. Rings a bell 😎
There's a theory going around that it's really Sidney Powell who is from Durham NC
You are kidding, right?? u/kekshot
Nope. Always thought that it was a symbolic callsign, as in "George Washington and his men crossing the frozen Delaware rive on durham boats to fight for our freedom" kind of thing. Or the fact that Sydney Powell came from Durham,NC. Kudos for the patriots for keeping the opsec shut tighter than a nun's legs on this one.
Ok...wasn't sure fren but, there's not only one Durham but, two.
Durham and his son, both attorneys. 💥
Stay frosty pede!
I’m shocked at how there have been not a single leak all this time.
That’s what makes me believe it’s as serious as can be. Still praying. But getting exciting that we actually may see some justice in THIS life.
John Durham.
Yesterday in Alberta, speeches. Scroll to 1:15 or so, as Dave Dickson talks. He went to court again on November 5, 2021. He is a retired police officer. He made progress. He updates. His speech does get interrupted by some agitators. He talks about Deanna Hinshaw, officer of Health in AB, etc. He explains his strategies, and progress. Lingerie and title of video. Go to Stop the DEMOCIDE.... LIVE from EDMONTON https://m.facebook.com/watch/TheAngryAlbertan/
I wonder if some people will just never be able to get Q, and maybe it's intended to be that way.
If all the posts were validated to the highest coincidental degree imaginable, would there still be some people that would never acknowledge it, absent some sort of formal declaration from a media or government authority?
I'm new enough to these parts that I somehow missed out on this entire chapter of stupid people saying "Durham isn't real," and that just BAFFLES me LOL......like, where were people even coming from with that commentary? Why wouldn't he exist? Doomers be doomin' I guess lmao
I’m raw from being here just 11 months, but all of this is statistically impossible. The opposition believes in “science”, too bad they don’t subscribe to math or logic. NEVER LOOK AWAY!
Was on Patriots.win and got black pilled almost immediately.
And now you're where you belong.
His name is Pat Riot.
Wow I'm dumb, I was like "no it's not"
Dammit Heisenberg, you made me spit coffee onto the table.
Heisenham? 😎 Haha, patriot, hope nothing got too wet!
Never forget: Q's first post was on the day Durham was appointed, and Q's last word to us was simply "Durham".
I toadaso !
Fuckig atoadaso
Doomers are like The Fruit Cake gift during the holidays Musty Dry Old and Useless everyone ignores and sends to the Mother in laws at the last minute!!
Yeah!! We can take years of being made fun of...
Because we are right. The truth will out.
Recalling history:
Yep. You KNOW they’re panicking in DC 😎👍🏽
No dooming here, but wish the avalanche would start soon.....
I’ll doom if I feel too much negative shit happening to be positive. I’ll be positive when good things happen. My threshold for the two is my threshold and nobody else’s. Not the left, right, center or whatever is going to make me believe and react to what’s happening the way they think I should. I had it with people trying to control others.
Doom if you will, yes it's your life...just don't try to bring others along with you like so many doomers do. Understand that it's a "you" problem and keep it that way. It's the "you're all so stupid for believing this sh$t" that has no place here
Also heard a "Trust Grassley". Him & 12 other RINOs sold us down the river. Confounded BOTH Alaska senators were on board
I'm here for the diamonds.
I forgot about that place..
another hopium thread makes my blood boil.
You have to celebrate the small steps otherwise you risk ruining every day by focusing on the negative. My 93 yo mom is like that. It's exhausting. It's like telling a cancer pt who just finished chemo "why are you celebrating, you have cancer ffs, you're suffering, you're probably going to die"
I encourage you to learn to take one step at a time
GTFO commiefag
Your tits, my fren. Calm them.
All these things are necessary to wake the masses. You know this. Yet you still typed this. Have faith. This is not the place for such doom-tardery.
Take a short breather and come back strong.
Off topic but last nite I saw a Musk tweet where he said “we have MIT & CALTECH, we need a Texas Institute of Technology & Science. With real science”. (TITS). 😂