She doesn’t have to keep accounting records regarding her alcohol consumption on a commercial flight: she gets anonymously and generously served whenever she calls an attendant.
Pelosi probably knows better than to retire to a place where she is universally hated. There's not enough security in the world to protect her scrawny ass in Florida, unless she "lives" in a fortress and never leaves it.
She may as well buy Epstein Island! She can continue with her criminal life style and make money on all her pedo male/female friends! Why isn't she being investigated?
Should have harassed her on the plane with a straw and spitballs. Or double seatbelt everyone else and pop the emergency exit door while she walking to bathroom.
You know what, she wasn't house hunting. That’s a crock. She was up to something else. She wouldn’t do the actual “house hunting.” Rich Peepo like her have someone doing that for them.
But hey, Nancy, I have some choice words for you. We know you look at these boards. You’re a disgusting, alcoholic POS hag who should be hung for treason. Until that happens, stay the FUK out of our state. No one would be happy you’re their neighbor. Of course, once we find out where you live, we will send the homeless to camp out on your lawn. And we have a lot!
Realistically, if she is truly house-hunting for a retirement home, it means that she is absolutely certain that no amount of cheating in 2022 can keep the Dems in control of the House and her as speaker. I find that to be a VERY pleasant thought.
Pelosi needs to plan a bit further south, like Gitmo.
Further south still, in the ground at Gitmo.
Anywhere 6feet down is fine by me.
Yeah or hell.
At this point she doesn't seem intimidated though.
She won’t be able to walk down the street in florida. She needs to rethink that plan.
Wolfe that’s silly, Nancy says walls don’t work. S/
Meh.. Broward County still hasnt been fixed.
Ohhh Let’s do it!
Why is Pelosi on a commercial airliner? Doesn't she have $100 Million dollars?
She doesn’t have to keep accounting records regarding her alcohol consumption on a commercial flight: she gets anonymously and generously served whenever she calls an attendant.
You can bet she met with a Florida Democrat so her flight is free!
You know a lot of people become really rich and really cheap at the same time!
She'll settle in Orange County!
Florida swamps are probably cleaner than Pelosi DC swamp creature.
Pelosi probably knows better than to retire to a place where she is universally hated. There's not enough security in the world to protect her scrawny ass in Florida, unless she "lives" in a fortress and never leaves it.
What if she’s an actual crocodile?
She's definitely something serpent.
There are plenty of trees and rope in Florida come on down, "you're the next contestant on the the price of treason is high."
Kinda like dogs don’t sleep (retire) where they poop.
Gov DeSantis: BAN HER!!!
Ha lol this was my thought as well, maybe President Trump can plan a golf course next to her house so golf balls can fly into her windows!
Hole in one!
Ugggh she shouldn't be allowed because she should be in jail!
I live in Florida in a 100% conservative county. I do not think it is a good place for her.
I do not think you moving to Florida is a good idea Nancy
She may as well buy Epstein Island! She can continue with her criminal life style and make money on all her pedo male/female friends! Why isn't she being investigated?
DeSantis should ban her from the state.
Was she really there house hunting???
Should have harassed her on the plane with a straw and spitballs. Or double seatbelt everyone else and pop the emergency exit door while she walking to bathroom.
You know what, she wasn't house hunting. That’s a crock. She was up to something else. She wouldn’t do the actual “house hunting.” Rich Peepo like her have someone doing that for them.
But hey, Nancy, I have some choice words for you. We know you look at these boards. You’re a disgusting, alcoholic POS hag who should be hung for treason. Until that happens, stay the FUK out of our state. No one would be happy you’re their neighbor. Of course, once we find out where you live, we will send the homeless to camp out on your lawn. And we have a lot!
She is going to retire to Cuba.
Can...can it be on the beach, please? Something modern—a no-frills fortress with lots and lots of security. You know how Nance loves her security.
She is building in Montana at the Stock Farm in Hamilton. Local contractors are refusing to work on it. The State and county are free, full of Republicans, etc...
I'm a little curious about their seat proximity, were they both in 1st class...
I know Pelosi was. Well, I'd bet my last dollar Pelosi flies nothing but.
No implications or insinuations, just curious.
Spittin' gold
The United States is what open borders looks like. Fuck up one state and move to another to avoid the consequences.
What do you guys think of MTG?
Realistically, if she is truly house-hunting for a retirement home, it means that she is absolutely certain that no amount of cheating in 2022 can keep the Dems in control of the House and her as speaker. I find that to be a VERY pleasant thought.
No Florida for Nancy. We all know what her real retirement plan will be.
I hope Pelosi is chased by a mob carrying pitchforks.
My family is nearly Tampa. All good.
Wait a minute...were they sitting next to each other on this flight?
Nooooo!!!! Stay in your blue shithole!
Only to find her tribunal awaiting?
That BITCH can just stay the fuck out of my state. Not welcome here!
That psychopath needs to stay in California with all the other wackos