Yeah I'm a big pussy vet who deployed overseas and got every shot in the book and I've donated blood about 40 times but I'm too scared of a tiny needle prick because some limp limey faggot says so.
Someone should tell this faggot. That those previous generations braved those gun shots for years on end to save us from getting things like vaccines if we didn't want it. They fought those wars so governments couldn't pull us up in the streets and say "Where are your papers?"
If you’re not across the pond from the US, get there and don’t come back ! We who choose to not get the poison jab are critical thinkers. You have shown your true deep state colors.
What pisses me off about this pommy faggot. Is that Sky News Australia has got rid of one of its most popular conservative hosts to make way for this cunt.
Are these peope really so naive that they believe the only thing stopping us is a needle?
they know, but they deliberately strawman
Piers moronically thinks everyone is so stupid that this played-out tough guy tactic is going to shame people into it.
He’s a late-middle-aged fat dude with curly hair and a fag accent.
It’s not gonna work Piers.
He came to Texas and shot a 12 Gauge - then claimed the shot was so violent “I nearly soiled myself”
Move on. There are 5 year olds w better value and more mature.
Lol I’m a recovering heroin addict, needles don’t scare me.
8 years a teetotaler! I’m in it to win it.
If I say luv u apparently we can keep this going
Congrats and God bless
8 years of winning... Keep that shutout going till the clock runs out.
By this exact logic, the only reason people avoid drinking cyanide is because of the taste
Out of touch doesn't even begin to describe it.
piers morgan is a blathering limey and smells like pee
Ya I haven't watched him in over a year, but I didn't realize he came out of the closet too. What bloody twit.
He’s got fat smooth hairless cheeks that grow ruddy when he’s mad like a baby’s ass. Grow a beard, Piers!
Oh wait - he can’t!
me: not doing anything different than i did in 2019
They cannot seem to see that we are the ones standing still and they are the ones being yanked this way and that.
Remember when they were all Mueller fanboys? Now they’re on to masks. But before masks they had Mueller.
Remember The_Mueller? How bustling is that place nowadays?
The TV told them to move on so they moved on. Like that their fanboy crush fell away.
Lol ‘Mueller Time’..! Ya, I remember.
How is it possible you've survived this long without live-giving NWO injections?
Actually what he said was pretty damn stupid
Well this pussy(VET) would love to stomp your ass
Yeah I'm a big pussy vet who deployed overseas and got every shot in the book and I've donated blood about 40 times but I'm too scared of a tiny needle prick because some limp limey faggot says so.
It would have to be a vaccine for me to be an anti-vaxxer.
Actually, Piers Morgan is a spineless pussy.
What kind of asshole can't distinguish what control is?? His acquiescence to it shows how spineless he is.
Bet his mom is proud...
Someone should tell this faggot. That those previous generations braved those gun shots for years on end to save us from getting things like vaccines if we didn't want it. They fought those wars so governments couldn't pull us up in the streets and say "Where are your papers?"
tyranny was defeated?
I doubt Piers Morgan is vacxed
Oh man, I’d love to see him in person and show him how big of a pussy he is
So he is saying the vaccine will save us from tyranny?
Is this coms, and we are just.missing it?
Is he vaxxed or just placeboed?
Not wanting something != scared of it
Man this guy jumped the deep end again.
Is this guy qualified to speak about the P word?
By this exact logic, the only reason people avoid drinking cyanide is because of the taste
School yard name calling is all they have left ..... HAHAHAHAHA ... inhale ..... HAHAHAHA
Damn they really are retarded. HAHAHAHA
Ahhh, that reads much more smoothly!
How can they not see that the jab is tyranny?
This guy is still alive? Why? They don't have a shot to get rid of this virus yet? Try the mRNA GMO shot. It kills half the people that take it
If it’s safe then why you need emergency use still
I thought it was a 5 second shot, that’s why I haven’t gotten it. I can’t stand 5 second shots but a 4 second shot, well that’s different.
bravo to you
Nailed it. Perfection.
Much better
Imagine being afraid of a coof.
Imagine not wanting to be poisoned for no good reason. Such pussies
Piers Morgan is a “British Doom Goblin”
If you’re not across the pond from the US, get there and don’t come back ! We who choose to not get the poison jab are critical thinkers. You have shown your true deep state colors.
He bent over took his back door glowie pickle and shot to his eye! Now then who is the pussy with no soul you are you pretentious CUCK!!
Piers Morgan is a schlubby rentboy who lives under a bridge. Ignore.
What pisses me off about this pommy faggot. Is that Sky News Australia has got rid of one of its most popular conservative hosts to make way for this cunt.