They copy the google drive url, and post it on the Ethereum blockchain.
Suddenly idiots spend millions of dollars to "own" an image, that's publicly available on Google Drive, and anyone can download. That's what an NFT is.
Tying the physical artwork, and the physical accessory, to the NFT is interesting. Not sure how that works. Seems like it could totally destroy the counterfeit wine market, tho.
NFTs didn't really make a whole lot of sense as the digital art certificate. However, when you start conferring legal rights like property or Copywrite you start to see some value.
However, it became clear to me that the ideal use case is digital assets for digital consumption. Think of in-game assets, they are perfect NFTs.
All those fortnight skins you bought can, be stored on the blockchain and technically transferable if your next environment uses similar architecture. Also by nature, there is also an immediate secondary market to sell those off after you are done with that game.
Another even more creepy use case is the metaverse... want to be a part of Zucks or any other Metaverse, all the items you use in there are essentially NFTs. Skins, Land, Cars... anything else you can think of.
In some ways, it makes a lot of sense when you pair crypto with NFTs for gaming. You can essentially turn on that time invested in leveling up a game into something tangible that could potentially have appreciation value provided you invest in a long-standing game like Minecraft, fortnight, Roblox ect.
Its going to be an interesting market to watch and there will be a lot of money to be made for some over the next 10 years.
I agree that NFT's have real use-cases for digital rights management. I'm mostly disappointed in humanity that most of the hype seems to be around shitty profile images.
So, I’ve read this before, and maybe I’m just daft, but is it possible to explain this in layman’s terms? I’m not someone who isn’t technically inclined, but I’ve never fully grasped the whole NFT thing. First thing that made me go “ugh” about it was a business article I read regarding a “pop vinyl” NFT, so I looked up what an NFT is, which made no sense to me. I don’t understand it at all? Thanks in advance.
Ok, so I think I’m understanding better now. For Melania’s basically, you are purchasing a unique product which only you own with the proceeds going to a good cause? For the pop vinyl, you are purchasing a unique piece of garbage, but it’s unique nonetheless? I suppose the implications of NFT can be even larger, but I get the gist I think now, thanks fren :)
Not everybody knows what to look for, or even what research to be headed for. I have no idea what any of this stuff is. Because you did the research, and posted it, now I know. I would be more appreciative, except for the fact that you’re just an asshole. Geez, you assume everybody knows what you know, and knows what to look for. Why can’t you just be a gracious person and say… No problem Fren - i’m grateful to be part of a team and helping out. The problem is you actually do you think you’re better than everybody else don’t you. This place is going downhill to just like PDW.
NFT stands for a non-fungible token, which means it can neither be replaced nor interchanged because it has unique properties.
Features -
Digital Asset - NFT is a digital asset that represents internet collectables like art, music, and games with an authentic certificate created by blockchain technology that underlies Cryptocurrency.
Unique - It cannot be forged or otherwise manipulated.
Exchange - NFT exchanges take place in cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin on specialist sites.
Cryptopunks is a remarkable example of NFT. It enables you to buy, sell and store 10,000 collectables with proof-of-ownership.
Fungible means you can break it down like how you can make change for a dollar, or how you can make different size gold coins, aka 1 Troy ounce, 1/2 ozt, 1/4 ozt, 1/10 ozt, etc.
Precious metals have all the properties of "money" largely because they can belted down or cut down to different weights and sizes.
Sticking to Fiat, a dollar can be broken down to quarters, dimes, nickels, etc.
Now I agree that NFT's are kinda stupid but you missed a big point in there.
When you copy a jpeg from a google drive you have a copy of it but you do not own the rights to that work.
NFT's, once purchased, not only give you a copy of the artwork or whatever it is, you also gain the property rights to said work. That is a big difference.
Case in point. Tom MacDonald purchased an NFT from Eminem containing an original beat by Eminem. MacDonald was then able to produce an original song using the beat from Eminem but cannot be sued because MacDonald owns the rights to that beat. In addition he was able to say the song was produced by Eminem, because it was, there by adding value to the work.
That is a pretty big distinction from copying a jpeg from a google drive.
Yes it could and I would assume it will to some degree or another. Is this Melania doing charity or are the Trumps staking their claim in the digital economy. I think it is probably both, but we'll see how things shake out.
Similar to buying a genuine baseball card or a mint condition comic book, but in digital form. The upside to this is it will always be in mint condition but the downside to this is it's intangible.
You are the sole owner of said baseball card/comic book and any copies of them out there will be considered "counterfeit".
Yes, except you own all the rights to said comic book and you can choose to publish it, change it, anything you might wish to do because you are the owner of that work.
One thing the internet has been really good at is making people forget about the idea of ownership and property rights. Seems they get it when it is their land or their house, but when it is an mp3 there is no such thing as ownership and it should just be free... Well agree or disagree, someone spent a bunch of money making that mp3. Arguably the user should compensate the owner for its use. NFT's do bring a new dimension to this argument and it will be interesting to see where it goes...
When you purchase the NFT you own the rights to do with it as you please. I was trying to respond the gentleman who said you can just look at it for free on google drive. I haven’t posted much and may not have been clear.
Reddit is trying to learn people NFT is bad. Look at /all and scroll down. You will find some hate. On the other hand GME via loopring and now Melania pushing NFT. Well well.. Didn't see that one coming. I don't think she would do something like this by herself. It's message from white hats I guess.
Ok, yeah that was my thoughts. This is 5D chess, and I have a very hard time keeping up with it all. I’m happy to have pedes like y’all to help me stay up to date with this stuff.
NFT is very anti-open source / open-internet. It's like those people who have websites where you can't right-click and save-as the pictures.
It's a "mine mine mine" mentality, and is essentially greed/money motivated.
Imagine one day the internet knows who owns pictures from memes and blocks anything that doesn't have the NFT right to that image. That's what NFT's provide.
Because you are thinking about worst usage you possibly can. What about whole financial system based on blockchain technology? Do you realize they can manipulate markets right now to the point whole market is fake? If you didnt see Wall street conspiracy document give it a try.
It seems you think since I'm not a fan of NFT that I don't support blockchain. That's not a valid assumption. ;) 💎 🦍🚀 I do know that bitcoin and other crypto are NOT private, unlike gold and silver. But stocks and such definitely could benefit from blockchain.
What is an NFT?
In simple terms, an NFT (Non-Fungible Token) is a digital file that contains a one-of-a-kind code and is permanently recorded on a blockchain. Accordingly, an NFT cannot be altered, thus guaranteeing authenticity and provenance.
A blockchain is a decentralized, digital record that cannot be forged or counterfeited. Each time a transaction occurs, it is recorded on the blockchain ledger, and is transparent to the public.
No two NFTs are alike, thus providing exclusivity, scarcity, and value in the digital realm.
For a picture its like a digital canvass that has been verified by being on a block chain so you know this is the original of that picture vs a copy, kinda like the mona lisa is the original but if you try to pass off a copy people will know cause there is only one of them.
My feeling is at the moment its a bit of a wild west out there with the picture NFT's cause people are speculating that they are going to be worth more but mostly like with the crypto space its mostly gambling and hoping for the best.
Now for me having a original NFT picture rather than a jpeg copy would make no difference and neither would be having the real mona lisa vs a copy as they would both look the same but one has more value to others although the whole art industry is pretty much just money laundering and tax evasion scheme so who knows if they will be worth more in the future.
But NFT's can be used for far more than that say things like the deed to your house by having it on a blockchain there can only be one deed and if you own the keys to that NFT you are the owner of it, if someone were to try to create a fake it would be easy to detect.
To me that has value.
In gaming NFT's could be something like a one off sword for a MMO game which would also allow you to trade it to someone else, there could also be one hundred of these swords and you would know yours is the 56th one or whatever and such has some value to the game.
One of the things Synth from Skycoin mentioned was because the trading of the gaming NFT's would be transferable it could mean that say you play the hell out of a online game get a bunch of cool items but then decide you want to start playing another game you would be able to trade those for ones in a new game and so in effect you would be earning a little money or value from playing a game as you can cash out the items which you don't need anymore.
Skycoin is currently making a game to showcase NFT's on their platform which will have various items that can be traded and kept, meant to be a bit like Terraria but with the ability to breed cats iirc so if you have a rare cat NFT it could be worth money cause people will want to breed with your cat so they can have a unique one for example.
When Trump is in office, he had to play devil's advocate with the vaccine in order to push the DS along. It's probably the same with crypto, we can't be 100% sure those are his actual feelings.
What we can predict is silver and gold will probably come into play. We don't know about crypto-currency or how that applies to devolution.
This is true. It's a really thin line with crypto especially because while it has awesome potential it is quite literally digital currency that we have been wary of for our entire lives.
Yes, it's digital currency, but it's decentralized! Unlike fiat, where the powers to be are allowed to print as much of it as they want (stealing wealth from us to distribute it amongst themselves), decentralized cryptocurrency can not be controlled by one entity. It's the solution to inflation. Not to mention it's unhackable, allows money to transfer almost instantly to anyone else around the world-eliminating the need for banks/third parties, and will exist as long as the internet exists.
I don't understand the question. What makes people use fiat currency now? Nothing. We choose to because it's the system that's already in place, plus the government expects us to pay tax on our property. Anyone can choose to live off the grid and use a barter system as long as you are tax-exempt or somehow manage to elude the IRS, you should be good haha. The problem with bartering is that it is an inefficient way of exchanging goods/services.
The more people learn of the benefits of cryptocurrency, the more popular it becomes and the more governments try to regulate it. Thing is, they really can't control it (decentralized). So they outright ban it, like what China has done.
Indeed, though consider what would happen if Tether was printing billions of 'dollars' even though the price was still pegged to USD. They could manipulate the snot out of the cryptomarkets, regardless of how decentralized they are. As far as I know, that's what they've been doing. I've also heard Tether is tied to Evergrande. Makes sense to me why Japan is planning to regulate stablecoins
Fair point. Which is why any way you look at it, fiat needs to go. In the meantime, keeping your money in coins like UST (which is pegged to the US dollar) and depositing it into Anchor Protocol gives you 20% APY and beats the rate of inflation, unlike putting it in a bank or holding onto gold.
He may not be pro crypto, but he is anti-establishment and anit-censorship. I wonder if he is working with RVP (Revolution Populi). If you don't know what that is, I highly suggest you look it up.
This is one way to get normies exposed to idea of NFT and crypto. The MSM is going to go after her hard and this will be covered everywhere. Normies will need this understanding as the financial crimes are declassified and if blockchain is being used for our new dollar.
Remember she wore that blockchain dress on Election Day?
So I have a running theory… everyone is looking at this from the inch, let’s try from the mile. I’m new to bitcoin and will need others to help connect the dots on this. Let’s look at three important announcements…
-Trump announces DWAC - giving the little man the first opportunity to get on a SPAC which is usually reserved for the SPAC mafia. BUY DWAC
-Don Jr. announces there will be a huge announcement from Rumble. The following day Rumble announces they acquired locals putting it in the position to be the next YouTube. BUY CFVI
-Last week Melania joins Parler. Now, she announces a crypto platform.
Is the Trump family is putting every keyboard warrior in a position to gain financially with coms? Since I don’t know much about bitcoin, can anyone with more knowledge connect this to how it may play a role in truth social?
Everyone NFT is important to artists because it provides GENUINE PROOF OF OWNERSHIP. Once the NFT space is established as the STANDARD - the art value is sky high because it can be VERIFIED AS GENUINE to the ORIGINAL ARTISTS WALLET.
Anyone can download an image off the internet, but once NFT's are the standard - your JPEG won't mean anything because it'll be easy to verify AUTHENTICity. \
Plus because of blockchain, overtime as value goes up and sales happen for people to make bank off your artwork which is going up in value because you are becoming a more well known artist - you can apply royalties to the artwork to always get a cut FOREVER. Pass that royalty/wallet to your proginy and when my January 6th photographs sell for 1 million Trump-Chain Coins, my kids can get a cut.
It's all about proving origin, authenticity, and being connected to the OG author.
Ohhh. Yes they can because you cannot delete anything from the blockchain.
If they had a way and did it would be at the minimum: genuinely verifiable from the authors wallet with a screengrab and anyone on the blockchain could confirm the action of deletion.
I don't know blockchain enough to know if deleting nfts connected to others wallets is possible.
Good luck making a Mona Lisa meme once NFT DRM google bots prevent them from being displayed anywhere. "This page has illegal content, please contact your site developer so they can license the correct image rights for that meme pic."
From what I understand there are a few privacy coins such as Monero that don't fall into the typical transparent, easy to track models of crypto transaction coins.
Yea. Dunno how to feel about this one. On one hand NFTs in general can and have been used to scam people. On the other hand if there are enough people who find it valuable there will be value kind of like fiat. And of course the whole “one of a kind” quality albeit different from the tangible “one of a kind” that I’m used to.
I feel like the majority of NFT scams arise when some random unknown person makes something and then tries to pass it off as valuable. There's initial demand, and then once they realize it's just some random thing that nobody cares about, the demand crumbles, followed by the price.
If someone desirable like Trump makes an NFT, the demand for the NFT is likely going to stay stable and increase once the NFT stops being available and there's no more being minted. Therefore the price is likely to increase.
Same. Sooner or later we need to stop making excuses. This use case of NFTs is nothing more than a money grab in my opinion.
NFT tech should be used for things like a stock market replacement, NFT Gaming Marketplace where games are NFTs and developers can release their own games without a middleman (publisher), buyers of games fully own the game and can trade/sell it later on if they want to, etc.
Hell, DWAC made billions in its market cap without even a solid product to show for LOL. That is insane and makes no sense to me....
Let’s play a game. Let’s pretend I have no freaking idea what this means.
Now, you explain:
Suddenly idiots spend millions of dollars to "own" an image, that's publicly available on Google Drive, and anyone can download. That's what an NFT is.
Tying the physical artwork, and the physical accessory, to the NFT is interesting. Not sure how that works. Seems like it could totally destroy the counterfeit wine market, tho.
NFT's are essentially a form of DRM.
NFTs didn't really make a whole lot of sense as the digital art certificate. However, when you start conferring legal rights like property or Copywrite you start to see some value.
However, it became clear to me that the ideal use case is digital assets for digital consumption. Think of in-game assets, they are perfect NFTs.
All those fortnight skins you bought can, be stored on the blockchain and technically transferable if your next environment uses similar architecture. Also by nature, there is also an immediate secondary market to sell those off after you are done with that game.
Another even more creepy use case is the metaverse... want to be a part of Zucks or any other Metaverse, all the items you use in there are essentially NFTs. Skins, Land, Cars... anything else you can think of.
In some ways, it makes a lot of sense when you pair crypto with NFTs for gaming. You can essentially turn on that time invested in leveling up a game into something tangible that could potentially have appreciation value provided you invest in a long-standing game like Minecraft, fortnight, Roblox ect.
Its going to be an interesting market to watch and there will be a lot of money to be made for some over the next 10 years.
Did you mean "copyright" as in having the right to copy?
I agree that NFT's have real use-cases for digital rights management. I'm mostly disappointed in humanity that most of the hype seems to be around shitty profile images.
So, I’ve read this before, and maybe I’m just daft, but is it possible to explain this in layman’s terms? I’m not someone who isn’t technically inclined, but I’ve never fully grasped the whole NFT thing. First thing that made me go “ugh” about it was a business article I read regarding a “pop vinyl” NFT, so I looked up what an NFT is, which made no sense to me. I don’t understand it at all? Thanks in advance.
Ok, so I think I’m understanding better now. For Melania’s basically, you are purchasing a unique product which only you own with the proceeds going to a good cause? For the pop vinyl, you are purchasing a unique piece of garbage, but it’s unique nonetheless? I suppose the implications of NFT can be even larger, but I get the gist I think now, thanks fren :)
Not everybody knows what to look for, or even what research to be headed for. I have no idea what any of this stuff is. Because you did the research, and posted it, now I know. I would be more appreciative, except for the fact that you’re just an asshole. Geez, you assume everybody knows what you know, and knows what to look for. Why can’t you just be a gracious person and say… No problem Fren - i’m grateful to be part of a team and helping out. The problem is you actually do you think you’re better than everybody else don’t you. This place is going downhill to just like PDW.
"There's just no pleasing some people," said Jesus to the Former Leper.
Stop screaming fren. You'll always get an explanation from those who have more knowledge on said topic if you simply ask.
Who hurt you?
Ummm, just a bit more to it than that...Its a Digital Asset...
In a virtual world. 🤣
NFT stands for a non-fungible token, which means it can neither be replaced nor interchanged because it has unique properties. Features -
Digital Asset - NFT is a digital asset that represents internet collectables like art, music, and games with an authentic certificate created by blockchain technology that underlies Cryptocurrency. Unique - It cannot be forged or otherwise manipulated. Exchange - NFT exchanges take place in cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin on specialist sites. Cryptopunks is a remarkable example of NFT. It enables you to buy, sell and store 10,000 collectables with proof-of-ownership.
It does sound like a collector's item and in the end, more valuable over time, even priceless well into future when we're all gone.
It sound exactly what a Trump move is and they've factored in an already won future. Hopeful.
What the heck is fungible, let's start there lol
Fungible means you can break it down like how you can make change for a dollar, or how you can make different size gold coins, aka 1 Troy ounce, 1/2 ozt, 1/4 ozt, 1/10 ozt, etc.
Precious metals have all the properties of "money" largely because they can belted down or cut down to different weights and sizes.
Sticking to Fiat, a dollar can be broken down to quarters, dimes, nickels, etc.
That's fungible.
Not exactly.
Now I agree that NFT's are kinda stupid but you missed a big point in there.
When you copy a jpeg from a google drive you have a copy of it but you do not own the rights to that work.
NFT's, once purchased, not only give you a copy of the artwork or whatever it is, you also gain the property rights to said work. That is a big difference.
Case in point. Tom MacDonald purchased an NFT from Eminem containing an original beat by Eminem. MacDonald was then able to produce an original song using the beat from Eminem but cannot be sued because MacDonald owns the rights to that beat. In addition he was able to say the song was produced by Eminem, because it was, there by adding value to the work.
That is a pretty big distinction from copying a jpeg from a google drive.
Could this eventually be tied to truth social?
Yes it could and I would assume it will to some degree or another. Is this Melania doing charity or are the Trumps staking their claim in the digital economy. I think it is probably both, but we'll see how things shake out.
Similar to buying a genuine baseball card or a mint condition comic book, but in digital form. The upside to this is it will always be in mint condition but the downside to this is it's intangible.
You are the sole owner of said baseball card/comic book and any copies of them out there will be considered "counterfeit".
Yes, except you own all the rights to said comic book and you can choose to publish it, change it, anything you might wish to do because you are the owner of that work.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Thank you for useful explanation with an example for the retards of GA.W =P
One thing the internet has been really good at is making people forget about the idea of ownership and property rights. Seems they get it when it is their land or their house, but when it is an mp3 there is no such thing as ownership and it should just be free... Well agree or disagree, someone spent a bunch of money making that mp3. Arguably the user should compensate the owner for its use. NFT's do bring a new dimension to this argument and it will be interesting to see where it goes...
But you do not have rights to reproduce or display that image, other than to just look at it on your device
I believe you actually do own the rights to do with it as you please.
When you purchase the NFT you own the rights to do with it as you please. I was trying to respond the gentleman who said you can just look at it for free on google drive. I haven’t posted much and may not have been clear.
Reddit is trying to learn people NFT is bad. Look at /all and scroll down. You will find some hate. On the other hand GME via loopring and now Melania pushing NFT. Well well.. Didn't see that one coming. I don't think she would do something like this by herself. It's message from white hats I guess.
Ok, yeah that was my thoughts. This is 5D chess, and I have a very hard time keeping up with it all. I’m happy to have pedes like y’all to help me stay up to date with this stuff.
NFT is very anti-open source / open-internet. It's like those people who have websites where you can't right-click and save-as the pictures.
It's a "mine mine mine" mentality, and is essentially greed/money motivated.
Imagine one day the internet knows who owns pictures from memes and blocks anything that doesn't have the NFT right to that image. That's what NFT's provide.
I'm not a fan.
Because you are thinking about worst usage you possibly can. What about whole financial system based on blockchain technology? Do you realize they can manipulate markets right now to the point whole market is fake? If you didnt see Wall street conspiracy document give it a try.
It seems you think since I'm not a fan of NFT that I don't support blockchain. That's not a valid assumption. ;) 💎 🦍🚀 I do know that bitcoin and other crypto are NOT private, unlike gold and silver. But stocks and such definitely could benefit from blockchain.
This Joe Rogan song/vid someone made sums it up nicely.
HAHAHAHA internet wins again!!!
Unfortunately, I get a 503 error.
Works for me, but here is the text:
FAQ What is an NFT? In simple terms, an NFT (Non-Fungible Token) is a digital file that contains a one-of-a-kind code and is permanently recorded on a blockchain. Accordingly, an NFT cannot be altered, thus guaranteeing authenticity and provenance.
A blockchain is a decentralized, digital record that cannot be forged or counterfeited. Each time a transaction occurs, it is recorded on the blockchain ledger, and is transparent to the public.
No two NFTs are alike, thus providing exclusivity, scarcity, and value in the digital realm.
You get a different variant so you'll need another three booster shots. ;)
Non Fungible Token
For a picture its like a digital canvass that has been verified by being on a block chain so you know this is the original of that picture vs a copy, kinda like the mona lisa is the original but if you try to pass off a copy people will know cause there is only one of them.
My feeling is at the moment its a bit of a wild west out there with the picture NFT's cause people are speculating that they are going to be worth more but mostly like with the crypto space its mostly gambling and hoping for the best. Now for me having a original NFT picture rather than a jpeg copy would make no difference and neither would be having the real mona lisa vs a copy as they would both look the same but one has more value to others although the whole art industry is pretty much just money laundering and tax evasion scheme so who knows if they will be worth more in the future.
But NFT's can be used for far more than that say things like the deed to your house by having it on a blockchain there can only be one deed and if you own the keys to that NFT you are the owner of it, if someone were to try to create a fake it would be easy to detect. To me that has value.
In gaming NFT's could be something like a one off sword for a MMO game which would also allow you to trade it to someone else, there could also be one hundred of these swords and you would know yours is the 56th one or whatever and such has some value to the game. One of the things Synth from Skycoin mentioned was because the trading of the gaming NFT's would be transferable it could mean that say you play the hell out of a online game get a bunch of cool items but then decide you want to start playing another game you would be able to trade those for ones in a new game and so in effect you would be earning a little money or value from playing a game as you can cash out the items which you don't need anymore.
Skycoin is currently making a game to showcase NFT's on their platform which will have various items that can be traded and kept, meant to be a bit like Terraria but with the ability to breed cats iirc so if you have a rare cat NFT it could be worth money cause people will want to breed with your cat so they can have a unique one for example.
Uhhh...not so sure about this one. Considering Trump is not even pro crypto this seems like an odd move
When Trump is in office, he had to play devil's advocate with the vaccine in order to push the DS along. It's probably the same with crypto, we can't be 100% sure those are his actual feelings.
What we can predict is silver and gold will probably come into play. We don't know about crypto-currency or how that applies to devolution.
This is true. It's a really thin line with crypto especially because while it has awesome potential it is quite literally digital currency that we have been wary of for our entire lives.
Yes, it's digital currency, but it's decentralized! Unlike fiat, where the powers to be are allowed to print as much of it as they want (stealing wealth from us to distribute it amongst themselves), decentralized cryptocurrency can not be controlled by one entity. It's the solution to inflation. Not to mention it's unhackable, allows money to transfer almost instantly to anyone else around the world-eliminating the need for banks/third parties, and will exist as long as the internet exists.
Michael Saylor talks BTC to Tucker Carlson, full interview:
I get that but, what makes you immune to people saying no?
Sincerely, if they dont want to accept crypto, what stops you from being poor?
I don't understand the question. What makes people use fiat currency now? Nothing. We choose to because it's the system that's already in place, plus the government expects us to pay tax on our property. Anyone can choose to live off the grid and use a barter system as long as you are tax-exempt or somehow manage to elude the IRS, you should be good haha. The problem with bartering is that it is an inefficient way of exchanging goods/services.
The more people learn of the benefits of cryptocurrency, the more popular it becomes and the more governments try to regulate it. Thing is, they really can't control it (decentralized). So they outright ban it, like what China has done.
It's only the solution to inflation so long as there isn't a coin out there doing inflationary USDT aka Tether
Tether is a centralized cryptocurrency, not the kind I'm talking about. USDT was explicitly created to be pegged to the US dollar's price.
Indeed, though consider what would happen if Tether was printing billions of 'dollars' even though the price was still pegged to USD. They could manipulate the snot out of the cryptomarkets, regardless of how decentralized they are. As far as I know, that's what they've been doing. I've also heard Tether is tied to Evergrande. Makes sense to me why Japan is planning to regulate stablecoins
Fair point. Which is why any way you look at it, fiat needs to go. In the meantime, keeping your money in coins like UST (which is pegged to the US dollar) and depositing it into Anchor Protocol gives you 20% APY and beats the rate of inflation, unlike putting it in a bank or holding onto gold.
He was never pro-crypto, but his sons are heavily involved in buying crypto.
Optics. That's always what I felt his comments about crypto were.
He may not be pro crypto, but he is anti-establishment and anit-censorship. I wonder if he is working with RVP (Revolution Populi). If you don't know what that is, I highly suggest you look it up.
This is one way to get normies exposed to idea of NFT and crypto. The MSM is going to go after her hard and this will be covered everywhere. Normies will need this understanding as the financial crimes are declassified and if blockchain is being used for our new dollar.
Remember she wore that blockchain dress on Election Day?
White hats in action. Part of the movie.
Artwork? Original paintings? They’ve gotta be trolling Hunter!
Yep! An even better troll would be for Melania to create a watercolor fingerpainting to use.
If they can get a Hunter Biden original…that’s worth some serious jack.
You mean Baron is and he's putting it in his mom's name? Seems more likely to me. 😁
Makes you wonder just what pies Baron has his hands in?
Time travel:
Ah shit, here we go again unzips crypto wallet
I feel old trying to understand all this tech 😃
So I have a running theory… everyone is looking at this from the inch, let’s try from the mile. I’m new to bitcoin and will need others to help connect the dots on this. Let’s look at three important announcements…
-Trump announces DWAC - giving the little man the first opportunity to get on a SPAC which is usually reserved for the SPAC mafia. BUY DWAC
-Don Jr. announces there will be a huge announcement from Rumble. The following day Rumble announces they acquired locals putting it in the position to be the next YouTube. BUY CFVI
An article from yesterday.
-Last week Melania joins Parler. Now, she announces a crypto platform.
Is the Trump family is putting every keyboard warrior in a position to gain financially with coms? Since I don’t know much about bitcoin, can anyone with more knowledge connect this to how it may play a role in truth social?
/u/retardmonkey /u/daesdaemar
May she thrive with glee in her eyes.
Is this how they expect us to get roped into the NFT metaverse? LOL They are idiots and I will never play crypto currency games.
I feel the same way. They are setting the stage for all things Metaverse, all things digital, you'll own nothing physical and you'll be happy, etc.
Each day that goes by the more confirmation I get that we are in end times...
The Beast = Artificial Intelligence, 24/7 surveillance, Metaverse, Social Credit Score, etc.
Solana. Currently $186 per SOL
This has to be tied to truth social somehow. I don’t know enough about crypto but she announced joining Parler last week too.
Wait. They want to accept SOL the crypto. Is that a product of Solana Labs? Interesting choice of crypto to use. SOL = Sun = Sun god? soul?
Wonder if this is just so everyone will Hassel them like they didn't to hunter's artwork. Lol
Everyone NFT is important to artists because it provides GENUINE PROOF OF OWNERSHIP. Once the NFT space is established as the STANDARD - the art value is sky high because it can be VERIFIED AS GENUINE to the ORIGINAL ARTISTS WALLET.
Anyone can download an image off the internet, but once NFT's are the standard - your JPEG won't mean anything because it'll be easy to verify AUTHENTICity. \
Plus because of blockchain, overtime as value goes up and sales happen for people to make bank off your artwork which is going up in value because you are becoming a more well known artist - you can apply royalties to the artwork to always get a cut FOREVER. Pass that royalty/wallet to your proginy and when my January 6th photographs sell for 1 million Trump-Chain Coins, my kids can get a cut.
It's all about proving origin, authenticity, and being connected to the OG author.
Compromising in what sense?
Ohhh. Yes they can because you cannot delete anything from the blockchain.
If they had a way and did it would be at the minimum: genuinely verifiable from the authors wallet with a screengrab and anyone on the blockchain could confirm the action of deletion.
I don't know blockchain enough to know if deleting nfts connected to others wallets is possible.
Where do we buy?
Is this really from Melania Trump's Office?
Looks legit
Press release talks about purchasing using CC via Moonpay. Was anyone able to do that? Couldn't locate the option.
Maybe time to buy Solana? What yall think?
Its easy to find and download a picture of the Mona Lisa for free. But if you had ownership of the original, that is worth something.
Good luck making a Mona Lisa meme once NFT DRM google bots prevent them from being displayed anywhere. "This page has illegal content, please contact your site developer so they can license the correct image rights for that meme pic."
It's DRM.
Wow Mrs. Trump is so freaking cool for doing this! And using the Solana platform too! Fascinating.
Trump sez "Witch Hunt" = No deals.
Mel sez "SOL" = you know what that means.
fuck joe biden type in your addy bar. yes I spelled melania wrong
Former first lady..
Nah you would be thinking of Bitcoin. Which was most likely created by the CIA.
From what I understand there are a few privacy coins such as Monero that don't fall into the typical transparent, easy to track models of crypto transaction coins.
One of the ways and one of the uses. Not wrong. Take my updooty doot
NFTs are scams. Shame on her, she's smarter than that nonsense.
How is a non fungible token a scam? If anything proof of ownership with public verification is the opposite of a scam.
Just like the internet was a scam too... hahaha
It's as much a scam as collectable baseball cards, only these can't be forged.
Yea. Dunno how to feel about this one. On one hand NFTs in general can and have been used to scam people. On the other hand if there are enough people who find it valuable there will be value kind of like fiat. And of course the whole “one of a kind” quality albeit different from the tangible “one of a kind” that I’m used to.
I feel like the majority of NFT scams arise when some random unknown person makes something and then tries to pass it off as valuable. There's initial demand, and then once they realize it's just some random thing that nobody cares about, the demand crumbles, followed by the price.
If someone desirable like Trump makes an NFT, the demand for the NFT is likely going to stay stable and increase once the NFT stops being available and there's no more being minted. Therefore the price is likely to increase.
Wonder what she has in the way of materials? Is it used solely for art? Can documents/literature/photographs also be considered as NFT's?
I have no idea how it works.
Oh cmon Queue. Don't be like thatttt
Same. Sooner or later we need to stop making excuses. This use case of NFTs is nothing more than a money grab in my opinion.
NFT tech should be used for things like a stock market replacement, NFT Gaming Marketplace where games are NFTs and developers can release their own games without a middleman (publisher), buyers of games fully own the game and can trade/sell it later on if they want to, etc.
Hell, DWAC made billions in its market cap without even a solid product to show for LOL. That is insane and makes no sense to me....