Is this the guy who Biden squeezed into firing the prosecutor investigating Hunter for his business dealings in the Ukraine? (I don't see it mentioned here, so wonder.)
When the Russia, Russia, Russia narrative suddenly changed to collusion with Ukraine based on one phone-call that was misrepresented by a 'White House insider"
I must have missed the results of the police investigation…where patrol responded and wrote a general report, and detectives followed up and wrote supplemental reports. Those would be a matter of public record. Anybody seen them?
Yet Alefantis told Guy Fieri that he stores his homemade tomato sauce in the basement. Every building in that area has basements, and a lot of them connect to facilitate criminal activity.
I'd like for one of these real nutjobs to tell me debunked. We've all seen a ton of evidence.
This is the doing of the IMF because he refused to be a slave to pharma. IMF= international Mafia Foundation. A Swiss(?)woman who worked for he WHO became a whistleblower and goes over the insane contracts forced upon countries in exchange for international aid. Will add video if I can find it. It was on yt, but I doubt it still is, it was a roundtable talk and she was there via webcam telling this stuff straight from he documents. I believe she has worked in high-level policy for decade.
This movie is starting to get exciting :)
Tje news is starting to ring true.
Christmas surprise incoming!
Maybe this is why Bidan and many prominent members of the left are becoming unhinged lately (more so than usual).
Think of him yelling at college kids the other day. Maybe the walls are closing in and they know what’s coming round the bend
Yelling at college kids? Lol
Well sonofa bitch
Is this the guy who Biden squeezed into firing the prosecutor investigating Hunter for his business dealings in the Ukraine? (I don't see it mentioned here, so wonder.)
When the Russia, Russia, Russia narrative suddenly changed to collusion with Ukraine based on one phone-call that was misrepresented by a 'White House insider"
The perfect phone call as Trump calls it.
“Pizzagate, the debunked conspiracy theory..”
I must have missed the results of the police investigation…where patrol responded and wrote a general report, and detectives followed up and wrote supplemental reports. Those would be a matter of public record. Anybody seen them?
No, but the NYT did say there’s no basement, so...
Oh it must be true then. Nothing to see here! HONK HONK
They doth protest too much
Not sure how it's debunked when there's literally evidence overflowing. Hahaha
Yet Alefantis told Guy Fieri that he stores his homemade tomato sauce in the basement. Every building in that area has basements, and a lot of them connect to facilitate criminal activity.
I'd like for one of these real nutjobs to tell me debunked. We've all seen a ton of evidence.
The Full Pizzagate Investigation:
"Did you commit this crime"
"lol nope"
"Understandable, have a nice day."
At the exact moment MS370 was being hijacked, Ukraine's gold was being moved by trucks to a darkened airfield and flown to the US
It's about time most of you take the time to watch/read this :
I promise the first 2-3 minutes will pique your interest.
Whoa. Ukrainian Mike Lindell is bringing the heat.
Lmao! Peak male form right there.
Glenn Beck (not sure if he's controlled opposition) was all over this Ukraine corruption several years ago.
Tried to wake up my normie friends back then, but they were too busy with Netflix, vacation planning and absorbing the MSM narrative.
I remember this. I’ll second the sentiment: this is worth your time.
u /#wildwest
What the heck is Killary wearing? It's like one of those images you stare at long enough and then it becomes 3D.
It’s a tablecloth.
Major lol...
That green thing Hill's wearing looks more like drapes.
Ha. The Magic-Eye Dress.
Who could stare it long enough to tell? :)
.... I see....... Arkancide
AKA her shower curtain.....
Well, son of a bitch
I see what you did there!😁
Well played.
Just exactly who is the dark winter going to be for?
Accused doesn't mean anything. When he is charged let's talk.
Unfortunately agreed. Think of how many times Trump was accused of treason. 400 times a day for 5 years.
Expect a new covid19 variant in 5, 4, 3, 2 ...
Oh man! this is awesome!
Wouldn't that be something ... if "Joe" got taken down by Ukraine.
That'd be ironic. Irony can be really ironic.
you are right!
UN, soros open society, Clinton foundation, who, WEF
Maybe this…
But wait. Didn't this happen in 2019? when he was removed from office?
“Pizzagate, the debunked conspiracy theory. “ KEK
In case anyone, like me, thought that the message under the image of the article was a Q post — it’s not.
Or at least I couldn’t find any corresponding posts that matched any of those phrases (poroshenko returned 0 results).
Got quiet excited when i saw this news this morning, hope it leads to something bigger.
This is the doing of the IMF because he refused to be a slave to pharma. IMF= international Mafia Foundation. A Swiss(?)woman who worked for he WHO became a whistleblower and goes over the insane contracts forced upon countries in exchange for international aid. Will add video if I can find it. It was on yt, but I doubt it still is, it was a roundtable talk and she was there via webcam telling this stuff straight from he documents. I believe she has worked in high-level policy for decade.
accused by whom/who? That's the real question
"Well, son of a bitch."