Nothing is over until Wall Street says it’s over.
And guess what: shares of Moderna and BioNTech are cratering. The hedge funds have finally realized there will be no fourth shot. And that mRNA technology still has a few issues to work out. THE PANDEMIC IS OVER.
⚠️ Vax-TYRANNY ☠️

Oy vey - muh shekels!
Q post #2792 "FEAR IS REAL."
Fear Is Real
Fear Israel.
Noooooooo! Muh rare Funko Pop bank loan!
But I neeeed them! /s
Broooooo WHAAAAAAT!?
Just kidding. I was thinking about the strangeness of applying for my first home loan before I had a credit rating because, before then, I bought everything with cash and lived within my means.
I paid that home loan off within five years because fuck them.
oh, nice catch!
Good catch fren
Pizza Is Real
$GME will take us to the moon. Hedgies r fukt.
see you there!
Buy, HODL and DRS.
This is the way.
Now is a good time to buy a ticket!
They're on a discount now.
The pandemic is over posts is my new favorite hype post. I need someone or something that officially declares this though.
Yeah, after the news that the UK has essentially surrendered to the people, many of us are getting hyped to the idea that it's now inevitable that the US will follow suit. Let's hope that line of reasoning is correct.
And his words to honor The People sound just like Trump We The People are getting Our Country back!
It's over for those who believe it's over. For the rest, it's not.
Exactly. Just today my kids elementary school has 4 CaSeS - who TF is still testing and reporting? What a flipping joke. Red State blue County. Get me out of here.
My work still sends out case emails every day, and we’re currently work remote because we have a 3% positivity rating. Our union has pushed everyone to test and report so we can keep working from home. Very liberal organization in a blue state. It’ll never end for some of these people.
What about pfizer
Medicines are different..no easy ride and legally liable..not like vaxxs
Pfizer's stock price went up a lot today, but dropped half a percent over the last hour.
I think pfizer is the one that needs to tank right?
Source: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1198516/covid-19-vaccinations-administered-us-by-company/
Ah I see! BioNtech! Ill have to look more into that relationship
Follow the Money
When the pandemic is over so are the emergency powers all countries have used to grab powers and pass Draconian laws
Not so fast. It's not over until the fat lady starts singing.
Not allowed! Singing is a super-spreader activity.
This was probably just one small part of their plan from the start. The people who orchestrated the plandemic knew what stocks to buy. Get in cheap, sell 2 years later for 20-30x what you bought at. Move on to their next con job.
I just checked Moderna's 3 year chart. They were hovering around $20 for most of 2019 before a convenient dip down to $13 then a steady increase in monthly volume along with price.. Right up until Jan-Feb 2020 when there was a sudden massive increase in volume and then of course the stock goes to the moon through 2020. I'd love to see a list of who's selling now and who was buying in late 2019 and Jan 2020. I'm sure we'd recognize a few names.
Moderna is still up ~800% from 2019..
Are you not aware that basically every stock is cratering right now? This has nothing to do with Moderna.
Smells like insider trading to me... those "in the know" of the narrative collapsing and possible unveiling of the side effects/stopping 3rd/4th shots? Perhaps they are selling off these jacked up stocks ASAP before something big drops.
A "few" issues?
Death. Minor issue, not as bad as getting COVID!
This will be very unpopular but wall street is one of the most successful criminal theft rings to ever be considered lawful. Wall Street steals from Main Street little people and the profits go to the truly wealthy. Robert David Steele discussed the theft and now he is dead. I don't believe covid killed him. He was a smart and aware individual.
Pfizer getting ready to buy.
Death to the death dealers.
Lots of stocks down, but gold was up!
I heard the first sentence in Bluto's voice. So that makes, what, Ugur Sahin Dean Wormer?
Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?
Hell no!
Im thinking this is in preparation for the pfizer pill. They will get rid of the clot shots and segue right into a pill that costs hundreds per month.
Biontech and Moderna have no stake in this. They have been declared the losers. That is why their stocks are tanking and will continue to do so. Id like to see our favorite satanists in Congress recent buy and sell moves.
This is also why we have been hearing from various places that the vax may be on the way out.
But people will treat the pill with even more skepticism once their suspicions are confirmed about the death serum. The cabal is pivoting to what they think is an even better scheme but will be defeated by their own hubris.
About the only place I go in public these days is a grocery store, and here in southern NY, I am pretty much the only person not wearing a mask. I haven't had any "Karens" or store employees say anything, so I will continue to go without a mask. I am so tempted to yell out in the store, "The pandemic will only end when WE end it! Take off your masks!". But of course, I would be viewed as a crazy person by all the drones.
Coz you cannot make money off a confiscated asset that belongs to the government and will be sold off.
Executive orders.
Let’s fucking go!!
Get wrecked
So gratifying!