Apparently Trump pushed back. Here is the collusion he was up against:
Talking heads are like lawyers in that they will advocate for whoever is their client.
McEnany bad-mouthed Trump before she was working for him, was very good at defending him when working for him, but then went to work at FOX. After the sham election who was she working for? Who has Hannity really been working for?
Apparently they will say anything we want to hear so long as they can pull the strings against us when it counts.
Hannity is a snake. Always thought so.
and kaleigh is a dragon. it alllllllll connects
Right, the J6 committee proves it.
He has a CIA pin he wears on TV. It was always out in the open.
But Rank and File FBI with guns and tear gas are good guys. C'mon and throw me a football. -Hannity
Hannity talks over all his guests which is why I stopped listening to him years ago. And the "I was a home construction guy" thing is way overused by him. LIke he is one of us. Yeah right.
They were outed in the presidential debates of 2015 when me-again smelly went after Trump. Remember how sick she was, she had serious karma, ended where she is now, basically a has been.
Meh did you watch the one with McMaster. He did not push him when he was talking about the feds doing a false flag with J6
He knows when he can’t fuck around.
Fox showed you exactly who they were on election night. There is no reason to go back to Fox.
Hannity approaching Anderson Cooper level.
Hannity is a pussy
I never trusted Hannity because of how he spoke about Dr. Paul in the 2008 primary.
Hannity has always been a punk selling flowers, snake oil and other lies.
You hate to see it with Kayleigh tho.
Does he mean the 2020 election that has been proven Fixed in at least 5 states?
If that is out of context then Hannity and McEnany can present the context - like the whole emails chain - and we will see. The ball is in their court.
They did it to make Hannity et al look like the voice of reason, while Trump is in contrast made to look like a madman. For example:
"See, even Hannity and Kayleigh tried to tell him this election fraud thing is not to be spoken of. Trump wouldn't listen. He was out of control. Crazy."
They would do that if it helped to trash Trump or make the case he was insane and thus vulnerable to a 25th Amendment attack.
True. They have had the chance for a year to set the record straight. Now they are just trying to evade and muddy the waters
Yea, I am having a hard time understanding the conversation and how the conclusions are being drawn from the one text exchange. Maybe I am missing something.
This is the second time today OP has made a post about this. No agenda here...
The other option is that Hannity et al may have been right?
Having the president rant and rave about the election being stolen works for a while but quite quickly people take sides. We know the election was stolen but saying the same for yet another full TV interview was not going to change anyone's mind and could alienate some who had no strong opinion either way.
Also, were mayor Giuliani and attorney Powell really giving the best advice and following the optimum route to get things righted? They are certainly both very able people and they both pursue the truth but was that the best way given the time available and the full might of the Deep State and their plan ranged against them?
Just a thought.
So what is the logic here? It is okay to tell the truth once, twice, maybe three or more times---but when some people get tired of it, one must stop telling the truth? On that principle, Alexandr Solzhenitsyn should have kept his manuscripts in his desk drawer.
I do not know the context of the phone call between McEnany and Hannity. Was it intended as a command from Hannity to Trump to shut him up or was it the interviewer indicating how he would like a particular interview to go? Many scenarios are possible and I was just trying to suggest some alternative views.
Thanks for that. Interesting. Hannity owes us an explanation. If his words were taken out of context then he needs to show the context.
On the face of it either Hannity changed or Q was mistaken.
Dont remember which Q post it was but Q did say they're only human. Their judgement of people's motives can be wrong at times.
Until I see an arrest and hear "the storm is upon us," I assume Q failed.
Becoming undeniable unless you buy into the whole matrix thing.
"You're a great American, Sean."
Got tired of hearing people tell him that on his radio show.
Alex, I'll take shit the J6 committee pulled outta their fat asses for $20.
This keeps getting posted about... the logic of accepting the J6 clowns to put reliable info out to us here is pathetic. I'm starting to think this is a glowie set up. It's so stupid to assume anyone can understand the full communication behind the small amount we're being supplied, and that from the circus.
If that was the case, then Hannity and Mcanany would have denied it instead of saying it was out of context. They have not denied that these messages are authentic
Anything and everything coming from that committee is lies or partial facts twisted in a way that benefits them.
Sure, but The ball is in hannity’s court and Hannity has been silent.
I don't care too much for Hannity, but I don't blame him for ignoring these assholes on the "committee"....
When the time comes I'm sure he'll have something to say... on his terms, not theirs.
Hannity is selling us down the river for his 30 pieces of silver.
...Or what Sean? Little bold for a two bit hack...I'd be careful who you are threatening.
What a stinkin' shame about Kayleigh tho. I am really disappointed.
Me too. It's like politics is just a performance art for some people.
Was the performance at the WH press podium where she controlled the message or is it on air on Fox's opinion shows where RINO execs control the message?
I'll grant that at least one is a performance given the inconsistency. Beyond that, you may just have to trust your gut. Mine suggests that you don't put together a whole binder worth of news clips and statements from prominent pundits all on your own, and it's not exactly labor free. She put a lot of effort into those performances. Did she care more about that one and invest more in it? Is Faux's money that much better? Or is it simply safer now that she's got a small child in the picture and doesn't want to be a daily, high-value political target?
I don't know the answers. I have my suspicions. You of course, must think for yourself.
Hannity is an actor faking outrage for the money. When the money dries up or there is a more profitable angle, his “opinion” changes. Flashy rich guy that likes to talk way too much about how he is a regular guy. Total phony.
Poor little bitch
Never could stand him anyways. He likes his voice way too much. I couldn't have a conversation with him, way too much interruptions.
I hate the way he talks. He sounds like a whining child that is telling on an older sibling. You know, how he raises the pitch of his voice every 3rd or 4th word. Whining, constantly. I will never listen to or watch him ever again. Same with everything else on Fox News. They are dead to me.
2 big things:
1: There is a chance that he really is surrounded by snakes and part of the plans fell through. Not saying I believe this but it is a possibility the swamp was too deep in some ways and there is a slower battle going on for the election which is why we are waiting so long. I also am tired of tweets "breaking news" who the hell is this guy claiming this? Could all be disinformation and we wouldn't know.
2: all these people suck and anyone making millions a year to show their face is typically compromised even if the compromise is threat of being fired when you have a mansion and 2 vacation homes.
Option 3: who are the crazy people they are referring to being around him? I'm curious. Flynn? Stone? It definitely seems like they were trying to keep him insulated from any outside opinions despite the fact the election theft is the most obvious scandal in history to anyone who can rub 3 brain cells together. Just the fact that they halted on election night which has never been done in history is enough to sow massive doubt if you remove your political bias.
He can take his 90% of the fbi is good and shove it up his ass too.
I like how this Clown thinks he has any real power. Cracks me up every time I hear his voice. Likes to think of himself as another Rush.
Boi, lemme tell you somethin'. Rush Limbaugh, you are not. Not even in the same league, ballpark, or even universe as Rush.
then you can fuck right off Hannity.
Maybe when he was tick tocking he was also betraying, hence he never got handed the goods, he was rumbled.
I would like to think Trump is saying he can not talk about the 2024 election. He knows he will be back before then.
You have to realize that News is also a business
Fox was sued by dominion for 1.6 Billion dollars
If I were the CEO of fox I would take election fraud off the table to avoid lawsuits
I’m certain this is to avoid lawsuits
Did you guys see all the bots on Twitter saying things like, "This proves fox ran the whitehouse." Or "See Trump was a puppet for Fox."
The shilling is so uninspired these days.
Hannity acts like without him the world is lost.
Also, he sounds like a guy whines squeezed into a role against his true masters.
If she's one of them ... she will buckle to onlyfans
Nah they pay enough and just keep a secret blackmail only fans on you. Only donkeys or onlybeastiality. I don't think she is in that deep though. Just wants cash which if I remember correctly she married an MLB player and is probably fine.
Sean is dumb as fuck and it was only his connection with Oliver North that got his where he is.
Hannity is old. That's like Boomer audience. Thank goodness GEOTUS is out of that bubble.