Exactly. Even if all of this turns out to be true, it is still suspect. Good outcome, but still - total lock step. Is it maybe part of a pendulum psyop (you give, then take away periodically - to make people angry, unsure, etc)? Is there another plan to be deployed? I would feel much better if these things would be cancelled by other leaders, and not the ones who were implementing it.
I'm with you. If there's one thing I've learned up until now is nothing is not planned. I remember months ago, possibly over a year, seeing Australia, UK and USA politicians all using the same slogan "Build Back Better" at their press briefings on the same day. It screamed at me how co - ordinated the whole thing is, the same with the supposed spontaneous BLM riots all popping up on the same day in different countries.
My fren, I don't trust them. I believe this was the first phase of an awakening, the coof and the vax, against pharma. Will they use more like the Marburg disease, possibly.
Ukraine is also up next. Possibly the threat of nuclear war.
I don't remember where I saw it, but it was a graphic illustrating this - it might have had to do with the mass formation psychosis. The idea that over time you play the game of giving and taking away freedoms which plays havoc with an individual's stress levels. Abusive gaslighting on a scale that is geared towards populations.
Some restrictions with masks (in blue areas) here in the US were pulled back a few months ago because they knew that they would be reinstating them this Winter.
I don't trust what is happening in those countries, either.
Could the Olympic athletes bring back to their home countries another "virus" that is stronger and more lethal? We have to be vigilant.
Yea they are pivoting to some new tyranny. The pfizermectin pill will be a huge cash cow when they mandate it. War is coming. Infected monkeys escape a truck accident. Hemorraghic fever rages in China and in bunnys here.
The one thing you can absolutely count on is there will be a new tyranny.
Im ready. I mean what kind of shit are they gearing up for at home here. The Draft? Domestic terrorism? Is this going to be our Vietnam? Our civil rights movement?
My best guess is they want civil war, with conflict with Russia thrown in to stretch the military further.
They want a federal police, but I also fear they want to bring in the UN then it really will be a war on home turf. And anyone opposing them to be labelled as domestic terry wrists!
Gonna be the 60's all over again, except this time it will be much more gnarly 10 fold. Just when we see things let up a little, it's gonna get way more retarded.
I think this is the deep state managing blowback. They didn't expect the amount of awakening that resulted from their plandemic, so they're pulling back until the masses are suitably placated, numb, and asleep again.
They have not stopped. They will not stop. Not until they no longer exist. It's their nature.
Starting a war is a tried and true distraction technique and money maker for them. It'll be interesting to see how they deal with an awakened populace, though.
They really overstepped with their plandemic and now it's all unraveling. Of course, they'll keep trying until the bitter end.
I think this is a real possibility. Notice how the Fed has already started down the digital currency road and the IRS has decided we need to provide selfies to access their website? They are definitely ramping up.
"Winning" is when PBS becomes the 24 hour Guillotine channel until each and every culprit who is responsible for creating this deadly plandemic and then kept the real cures out of our hands are gone...
Then when we change the format for them doing the same thing with cancer.
Meanwhile I got kicked out of my local dispensary trying to get my Mary Jane prescription for refusing to wear a mask, legit in a state with no mandates, I don’t see how they think they can have the power to force people to wear one before coming in let alone not allow me to get my prescription. I was already in the Lobby for 6 minutes waiting for the stupid manager with out a mask on so I’m not sure why they felt the need for me to cover my face to walk a few feet into another room. I made them deliver to my car and I’m never going back to that location again.
Feels like we’re going back in time in my area just from that but I know that’s just a rare occurrence for me. What made me mad we’re all the sheep doing exactly what they’re told even though we all know why here, masks are pointless.
Not 100% true about germany. They are having a Bundestag sitting on Wednesday where they will be discussing a vaccine mandate. The current proposal that i saw on the weekend would be 3 mandatory shots per year. We have already started planning a protest in Berlin for the same day.
It is nice to see other parts of the world winning! And yet, here in America, Phony Fauxci is telling us to get another booster and keep kids in masks as Biden closes borders to unvaxxed truckers and further destroys our supply chain.
100%, this isn't true. Their are still tons of restrictions in Scotland, still daily case numbers on BBC, still encouragement of vaccine and still mandating NHS be vaccinated.
They don't give up that easily. They knew they had to soften us up a bit first anyway. The next phase of inflation and the destruction of the world economy will do that for sure. Then it will be back to the mandatory death vax and passports. This is FAR from over. When enough people are starving and the only way to get your plant based food protein packages from the government is to have the death VAX they will try again.
WARNING - "Never ever trust them"!!
Exactly. Even if all of this turns out to be true, it is still suspect. Good outcome, but still - total lock step. Is it maybe part of a pendulum psyop (you give, then take away periodically - to make people angry, unsure, etc)? Is there another plan to be deployed? I would feel much better if these things would be cancelled by other leaders, and not the ones who were implementing it.
I'm with you. If there's one thing I've learned up until now is nothing is not planned. I remember months ago, possibly over a year, seeing Australia, UK and USA politicians all using the same slogan "Build Back Better" at their press briefings on the same day. It screamed at me how co - ordinated the whole thing is, the same with the supposed spontaneous BLM riots all popping up on the same day in different countries.
My fren, I don't trust them. I believe this was the first phase of an awakening, the coof and the vax, against pharma. Will they use more like the Marburg disease, possibly.
Ukraine is also up next. Possibly the threat of nuclear war.
"Only at the precipice" and all that!
Strange how all the usual suspects are so coordinated, isn't it?
Quite agree, to me the pivot was away from the coof etc to the coming war with Russia, Ukraine etc.
Never trust the b'stards.
My bet is the internet goes down just before a border crossing in Ukraine.
I'm all in until I see the aliens, I wanna see the aliens!
I don't remember where I saw it, but it was a graphic illustrating this - it might have had to do with the mass formation psychosis. The idea that over time you play the game of giving and taking away freedoms which plays havoc with an individual's stress levels. Abusive gaslighting on a scale that is geared towards populations.
Yes it was from Desmet.
It’s part of their plan. Confusion, conflicting messaging, alternating kindness and cruelty.
A lot like what abusive relationships look like.
Disinformation, gaslighting, giving support, withdrawing support.
I’m cautious and really don’t trust [them]
Why would they retreat now? And only some, not all.
Look at Australia and France.
Canada…is up in the air with the trucker convoy.
Pray Frens, Pray.
Exactly! This is the part of the movie where they release a truckload of diseased monkeys on an unsuspecting town.
Oh wait…
Yup. My theory is the plan to release smallpox or something and want everyone out to catch it, so they say "I told you so".
Fuck these bastards. Stay ready everyone. We are winning, but they will get vicious.
I agree. They will relax the restrictions, then release something really nasty. Then, like you said- “I told you so.”
Never let up. Never lose focus.
Yes, this is what I was thinking.
Some restrictions with masks (in blue areas) here in the US were pulled back a few months ago because they knew that they would be reinstating them this Winter.
I don't trust what is happening in those countries, either.
Could the Olympic athletes bring back to their home countries another "virus" that is stronger and more lethal? We have to be vigilant.
I know…3 monkeys escaped…they reported that they found them and they shot them.
Hmmm..Don’t you wonder what the monkeys did in the time they were free?
Why would they shoot them? Couldn’t they capture them?
Where are the animal activists outcries?
So many questions.
Howls................tru dat.
Yea they are pivoting to some new tyranny. The pfizermectin pill will be a huge cash cow when they mandate it. War is coming. Infected monkeys escape a truck accident. Hemorraghic fever rages in China and in bunnys here.
The one thing you can absolutely count on is there will be a new tyranny.
YEP - Bring on the Social Credit Scoring. It just started in Brit.
I was going to ask, what are they gearing up for? They don't just drop shit unless they have something bigger and better lined up.
Ukraine and WW3 fren, buckle up.
Im ready. I mean what kind of shit are they gearing up for at home here. The Draft? Domestic terrorism? Is this going to be our Vietnam? Our civil rights movement?
My best guess is they want civil war, with conflict with Russia thrown in to stretch the military further.
They want a federal police, but I also fear they want to bring in the UN then it really will be a war on home turf. And anyone opposing them to be labelled as domestic terry wrists!
God bless anon.
Gonna be the 60's all over again, except this time it will be much more gnarly 10 fold. Just when we see things let up a little, it's gonna get way more retarded.
With around 450 million weapons, and a whole lot of vets, it's going to be way moar gnarly fren!
I think this is the deep state managing blowback. They didn't expect the amount of awakening that resulted from their plandemic, so they're pulling back until the masses are suitably placated, numb, and asleep again.
They have not stopped. They will not stop. Not until they no longer exist. It's their nature.
Now that Covid no longer flies they're trying to whip up a world war with Russia. They'll fail with that too and that's when the fun part starts.
I hope you're right! (About the failure part.)
Starting a war is a tried and true distraction technique and money maker for them. It'll be interesting to see how they deal with an awakened populace, though.
They really overstepped with their plandemic and now it's all unraveling. Of course, they'll keep trying until the bitter end.
Fun times ahead.
I think this is a real possibility. Notice how the Fed has already started down the digital currency road and the IRS has decided we need to provide selfies to access their website? They are definitely ramping up.
"Winning" is when PBS becomes the 24 hour Guillotine channel until each and every culprit who is responsible for creating this deadly plandemic and then kept the real cures out of our hands are gone...
Then when we change the format for them doing the same thing with cancer.
Not a time to be complacent, in fact, this is when we need to push!
Meanwhile I got kicked out of my local dispensary trying to get my Mary Jane prescription for refusing to wear a mask, legit in a state with no mandates, I don’t see how they think they can have the power to force people to wear one before coming in let alone not allow me to get my prescription. I was already in the Lobby for 6 minutes waiting for the stupid manager with out a mask on so I’m not sure why they felt the need for me to cover my face to walk a few feet into another room. I made them deliver to my car and I’m never going back to that location again. Feels like we’re going back in time in my area just from that but I know that’s just a rare occurrence for me. What made me mad we’re all the sheep doing exactly what they’re told even though we all know why here, masks are pointless.
Get better connections I would never give the state profit from a war they declared on me in 1972
Try growing your own. Plant seeds all over the place, ditch banks, parks, other people's backyards, etc.
the Hunters become the hunted
Saw this phrase on X Files last night. “The Hunters become the Hunted”
Scene was in an episode about a hacker.
Binging on X Files
Also showed prison suicide by a red scarf…I wondered where the prisoner got a red scarf.
Last one I saw was about a ufo landing in Kazakhstan.
Odd, very odd.
Might bing some more tonight.
What is "orison suicide"?
I am actually watching X FILES-right now….looking for “Q” Easter Eggs
They're about to roll Social Credit. It was in the UK. This is an attempt to sneak it past us.
Germany has NOT cancelled all vaxx mandates. Instead, the government has announced to implement them soon.
Germany has cancelled shit, life here is hell, especially for unvaxxed.
Not 100% true about germany. They are having a Bundestag sitting on Wednesday where they will be discussing a vaccine mandate. The current proposal that i saw on the weekend would be 3 mandatory shots per year. We have already started planning a protest in Berlin for the same day.
Yes, yes it is.
No. We are still in the red. These are things that should never have happened.
It is nice to see other parts of the world winning! And yet, here in America, Phony Fauxci is telling us to get another booster and keep kids in masks as Biden closes borders to unvaxxed truckers and further destroys our supply chain.
Require Canadian truckers to be vaccinated
Allow undocumented illegal immigrants to flood the southern border indiscriminately
These two things cannot logically coexist. Highly illogical.
You’re sick, bankrupt, stressed out….. let’s pretend this never happened and focus in WWIII. COVD who?
Any sauce for this guys claims other than UK and Czech Republic’s which I found already?
Edit: looks like Scotland has eased restrictions but not removed them entirely.
And Ireland.
100%, this isn't true. Their are still tons of restrictions in Scotland, still daily case numbers on BBC, still encouragement of vaccine and still mandating NHS be vaccinated.
They don't give up that easily. They knew they had to soften us up a bit first anyway. The next phase of inflation and the destruction of the world economy will do that for sure. Then it will be back to the mandatory death vax and passports. This is FAR from over. When enough people are starving and the only way to get your plant based food protein packages from the government is to have the death VAX they will try again.
I didn't say that we had Won....
Me, waiting for the next shoe to drop. 🤔
They don’t just QUIT.
This is just prep for the next level attack...
Where can i see the 20 states?
Agree with most here. This makes me feel... Uneasy. All to what? Transition to the new threat... RuSsIa...